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Renan Augusto Mallmann

Brasileiro, solteiro, 28 anos Rua Carlos Von Kozeritz, n 79 Apto. 202 CEP 95900-000 Bairro Centro Lajeado/RS Telefone: (51) 3729-5304 / (51) 9908-9870 E-mail:

OBJETIVO Oportunidades na rea Ambiental, Qualidade e/ou reas correlatas. FORMAO ACADMICA Especializao: MBA Auditoria, Percia e Gesto Ambiental IPOG/RS - Instituto de Ps-Graduao Porto Alegre/RS. Concluso: 2012. Graduao: Qumica Industrial UNIVATES Centro Universitrio Lajeado/RS. Concluso: 2008.

EXPERINCIA PROFISSIONAL Ecotech Assessoria Ambiental S/C Ltda Av. Sete de Setembro, 310 Bairro Florestal Lajeado/RS Fone/Fax (51) 3714 1699 / 3748 4876 Perodo: Janeiro de 2008 Junho 2012 Cargo: Qumico Industrial Principais atividades: Licenciamento ambiental em geral; Implantao e manuteno de Sistemas de Gesto (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OSHAS 18001, SA 8000); Projetos de sistemas de tratamento de esgotos; Projetos de sistemas de tratamento de efluentes industriais; Projetos de aterros sanitrios e industriais; Projetos de saneamento em geral; Relatrio de controle ambiental RCA; Plano de controle ambiental PCA; Estudo de impacto ambiental EIA; Assessoria ambiental; Monitoramento ambiental; Auditoria ambiental; Anlise e gerenciamento de riscos; Gerenciamento de resduos slidos; Requerimento para interveno em reas de preservao permanente RIAPP; Plano de recuperao de reas degradadas PRAD; Consultoria e representao junto ao DNPM, FEPAM, FATMA, IAP, CETESB, INEA, IBAMA e outros;

Percia ambiental e laudos tcnicos; Treinamento, cursos e mini-cursos, palestras, seminrios e eventos na rea ambiental.

Companhia Minuano de Alimentos Rua Carlos Spohr Filho, 918 Bairro Moinhos Lajeado/RS Fone/Fax (51) 3710 2277 Perodo: Outubro de 2005 at Dezembro de 2007 Cargo: Supervisor da Estao de Tratamento de Efluentes e Resduos Slidos Principais atividades: Controle operacional; Projetos de otimizao do Sistema de Tratamento de Efluentes; Controle documental; Monitoramento ambiental; Auditoria ambiental interna; Anlise e gerenciamento de riscos; Gerenciamento de resduos slidos; Treinamento, cursos e mini-cursos, palestras, seminrios e eventos na rea ambiental.

Ecotech Assessoria Ambiental S/C Ltda Av. Sete de Setembro, 310 Bairro Florestal Lajeado/RS Fone/Fax (51) 3714 1699 / 3748 4876 Perodo: Junho de 2003 at Setembro de 2005 Cargo: Estagirio Principais atividades: Auxiliar em projetos de Licenciamento; Elaborao de planilhas de controle ambiental; Realizao de coletas de amostras de solo e guas; Desenhos tcnicos; Projetos de sistemas de tratamento de esgotos; Treinamento, cursos e mini-cursos, palestras, seminrios e eventos na rea ambiental.

QUALIFICAES E ATIVIDADES PROFISSIONAIS Idiomas: Espanhol e Ingls - Nvel Intermedirio Software/Verso: Microsoft Windows 7; Microsoft Word 2011; Microsoft Excel 2011;

Microsoft Power Point 2011; Microsoft Visio 2011; Autodesk AutoCAD 2011; Corel Draw X5; Participao em alguns cursos e eventos: Feira Internacional de Ecologia e Meio Ambiente - FIEMA Brasil (Edies 2006, 2008, 2010 e 2012) Curso de Direito Ambiental 2010 - Maxiambiental Curso de Capacitao em Gesto Ambiental 2010 Pref. Municipal de Lajeado Transporte de Produtos e Cargas Perigosas 2012 Conselho Regional de Qumica/CRQ 5 Regio Curso de Gesto de Resduos Industriais 2009 Maxiambiental Curso de Licenciamento Ambiental 2008 Maxiambiental

AUTOAVALIAO Pr-atividade, dinamismo e empenho so minhas caractersticas aparentes. Tenho 28 anos e, apesar disso, j possuo mais de 10 anos de experincia na rea ambiental, nas mais diversas atividades relacionadas. Conhecimento terico em constante atualizao e aplicao prtica so alguns de meus diferenciais.

Renan Augusto Mallmann Qumico Industrial Especialista em Auditoria, Percia e Gesto Ambiental CRQ-5 Regio 5202223

English version

Renan Augusto Mallmann

Brazilian, single, 28 years Von Kozeritz Carlos Street, No. 79 Apt. 202 Zip Code 95900-000 - Center - Lajeado / RS Phone: +55(51) 3729-5304 / (51) 9908-9870 E-mail:

OBJECTIVE Opportunities in the Area Environmental Quality and / or related areas.

EDUCATION Specialization: MBA Auditing, Expertise and Environmental Management - IPOG / RS - Graduate Institute - Porto Alegre / RS. Completion: 2012. Graduation: Industrial Chemistry - UNIVATES - University Center Lajeado / RS. Completion: 2008.

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Ecotech Environmental Advisory S / C Ltda September Seventh Avenue, 310 - Forest Neighborhood - Lajeado / RS Phone / Fax +55 (51) 3714 1699/3748 4876 Period: January 2008 - June 2012 Post: Chemical Industrial Main activities: Environmental licensing in general; Implementation and maintenance of Management Systems (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, SA 8000); Projects of sewage treatment systems; Projects for systems treating industrial effluents; Projects and industrial landfills; Sanitation projects in general; Report environmental control - RCA; Environmental Control Plan - PCA; Environmental impact assessment - EIA; Environmental Consulting; Environmental monitoring; Environmental Audit; Analysis and Risk Management; Solid waste management;

Application for intervention in areas of permanent preservation - RIAPP; Plan of reclamation - PRAD; Advice and representation before the DNPM FEPAM, FATMA, IAP, CETESB, INEA, IBAMA and others; Expertise environmental and technical reports; Training courses and short courses, lectures, seminars and events in the environmental area.

Minuano Food Company Son Charles Street Spohr, 918 - Mills Neighborhood - Lajeado / RS Phone / Fax +55 (51) 3710 2277 Period October 2005 - December 2007 Post: Supervisor of the Wastewater Treatment Plant and Waste Solid Main activities: Operational control; Design optimization of Wastewater Treatment System; Control of documents; Environmental monitoring; Internal environmental audit; Analysis and Risk Management; Solid waste management; Training courses and short courses, lectures, seminars and events in the environmental area.

Ecotech Environmental Advisory S / C Ltda September Seventh Avenue, 310 - Forest Neighborhood - Lajeado / RS Phone / Fax +55 (51) 3714 1699/3748 4876 Period: June 2003 - September 2005 Post: Trainee Main activities: Assist with projects Licensing; Development of spreadsheets for environmental control; Conduct sampling of soil and water; Technical drawings; Projects of sewage treatment systems; Training courses and short courses, lectures, seminars and events in the environmental area.

QUALIFICATIONS AND PROFESSIONAL Languages: Spanish and English - Intermediate Level

Software / Version: Microsoft Windows 7; Microsoft Word 2011; Microsoft Excel 2011;

Microsoft Power Point 2011; Microsoft Visio 2011; Autodesk AutoCAD 2011; Corel Draw X5;

Participation in some programs and events: International Fair of Ecology and Environment - Brazil FIEMA (Editions 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2012) Course Environmental Law - 2010 - Maxiambiental Course Training in Environmental Management - 2010 - Pref. Municipal Lajeado Transportation of Dangerous Goods and Cargo - 2012 - Regional Council of Chemistry / CRQ 5th Region Course on Industrial Waste Management - 2009 - Maxiambiental Environmental Licensing Course - 2008 - Maxiambiental

SELF-ASSESSMENT Pro-activity, dynamism and commitment are my apparent features. I have 28 years and yet, I already have over 10 years experience in the environmental area, in several related activities. Theoretical knowledge constantly updated and practical application are some of my differential.

Renan Augusto Mallmann Industrial Chemical Specialist in Auditing, Expertise and Environmental Management CRQ-5th Region 5202223

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