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Ebook173 pages1 hour


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About this ebook

SPACETECTURE is part of a trilogy of books and interactive content exploring space and its transformation in the information age. The emphasis is on computing design applications, but the concept of space is also explored from an interdisciplinary approach ranging from geometry to psychology of perception. The content is presented in a rigorous theoretical framework and offers software independent methodologies, with the intent is to build rigorous foundations for design, from the virtual to the physical world.
SPACETECTURE is targeted to both an academic and professional audience —in the field of geometry, engineering, architecture and design— and a general reader of popular science, as the series intersects several disciplines from science to art.
The ambition behind SPACETECTURE is to bring the “wholistic” approach, which permeates the tradition of the ancient treatises of Palladio or Pacioli, to the digital age, in an organic fusion of theories and methodologies from different fields of knowledge.
The version available through Smashword is an abridgement of the fully illustrated ebook.

Release dateAug 18, 2011

Daniela Bertol

Daniela Bertol is an artist, author, designer and yoga teacher: the common denominator of these practices is the convergence of art and science as investigative methods. In addition to SPACETECTURE, she is the author of VISUALIZING WITH CAD, DESIGNING DIGITAL SPACE, FORM GEOMETRY STRUCTURE | from NATURE to DESIGN. She has also directed and produced the film "Frames of Sky from Earth" about her lifetime project: Sun Farm, an experiential garden encompassing several narratives where philosophical investigations intersect astronomical diagrams and performance art. Daniela was born and raised across the Atlantic in Rome, and moved to New York in the mid eighties, where she takes daily six-mile walks, trying to overcome the urban stress while figuring out what she will do when she grows up.

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    Book preview

    Spacetecture - Daniela Bertol


    SPACETECTURE started as a revised and augmented edition of Visualizing with CAD, published in 1994. While the specific software discussion of this 1994 book is outdated, the explored concepts and processes are still valid. Visualizing with CAD was conceived as a contemporary treatise on design, in the tradition of the past treatises on art and architecture. The year 2009 marked the 500th anniversary of the publication of De Divina Proportione, the treatise by Luca Pacioli, where geometric concepts were illustrated by beautiful drawings by Leonardo da Vinci. De Divina Proportione is part of a tradition of which there are many illustrious examples: The Ten Books on Architecture by Vitruvius, De re ædificatoria by Leon Battista Alberti, The Five Books of Architecture by Sebastiano Serlio, Four Books on Architecture by Andrea Palladio. In a more scientific tradition, Harmonices Mundi by Kepler or Cosmographicus Liber by Peter Apianus offered other outstanding examples of the integration of art and science, where striking illustrations were used to demonstrate mathematical and scientific concepts. Historically, treatises establish both a theoretical framework and a methodology, presenting a wholistic approach to knowledge and practice.

    While writing the revised edition of Visualizing with CAD, it became apparent that the content needed not just to be revised but expanded —in light of the development of new fields of computing architecture. The revolutionary developments in electronic publishing—ebooks, interactive content, streaming, mobile technologies— also opened new possibilities of presentation and distribution. The initial content became so large that it could not be contained in only one book and one format and so it has evolved into part of a series, Space Geometry Forms Environment.

    The intent behind SPACETECTURE is to bring the science and art which permeate the tradition of the treatises —the integration of geometry, architecture and graphics— to the digital age, in an organic fusion of theories and methodologies from different fields of knowledge. In an era where computing has revolutionized the way we think and live, creativity can be enhanced by digital tools to obtain extraordinary results —if integrated with rigorous thinking and knowledge of precedents.

    The subject of SPACETECTURE is the relationship between space and form —from geometry to the built environment— and how a form is perceived, generated, designed and eventually built. Form is interpreted as gestalt with definitions spanning from geometry, psychology, philosophy, morphogenesis, chemistry and theory of architecture. The concept of form evolves further to structure: form as a diagram of forces or, as a manifestation of a process, lead to the many cross-disciplinary explorations of this book. This book presents geometric explorations of the field also defined as architectural geometry in a rigorous investigation of geometric and structural underpinnings, filtered through an historical perspective.

    SPACETECTURE is the first book of a trilogy; although the boundaries between architecture and geometry are in many instances not well defined, the analogy between creation of form and language calls for a clear organization of content. This book explores forms of exclusively geometric nature and, while SPACETECTURE II deals with configurations whose geometry evolves in an architectural context. Earth & Sky —the third book of this series— is about perception of remote space beyond local places; it investigates both the object of perception as well the infrastructure allowing remote perceptions.

    Targeted to a general readership as well as an academic and professional audience, SPACETECTURE is also a handbook for designers seeking both theoretical foundations and methodologies. The purpose of SPACETECTURE is ultimately to return an organic, but rigorous, foundation in the use of a computing process for form generation, by creating a theoretical framework in continuity with our cultural history.

    0 | I N T R O D U C T I O N

    SPACETECTURE combines the words space and tecture, from the Greek τέκτων (construction). As announced by the title this series of books is about the meaning and construction of space in the new millennium. Computers and telecommunications have revolutionized the traditional perceptions of space and time. The images we see and the sounds we hear often do not come from the physical world of our surroundings but come instead from a world a thousand miles away, thanks to the ability to transfer information about physical objects and phenomena into electromagnetic media and then retrieve it, as images and sounds representative of the original. The equation between physical reality and perception is no longer satisfied: what was once the realm of science fiction has become an integral part of our daily experience. The term cyberspace, likewise born in science fiction, has been increasingly used in the media to denote a digital world that exists in synergy with the physical one.

    This transformed contemporary environment suggests the need for an investigation of physical forms in their relation to our modified visual perceptions. The disciplines dealing with exploration of forms, such as architecture and intuitive geometry, need to address the digital media as they bring a new approach and development. There are two main interlaced themes: the exploration of digital models and the definition of geometric procedures and laws for the generation of spatial configurations to be used in digital models. The viewpoint is that of architecture as the discipline which deals with forms. Although the book is not strictly about architecture, the approach is that of an architect exploring space in terms of intuitive and visually constructible forms as opposed to a strictly geometrical investigation of space as defined by mathematical equations. Computing can enhance the creative process by offering clearly defined sets of rules, parameters and operations in the service of the user's intuition making possible a wide array of solutions to a given design problem.

    In the course of this book we will examine the geometrical principles that provide the foundations for the generation of dynamic models of three-dimensional forms. The term dynamic is used because the generated models, thanks to their data structure, can evolve into several different configurations. From this perspective, architectural forms, too, can be derived from an evolution of models of fundamental geometric forms. Geometry and form are closely related and any man-made form can be easily interpreted as a geometrical model. A rigorous mathematical language is used, trying to find a link between any specific model component and its geometric background

    The use of digital models in investigating man-made forms from geometry to architecture is analyzed from an interdisciplinary perspective, where concepts of geometry and linguistics are applied to issues of visual perception. The initial theoretical principles are demonstrated by the form generation algorithms used to construct digital models.

    The book is organized in three chapters. Chapter 1 briefly discusses the disciplines involved with digital models, such as geometry and architecture; it also introduces general concepts such as space and form. A discussion of theoretical principles is important in order to provide solid foundations for the more specific applications described in the following chapters. In Chapter 2 a theory of generation and visualization

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