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You are invited to the 1:1 iPAD Parent Meeting.

Wednesday, August 22,nd 2012 at 7:00p.m. in the High School Auditorium.

Spring Lake Public Schools will be implementing 1:1 iPADs in your childs classroom next year.  A team of six teachers from Jeffers and Holmes Elementary will share with you what to expect as the District adopts this new tool for learning in these six elementary classrooms. We hope you can attend this kickoff Meeting (No students please). We will present on policies and procedures you will want to know as your child will be allowed to take the iPAD home each night. We will discuss options for insuring the iPAD for theft or damage as well. We plan to video tape the session in hopes of sharing it with those who are unable to make it, however we appreciate your time and investment as we partner together to implement this learning tool effectively. Sincerely, The iTEAM ~ Mrs. Jettner, Mrs.Kitchel, Mr. Trask, Mrs. Lannon, Mrs. Sheridan and Mr. Overway

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