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File: Geotechnical Engineer (GEO).doc

Job TItIe : EngIneer - CeotechnIcaI
Crade : 0
PeportIng to : SuperIntendent - CeotechnIcaI
Sources : InternaI l ExternaI
Status : IndonesIan, Sangatta, Permanent

lnterested ccnddctes must dscuss ther ntenton wth ther respectve Mcncyer pror to lodyny on
cpplccton. Success]ul ccnddcte o] the scme yrcde s reycrded cs c ]ob trcns]er

2 (two) vacancIes exIst wIthIn CeoIogy 0epartment for the posItIon of EngIneer -
CeotechnIcaI. KPC employees who are Interested In thIs posItIon are InvIted to

Key eIements of the posItIon IncIude:
Conduct pIt slope stabIlIty analysIs usIng avaIlable software.
Understand and Implement the procedures outlIne In the fIeld procedural manual.
LIaIse wIth the drIllIng supervIsor regardIng executIon of the CeotechnIcal drIllIng
Cather fIeld and laboratory data to be processed for further CeotechnIcal assessment
Together wIth |InIng EngIneer and pIt supervIsor conducted regular pIt InspectIon
Ensure day by day the mInIng actIvIty follow geotechnIcal recommendatIon and assIst
In plannIng further modIfIcatIon of the current pIt desIgn.
Cathers geotechnIcal monItorIng data; Interpreted the result and Inform to pIt
supervIsor any IndIcatIon of InstabIlIty.
SupervIse geotechnIcal laboratory actIvIty and ensure test procedure applIed at all
|aIntaIn geotechnIcal database.

Craduate EngIneerIng Ceology /|InIng EngIneerIng or CIvIl EngIneerIng
|InImum fresh graduate. PrevIous geotechnIcal experIence would be of benefIt.
8asIc knowledge and understandIng of rock propertIes.
nItIatIve In all aspects of the professIon.
Ceneral computers skIlls such as |S WIndows, Excel E Word.
Cood Interpersonal and communIcatIon skIlls (wrItten E oral) In both bahasa ndonesIa
and EnglIsh.
CommItment to KPC safety and envIronment regulatIons.
WorkIng knowledge of geotechnIcal software.

ApplIcatIon should be addressed to PecruItment SectIon, no later than JuIy 12, 2012

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