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Shhhh. Derric Saville August 5, 2012 Shhhh.

Its nearly 2 am, and my brain doesnt want, my body to know Im not sleeping, Shhhh. Its nearly 2 am, and my body thinks my brain, doesnt know were up typing. Shhhh. My brain shook me up, cause its hurting right now, the migraine meds arent working, like they should, and Im just left with the untenable, side effect of wakefulness. Shhhh. My body got a 4 hour nap, this afternoon, so it is rested, and can tolerate the extra, hours of movement, although the head does hurt a bit. Shhhh. Daybreak is still three hours off, but perhaps my brain can shut down, sometime around 3 am, or so, and wander into dreamland, to fool the body, into a misplaced belief, that wed been there the whole night. Shhhh. My body, save the aches, is quite rested at the moment, and doesnt need the diurnal switch,

reset, not just yet, that is for Sunday to figure out. Shhhh. Ouch, my brain is pounding, and my eyes drooping, a solitary tear running down my cheek, neck stiff, looking through my eyelids, just to type these words. Shhhh. I hear the dog dreaming, in the room down the hall, where I too should be, but now the striking pain, in my legs, arms, hand, shoulder, neck, back need to settle down, or the brain will awake, and pull us back together. Shhhh. Could it be that I am hungry, I just ate fruit about 3 hours ago, strawberries, pineapple, and watermelon, with the dog nearby, growling into the dark outside, the low annoyed rumbling sound, meant to alert the critters, that shed heard or seen them, and to just move on, cause she was going to get, a bowl to lick. Shhhh. Well it just happened, I cannot tell which is the body typing, without leave of the mind, and which the mind putting the body, through the itinerant paces, of a madman. Shhhh. If I can just slow down, and stop typing, I am certain these bifurcated thoughts, will just go away, 2


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