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Bill The Volunteer Newsletter of Peace Corps Kyrghyzstan Volume Two issue Four February 1995 From the Editor: * The February Bill Bame is the issue that almost didn't happen. Oddly enough. I find this very encouraging. The startling fact is that no one in the Osh Oblast really. wanted 10 make the trip to Bishkek to work on Bill. 1 only came because Bishkek was on my way to Samarkand, What on earth could cause 9 otherwise healthy volunteers to refuse a fr the City of Dreams? It should not be taken ag & seflection om the status of Bin Bame. Rather, i is evidence that we all have something more important going on at our sites. Who thought the day would ever come? Therefore, I proudly offer a rather thin Barely Bored Enough to Bother Bill Bame. trip © Tom Fricke ANNOUNCING! Special Bill Bame CONTEST! Guess the name of the volunteer who received this response to a groveling request for donations and win a super secret surprise to be announced later, December 20, 1994 Dear..., Thank you for taking the time to write. We were delighted to leam that you are a volunteer in the Peace Corps and of the valuable service we are certain you are providing as a teacher of English in one of the newiy independent states of the former Soviet Union, < si We can cenaialy upderstand how difficult it ‘must be for you 10 obtain our products in the country in which you are carrently residing. ~ Therefore, as a gesture’ ‘of Our goodwill, and in appreciation for the time you have taken to write, we are enclosing some products for you with our compliments. that we hope ‘you will enjoy using, Again. thank you fo contacting us: 7We hope you will continue to look to Clinique for - all your skin’ care and’ gfooming seeds. OSH TRAVEL GUIDE Tom Fricke Everyone, it seems, is curious about our Southern metropolis. At every cocktail party and gallery opening I attend. i's always "Tell us about the scene in Osh, man.” or "What should I see in Osh before flying back to Paris?" Therefore, I have endeavored to compile a brief descriptive list of our most important attractions * Ali Sher Navoi Plov Museum. This little museum charts the discovery and development of Osh Oblast’s. most popular food. Don't miss the mural depicting the fateful day when Ali Sher's bolted sheep accidentally fell onto his brother's plate of oily rice thus launching a culinary revolution * Shol Kombinat Triangle, A must- see for students of the paranormal. This mysterious and little known quaner of the city has baffled scientists since it was first discovered in the 1980's. Electrical appliances function intermittently if at all. Hot water will not flow through the pipes. Phantom accordion soutds drift through the dead of night, Don't forget to visit the gift shop! * Zapadny Microregion. Everyone knows the masterpieces of | the People’s Apartment Block school of architecture - Vostok 5 in Bishkek, Yuzhni 18 in Moscow, Sever 36 in Vladivostok and others. Few people, however, realize that many of the masters’ got their start in Central Asia. Osh is home to a truly outstanding sample of the early PAB style. Zapadny is a whimsical fue ensemble representing one of the first. known uses of the identical balconies motif. As Frank Lloyd Wright exclaimed upon seeing a photograph, “It's all gray and square!” * Suleiman Mountain Laser Loop. Soviet builders were known the world over for three things - apartment blocks, hydroelectrig dams and thsill packed roller coastéts, The Suleiman Mountain ride in the downtown Osh was consistently ranked in the USSR's top ten by the Academy of People's Amusement Parks. Keep hands antl feet inside the car at all times! 1 nope tnis guide proves neiprui_ tor those Spring vacation pians. Come carly to avoid the summer crowds. OSH INSTITUTE OF WESTERN EDUCATION Tom Ron and Londa Taylor have been living down in Osh since before the dawn of the Peace Corps in Kyrghyzstan. They retired from their Texas careers in order to volunteer their skills in the FSU. Ron has been teaching English and Londa, a nurse, runs a local clinic This February marks a_new phase of their work in Osh. The Taylor's have opened 2 non-profit Institute for Western Education. Through the institute they will bring together volunteer teachers from the West with continuing education students from Osh. The curriculum varies widely depending on the skills and interests of available volunteer teachers In the inaugural term, courses include Conversational English Basic Business Practices and Interpretive Dance just to aame a few. In short, if there are enough students interested in a volunteers specialty, the Institute will provide the facilities for a class and housing for the teacher. Volunteer teachers t0 date include a computer specialist looking for summer adventure, a Dutch expatriate living in Osh and a few PCV's, The Taylor's would be happy to work with other PCV's. In particular, they are looking for someone with time to teach a 4 week short course in Basic Business Practices this Spring. In general, however, there is tremendous potential for cooperation between PCV's and the Institute. For those long school breaks or EPP pauses, this is a secondary project waiting to happen, Maybe a relative or friend would like to see Kyrghyzstan and do some volunteer work while they are here. The Institute provides a ready-made opportunity to connect skilled Westerners with inquisitive pyteuyenianics, —kne A ayLOL eg be contacted in Osh at ‘2 13:34.8 CENTER INTERBILIM Tom (again) In Bishkek, there is another organization that might be very heipful to volunteers looking for secondary project ideas. Center Interbilim — operates throughout Kyrghyzstan and helps locally based Non = Governmental Organizations through training and _inter-group communications. ‘The Center offers training programs for NGOs in English language, computer operations, e-mail and fund. raising Interbilim also helps disparate groups coordinate their efforts. Thus environmental activists in different oblasts might learn about each other's activities. The Center has also. sponsored a number of conferences to discuss particular problems such —as_ poverty alleviation, health, human rights and education. Plainly, there are many ways that PCV's might work with Center Interbilim In particular, the Bishkek office is looking for skilled volunteers to help with the training sessions, PCV's in others sites could be very helpful in coordinating the distribution of information and could work with Interbilim to do trainings of their own. If there is any field of NGO activity that interests you as a secondary project Interbilim can help put’ you ing touch with tacal NGOs in your area. If you are interested in more information about Interbilim, you can reach them in Bishkek at 22-85- 77 and 26-36-67 (most of ihe staff speak English). Their _morthly newsletter is published in Kyrghyz Russian and English and is on file in the Volunteer Resource Center. A FEW WORDS FROM THE PRESIDENT Michelle Quackenbush On January 20th, President Akayev sponsored a “student soiree" where students from al ine imsuwuons oF highter ‘learning gathered to not only hear the President speak, but to meet others like themselves at an informal dance Held just after the evening's entertainment. "This was the third “annual "President's Ball at the The Thester of Opera and Ballet All universities and institutions in Osh, Jalal-Abad, Talas, Karakol and Bishkek were represented Akayev's speech was very impressive as was the performance staged afterwards by students representing. their home institutions. How does one get to attend this annual show of talent? Sorry to say, it’s by invitation only. Judging by the amount of security surrounding the building and Akayev himself, the "invitation idea makes sense. My colleagues and 1 received our invitations with one day's notice We had no idea what to expect, but left rather inspired by Akayev's words. Here are some excerpts from his speech "During the French Revolution, the French fought for fraternity, equality and freedom. Inthe end, they won only freedom. During the Great October Revolution, these same principles were fought for as well. In the end, equality was won, but not freedom. "My generation will leave your generation the foundation of democracy. Your generation must. build this country and keep this foundation strong “In the time of Manas, Kirghiz society was known for its progressive and democratic leadership. One thousand years later, we are celebrating the Manas epic and the chance 10 let history repeat itself in this way.” When Akayev finished speaking we. the guests, were treated to a Dit of student humor. The students sang of having no books, convincing Akayev that Aeroflot should offer student discounts for CIS flights voting for the Mafia, a businessman, or Akayev in the election, the "blu Director of Frozen Bishkek

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