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International journal of food engineering

Study of whey protein concentrate fortification in cookies variety biscuits Abstract Whey protein concentrate is one of the most cheaply available rich sources of quality proteins offering many health benefits, and it has the ability to improve the food products due to its various functional properties. In improving the nutritional status of biscuits, the incorporation of whey protein concentrate has proved its ideality. The object of the present study was to explore the possibility of fortifying the whey protein concentrate in the formulation of biscuits. Biscuits were prepared from the blend (wheat flour and whey protein concentrate) containing various wt% levels of whey protein concentrate (0, 20, 25, 30 and 40 percent) using traditional creaming method. Prepared biscuits were then evaluated for chemical, physical and sensory properties. It was observed that the thickness of whey protein concentrate fortified biscuits increased with increasing wt% level of whey protein, whereas diameter, spread ratio, spread factor and weight decreased with increasing wt% level of incorporation. The sensory evaluation supported incorporation of maximum 25 percent level of whey protein concentrate. Key word: protein, biscuits, fortification, whey protein concentrate, spread ratio, spread factor, sensory evaluation. Author notes: visal R. parrate, division of food technology, UDCT, North Maharashatra university Jaganol (M.s) ,India. Shriram,S. sonnawane, Departmen of chemical of engineering, visvesvaraya Nationnal institute of technology, nagpur440010 (M.S), India.Please send correspondence to: Shriram S. Sonawane, Introduction Whey was previously considered was waste because of its potential for spoilage. Now days, however it is no longer considered as a waste product but treasure of nutritionally rich whey protein (Annon, 1998). The quality of whey protein is considered superior due to the best possible essential amino acid profile, protein efficiency ratio and biological value (Europe Dairy Report, 1997; New Zealand Dairy Report, 1999). Whey proteins are recover from whey by ultra filtration followed by spray drying concentrate so as to get whey protein concentrate (WPC) (Tratnik & Kersev, 1991; Morr & Ha, 1993) WPC generally recognized as a safe (GRAS) for food product application. The food manufacturing industry come to realize that whey proteins have potential to improve the quality of food products due to various functional properties such as solubility, viscosity, whipping, emulsification and gelation.

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