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PROSE ALLEGORY is a prose form in which there is a long implied comparison between unlike things.

It is therefore a metaphor expanded to a considerable length An extended narrative in prose or verse in which characters, events, and settings represent abstract qualities and in which the writer intends a second meaning to be read beneath the surface of the story; the underlying meaning may be moral, religious, political, social, or satiric. EXAMPLE: 1) The apple that Adam receives from Eve is symbolic of the knowledge of God and Evil and is thus allegorical. The serpent is often read as an allegory signifying the tempter, or true evil. Fable is a literary genre. A fable is a succinct fictional story, in prose or verse, that features animals, mythical creatures, plants, inanimate objects or forces of nature which are anthropomorphized (given human qualities such as verbal communication), and that illustrates or leads to an interpretation of a moral lesson (a "moral"), which may at the end be added explicitly in a pithy maxim. MYTH a traditional or legendary story, usually concerning somebeing or hero or event, with or without a determinable basisof fact or a natural explanation, especially o ne that isconcerned with deities or demigods and explains somepractice, rite, or p henomenon of nature. A legend is a narrative of human actions that are perceived both by teller and listeners to take place within human history and to possess certain qualities that give the tale verisimilitude Prose romances It is a romance written in prose, as opposed to verse. A fairy tale is a type of short story that typically features folkloric fantasy characters, such as fairies, goblins,elves, trolls, dwarves, giants, mermaids, or gnomes, andusually magic or enchantments. However, only a small number of the stories

refer to fairies. The stories may nonetheless be distinguished from other folk narratives such as legends (which generally involve belief in the veracity of the events described)[1] and explicitly moral tales, including beast fables. A folktale is a type of traditional story that tries to explain or understand the world. Such stories were orally passed down through the generations and feature morals or lessons. The stories usually take place long ago in a faraway place and are woven around talking animals, royalty, peasants, or mythical creatures

Satire is primarily a literary genre or form, although in practice it can also be found in the graphic and performing arts. In satire, vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, ideally with the intent of shaming individuals, and society itself, into improvement. Although satire is usually meant to be funny, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using wit as a weapon.

A fabliau is a comic, often anonymous tale.They are generally characterized by an excessiveness of sexual and scatological obscenity. According to R. Howard Bloch, fabliaux are the first expression of literary realism in Europe. The fabliau is defined as a short narrative in verse, between 300 and 400 lines long, its content often comic or satiric. A novel is a book of long narrative in literary prose. The genre has historical roots both in the fields of the medieval and early modernromance and in the tradition of the novella. The latter supplied the present generic term in the late 18th century. A novelette is a piece of short prose fiction. The distinction between a novelette and other literary forms is usually based upon word count, with a novelette being longer than a short story, but shorter than a novella.

Prose drama A composition, in prose or poetry, accommodated to action, and intended to exhibit a picture of human life, or to depict a series of grave or humorous actions of more than ordinary interest, tending toward some striking result. It is commonly designed to be spoken and represented by actors on the stage

A comedy is a play, book, movie or TV show that is fun, entertaining and often makes us laugh. It can be full of surprises or silly situations that we don't expect and it almost always has a happy ending. The word comedy can also be used to describe an event or occurrence that was funny. Tragedy is a form of drama based on human suffering that invokes in its audience an accompanying catharsis or pleasure in the viewing. The term melodrama refers to a dramatic work that exaggerates plot and characters in order to appeal to the emotions. It may also refer to thegenre which includes such works, or to language, behavior, or events which resemble them. It is usually based around having the same character traits, e.g. a hero (always the fearless one), heroine (the love of the hero, usually the one that the hero saves), villain (usually likes the heroine too) and villain's sidekick (typically gets in the way of the Villain).

In melodrama emotions, actions and scenarios are simplified and exaggerated, contrived and 'wild and woolly' as well as implausible. The characters lack depth and are often stock characters, such as the 'damsel in distress' rescued from the clutches of an unspeakably evil tyrant by a dashing young man.

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