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by Peter Morrison

Peter Morrison Disclaimer: This is NOT an actual script for Star Wars: The Clone Wars, it is a work of fan fiction.

"Raiding Party" ACT ONE "Avoiding defeat can itself be a victory." PROLOGUE TRAILER (News Reel) A SPACE BATTLE is winding down between the REPUBLIC and the SEPARATISTS as Separatist ships are cracking in half and exploding, spilling droids into space. ANNOUNCER (V.O.) After a string of crushing naval defeats, the Separatist war machine is desperate for more ships. INT. CORELLIAN NAVY SHIP BRIDGE ZOOM IN on Senator/General GARM BEL IBLIS is issuing orders to his bridge crew, outside the forward VIEWPORT we see the planet DUROS in the background, REPUBLIC vessels close to the planet, being bombarded by a larger SEPARATIST FLEET. ANNOUNCER (V.O.) With Corellia's fleet under the Command of Senator Garm Bel Iblis engaged in the nearby Duros system, INT. SEPARATIST COMMAND SHIP CUT to GARRIS SHRIKE on the bridge of Separatist destroyer, a Holoimage of General Grievous talking, switches to a holo-image of Corellia's space docks. ANNOUNCER (V.O.) the sinister General Grievous with the help of Corellian con-man and thief Garris Shrike, hatches a plan to steal Corellia's Space docks and their nearly complete fleet of experimental modular warships.

3 EXT. CORELLIAN ENGINEERING CORPORATION (CEC) SPACEDOCKSFrom off screen a JEDI SHUTTLE comes into view heading towards the SPACEDOCKS... ANNOUNCER (V.O.) On a routine inspection tour of Republic infrastructure, Padawan Ahsoka Tano is about to find herself in the middle of Grievous' plot... INT. CEC SPACEDOCKS - DAY HISSSSS-Repulsers settle as JEDI SHUTTLE lands in AHSOKA TANO strides confidently down the ramp and of CEC representatives, LIASON OFFICER Huff Creel SECURITY OFFICER Auren Nane (female Corellian)and General Labor Droid), named Elex. CEC hanger bay, is greeted by a trio (male Corellian), a a DROID (BLX

HUFF CREEL Welcome to Corellian Engineering Corporation Orbital Ship Dock "Cresh" Jedi Tano. Let me introduce Corporal Auren Nane and Elex who will assist you with security and technical details of our operation during your inspection. After your journey I am sure you are tired, may I show you to your quarters? With a measured BOW of her head Ahsoka acknowledges the welcoming committee. AHSOKA TANO Greetings Mr. Creel, Corporal Nane and Elex. I am afraid Master Plo Koon was suppose to be conducting this inspection but got called away for some urgent matter on Kal'Shebbol. I would like to get up to speed HUFF CREEL Understood. Perhaps after you familiarize yourself with our facility, you may wish to avail yourself of our recreation suites on Dock Annex 5.

4 AHSOKA frowns at Huff, and puts on her best Padme diplomatic face. She takes a deep calming breath. AHSOKA I'd have a hard time relaxing knowing that my Master and my troopers are on the front lines while I was getting a treatment at the sanispa, perhaps another time. Interrupting Creel and Ahsoka's conversation, Corporal AUREN NANE steps forward. AUREN NANE I'm sure Mr. Creel understands, shall we show you the station? Camera pans over Huff's shoulder as he looks back at Ahsoka, Nane and Elex. HUFF CREEL Yes, of course, shall we ladies? Creel EXTENDS his ARM in a sweeping motion indicating the direction they should take out of the landing bay. ELEX (Under his breath) Just assume the droid will do what you expect... INT. SEPARATIST COMMAND SHIP - DAY Scene opens as lines of hyperspace resolve into stars and a Separatist fleet pops into potion, quick cut to the face of T-series Tactical Droid, TH-11 as he is speaking to an off screen individual. TH-11 We have arrived at the staging area, incoming transmission from General Grievous. We get our first look at the organic Separatist Commander Garris Shrike. SHRIKE Put him on screen. Shrike turns towards the holo-emitter.

5 SHRIKE General, to what do I owe the honor at this late hour? A miniature version of Grievous appears via holoimage. GRIEVOUS (via Holoimage) Enough with the pleasantries Thief. *Cough, Cough.* The Jedi whelp has arrived to inspect the shipyards. Our Commando droids are in place on Talus poised to trigger a mine explosion that will draw the System's Jedi in for relief efforts. Now is the time to begin the operation.

SHRIKE Your diversion better work. I can handle a single Padawan, but not a bunch of Jedi and CorSec thugs. I want the credits that where promised me General. GRIEVOUS (via Holoimage) Now, now Shrike. Not to worry credits you shall have if you can get me those new warships. Be careful with that Jedi, she is resourceful. Shrike looks down at his hip holster and pats his unusual looking BLASTER. SHRIKE Don't worry I have a little surprise for her if she gets in my way... INT. CEC SPACE DOCK "C" CORRIDOR/CONTROL ROOM-CONTINUOUS Huff is walking down the hallway at a brisk pace with Ahsoka and Nane walking next to each other and Droid bringing up the rear. The party approaches a DOOR marked in aurebesh "AUTHORIZED PERSONEL ONLY." HUFF CREEL As you can see Jedi Tano, we are quite safe from the war here at CEC. The Separatists would not dare attack Corellia.

6 WHOOSH... door slides up and the party walks into the control room. AHSOKA It is an impressive operation that you are running but how can you be so sure of your safety with General Bel Iblis and most of his fleet defending Duros? AUREN NANE You are correct Jedi Tano, with Gen. Bel Iblis fleet away we are more vulnerable than usual, but we still have some vessels, CorSec's Tactical Response Force and a few of our own Jedi in system or nearby. In any event, stations like this positioned on each section of the Space Dock allow us to monitor the security of the station and the tactical situation in space nearby. We have enough time to call for help if the worst occurs. BEEP! BEEP! Nane's comlink chirps. AUREN NANE Excuse me, I have to take this. I'll be right back. Nane exists the control room to take the comlink call. PING! TING! .. The control rooms experiences a slight shutter. Ahsoka's eyes open wide, she looks around alertly. AHSOKA What was that? HUFF Nothing to worry about Padawan. I am sure it is just micro-meteorites. One of the perils of being on an orbital facility I am afraid. We are quite secure inside the station. Ping! Ting! noises continue at regular intervals.

7 ELEX The impacts does not fit the expected pattern of micro-meteorite impacts. They are to regular, occurring once every 0.5 micro-cycles. AHSOKA Elex, what does that mean? ELEX Data is inconclusive. Nane rushes back into the room. AHSOKA Nane, I need you to get to a sensor screen and find what is going on out there. HUFF CREEL Padawan don't you think you are overreacting a bit? NANE slides into a chair in front of the central console, she pulls up a HOLOGRAPHIC DISPLAY as Ahsoka and the Droid look over her shoulders. AUREN NANE Multiple contacts! Lots of them. No transponder codes and they are not responding to comm. Mixture of large and small contacts, it looks like a fleet! Nane fools around with some SWITCHES AND DIALS on the keyboard. AUREN NANE Let me raise CorSec and Centerpoint Station and find out if they have a better scanner readings. CorSec Central do you read? Centerpoint 1 do you copy? STATIC HISS....Nane keeps switching channels but no response. AHSOKA We are being JAMMED! Corporal Nane signal all other Space Dock sections

8 to raise their alert levels, and see what you can do about getting through jamming. Mr. Creel what are the most likely targets at CEC in an attack? HUFF CREEL Well it depends on the nature of the attack. If it is simply destruction, then the power generator hubs will be the primary targets. Ignite these and the space docks will explode in a cascading effect and take the ships with them.... Noises are getting LOUDER, sounds of welding and MUFFLED DETONATIONS. AHSOKA What if destruction is not the goal? If these are pirates what are the most likely targets for plunder? HUFF CREEL It is hard to say, as you know much of CEC's product line is modular and highly and quickly modifiable. The most valuable vessels may be some of the smaller private commission vessels, but pirates aren't likely to know about those, more likely to go after the bigger transport vessels. Creel nervously fidgets and Nane looks at him questioningly. NANE Mr. Creel I think you should mention the "other" dock to her as well. HUFF CREEL I am afraid I have told Padawan Tano as much as I am authorized to disclose. AHSOKA What is going on here? Nane? Creel?

9 Nane looks frustrated but clearly Creel who outranks here isn't willing to divulge CEC's top secrets. Her hands are tied. NANE I am sorry, Jedi Tano, my hands are tied. Ahsoka senses there is something major the two agents are withholding from her. She turns to Elex. AHSOKA Elex, Can you show me a schematic of the Docks including all vessels completed or near completion? ELEX As you wish Master Jedi. A wire frame holographic schematic pops up of the CEC Space docks, including aurebesh labels. A significant corner of the docks is blacked out. AHSOKA What is this blacked out section? Is this what Nane was talking about? ELEX Unfortunately my servomotors are tied by CEC Directive 1103Z. Ahsoka is exasperated. AHSOKA Fine! You three stay here, I've got work to do. Ahsoka GRABS a portable hand held holo-emitter, and runs out the door as Elex is punching commands into the computer. A Holo-image of the space docks POPS up in Ahsoka's hand and she locks the map onto the secret dock area. AHSOKA Thanks Elex, keep a channel open. ELEX You are welcome Ma'am.

10 EXT. SEPARATIST FLEET - SURROUNDING CEC DOCKS BOOM! CEC support and patrol vessels EXPLODING under a withering barrage of fire both ion cannons and blaster cannon fire coming from the fleet of SEPARATIST WAR SHIPS. INT. SEPARATIST FLAGSHIP Shrike sits in his command chair aboard the bridge of the Separatist flagship SHRIKE Status Report! Looking down at a screen displaying flashing GRAPHS of different colors, Shrike's tactical droid turns addresses him. TH-11 Operations commencing, 30% of attachments made. Resistance slightly higher than anticipated and we have lost track of the Jedi within the facility.

SHRIKE Send in the first wave of ROCKET BATTLE DROIDS, I want those docks and modular warships ready to go NOW! TH-11 Yes, Sir. Cut to the Ships HANGER BAY as hundreds of Rocket Battle Droids, ignite their rocket packs ROCKET BATTLE DROIDS Roger, Roger! We see the flare of this mass of droids as they fly towards the SPACE DOCKS. The Docks are covered in VULTURE DROIDS and BUZZ DROIDS hard at work cutting the space docks apart with plasma torches. INT. CEC SPACE DOCK - JUNCTION TUBE - OBSERVATION DECK-CONTINUOUS Ahsoka is running at speed around the corner of the junction tube HALLWAY all the while glancing down at the holo-image in the palm of her hand to see how close she is to her first target ship. Ahsoka

11 comes to a skidding stop as she reaches an OBSERVATION DECK section of the space docks. The escape pods that usually are attached to the side of the deck are already jettisoned and the utility closets are hanging open as if the staff present made a very quick evacuation. Ahsoka pauses as the camera focuses in on her eyes, then out the view port at the BUZZDROIDS cutting the space dock into segments. AHSOKA Elex! Tell Nane ships aren't the only targets, the Sepies are trying to steal the parts of the space docks as well. Nane, I need you to take over directing me from Elex. Elex I need you to focus all your processing power on cracking that jamming. We CorSec and Jedi reinforcements. HUFF CREEL What can I do, Padawan Tano? AHSOKA Keep your head down, grab a blaster and shoot any that says "Roger." Ahsoka cuts the comm-link call just as the entire room shakes around her. Her EYES widen in recognition of what just happened. The section of space dock she is in has been cut from both sections of surrounding tube and she is being carried away. EXT. CEC SPACEDOCK OBSERVATION DECK SECTION We see a rotating view of the exterior of the OBSERVATION DECK with Ahsoka's face pressed to the transparisteel viewport as the ROCKET DROIDS haul away the piece of Dock. Frustrated Ahsoka bangs her fists against the viewport as the observation deck fades from view. END ACT ONE

ACT TWO INT. CEC SPACEDOCK-OBSERVATION DECK SECTION Ahoska is sitting cross legged on the deck of the observation deck, eyes closed and breathing deeply, she is MEDITATING. We zoom in on her closed EYE LIDS as her eyes FLASH open and she jumps to her feet.

12 AHSOKA NANE, come in. I've got a, situation here. CLICK, POP, static exists in the comm channel as Ahsoka tries to raise NANE in the CEC control room. AUREN NANE Ahsoka, you are breaking up. Status report? AHSOKA The droids detached the observation deck and are carrying it away. All of the escape pods have already been jettisoned. I need a way out of here and back to the docks, any suggestions. AUREN NANE The space dock sections themselves have no maneuvering thrusters, without the escape pods there is only one way out.... INT. CEC CONTROL ROOM We cut to the other side of the conversation as we see NANE seated at the console speaking to Ahsoka. ELEX This is no good. Corporal Nane, please inform Jedi Tano that I am unable to crack the Separatist jamming, but I may be able to physically modify one of the comm antennas to get a signal through. AHSOKA (Off camera) Do what you can please Elex. Elex turns and departs the Control room, as the door slides closed, Nane turns back to her conversation with Ahsoka, totally unaware of Huff quietly approaching her from behind with blaster in hand. AUREN NANE As I was saying, there may be a spare.....

13 Huff points the blaster into the back of the chair and BLAST burns a hole through Nane's chest. Huff leans over and switches the comlink to static. AUREN NANE Uggghh...... AHSOKA Nane! Nane! Are you still there? Comm link lines is simply static and then abruptly cuts out. Leaving Ahsoka alone. Talking to herself, Ahsoka is pacing. AHSOKA I need out of this rust bucket. I need a vacuum suit. If they aren't in the lockers where could they be? Blast it! Ahsoka fidgeting and pacing back in force has one of her LIGHTSABERS in her hand and she is casually moving it from hand to hand as a way of channeling . She glances out the window and sees a large Separatist Tug ship, with a massive number of tractor beams looming ahead. We also see flights of Vulture droids blasting CEC shuttles and escape pods. AHSOKA Creel, Nane, Elex can anyone hear me? EXT. CEC CONTROL ROOM-SPACE Elex is straddling a sensor dish on the exterior of the Control room. ELEX I read you Jedi Tano. service? May I be of

AHSOKA I have lost contact with the control room. Have Battle Droids breached the Control Room? ELEX I have not seen anything, but I have been busy. I hope that Corporal Nane is alright. She was most kind to me.

14 AHSOKA What do you mean? ELEX There was some, question about the suitability of droid labor in the more sensitive areas of CEC during the current conflict. Some fear that droids would be more susceptible to Separatist corruption than organics. Within CEC Security Corporal Nane was one of the more vocal that droids like myself where just as valuable now and in some ways easier to monitor than their organic counterparts. If not for Corporal Nane I may have been decommissioned. INT. CEC SPACEDOCK-OBSERVATION DECK SECTION As Ahsoka is pondering Elex's story, an explosion rocks the Observation Deck section and Ahsoka lands on her back side. when she lands is off, the deck sounds HOLLOW. AHSOKA Only a Corellian designer would put the vac suits there. Ahsoka knocks on the floor panels and finds the hollow one. Reaching into the crease she pulls and the lid to a hidden compartment pops open. Emergency lighting illuminates the compartment and she pulls out the package within. Quickly she unfolds a vacuum suit and suits up, attaching her helmet and turns the suit on. SNAP-HISS, Ahsoka ignites her LIGHTSABER and very carefully cuts a large rectangle in the TRANSPARISTEEL VIEWPORT, large enough for her to comfortably fit through. She cuts it deep enough that with a strong FORCE PUSH she will be able to open the Observation Deck to the vacuum of space, but not until she is ready. AHSOKA Figures Anakin says this mission will be an Uj Cake walk and what happens but I'm up to my neck in clankers. I get to have all the fun.

The sound

15 INT. OF CEC OBSERVATION DECK SECTION- EXT. OF CEC OBSERVATION DECK SECTION-CONTINUOUS Ahsoka FORCE PUSHES the cut section of viewport out, wind WHOOSHES as the atmosphere is sucked out of the observation deck, Ahsoka dives out the viewport. Turning as she flies into the black of space and as she rotates she scans and locates her target, a ROCKET BATTLE DROID. The droid sees Ahsoka and raises his blaster pistol... BATTLE DROID Where's your Jet pack Jedi? Ahsoka FORCE PULLS the DROID towards her and in one motion ignites and swing her lightsaber, slicing his head off his shoulders cleanly. Grabbing onto the Droid's NECK socket Ahsoka points the droid's body at the cockpit of the TUG and looks back as the droid's HEAD floats away. AHSOKA It's a rental..... BATTLE DROID'S HEAD Nooooo....

INT. SEPARATIST COMMAND SHIP-BRIDGE Shrike and TH-11 are supervising the conduct of the operation space dock and ship raid, as regular battle droids work at their various stations. TH-11 Data is incomplete Sir, but B1-R11 is off-line sir. Various reports are that the Jedi is loose in space. Shall I send Vulture droids to engage and destroy the pest? SHRIKE You are wasting time, Send them Now! I want that Jedi eliminated. Start moving us in position towards Target 1. I want that ship. EXT. SEPARATIST TUG SHIP

16 Large and bulky, like a rounder sand crawler plopped in space, with a small cockpit protruding from the front of the vessel. We see the TUG moving trailing dozens of section of space dock and ships from its numerous TRACTOR BEAM EMMITTERS that litter the vessels body. Ahsoka riding the headless ROCKET BATTLE DROID streaks into view, arcing over the hull of the vessel and kick off the droid. The droid's body arcs and crashes into the side of the Tug's hull as Ahsoka nimbly lands on the hull just behind the cockpit's view ports. Ahsoka carefully the cockpit. sneaks her head over the view port and looks into AHSOKA Perfect. Ahsoka seeing that the tug is piloted by very small crew of rather rusty looking B1 Battle Droids, Ahsoka ignites her lightsaber and starts cutting a hole in the transparisteel. AHSOKA Knock, Knock.... Jumping head first through the hole into the cockpit, Ahsoka tucks into a crouch and then stands up calmly. AHSOKA Thanks for giving a gal a lift boys. BATTLE DROID PILOT Ahhh. Does not compute. Fire! As one the four battered battle droids on the Tug's bridge surround Ahsoka in an "X" formation and raise their blaster rifles at Ahsoka who is in the middle of them and fire. Ahsoka FORCE LEAPS up and grabs onto the ceiling as the droids fire. The blaster bolts pass through the spot Ahsoka had been in, hitting each other. When the smoke clears Ahsoka drops back down to the deck and we see the smoking remains of the four battle droids on the ground. AHSOKA Just when you think they couldn't get any dumber... INT. CEC CONTROL ROOM-

17 Huff is now sitting at the console, the body of Corporal Nane is laying in a heap not far from where she died. Huff has opened a holocom call to Commander Shrike. SHRIKE First my Rocket and Vulture droids start blowing up now one of my Tugs is acting oddly and not responding. You where suppose to babysit the Padawan. HUFF CREEL Don't blame me, I am a diplomat not a soldier. I did my job. She is on the offensive and now she's your problem. I suggest stopping your stray tug. SHRIKE Those stinkin' TUGS are armored thicker than a Shell Hutt, it will take forever to blow it up. You where suppose to keep her occupied on the station, you let me down Huff. HUFF I hate to disappoint. Perhaps since She is a Jedi, you can force her to act like one. Start targeting the CEC crew survivors. SHRIKE That's cold Huff, I like it. Now get over to the rendezvous point. I won't be waiting for you if you are late. Huff shuts off the console and rises to leave, just as he slides the door open to leave he looks back at his handy work, Corporal NANE laying dead on the floor and THUNK! Standing just outside the door the metal arm of Elex comes crashing down and knocks Huff unconscious. Elex enters the Control Center, reactivates the control board and attempts to raise Ahsoka on the comm.

18 ELEX Jedi Tano, come in please. situation has changed.


AHSOKA I can barely read you. I am on a Sepie Tug, what is going on at CEC? ELEX Corporal Nane is dead, and Mr. Creel is incapacitated. I am in control here, now. It appears he was in on the raid and murdered Nane when I went to attempt to establish communications. AHSOKA Kriff! Lock him down and we will make sure he is taken into custody when this is all over. I am heading over towards the secret project docks. Keep trying to get word out for help. ELEX Wait! Something strange is happening. The transponders for the escape pods are all changing course, they are headed straight for Corell! If those pods get to close there is no way their thrusters will be able to prevent them from being sucked into the sun! AHSOKA I'm on it! INT. SEPARATIST TUG COCKPIT Ahsoka grabs the control yoke of the tug and turns the beast of a ship towards Corell the yellow sun of the Corellian system. Ahsoka is still speaking over the comm channel to Elex. AHSOKA I see them! The Rocket Droids are sheparding the pods towards the star. I have an idea...

19 Ahsoka runs over to the main tractor beam console, and rapidly begins deactivating the forwards beams. Sections of space dock simply start floating free in space. Ahsoka begins TARGETING the escape pods with the tractor beams! The force of the pull of the tractor beams is too much for the rocket droids and they fly out of control back towards the hull of the tug, smashing into the hull of the tug and exploding, causing no damage to the tug other than little droid shaped scorch marks. Carefully Ahsoka continues collecting the escape pods until has grabbed all that are in danger. AHSOKA Attention CEC escape pods, this is Jedi Ahsoka Tano. I have you in tractor beam lock. Turn off all maneuvering thrusters. I am going to get you out of the battle zone. I am going to get you as close as I can to the CorSec Outpost and release you. At that point restore thrusters and make your way to the station. Ahsoka maneuvers the ungainly TUG LEANING on the Thruster lever. When she comes to the edge of the CEC dock yards she simultaneously decelerates and shuts down the tractor beams. The pods initially tumble and then their thrusters kick in. The bulk of the tug is between them and the Separatist forces. CorSec Outpost ships quickly scramble when they see a wave of escape pods coming their way. INT. SEPARATIST FLAGSHIP-BRIDGE Garris Shrike sits up on the edge of his COMMAND CHAIR as the Separatist ship docks next to the ELDEST BROTHER, a massive new CEC cruiser, the pride of the CEC assembly line. Shrike's eyes light up as he sees his prize. SHRIKE TH-11 raise the Jedi on that Tug. Very proud of himself Shrike stands up, adjusts his beard and waves his hand toward the droid to open the channel. SHRIKE Greetings my little Jedi Pest. I hope you have had fun, but alas our play time has ended. Very soon my she stops

20 fleet will be leaving and there is nothing you can do about it. Your minor victory rescuing the CEC crew is nothing compared to the bulk of vessels we will add to the Separatist War MACHINE today! Goodbye little one, perhaps after this they may let you keep your lightsaber in the Agricultural Corps. INT. SEPARATIST TUGAhsoka is clearly fuming. She tries to maintain her Jedi calm, but her annoyance breaks through. AHSOKA Think again SLEEMO! I'm not through yet. If my Master taught me anything, it's that you never quit.


ACT THREE EXT. CEC ELDEST BROTHER SPACE DOCKRUMBLE! ZOOM. A mixed fleet of Separatist ships and a handful of stolen CEC ships are fleeing to hyperspace. While the majority of experimental modular war ships are still being readied to depart, the Droids are firing up the largest of the ships, the ELDEST BROTHER's MAIN REACTOR. LIGHTS are coming on along the length of the ship and the engines WINK on. INT. SEPARATIST TUG-BRIDGE Ahoska is looking out the forward view port as she steers the tug towards the ELDEST BROTHER's dock. ELEX Jedi Tano, The Eldest Brother is coming on line. Energy readings suggest it is 40% on-line. If you have a plan to stop it from launching, now is the time.

21 AHSOKA Copy that ELEX. I'm taking this Hutt of a ship in. Ahsoka adjusts the course of the TUG and the ELDEST BROTHER grows large in the forward view port. Ahsoka has the vessels on a collision course. INT. ELDEST BROTHER BRIDGE BATTLE DROID Aahhh Commander Shrike Sir, we may have an incoming vessel. SHRIKE What kind of vessel? Don't tell me.. It's not a.. BATTLE DROID It's a Tug, transponder code matches the one that Jedi stole. SHRIKE BLAST IT! It's that Jedi skug again. All turbolasers on-line and blast her back to the Core Worlds. BATTLE DROID Ahhh Sir, the ship doesn't have any operational turbolasers yet. Maybe we should, ummm... abandon ship? SHRIKE ABANDON SHIP!? Not today. Summon the Super Battle Droids and Droidekas, prepare to be boarded. INT. SEPARATIST TUG-BRIDGE With ELDEST BROTHER rapidly approaching outside the viewport, Ahsoka pulls back hard on the THROTTLE level, slowing the tug and targets the CEC ship with all forward tractor beams. The tug decelerates but not in time and the bow of both ships hit. BANG! Through the viewport you can see into the ELDEST BROTHER as droids stumble from the impact.

22 AHSOKA re-attaches her helmet and prepares for another SPACE WALK. Ahsoka raises the blast shields that are covering the hole she had cut in the bridge's transparisteel viewport earlier. The vacuum of space is pulling at her as she is holding onto the console. She looks down, a quick double check at her equipment belt talking to herself. AHSOKA That ship isn't going anywhere. Time to go hunting. Lightsaber, Shoto, THERMAL DETONATOR! Check! Ahsoka grabs the Detonator and jumps into the vacuum, she allows the momentum to carry her towards the ELDEST BROTHER. As she is arcing towards the vessels she arms and throws the DETONATOR, it impacts the Eldest Brother's viewport EXPLODING as AHSOKA tucks into a ball and flies through the center of the detonations fireball onto the bridge of the Eldest Brother. INT. ELDEST BROTHER - BRIDGE/CORRIDORS CONTINUOUS Ahsoka lands in a crouch amid shattered transparisteel, broken and sparking DROIDS and smoke. Small micro-tears in her VACUUM SUIT are visible as air escapes from the suit. Emergency lights are flashing RED. A battle droid takes a pot shot at her as she deflects the bolt back at him. AHSOKA Is that any way to treat a guest? Well, maybe I should have knocked. Ahsoka see movement out of the corner of her eye as Shrike is fleeing the bridge. She chases him out the door only to run smack into a DROID AMBUSH! As Ahsoka walks into the hallway there is a SUPER BATTLE DROID with his arm canon raised and pointed right at her, behind him and along the walls to Ahsoka's right and left are a mixture of Super Battle Droids and Droidekas. Ahsoka uses the FORCE to CRUMPLE the emitter nozzle on the Droid's arm, as it goes to fire the arm EXPLODES. In the flash of the explosion and cloud of smoke, Ahsoka pours on the JEDI SPEED and instead of fighting flees from the ambush. Blaster shots from the droids chase her as she makes it through the next door way and SLAMS the end of her LIGHTSABER HILT into the door closing mechanism and then slashes the door mechanism with the blade to slow down the droids.

23 Ahsoka keeps running down the hallway until she reaches a junction, two hallways branch off, one towards the interior decks of the vessel and one towards the exterior and presumably the hanger bays. AHSOKA Why do they always run? Ahsoka bets that Shrike is looking for a way off the vessel and takes the right branch, running she catches a glimpse of Shrike ahead, he has to slow down to open the entrance to the hanger bay, Ahsoka launches a Force PUSH to try to knock him off his feet. CRUNCH! Shrike lands in a heap against the wall by the control panel. Seemingly unconscious, Shrike very subtly lifts his EYE LID just a crack and sees Ahsoka approaching. AHSOKA Jedi 1, Sepie Pirate 0. I guess this wasn't a wasted mission after all. Ahsoka's danger sense kicks in as a she activates her lightsaber and swings it around into a defensive guard in front of her. Just as SHRIKE pulls his SLUGTHROWER from and pulls the trigger. Shrike's slugthrower is a modified version of the ballistic weapon that fires a shotgun like spread of pellets. Used to deflecting blaster bolts, Ahsoka is not used to such an attack and is only able to destroy some of the pellets with her lightsaber, twisting out of the way she is able to avoid most of the spray, but some gets through her defense and tears through her flight suit. Slightly battered but not seriously wounded Ahsoka makes a move towards Shrike to attempt to disarm him. SHRIKE Say goodbye Jedi scum. SHRIKE aims the slugthrower at Ahsoka again, she attempts to use the FORCE to pull the weapon from his hand but he has a solid grip on it and is able to pull the trigger before it is ripped from his hands. BOOM! Again Ahsoka sweeps in front of her with her lightsaber but she is to slow and takes a blast in the leg. AHSOKA Ahhhhhh. Ahsoka collapses on her injured leg, the room starts spinning as she is losing consciousness, the last thing she sees before her head hits the deck is Shrike waving at her as he enters the hanger and presumably escapes.

24 AHSOKA So close... Ahsoka passes out as the screen goes to black. INT. CEC CONTROL ROOM / INT. GUNSHIP SAND PANTHER Elex is finally making some progress on getting a distress signal through the Separatist signal jamming. Static dissolves into a clear signal as Elex makes contact with Corellian Jedi Master Haken Sode aboard CorSec Tactical Response team Gunship SAND PANTHER. ELEX Corellians Security forces please respond, this is Elex, CEC Control droid BLX-E we have an emergency and request immediate assistance. Separatist forces have attacked the orbital docks. HAKEN SODE This is Jedi Master Haken Sode, I hear you CEC Control. Most of our forces are still responding to the terrorist attack on Talus, but I am on my way. ELEX Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano has the Separatist Commander trapped aboard a vessel Eldest Brother in our special project docks. I have lost contact with her and suggest you go to her aid as quickly as possible. HAKEN SODE Send me the coordinates. Good work, Elex. INT. ELDEST BROTHER CORRIDORS / LANDING BAY - CONTINUOUS Shrike is no fool, he knows Eldest Brother is stuck thanks to the Tug's mass and tractor beams. Time is running out and it is time to get to the shuttle bay and find a way of the ship and back to Separatist forces and make a run for it. Shrike is sweating as he runs through the corridors with only EMERGENCY LIGHTING FLASHING. He slams his hand on the control panel

25 to open the door to the shuttle bay and comes up short as he is met with the tip of a LIGHTSABER blade under his chin. HAKEN SODE You are under arrest, Pirate. Sode without taking his blade or eyes off of Shrike, says over his shoulder to the tactical team behind him. Shrike spits at the Jedi, but Sode simply moves his lightsaber closer and we hear a SIZZLE as some of Shrike's FACIAL HAIR burns. HAKEN SODE Captain takes his weapon, put him in stun cuffs and take him away. Squad Two, Let's go find Jedi Tano. The scene ends with Sode leading a squad of CorSec Tactical Response agents down the corridor on the run. INT. CORSEC OUTPOST-MEDICAL BAY-TWO DAYS LATER The scene opens as we pan into the room a seemingly unconscious Ahsoka floating with her eyes closed in a BACTA TANK and Medical Droid moving back and forth in the background. A BANDAGE of some sort is visible on Ahsoka's leg wound. Ahsoka's eyes FLASH open and the tank is emptied as she awakens, the Med Droid takes her arm and guides her to a recovery bed. MEDICAL DROID Prognosis is good master Jedi. If you are up to it you have a visitor. AHSOKA A visitor? Sure anything beats being alone in that tank. In walks a tall human male, graying at the temples wearing a GREEN Jedi robe. This is Corellian Jedi Master Haken Sode. HAKEN SODE Greetings Padawan Tano. I was most pleased to hear you are expected to make full recovery. AHSOKA Um, Sir. Do I know you?

26 HAKEN SODE No, we have never met, we Corellian Jedi usually stay fairly close to home, but I know of you, your reputation precedes you. You are one of the brightest lights of the Order, at least according to Master Yoda. Ahsoka blushes at the praise, but then her expression turns to a frown as the sense of failure settles upon her. AHSOKA Master, I am sorry I failed, Shrike escaped and I am not sure how many vessels he took with him. I tried, but.... HAKEN SODE Nonsense Ahsoka, you saved countless lives today, the Separatists only got away with a handful of ships, and through the help of your friend Elex we were able to arrive in time to capture Shrike. AHSOKA Thank the Force. HAKEN SODE Truly. Your Master is most concerned about you and has requested that you return to the Temple as soon as possible, but I do have something for you before you go. Reaching into the POCKET of his robes, Sode pulls out a small metallic object and hands it to Ahsoka. Ahsoka holds the small coin in her hand curiosity blossoming on her face. HAKEN SODE If it were within my authority Padawan, your actions today would be more than enough to justify your elevation to the rank of Jedi KNIGHT,

27 but that decision rests in hands far wiser than my own. Instead please accept this specially minted Jedi Credit as thanks of the Corellian Jedi and the people of Corellia. AHSOKA Thank you Master Sode, May the Force be with you. Master Sode turns and begins to walk out the Medical Bay door, he pauses in the DOOR WAY and looks back over his should. HAKEN SODE And with you Padawan, and remember you will always have friends on Corellia.



Copyright/Trademark Disclaimer: Star Wars and the characters of Star Wars are copyright and trademark of Lucasfilm LTD. Their use in this work of fiction is for purely non-commercial purposes. The content of this story is an original work of fiction by Peter Morrison.

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