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Sensationalism: How Popular Writers Have Over Exaggerated the Connection Between L Ron Hubbard and Aleister Crowley Jessica E. Sideways Metropolitan State College of Denver


2 Sensationalism:

How Popular Writers Have Over Exaggerated the Connection Between L Ron Hubbard and Aleister Crowley As Scientology, the religion created by science-fiction writer Lafayette Ronald Hubbard (commonly known as L Ron Hubbard and to his followers as Ron, LRH and Source), gains more and more public scrutiny and exposure, people get more and more interested regarding this self-style religion. However, the connections between L Ron Hubbard and Aleister Crowley are very tenuous at best and a form of yellow journalism at worst. To accomplish this, I will first introduce Aleister Crowley, the belief system of Thelema and key concepts and organizations related to this topic. Then, I will introduce L Ron Hubbard and his involvement and references to Aleister Crowley in the scriptures and recorded lectures of Scientology. Then, I will provide an analysis of how the connection between L Ron Hubbard and Aleister Crowley is misused in the media. Aleister Crowley (born Edward Alexander Crowley)

L. Ron Hubbards only encounter with Ordo Templi Orientis and with Thelema was with Jack Parsons at the former Agape Lodge in Pasadena, California. To Talk About the Occult is to Deal With the Spectre of Satanism There are several problems when talking about Aleister Crowley or any occult group. There is a great deal of misinformation spread in virtually all


mediums concerning occult groups, including Ordo Templi Orientis. One such assertion is that all occult groups are Satanic. However, this is far from the case when talking about Ordo Templi Orientis but it remains an issue of considerable importance when discussing the occult, along with discussing L Ron Hubbards own occult practices throughout his lifespan. Therefore, in order to talk about the sensationalism that insidiously worms its way through the news media, one also has to define Satanism and the practices of Satanism. Here is what the United States Grand Lodge of Ordo Templi Orientis (n.d.) has to say in response to the frequently asked question Is Ordo Templi Orientis Satanic or anti-Christian?: O.T.O. makes no claims or representations to be either Satanic or antiChristian. We find that these characterizations serve no real purpose in describing what we are about, or our vision for humanity. Rather than being anti-Christian, we are in fact pro-Thelema: we support the Thelemic ideals of freedom of religious and personal self-expression; emancipation from superstition and social oppression; and the development of a world view which supports and encourages the ageold vision of the Universal Brotherhood of mankind. This is a common problem when the news media talks about certain non-Christian groups such as Ordo Templi Orientis or Anton Svander LaVeys Church of Satan. To discuss this topic appropriately, we must also provide an analysis of differences between Ordo Templi Orientis and the Church of


Satan. Throughout this paper, we will discuss the differences in positions and policies between Ordo Templi Orientis, the Church of Satan and how they relate to the particulars of this issue.

The Issue of Drug Use L Ron Hubbard was an avid drug user and this was even more prevalent during his years on the run from the Federal Government on his ship, the Apollo. In a letter written to his third wife, Mary Sue Hubbard, in 1967, L Ron Hubbard stated that he was drinking lots of rum and popping pinks and greys. (cited in Corydon, 1987) Furthermore, John McMasters had this to say about L Ron Hubbards drug supply on the Apollo: It was the largest drug chest I had ever seen. He had everything! (cited in Corydon, 1987) Additionally, the issue of drug use is commonly brought up whenever one talks about occult religious groups. While it is common knowledge that Aleister Crowley did use drugs recreationally, medicinally and for spiritual practices, Aleister Crowley (Crowley, Wilkinson & Beta, 1996) said that Drunkeness is a curse and a hindrance only to slaves. Shelleys couriers were drunk on the wind of their own speed. Anyone who is doing his true Will is drunk with the delight of Life. He furthermore admonished addicts by saying All restrictions on vice, such as on the manufacture & sale of drink, to be abolished. Let Nature purge the race of the fools & weaklings. But punish with greater severity all injuries done to others by drunkards, libertines, and the


like. Also, consider the Church of Satans Policy on Drug Abuse (Church of Satan, 2008): Since survival is the highest law, the Satanist will not ruin or poison his or her body, even if it is legal to do so. This is an important distinction. Self-destructive, suicidal hedonismvia whatever meansis ultimately un-Satanic as it threatens the very thing a Satanist holds most dear: his own life. There is no mystical Scoreboard in the Sky dictating whether such an act is Wrong or Right; it simply IS, and dead brain cells, blackened lungs and non-functional livers are not a matter of opinion. There are those who would try to convince you that our founder, Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey, had a more tolerant attitude toward illegal street drugs than that of the current Church of Satan administrationor that Dr. LaVey wasnt always against drug use and came to this position later in his life. Thanks to the large body of writings and interviews which he left for us, that is easily disproved. We will not go into his various writings because the focus of this paper is on Aleister Crowley and L Ron Hubbard but this was cited to prove a point. Even among groups that unequivocally identify themselves as Satanist, they do not believe in excessive drug use. Furthermore, the Church of Satan has a much stricter view on drugs than Ordo Templi Orientis, talking about how the Satanist would never indulge in what they refer to as suicidal hedonism. L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. has a variety of tales to tell regarding the experiences he underwent at the hands of his father. According to an


interview he gave in Penthouse Magazine (Inside The Church of Scientology: An Exclusive Interview with L. Ron Hubbard, Jr., 1983, June), his bubble gum was laced with phenobarbital by his father in order to get his son in tune with his black-magic worship. The article goes on further to comment that drugs were an important part of Ron Jr.s growing up, as his father believed that they were the best way to get closer to Satan the Antichrist of black magic.


7 References

Church of Satan, The. (2008). Church of Satan Policy on Drug Abuse. Retrieved January 26, 2012 Corydon, B. (1987). L. Ron Hubbard: Messiah or Madman. N.p.: Barricade Books. Crowley, A., Wilkinson, L., & Beta, H. (1996). The Law is For All. N.p.: Thelema Media. Inside The Church of Scientology: An Exclusive Interview with L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. (1983, June). Penthouse Magazine. LaVey, A. S. (1970). The Satanic Witch. Port Townsend, WA: Feral House. U.S. Grand Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis. (n.d.). Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved January 26, 2012, from

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