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Mechanics of Materials Laboratory Column Buckling Test

David Clark Group C:

David Clark Jacob Parton Zachary Tyler Andrew Smith


Leonhard Euler first derived a series of equations that can successfully determine the buckling behavior of columns. The following procedure attempts to verify one of these equations. The maximum load, the highest load a column can support without buckling, is correlated to the Young's modulus, moment of inertia, length of a beam, and method of support. The practice of using a column buckling machine can be very accurate with proper testing materials and procedure. The results within this experiment exhibited up to 44% error.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction & Background............................................................4 1.1. General Background..............................................................4 2. Equipment and Procedure............................................................5 2.1. Equipment..............................................................................5 2.2. Experiment Setup...................................................................6 2.3. Procedure...............................................................................6 3. Data, Analysis & Calculations.......................................................6 3.1. Theoretical Calulcations.........................................................7 4. Results........................................................................................10 5. Conclusions.................................................................................10 6. References..................................................................................11 7. Raw Notes...................................................................................12

Objective: The objective of this experiment is to develop an experimental method utilizing the buckling of columns apparatus that will determine the load-deflection function and critical loads of a sample column. The developed method is then used to determine the load-deflection function and critical loads for a colum with various end conditions (pinned-pinned, clamped-pinned, and clamped-clamped).

1.1.General Background
The physicist and mathematician Leonhard Euler first derived a series of equations to determine the deformation of columns under loads. The following procedure attempts to verify one of these buckling equations for steel columns. Euler determined the following expression for determining the critical load.

Pcr =

2E I 2 Le

Equation 1 E is the elastic modulus of the specimen I is the second moment of area (moment of inertia) Le is the effective length.

The method of support determines the effective length. The figure below demonstrates what these effective lengths are, as well as provide a visual explanation why the effective length per setup is different.

Figure 1 4

When a critical load is applied, the buckling occurs in the plane perpendicular to the corresponding principal axis of inertia. To utilize this, the radius of gyration is introduced. "In structural engineering, the two-dimensional radius of gyration is used to describe the distribution of cross-sectional area in a beam around its centroidal axis" (Wikipedia). The radius of gyration is given by the following formula r= I min A

Equation 2 Combining Equation 1 and 2, the expression for critial loading becomes Pcr =

2E A ( Le / r ) 2

Equation 3 The critical load can be used to find the stress in the beam being loaded.

cr =

Pcr 2E = A ( L / r) 2

Equation 4

2. Equipment and Procedure

1. Column Buckling Machine 2. Three Metal Beams: In this experiment, steel beams of known length were used. The modulus of elasticity for the material tested was predefined.

3. Specimens to be Tested: The following procedure utilizes five speciments: one specimen prepared to be fixed at both ends, one specimen that models a pinning support at both ends, and a final specimen that has one fixed end and another end acting as a pin support and two speciments from Aluminum and Copper .

2.2.Experiment Setup
The specimen should be secured on the column buckling machine with each end of the specimen being supported per case requirements. The effective length (the distance between supports) should be measured and recorded. A dial gage should be attached to the column buckling machine such that any deflection of the beam can be easily measured and recorded.

A load is then induced onto the beam by the column buckling machine. The deflection should be recorded from the dial gage secured to the apparatus. The load is measured by reading the load gage after balancing the beam applying the force. After each applied load, record the force and deflection.

3. Data, Analysis & Calculations

In the following set of results, the scenarios are labeled as follows: o Case 1 : A beam fixed on both ends o Case 2: A beam fixed on one end with the second end acting as a pin support o Case 3: A beam with both ends acting as a pin support The following table categorizes known dimensional data of the test specimens.
Beam Dimensions (mm)

The length, L, was the distance measured between supports. The area is the product of the width multiplied by the thickness.

3.1.Theoretical Calulcations

4. Results
Results Theoretical Actual Error

5. Conclusions

Table 2

The error within this experiment was grossly inaccurate and exhibited unacceptable error. The main source of error was due to poor testing technique. Even with proper technique, however, persistent and large error was still present. The remaining error was due to ill conditioned test samples and poorly calibrated equipment. The samples had experienced buckling many times previous to this test, and the clamps were not aligned to place the force parallel along the beam and the force , which starts the samples twist increase with increaseing Length . 10

6. References
Gilbert, J. A and C. L. Carmen. "Chapter 4 Column Buckling Test." MAE/CE 370 Mechanics of Materials Laboratory Manual. June 2000.


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