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To Save The Muse: A Case Study of a Mind Controlled Human Sacrifice Or How to Make Someone Into A Muse as a Living

Host for the Powers That Be (With Numbered List for Your Convenience!) MU: the 12th letter of the Greek alphabet. SIC: "as written" (From Wikipedia: The adverb sic meaning "intentionally so written", first appeared in English circa 1856); "unwell or ill"; or as in "sic the dog". Consider that MUSIC can be read as "12 AS WRITTEN" or 12 ILL. Of course, one can also consider that word in the form, MUSE SICK. Life imitates art far more than art imitates life Oscar Wilde I will add to the above statement that, if you happen to be born on 12/12, it can be that your life imitates art far more than what you or anyone around you are willing to believe. History is written by the winners, and the Muse is the exploited loser. If you espouse the truth, I beg you to read this story. If nothing else, please read the list below. If you happen to be unfortunate enough to have a birthday in December, you may have noticed that your life follows a particular pattern relating to movies, and books, but especially mu-sic which can be seen as 12, intentionally so written (as noted above). If your name somehow relates to an animal, then you may be more sensitive than most. My friend, whom I will only refer to as the muse, out of respect for her privacy, has been exploited to provide material for others to profit from, while she has received nothing in return but pain and suffering, and the knowledge of how her whole life was designed to keep her down with the inability to do anything about it. The only comfort I can give her is that none of what has happened in her life can be blamed on her, as she never truly had freewill, which I will prove in the following pages. By turning this womans world upsidedown before she was even born, a cache of compelling stories was made, from which authors and musicians have profited, while she has received mostly criticism for not being successful herself. The Muse may just be a real person. Make the muse sick in an emotional/mental way, and there will be plenty of creative inspiration to draw from her, dolling it out to artists who are supported by the media. Pray for the muse, for she has suffered. You may not believe what is written here at first, so you may see it as a fictional account, but I ask that you read it with an open mind, and keep positive thoughts for the unfortunate victims of this strange scheme who get no credit for all they have contributed. The items in the numbered list below may not mean much individually, but when taken all together, it cannot be denied that this womans freewill was taken from her without ever having to incarcerate her and that it was by design. Born innocent, she was used, abused, and betrayed from the moment of her birth. When the muse began to discover what had been happening to her all her life, she became a target for what is now being called, No-touch Torture,

including the broadcast of degrading, tormenting voices through implants, and electroshock in her privates complete with contractions, among other things. The following list describes how the muse has been made without her consent: 1) Find a woman who wants to place a baby for adoption, who is due in January to have a female child, as females are generally more submissive and therefore easier to manipulate. Born out of wedlock, the child will be viewed as more expendable, due to how the Bible views bastards (see Deuteronomy 23:2), so no one who is not a so-called bastard will care what happens to her anyway. Theyll just be glad it isnt them, and will be all too happy to participate in the scam against her. 2) Induce the birthmother to deliver the baby on 12/12, so that the child is born premature and easier to control, and so that this numbers high visibility in the bible and culture can be used to manipulate her ego throughout her life, without her being consciously aware of it. This will also cause her to be metaphorically and metaphysically tied to the words mu and sic (which can be read as 12-intentionally so written), as noted above and also to the 12th trump card of the tarot. 3) Name her something that has a mostly negative connotation in the culture, such as giving her the initials C.A.T., so that the child can be easily associated with such negative ideas as catty, pussy cat, scaredy cat, cataclysm, catastrophe, and so on. While there are some positive ideas related to the word cat, such as catalyst and catharsis, the majority are negative. This helps to create a negative child with a very low self-esteem, who will be easily manipulated by others, much later. By making her surroundings as miserable as possible, she will question everything she has been told about there being a loving god. By associating her to negative things and by using black magic to associate her on the metaphysical level to mu-sic and the tarot, this task can more easily be accomplished as opposed to just setting her up with a family that pays her little attention. The initials idea has the extra benefit of pointing her out as little more than an animal to the perpetrators. Language will be used to manipulate her in other ways, which will be seen in a paragraph farther below. 4) By tying the child to the 12th trump of the Thoth deck (as opposed to other decks), she will be even more unconscious of what is being done to her. It shows a figure upside-down, eyes closed, arms and one leg pinned with nails, and one leg tied to an upside-down ankh. Please do an image search for 12th trump Thoth tarot on the internet, to better understand this concept. The ankh symbolizes life and fertility, and by being attached to it in an upside-down position, her ideas about those concepts will be terribly skewed, and she will not understand why. It will affect her for her whole life in a negative way, and then she will be blamed for being so negative. Because the 12th trump card is known as the Hanged Traitor in most decks, as she gets older, most people will often see her in a negative light, because of the oc-cult underpinnings of our cult-ure, and because many people she encounters will have seen or studied the tarot by the time she enters her 40s. It is ironic because she was betrayed the very moment she was born. Since the Thoth tarot deck names this card as The Dying God, it will further manipulate her ego, at a later date. The fact that there are at least 1000 decks of the tarot showing

the 12th trump as an upside-down figure, with at least as many printings of each, further amplifies the intent behind the curse of that birthdate. 5) Her adoptive mother, who was physically abused, has a 4/4 birthday, and is therefore connected to the 4th trump card, known as The Emperor, giving her way too much power over her adoptive child, who is in the unfortunate position of being the Hanged Man. To see the mothers card, The Emperor, from the Thoth deck, please do an image search for 4th trump Thoth tarot on the internet. 6) Beyond the 12th trump card, the subject will be tied to the Thoth tarot deck in general by using her Pythagorean numerology, in which her numbers are 22, 11, 8, and 2. When one considers Oscar Wildes assertion that Life imitates art far more than art imitates life, the 11th trump of the Thoth deck shows a disturbing discrepancy from decks such as the Rider-Waite, what is usually Justice has been turned into Lust. Even more disturbing is that the 9/11 tragedy can be read as no justice, since nine in German means no, and the 11th trump card of the tarot traditionally represents justice. 7) Television (tell-a-vision) will be her primary babysitter, because it has been known to induce a hypnotic state, making the child more susceptible to post-hypnotic suggestion. 8) Keeping the subject away from any mother figure for the first six weeks of her life (by keeping her in the custody of the adoption agency during this time), ensures an emotional trauma, known as abandonment syndrome, right from the start, making her easily suggestible even as she gets older. This can be seen in studies on monkeys in captivity, taken from their mothers at birth. To see more information on this, please do a search for Harlow Isolation of Infant Monkeys, or follow this link: monkeys 9) Make sure the adoptive parents have a history of abuse in their family. An uppermiddle class family with the father away on frequent business trips is important for giving the child daddy issues, which will make her easily influenced by boyfriends in the future. A family that keeps a revolving live-in housekeeper is best, that way the child will never have a stable caregiver. They will have money, so that people will think the subject had every advantage in life, when the real thing she needed was love and discipline. 10) Baptize the child in the Catholic faith, even though the parents are known to have affairs on each other, thus confusing the child early on about God and faith. Get her at least as far as first communion, which is a ritual that does have slightly sexual overtones when taken at face value. The family should already have a male child, who is an alter boy. Abused by his mother, he will pass this on to the sister when she is out of babyhood, introducing more traumas into her life. This brother will be about ten years older than the adoptee and will be favored by the mother. Oddly enough, but it will make sense later on, he will give her a dress that closely resembles a wedding dress, when she is about 12 and he is 22. 11) Make sure the mother uses the Dr. Spock method of child rearing, allowing the infant child to scream herself to sleep, even if left in the crib for an hour or more. This adds to the attachment disorder. The mother will also only use negative

feedback to try to bend the child to her will. This further reinforces the negative feedback loop that has been into place, long before she was even conceived, via the 12th trump of the tarot. 12) Take her from a family that is mostly left-handed, making her the creative rightbrained type, but make her write with the right hand against her natural inclination, by telling her that left-handedness is evil. This has the effect of literally and metaphorically taking the already sensitive subject out of her right mind, as evidenced by studies of stroke victims which have shown a stroke in the left hemisphere of the brain has effects in the right half of the body and vice versa. This will affect her natural brain development, her emotional development, and her creativity. 13) Manipulating this subject will be made even easier by sending subliminal messages via RFID implants in each ear (which this author has felt and seen), exposing her to too much TV (to be used in concert with these implants), and virtually no parental supervision. Later, this will have the added benefit of scaring the subject out of talking about it; for fear that she will be further harmed by those interested in keeping this quiet. 14) It would be assumed that the commonly used ritual drowning at three years old would be used to bring a child to a near-death experience, which serves to make the subject more sensitive than most other children, and it opens the child up to spiritual communication and/or demonic possession. 15) Use programming (mind control and ritual abuse) to further associate the subject to her initials, connecting her more to her baser instincts, and ensuring she has issues with sex and procreation (of course the overly sexual nature of TV, music and movies will compound this effect). This will effectively subvert her desire to succeed in other areas of her life, and most likely cause her to want to have children before she is ready, resulting in the likelihood of abortion and/or adoption, which adds guilt to her already low self-esteem. An added benefit will be that this will cause her to be too embarrassed to talk about her issues, thus limiting exposure of those in control. 16) Use parents who have affairs, creating even more confusion for the catholic child who needs her parents to be good role models. A divorce will be likely, with the child being kept with a narcissistic and self-serving, 3-pack a day smoking mother with a gambling habit (The Emperor) who doesnt have to work, who spends more time with her friends than her own daughter (who will be a latchkey kid after the divorce). The mother will call her stupid all too often, to make up for her own lack of parenting skills, and will tell her that she is never going to amount to anything (in essence these are curses). The daughter will end up with asthma and an addiction to cigarettes (thanks to moms smoking three packs a day and having smokers in the house almost everyday since the child was a newborn), as well as an unhealthy ego, no self-esteem, and an inability to adapt to the world around her: fertile ground for what is to come as she gets older. The psychological damage done by all of the aforementioned events in the childs life will take her from being in the top 2% of her class to being completely average by the time she graduates. 17) After the divorce, the adoptive mother will move into a condo and install an overabundance of mirrors (i.e. mirrored bedroom suites, mirrored wallpaper,

mirrored switch panels, mirrored closet doors, mirrored coffee table, etc), so that she will become somewhat of a narcissist, making it easy to label her. At 14, her mother will use her to sell hotdogs at construction sites, in a bikini. At 16 years old, she will be introduced to an adult male who will date-rape her when she is a virgin; an easily accomplished task when one considers this child is lacking a father figure. 18) By this point, we have a narcissistic rebel with a very unhealthy ego, who will easily end up in some negative music genre, such as punk, which is riddled with angry music. Check in on her periodically, to see if she has certain habits, like cutting herself or twisting her hair into little knots and then ripping them out. If she is doing those things, then the project will most likely be successful. 19) By the end of her childhood, say, while she is seventeen, the mother will magically lose her wallet with $800 and credit cards in it (keep in mind she has a history of gambling), and she will blame the child for stealing it. She will allow the police to take her daughter down for a confession. The child will be so nervous about the prospect of going to jail that she will flunk a lie detector test, even though she is telling the truth about not doing the crime. The cops will make her give a false confession by saying its the only way to stay out of jail, making the child see early on that she has been used as a scapegoat. 20) Make sure the child has the illusion of freewill so that she will internalize all of the blame for her bad behaviors, which are obviously the result of her being the unwitting participant in this mind control program. Lets face it- we all know this subject was never truly given free will, given the circumstances of her life. 21) A sensitive (originally left-handed) person, our subject is likely to be an artist. When she goes to college, we can insert into that school, a person with the surname Skinner (as in skin the cat), who will not only introduce her to a boyfriend to sidetrack her, but later, after having a child they have placed for adoption, this friend will introduce her to heroin which will sabotage her career and ruin her life completely. By now, this subject fits a profile, making it much easier for us to keep her down. 22) After facing the fact that her art career has failed, she will work various jobs, for which she will be grossly undervalued and underpaid. This will cause her to go back to drugs in order to sooth herself away from the sadness and anger she correctly feels for her lot in life, still blaming herself despite the fact that it was never her fault. At this point, she has not made the connection between the person named Skinner and her own initials, C.A.T., and its impact on her art career. Meanwhile, she will still work hard for her employers, always being one of the top performers at her jobs. 23) She will get to a point when, after her daughter is born, she wants to work at home to be closer to her child, wanting to be a better parent to her daughter than what she had experienced in her own life. Shell get a job on the internet, which will expose her to all sorts of information, confusing for a person who has been in a spiritual crisis her whole life. We can introduce some controlled opposition groups via the internet, to make the subject believe that there are people out there who actually care about the truth. After seeing information on Sumeria and Egypt in relation to Satanism, and while being in a so-called spiritual email group with ulterior motives that discusses many of these same ideas, it will be easy to use mind control to get

her to dedicate her soul to satan, even though she was actually searching for a higher power. Being in a reversed position for her entire life, and given that she could never truly feel God in the churches or in her own family; it should be easy to do this to someone who was originally such a loving and caring child. Later, she will see the leader of that supposed spiritual group confess online to using mindbending and harvesting human souls. By this time, you the reader can see how someone who has been metaphorically upside-down all her life might make a dire mistake such as this, extreme as it may sound. 24) Because she is in her forties at this point, she will begin to have breakthrough memories of how she has been physically, metaphysically, psychically, and spiritually harmed in the past, but no one will believe her when she begins to post her experiences to online email groups that purport to expose conspiracy and espouse truth. She will eventually turn to one or more of those online groups/personalities, hoping for some kind of help; a way out of her nightmare. Unfortunately for her, the so-called thruthers she turns to are mostly actors who refuse to acknowledge the sad truth of her situation. They will shun her and dismiss her as crazy, while the truth is that the facts of her life add up to some sort of mind control. 25) She will be told that her problems are all her fault, that she must live life on lifes terms, but that is akin to cutting the legs of the sheep and then blaming the sheep for not being able to stand, as I heard in a Gnostic Media interview a few years back. Living life on lifes terms presupposes an individual has free will, which this subject has never truly had. How can one be able to live life on lifes terms when her lifes terms have been so warped by some unknown controllers? 26) When she begins to see how she has been an unwitting participant in this program of creating an artificially induced depressed muse, and when she begins to see how all of her inspiration has been gleaned from her and dolled out to others who are supported by media moguls, the implants can then be used to audibly convince her that she is the responsible party in all of this, which will help drive her into a deeper depression, and will make her think she is schizophrenic. The voices delivered via these implants will at first tell her she is Mary, then Jesus, God, a demon, and then Satan himself, which reminds this author of a band called Jesus and the Mary Chain. 27) By this point, the victim is beginning to behave strangely. Anyone she is friends with will be made to turn on her so she will not be able to get much help. Her boyfriend and father of her child will repeatedly try to have her locked up, causing her to lose her job and have no way to support herself. The voices will then use this as proof that she is nothing more than a loser. He will then take her daughter away, moving out of their overpriced home, letting it go into foreclosure, and she will be stuck there with no vehicle, no power, and no water. 28) At this point, pain will be introduced into her pelvic region (described as feeling like electroshocks, complete with swelling and visible contractions), which suspiciously wont be diagnosed by doctors, so that while she has been clean, she will be forced to go back to using some sort of painkiller to get any relief from the torture, although she tries to remain clean as often and for as long as she can. While in the foreclosed house, in pain, with no power or water, police will be sent, often

enough to scare her. They will even go so far as to fly a helicopter with the spotlight pointing directly in the windows of the house for about a half an hour. This will traumatize her even further. 29) The voices will remind her of her history of being a drug addict and of having sexual issues, making her afraid to come out with the information she now knows to be true. The voices will tell her that she is being set up for some crime she didnt commit and, due to her history noted above, she wont be able to trust the authorities. This is the fear put into her to add to what will finally kill her. 30) Eventually, she will begin to have flashbacks of ritual torture done to her by her mother. Of course, she wont be able to prove these events, so she will look even more deranged if she tries to speak of it to anyone. 31) She will beg God for forgiveness, hoping that He sees how she was abused since childhood, how she was involved in a cult (in order to get her to sign the contract with Satan), and how she does not deserve to remain in this hell any longer. 32) At this point, she will be killed, albeit very slowly. This will be accomplished by luring her with a hero type, whos voice will be delivered to her via the implants located in front of each ear, telling her lies to keep her from coming out about her experiences because she thinks she is going to be rescued. Then other voices will laugh at her, telling her there could be no way this man would ever care for her. Then they will fill her with fear of going to hell and/or jail. They will remind her that she is no good and worthless. These things will help to overwhelm her already overloaded system. It is a form of torture. They will blame her for not being able to quit smoking, but then continue to attack her with threats to her life, freedom, and her very soul, making it impossible for her to quit this nervous habit. She indeed has implants, however, by this point, implants are no longer needed to broadcast voices into peoples heads, as evidenced by the technology known as acoustic heterodyne. (Note: We do not know when the implants were put in. They may have been influencing her during her whole life.) 33) She will at some point hear a voice saying that they are going to make a liar out of her. People will even call her a storyteller. She will find it near impossible to find real help from anyone. The thought of eternal damnation will drive her mad and adversely affect her health; however, she will still try to maintain a somewhat positive attitude, despite overwhelming odds. 34) In the end, we will write her a happy ending to her story; one in which she may still die, but she/her soul will go to a better place where her wishes finally do become a reality. By the way, she has told me that her greatest wish is for things to always get better for everyone, for everyone to finally meet and be with their true soul-mate, and for all to find their own real happiness. Perhaps hers will ultimately be a story of redemption, whereby God has drug her through hell to get her to heaven, as one friend once told her. Before she began to uncover what was done to her, my friend was finally becoming a positive person, after so many years of negativity. She had grown tired of all the conspiracy theories found online and was searching for a higher power. The problem was that she had been upside-down and never knew it. It was in her late thirties that she began a search for the God-force, never knowing that she was an unwitting a sacrifice for those unknown to

her to get away with horrific crimes against her very soul, which they had been doing on a metaphysical level throughout her life, and from a safe distance, by using music, television, and movies, but also by using rituals involving tarot cards and black magic, as mentioned. Some of the musical artists she cites as having connections to her life include the following (a partial list): Peter Gabriel, Kate Bush (Experiment IV, Waking the Witch), Tool, A Perfect Circle, Chevelle, Cavo, Pearl Jam, Temple of the Dog, Depeche Mode, Alice in Chains, Smashing Pumpkins, Metallica, The Pixies, Nirvana, Hole, and more recently, TI, Niki Menaj, Eminem, Dr Dre, The Cataracs, Nellie, Snoop Dog, Katy Perry, etc. There is even an acquaintance named Brian Repetto (a friend of the Skinner character and also of her ex-boyfriend), who has a failing record label known as Screw Music Forever, which is disturbing given the meaning of the words mu and sic, which we now know can be read (or felt) as 12-as written. While I first thought of her as a hypocrite and a loser who just wanted to blame others for her misery, I now realize that, for her entire life, she has been an experiment for some sick minds to enjoy. It is as if her whole life has been intentionally so written at her expense, so that others could make their fortunes by gleaning their inspiration from her sorrow. She had been unwittingly tied to the tarot, the bible, language, and occult rituals, all the while living her life in absolute ignorance of the metaphysical and spiritual torture that had been taking place in her life, since her birth. Once she became cognizant of these facts, she became a Targeted Individual (known as TIs in the internet community) for all sorts of electronic harassment and gang stalking, as well as directed energy weapons, which have caused her health to go downhill considerably. One look at the 12th card in the major arcana of most tarot decks shows what was done on a metaphysical level which had the effect of torturing this womans soul. This card goes by the title, The Hanged Man, The Dying God, and also The Hanged Traitor. On a metaphysical level, this impacts the victims in ways unimaginable to most, and it speaks to the whole idea of how it was intentionally so written (or drawn), as noted above. How they can justify doing this to a female, I will never know, but they did, and they profited from it, which makes this the worst kind of evil imaginable, because it caused her sadness, her negativity, and most of her emotional difficulties, resulting in addiction. Insidious because it was not only done to her the very moment she was born and affected her throughout her life, but she then also received all of the blame for not being the success she would have been had these things not happened to her in the first place. To do this to a human being, to artificially induce someone to be abnormal, just so they could glean the resulting dramatic inspiration from her psyche, to be used in music (muse sick), movies, and television (tell-a-vision) goes well beyond the parameters of what is commonly thought of as criminal behavior, and because it occurs on a metaphysical and metaphoric level, it can only be termed a meta-crime. The victim is affected by these art forms, and then affects them in turn, never understanding why she sees her life reflected in the music she hears and the movies and television shows she sees. The victim has no recourse because the proof, while it seems undeniable to me, is seen on such a large scale that most people are unwilling to open their minds enough to see it. If you are not born on a

12/12 birthday and given the initials C.A.T., then it wouldnt affect you the same way it has affected her. No one believes her because it isnt easy to see how this could be accomplished. Most people do not think in those terms, so they label her as a loser and a nut case, causing her even more psychological damage. One example of how this woman didnt truly have freewill is shown in one of the three Magus cards of the Thoth tarot deck. This peculiar card shows a woman, surrounded by an image of a transparent bear, with the winged disk (found in Sumerian and Egyptian glyphs and seals) in front of her crotch, in the formation of the caduceus, with the two serpents entwining a pole, going to the bottom of the card. The woman looks like a so-called friend of the victim I am discussing, and the image in front of her crotch closely resembles that of a tattoo on my friends back. They had gone to art school together, and that this woman was somehow able to steal ideas from her, using them for her own gain. As mentioned above, her initials spell CAT, and the friends last name is Skinner; A cruel irony considering the phrase skin the cat, the fact that she introduced the subject to heroin as well as the man who would eventually be in on her downfall, and also considering the name Skinner in relation to the notions of operant conditioning. The Devil card in this deck, 15th card of the major arcana, shows the devil behind a similar winged disk. Since she saw this deck, she has told me that she felt like she was being screwed by others in some way, her whole life. While no one seems to believe her, it looks to be true since her 12/12 birthday is seen repetitively in the bible and in our culture, and her initials are commonly seen in other literature and in language. She fears that this has made her some sort of target, garnering unwanted negative attention, as she hears people and/or spirits blaming her for things that are well beyond her control. My friend has told me that she was adopted and has the records to prove it. Given what I know about child trafficking, it is very plausible that she is the victim of Ritual Abuse and Mind Control (RA/MC), making her the unwitting participant in what I can only call a meta-experiment, causing her to be stunted throughout her life. It is those involved in setting her up to be a muse, by the methods shown in the list above, and those who made it so that she was never able to profit from her own ideas, should be held liable for her problems that would have never occurred had she truly been given free will; a concept that most people take for granted. When I reexamine the list above, it becomes glaringly obvious that this woman never had free will! When one sees all the facts together like that, the truth about what happened to her cannot be denied! When one looks at the English language, it is easy to see that the word culture contains the word cult within it, and that it also denotes a type of experiment such as what is found in a pitri dish. Other examples of how our language may be negatively affecting us on a subliminal level (some more than others, depending on their names and birthdates) show how often negative root words are found in other words, as shown here: Chill, Bill, Pill, Till, Mill, Spill, which contain ill; Cow, Chow, Blow, Pow, Now, Sow, Meow, which contain ow in them (in our subjects case, I can ask, why does the cat say me-ow?); Charm, Pharmacy, which contain harm, Mark, March, Mars, Martin, Mary, Marion, which contain mar. It remains to be seen whether our language was devised to have these effects or if it was simply an unfortunate accident, but this could have disastrous

consequences if one has been purposely made extra sensitive, as was our subject, which mightve been caused at least in part, by her initials spelling cat, given the fact that animals are believed by the general populace to be more sensitive than humans. Our language may not affect the general public as it has our subject. However, I do think that people have been affected on some level, by our language. With the last paragraph in mind, I now ask you to consider all of the words with a root word of mu in them, such as music, but also, mutate, mutt, mud, murder, mutilate, mute, much, mutual, and must. I must also ask you to consider other definitions of the word mu, the most widely known being the 12th letter of the Greek alphabet. These include a lost continent, and an opiate receptor, among other things. Keep in mind that, as I type this, this woman is awaiting a 2.5 million dollar award from her mothers estate from a tobacco lawsuit, money she will probably never see, since she lost her job and her health has declined considerably since she began to learn of her unfortunate situation. This is in large part due to the drain on her occurring on a vibrational level as the energy vampires continue to attack her on the etheric plane by sending her negative thought forms. They threaten her with comments such as, I hope you like spiders, and berate her with statements like, it might help if you knew you were never loved, thats just dinner, youre going to hell, and it puts the lotion in the basket, a line from the movie Silence of the Lambs. Her birthday, as tied to the tarot, has caused her to be metaphorically upside-down all her life, while her initials have had the unfortunate effect of relating her to things such as pussy-cat, catty, catastrophe, cataclysm, and so on (she happens to be catholic, by the way). The fact that her upbringing was lacking at best did not help matters any. As an aside, there are these Pokemon called Mew, and one called Mew-Two, which are both types of cats, which helped her to make the connection between her birthday, initials, and the words mu and sic. The question I have here is this: Is there any hope for this person? She has put up with so much loss in her life and it seems that she was made to do things she would have never had done had she truly been given freewill. Her deep connection with that 12th card of the major arcana of the tarot seems to have had its disturbing effects on her whole life, even though she had never seen these cards until much later in life. By being in this upsidedown position, by being associated with the word music (as noted above), and by being negatively associated with her initials, she has had a rough way to go, prompting her to, when she felt the most desperate and lost, sign the proverbial deal with the devil because she was looking for God in a world where everything looked insane and upside-down to her. She now lives in fear for her life, her freedom, her health, and her very soul. There must be some hope for her, as she has suffered more than enough in my opinion. Another thing to consider is that these implants on her head are palpable. She hears voices and believes that they have been coming through these things throughout her life, on a subliminal level, negatively influencing her decisions. These are the same voices that told

her to get the Thoth tarot deck. While it did help her to see how and why life has seemed completely upside-down to her, it also served to manipulate her ego in a negative way. Now that she is conscious of these voices, they seem to constantly attack her, blaming her for things that could not have been her fault, when one considers the numbered list above. In actuality, the more one examines the facts above, the clearer it becomes that this is a meta-murder, for lack of a better term. Considering the fact that her own brother said (when he answered his sisters phone call), You wont live, and the fact that they are due to inherit a 5 million dollar award from a lawsuit in which her deceased mother was involved (which they are to split), and the fact that he is the executor of the estate, attests to the idea that this is indeed a meta-murder, and that my friend is the victim. As an observer to this maligned persons story, I would like someone to write a happy ending for the muses in our culture; for I am sure there must be more than one. I will begin one, but I am curious how many people who have benefitted from the muses would be willing to somehow pay them back. It is something that should be considered in my opinion. In the end, I choose to write a happy ending for my friend, the muse, and indeed, for all of the muses. Instead of being metaphorically ripped apart, let them be found by love and compassion. Let the muses be granted forgiveness for their bad behaviors and decisions, with the knowledge that they were made to be ultra-sensitive and unconscious in the first place, which is a bad combination. Let the muses claim some sort of justice for what was done to them against their freewill. Relieve them of their pain and suffering, for it has gone on long enough. Let people stop blaming them for not being successful in their own right, knowing that they, the muses, have already given completely of themselves for the benefit of others. Let them be free of any lasting punishment, for it must be known that nothing can be blamed on them. Let her beneficiaries give something back in exchange for all they have gained, as it might very well be in their karmic best interest to do so. Finally, if a muse has mistaken Satan for God because she has been hanging upside-down, and was taken out of her right mind her whole life, may God forgive her and take her to heaven quickly. Let God forgive her for being confused about the various discrepancies and contradictions in the bible. Let God forgive her for being angry and sad her whole life. She knows that it was men who wrote the bible and not God. She also knows that history is written by the winners and invariably seems to paint the losers in untrue and unfavorable ways. In the end, I believe that truth shall overcome the evil lies told to discredit those who gave everything of themselves and received next to nothing in return. The muse should be rewarded for all that she has given, from which so many have profited. God must see how she has been victimized and let her finally win her heaven in the end. That is the happy ending she deserves after all she has given. God save the Muse and quickly! For more information on the psychological methods used to torture my friend, whom I will only refer to as the muse, please see the work entitled, The Rape of the Mind, by A. M. Meerloo, MD. What that author describes explains in detail, what is happening to the muse on a metaphysical and spiritual level. In this book, the following is mentioned on

page 63, The many devices the enemy makes use of include: intimidating suggestion, dramatic persuasion, mass suggestion, humiliation, embarrassment, loneliness and isolation, continued interrogation,. This is the Emperor card from the Thoth tarot deck. It symbolizes the adoptive mothers life on numerous levels. Born on 4/4, she was an Aries, as shown in the symbol on the lower right corner of the card. Like an emperor, the adoptive mother had no need for anything. She was an avid and skillful bowler, as the image would suggest. The most important people in her life are seen in the symbols surrounding the main figure in the card. For example, the two Aries rams figures, behind the emperor, represent her ex-husband (the muses father) on the left side of the card, and her mother (the muses grandmother) on the right. The grandmother is represented by a ghostly figure because she was deceased, and they are both behind the adoptive mother because they both supported her. The two, 8 point stars at the emperors sides represent cousin and son of the emperor, who were both born on August 4th, to whom she showed emotional support. At her feet, is a flag-holding lamb, which represents the muse, who espoused certain causes, such as the plight of baby Harp Seals. The lamb sits at the feet of the emperor (who looks away from her), because the mother did not invest much time in the daughter, and gave her mostly negative feedback. This is the Hanged Man card from the same deck, also called The Dying God. Like the lamb on the previous card, there is a halo around the figures head. The figure hangs from the upside-down ankh, which symbolizes that life is upside-down, or is being lived in reverse. There is a serpent attached with rays to the figures head, symbolizing either the serpent class, or satan himself, gleaning ideas and inspiration from the unfortunate victim of this scheme. The figure is unconscious and pinned down, making any self-defense virtually impossible. The nakedness of the figure indicates vulnerability.

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