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The Enemy Within Republicans Selling Out Republicans Union Republicans- Bonusgate Republicans Harrisburg Leadership Republicans- The

e Selling Out of Republican Dr. John McGinnis (PhD Finance) HD 79 Altoona. Union Republicans Mike Turzai, Dave Reed, Chad Weaver. Adam Maust and HRCC refuse to provide financial support to Right to Work Republican Dr. Dr. John McGinnis (PhD Finance) vastly increasing the chances that a Democrat wins HD 79. By not supporting a Republican against a heavily union supported Democrat in General Election 6 November, HRCC supports the Democratic ticket in HD 79 Altoona.

Undermining Right to Work Republican Dr. Dr. John McGinnis (PhD Finance) is payback for challenging the 34 year entrenched incumbent insider Union Republican Transportation Chair Big Government Porker Rick Geist. The Union Rat well known to so many Pennsylvanias productive business people has a friend in HRCC and in Republican State House Leadership, Mike Turzai Majority Leader. Do you wonder why Right to Work doesnt pass? Why Pension Reform doesnt get done? Why School Tax Referendum bill is watered into uselessness? Why real deal School Choice doesnt happen? Why real tax reform never happens? Union Republicans manipulated by Union Financiers and Organizers.

Because Unions finance HRCC and Mike Turzai's operation......... Fronting for the Unions Union Financed Republican Majority Leader Mike Turzai has taken $28,500 from the PSEA since 2010. Fronting for the Unions, the HRCC has rec'd $63,550 from SEIU, AFSCME, PSEA and Gene DiGirolamo's campaign GoodJobsPa PAC since 2010.

Perzel Protg HRCC Director of Political Operations Adam Maust, formerly with convicted felon John Perzel's House District Operations, a partisan front, was dishonorably mentioned in Bonusgate Republicans 28th Grand Jury Presentment and Findings Link Presentment Part 3 Page 158 and Press Release 9 November 2012 District Operations Republican House Leadership "misappropriated" twenty million taxpayer dollars, $20,000,000 28th Grand Jury Presentment and Findings Part 1 - page 1 paragraph 3 Perzel's practice of punishing those who challenged his power is a practice that continues with this leadership, Sam Smith and Mike Turzai, in particularly, so closely connected to the disgraced and jailed House Republican Bonusgate leadership. Adam Maust is one link in that chain of connection between "old" and "new" Republican leadership.

Citizen Candidate Dr. John McGinnis (PhD Finance) is real deal Right to Work Republican. Mike Turzai and HRCC are undercutting for a reason...because their union financiers want them to. By supporting the Democrats in HD 79 Altoona, the HRCC undermines Tom Smith and Mitt Romney in a Republican leaning district.

For more on Bi-Partisan Collusion, McGinnis v. Geist, The Taxpayer Party v the Union Party, see Pennsylvania's Capitalist Revolt Jeffrey Lord 26 July 2012 American Spectator Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania turns Keystone State politics upside down. Their target?What CAP calls the "bi-partisan collusion of career politicians, labor unions and trial lawyers that has mired the Commonwealth in corruption and economic stagnation." The Altoona Mirror 25 April 2012 The Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania spent more than $100,000 on the campaign on McGinnis' behalf, Clark said. It "advocates limited government, Constitutional founding principles and a return to a citizen-based legislature, not one dominated by career politicians," according to a mailer it produced supporting McGinnis. CAP pilloried Geist as a spend thrift for voting, according to the group, for a $400 million gas tax increase, a $2.4 billion tax increase on small businesses, a $400 million tax increase on consumers and businesses, an 18 percent pay raise, then a 28 percent pay raise, and for collecting $25,000 in per diems per year and being in office when state government quadrupled in size. Geist became one because of his support of the prevailing wage law and school vouchers and his opposition to a right-to-work law, according to Stern.

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