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The world the children of today are growing up in, is hard.

Although they have a lot more technology and material things these days, they are still never happy b ecause, it seems, they are all missing out on the love, the freedom, and even th e fun we used to have only a few short decades ago. Now there are too many rules , regulations, restrictions, and laws to abide by these days. Too many hateful a nd thin-skinned people. Everything is an insult and too many people easily offen ded over the slightest thing. Seems like way too many hate groups in this seemin gly sad and love-less world. My god you can't even go anywhere these days without someone saying or doing som ething against old people, gay people, young people, ethnic groups, religious gr oups, or anybody for that matter. Weve all become victims of some and persecutors to others. Even love has become an issue. You cant love who you choose. You can only love someone if its socially acceptable or politically correct. Our young p eople feel it the worst. Some are bullied to the point of suicide and it seems l ike no one gives a damn to change it and sadly in some places, its even encourage d. The world of today has become a hurtful world and no one seems to care as long a s theyre not the ones being hurt. We hear a lot about family values, but when was Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, removed from lessons on common d ecency and simple respect? Families can connect with anyone in the world today, but cant even talk to each other about even the most basic things. Children are taught to hate instead of simple acceptance like, live and let live. Parents are leaving a legacy of their own shame, frustrations, and hatreds on th e very young people who someday could make it all better. This country was built on freedom, fairness, and acceptance; yet somehow everybo dy forgot. We used to pride ourselves as the shining example in the world of how people should act and treat one another, but now we are no different than the w orst the world has ever experienced in the past. We continue to fail ourselves, our children, and our world. The world use to look to us, now it seems they cant stand the sight of us, and it also seems like we cant even stand the sight of eac h other anymore. Where did it all go so terribly wrong? The world today is very hard, but no one wants to change it. No one cares anymor e. They all want what they want and it just doesnt matter anymore what anyone els e says or thinks. We created it, we made it this way, and I hope I live long eno ugh to see it change. I know things will never be the way they were, but for Gods sake it has to get better than the way it is now. Hopefully people, not only in our country, but in this world, at some point will finally stand up and say, eno ugh is enough. Governments cant change people, only people can change people and i t just cant go on like this anymore, it just cant.

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