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TOB QoD Number One: Theme of Leadership Framing Questions: What does it take to be a great leader?

In what ways does Trujillo fit this definition? In what ways does he fail to fit this definition? Who else in the novel displays solid leadership skills? Apply this idea of a great leader to America. What do we need in a great leader? Why do so many leaders fail? Finally, apply this idea to your table teams. Who displays leadership at your table? How so? Steps in successfully completing this QoD PRE-WRITING WORK: 1. You must brainstorm your ideas on what it takes to be a great leader. Using iBrainstorm, please work with your table teams to mind map the qualities of a good leader. Once your table is finished, one person should email me your picture. Be sure to put your team name, block, and leadership title in the subject of your email. 2. Go through section one of In the Time of the Butterflies and highlight / annotate evidence of: A) Trujillos good leadership B) Trujillos bad leadership C) Evidence of other leaders in the book and what do to make them leaders Highlight text, screenshot pages for evidence in Edmodo and for the seminar, be sure to note how the text fits your ideas. 3. Research one President from American history (Barack Obama, George Bush Sr. or Jr, Bill Clinton, etc). Try to discover what he stood for. How would you define his leadership style? Who was a more effective leaderTrujillo or your chosen American president and why? 4. Connect this idea to our classroom and your table. Who is your leader? In what ways did this person emerge as a leader? What is good about his or her leadership style? 5. And end with by answering the So what does this all mean? issue. What have you learned about leadership and what should others learn as well? WRITTEN RESPONSE: You must compose a thoughtful response to the leadership prompt. Your response should incorporate all five elements of the pre-writing you have completed. Basic Outline of the Response: 1. Begin with an engaging lead-in statement that is related to the topic. 2. Define what a leader is using your brainstorming session. 3. Discuss Trujillo using EVIDENCE from the book. You are welcome to pop in your screenshots. 4. Discuss other leaders from the book using EVIDENCE. Again, screenshots are welcome. 5. Connect and compare to an American president. Be sure to talk about the presidents leadership style and to compare him to Trujillo. 6. Connect and compare to your table. KEEP IT POSITIVE! 7. Answer the so what question to wrap up your response. Responses should be no longer than two pages. I am looking for depth of thought, not death of pages. If you follow the steps above, you will have a perfect response! Submit in We will use this as a basis for our Socratic Seminar.

QoD Grading: Questions / Quotations / Quests of the Day (QoDs) will be graded holistically. I am trying to push students into thinking critically. There will be three QoDs for the novel, each worth 25 points.

Socratic Seminar We will have a silent Socratic Seminar using Edmodo to frame our discussion threads. Everyone at your table will participate in this seminar. This is for an individual grade. 1. Refer to your Costas Levels of Questioning document and write one level two or three question for each of the following topics: A) Leadership and B) In the Time of the Butterflies 2. Post each of your questions on a separate Edmodo discussion thread. 3. On your own, reply to the discussion threads on this topic. You MUST use evidence in your replies and show depth of thought. 4. Respond to the seminar: Please write a response about the seminar. Discuss which question was your favorite and why. Explain how it felt to do this process online. Talk about how you grabbed evidence. Explain how successful you were with this process and what grade you believe you deserve and why. The seminar is worth 25 points and the response is worth 10 points.

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