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Teora del Derecho

1er Sem 2012-2013 Prof. Melndez Juarbe

Universidad de Puerto Rico Recinto de Ro Piedras Escuela de Derecho TEORA DEL DERECHO DERE 7039 1ER SEMESTRE 2012-2013 PROF. HIRAM MELNDEZ JUARBE


Sesin 1 A. Objeto, temas y mtodo de la Teora del Derecho Freeman, pgs. 1-15 L.L. Fuller, The Case of the Speluncean Explorers, en Freeman, pgs. 45-58 (fragmento tomado de 62 Harvard Law Review 616 (1949)). II. LAS CONCEPCIONES SOBRE EL DERECHO: QU ES EL DERECHO?

Sesin 2 A. Derecho Positivo y Normativismo Hart, The Concept of Law, pgs. 1-78 J. Austin, The Province of Jurisprudence Determined, en Freeman, pgs. 291303 Sesin 3 Sesin 4 Sesin 5 H. Kelsen, The Pure Theory of Law, en Freeman, pgs. 326-332 H. Kelsen, General Theory of Law and State, en Freeman, pgs. 332-339 Hart, The Concept of Law, pgs. 79-110 Hart, The Concept of Law, pgs. 110-54

La seleccin de lecturas y estructura del curso debe mucho a los prontuarios de los Profesores Efrn Rivera Ramos y rika Fontnez Torres, a quienes agradezco. 1

Teora del Derecho

1er Sem 2012-2013 Prof. Melndez Juarbe


Ms all de las normas i. Derecho Natural Brian H. Bix, Natural Law: The Modern Tradition, en Jules Coleman, Scott Shapiro, Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law, pginas 61-101 (Reserva Digital) Hart, Positivism and the Separation of Law and Morals, en Freeman, pgs. 414-417 LL Fuller, Positivism and Fidelity to Lawa Reply to Professor Hart, en Freeman, pgs. 417-21

Sesin 6

Sesin 7

ii. Ejercicio Analtico Roberto Vigoreaux Lorenzana vs. Quizno's Sub, Inc. 2008 TSPR 38 (Reserva Digital) Ley del Derecho sobre la Propia Imagen, Ley Nm. 139 de 13 de julio de 2011 (Reserva Digital) Carrasquillo Ortiz v. PNP, Sentencia 13 de agosto de 2012, KLAN201201333 (Reserva Digital) Sesin 8 iii. Sesin 9 iv. Ronald Dworkin: Interpretacin e Integridad Dworkin, Law as Interpretation, en Freeman, pgs. 745-52 Dworkin, Laws Empire, en Freeman, pgs. 752-72 Sesin 10 C. La Realidad del Derecho: La teora constitutiva Efrn Rivera Ramos, Derecho y subjetividad, en FUNDAMENTOS, Nm. 5-6, 1997-1998, pgs. 125-134 (Reserva Digital) Pierre Bourdieu, The Force of Law: Toward a Sociology of the Juridical Field, 38 HASTINGS L. J. 805, 814-853 (1987) (Reserva Digital) 2 Ronald Dworkin: Principios y Directrices Polticas (policies) Dworkin, Taking Rights Seriously (The Model of Rules I), pgs. 14-45, 69-71 (Reserva Digital) Dworkin, Taking Rights Seriously (The Rights Thesis), en Freeman, pgs. 734-44 Hart, The Concept of Law: Postscript (The Nature of Rules) pgs. 254-63

Teora del Derecho

1er Sem 2012-2013 Prof. Melndez Juarbe

Sesin 11 D. Algunos temas contemporneos: i. Hay derecho en el ciberespacio? La constriccin social de la tecnologa John Perry Barlow, A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace (1996) (Reserva Digital) David Johnson & David Post, Law and Borders the Rise of Law in Cyberspace, 48 Stan L Rev 1367 (1996), segn editado por Patricia Bellia et al, Cyberlaw: Problems of Policy and Jurisprudence, pgs 79-84 (Reserva Digital) Bruno Latour, Where are the Missing Masses? A Sociology of a Few Mundane Artifacts, en Bijker, et al, Shaping Technology/Building Society: Studies in Sociotechnical Change (1992), pgs. 225-254 (Reserva Digital)

Sesin 12 ii. El Cdigo como Derecho Lawrence Lessig, The Law of the Horse: What Cyberlaw Might Teach, 113 Harv. L. Rev 501 (1999), segn editado por Patricia Bellia et al, Cyberlaw: Problems of Policy and Jurisprudence, pgs. 6-12 (Reserva Digital) Fair Housing Council of San Fernando Valley v., LLC, 521 F.3d 1157 (9th Cir. 2008) (Reserva Digital) Jonathan Zittrain, The Fourth Quadrant, 78 FORDHAM L. REV. 2767 (2010) (Reserva Digital)

III. EL DEBER DE OBEDECER LA LEY* * Para las sesiones 13 y 14 se dividir la clase en dos grupos, cada uno responsable de defender los argumentos articulados en uno de los dos ensayos del libro: IS THERE A DUTY TO OBEY THE LAW? Ser responsabilidad de cada estudiante solamente leer el ensayo que le corresponda defender. Sesin 13 Sesin 14 John Simmons, The Duty to Obey and Our Natural Moral Duties, 91-196 Christopher Heath Wellman, Samaritarianism and the Duty to Obey the Law en IS THERE A DUTY TO OBEY THE LAW? Pgs. 1-89.

Teora del Derecho

1er Sem 2012-2013 Prof. Melndez Juarbe



Sesin 15 A. Formalismo Ernst Weinrib, Legal Formalism, en A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory, Dennis Patterson Ed, pgs. 332-341 (Reserva Digital) Morton Horwitz, The Transformation of American Law 1870-1960: The Crisis of Legal Orthodoxy, pgs. 9-31 (Reserva Digital)

Sesin 16 B. Realismo American Realism, en Freeman pgs. 985-999 Oliver Wendell Holmes, The Path of the Law, en Freeman pg. 1007 Jerome Frank, Law and the Modern Mind, en Freeman pg. 1008-1011 K. Lewellin, Some Realism About Realism, en Freeman pgs. 1011-1015 William Twining, Testatement of grand Style and Formal Style as Theoretical Models, en Freeman pg. 1028. International News Service v. Associated Press, 248 US 215 (1918), segn editado en Fisher III, Horwitz & Reed, American Legal Realism pgs. 147152 (Reserva Digital)

Sesin 17 C. Critical Legal Studies Critical Legal Studies, en Freeman pgs. 1209-24. Guyora Binder, Critical Legal Studies, en A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory, Dennis Patterson Ed, pgs. 280-289 (Reserva Digital)

Sesin 18 D. Feminismo Esther Vicente, Los feminismos y el derecho: contradiccin interconexin?, 36 REV. JUR. UIPR 363 (2002) (Reserva Digital) Katherine T. Bartlett, Feminist Legal Methods, en Freeman pgs. 1359-77 o

Teora del Derecho

1er Sem 2012-2013 Prof. Melndez Juarbe

Sesin 19 E. El Pragmatismo Norteamericano Richard Posner, Pragmatic Adjudication, en Revival of Pragmatism: New Essays on Social Thought Law and Culture, Morris Dickstein Ed, pgs. 235253 (Reserva Digital) Thomas Grey, Freestanding Legal Pragmatism, en Revival of Pragmatism: New Essays on Social Thought Law and Culture, Morris Dickstein Ed, pgs. 254-74 (Reserva Digital)

Sesin 20 F. El Conflicto Metodolgico en la Jurisprudencia Prez Vega y Romn Padilla v. Procurador Especial de Relaciones de Familia, 148 DPR 201 (1999) (Reserva Digital) Salva v. Torres, 2007 TSPR 10 (2007). (Reserva Digital) American Booksellers v. Hudnut, 771 F.2d 323 (7th Cir. 1985) (Reserva Digital)

Sesin 21 G. El Anlisis Econmico del Derecho y su Hegemona i. Introduccin al Anlisis Econmico del Derecho Guido Calabresi, Some Thoughts on Risk Distribution and the Law of Torts, segn editado en Foundations of the Economic Approach to Law (Avery Weiner Katz, Ed) pgs. 44-55 (Reserva Digital) Ronald Coase, The Problem of Social Cost, segn editado en Foundations of the Economic Approach to Law (Avery Weiner Katz, Ed) pgs. 69-79 (Reserva Digital) Sesin 22 ii. Algunos Ejemplos Elisabeth Landes & Richard Posner, The Economics of the Baby Shortage, segn editado en Foundations of the Economic Approach to Law (Avery Weiner Katz, Ed) pgs. 420-31 (Reserva Digital) William M. Landes and Richard A. Posner, An Economic Analysis of Copyright Law, 18 J. LEG. STUD. 325, pgs. 325-33, 344-53 (1989) (Reserva Digital) Van Harken v City of Chicago, 103 F3d 1346 (1997) (Reserva Digital)

Teora del Derecho

1er Sem 2012-2013 Prof. Melndez Juarbe

Sesin 23 iii. Fundamentos Normativos Jules L. Coleman, Efficiency, Utility and Wealth Maximization, 8 HOFSTRA L. REV. 509 (1980) (Reserva Digital) Sesin 24 iv. Perspectivas Crticas Ronald Dworkin, A Matter of Principle (Is Wealth a Value?), pgs. 237-266 (Reserva Digital) Ronald Dworkin, A Matter of Principle (Why Efficiency?), pgs. 267-289 (Reserva Digital) Michael Sandel, What Money Cant Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets, segn editado en Rethinking Commodification: Cases and Readings in Law and Culture (Martha Ertman & Joan Williams, Eds), pgs. 122-127 (Reserva Digital) V. NOCIONES BSICAS DE LA TEORA LIBERAL DEL DERECHO

Sesin 25 A. B. Claves del Liberalismo Los Conceptos de Libertad e Igualdad Efrn Rivera Ramos, La igualdad: una visin plural, 69 REV. JUR. U.P.R. 1 (2000). (Reserva Digital) Harris v. McRae, 448 U.S. 297 (1979). (Reserva Digital)

Sesin 26 C. Democracia Jeremy Waldron, Law and Disagreement: The Constitutional Conception of Democracy, segn editado en Democracy (Blackwell Readings in Philosophy, David Estlund, Ed), pgs. 51-83. (Reserva Digital) Habermas, Between Facts and Norms: Deliberative Politics, segn editado en Democracy (Blackwell Readings in Philosophy, David Estlund, Ed), pgs. 107-125 (Reserva Digital)

Teora del Derecho

1er Sem 2012-2013 Prof. Melndez Juarbe

Sesin 27 D. Derechos de Animales? Kant, Duties to Animals are Indirect, en Political Theory and Animal Rights (Clarke & Linzey, eds), pgs 127-127. (Reserva Digital) Peter Singer, Practical Ethics: Equality for Animals?, pgs 55- 82 (Reserva Digital) David Calverley, Android Science and Animal Rights, does an analogy exist?, Connection Science, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 2006, 403417 (Reserva Digital)


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