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What Can Adoption in Your Ministry Look Like? is a collective of organizations who want to break down the barriers to adoption.

We seek to mobilize the church, His body, where each member can provide a unique and special service: some to adopt, some to care, some to give.

Todays session will cover:

Examples of practical ways you can bring adoption into your ministry

Advertise Information Meetings

This only requires the church to determine when and where a trusted agency is hosting meetings. Then put the information in the churchs normal modes of communication.

Kentwood Community Church advertises events like FOSTER IN FAITH which is a county-wide event focused on inspiring Christians to get involved with local foster youth in various ways.
w w w. k e n t w o o d c o m m u n i t y c h u r c h . c o m / a d o p t i o n

Host a Simple Adoption Information Meeting

Contact the agency to determine an agreeable time for a one hour introductory meeting.

Pittsburgh East Community Church interviewed an adoption specialist during their morning service. Immediately following, they asked the agency to host an info meeting about adoption.
o v e r 2 0 fa m i l i e s at t e n d e d .

Host a Mini-Conference at Your Church

The conference would last 2-3 hours and would allow a couple of agencies to come and offer information on Safe Families, Foster Care, Foster to Adopt, and Adoption.

Emmanuel Baptist Church of Crestview FL, worked with 2 agencies to host a mini conference about adoption and foster care.
1 0 c h u r c h e s a d v e r t i s e d t h e e v e n t. 5 5 fa m i l e s at t e n d e d t h e e v e n t.

Some people are called to adopt

#1 Adoption Barrier is COST

We have helped bring over 2,000 adopted children home!

Interest free loans Matching Grants

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
JAMES 1:27



Age out at 16 to 18 within 2 years...

Transition after Orphange

PhASE 2:

A Greenhouse where new Christians can grow...

Nurtured by healthy friendships Learn day to day responsibility...

Help them transition into adult living

Indigenous Adoption & Foster Care

Over 40 free resOurces

fOr church leaders tO help bring adOptiOn intO the ministry

Sermon Starters, Printable Templates, Music, Videos and more

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