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Sierra Lutheran Church Summer Schedule One Service 9:00 am Using our traditions to worship & honor God today come celebrate all together!


Presidents July Letter


One of the great benefits of being retired is the time I can spend doing nothing but thinking. Some of these thoughts have been returning along with my late evenings insomnia. No phone calls regarding these subjects, please. They are simply some of my random thoughts. 1. The Federal definition of poverty for a family of three is now $47,700 a year. For a work year of 2,200 hours that comes out to a job earning $21.68 per hour. I wonder why that is defined as poverty. 2. I recently read that for all births given by 30 year olds and younger, 50% are now out of wedlock. I wonder why this is happening and who is paying for the results. 3. One of the groups demanding that the cross be taken down from Mount Soledad in San Diego is the Jewish war veterans. I wonder when was the last time the Christian war veterans demanded that the Ten Commandants be taken down from any government building. 4. A grandmother was recently a victim of bullying while she was serving as a bus monitor. I wonder if the administration will legislate a ban on grandmother bullying. 5. The secretary of defense recently proudly announced that June 21 was national recognition for LGBT members of the military. I wonder when he will proudly announce a national recognition day for straight members of our armed forces. 6. Global warming reportedly is causing high temperatures across California. I wonder why the typical high temperatures were set in the 1920s (112 in 1925 for June 26.) 7. As I drive to church each Sunday, I notice that the Latter Day Saints church parking lot looks like the front of a Walmart store on a sale day. I wonder what they are doing that is so successful that most other churches are not. OK, so there may not be any good answers for these random thoughts. So let me change to subjects that do have answers, and may your summer be less stressful. 1. Pastor Carl will be serving us through the month of August. He is then off for another grandbabys birth. We will have another Supply Pastor as a replacement. 2. Our Call Committee for our new pastor to be has been selected by the Administrative Board and the list forwarded to the Elders for concurrence. 3. STEWARDSHIP! A fund has been established for financially supporting the hiring of our new pastor. Help Sierra Lutheran with your financial gifts to allow our church and foothill community meet this critical goal of finding our Shepherd. 4. Got any thoughts or suggestions regarding our single service Sundays? Please bring them to any of our Elders for a solution rather than holding them to your chest. 5. Need a BBQ event catered? I suggest you seek out Jim Markus and his crew for your needs. Although not an official SLC program, they can really cook up some mean BBQ! Your party can be fun, delicious, and easy. These men can cook! Jerry Garwick Admin Board President and Your Brother in Christ


We have been and will be a very busy Kitchen team.

Red, White and Blue Strawberry Shortcake

Original Recipe Yield 1 - 9x13 inch cake

June 23We catered a BBQ for Jeff and Tam Sanders family reunion at Shaver. We had a fun time doing their dinner. July 1We will have an ICE CREAM SOCIAL after our one service Sunday. July 5The kitchen team will meet at the kitchen at 7:00 P.M. July 21We will be catering another BBQ to celebrate a very important anniversary. TO KNOW AND SERVE JESUS CHRIST THROUGH HIS KITCHEN: John 21: 16 17 Happy 4th of JULY Shirley Markus


1 (18.25 ounce) package yellow cake mix 1 (8 ounce) container frozen whipped topping, thawed 1 pint blueberries, rinsed and drained 2 pints fresh strawberries, rinsed and sliced


Prepare cake according to package directions and bake in a 9x13 inch pan. Cool completely. 2. Frost cake with whipped topping. Place blueberries in a square in the corner, and arrange sliced strawberries as stripes to make an American flag. Chill until serving.

Church Administrator Report: Please refer to SLC Council Minutes, Minutes attached with Newsletter. If you have problems opening newsletter or minutes hard copies are in the Narthex.


I just wanted to say thank you to my church family and friends for being there for me after my surgery. The daily phone calls, food, rides, doing my laundry and taking my trash out and most of all the prayers. I cannot tell you how much love I felt and it really got me through some rough time. I asked God to bless each one of you and show you favor. See you all soon. With much love and appreciation Sallie Karp

Worship Assistants Schedule Everyone should check out the schedule for July I have combined the previous 8:30am/11:00am people into one wonderful group for 9:00am services. Just another great detail with our summer schedule all of us together! We had a smaller group of people that signed up for this Worship Assistant season so I have been putting people in multiple spots during some months. Now I have more people available to use for the one service. A big THANKS to all of you for being willing to help and flexible to change when needed. You are all AWESOME!! Shelley Telles


Patriotic Greetings from the Outreach Team! Hooray for the Red White and Blue and One Nation Under God!!
Summer is here and I hope that each of you who are reading this is having a great summer, filled with quiet time reserved for God as well as special time with family and friends. It is important to seek out quiet times, as it is in these times the Lord is ready with open arms and a listening ear. I hope that you were able to enjoy the Outreach goodies at church during the month of June. We felt it was time to GIVE back to all of you as you have been so generous to help us in our monthly projects. We also wanted to give Jerry Garwick some time off as he has graciously provided many of us with breakfast for a very long time. Thank you again Jerry. June 27th we distributed summer toys, games, and books to the children of families coming to the Food Bank. We started this project last year and it was so successful that I thought we should continue this summer as well. Thank you's go out to all who helped out with this project. Summer can be very long for some of our mountain children , so the little gifts were a welcome surprise. I am reminded over and over again that mission work is important in our community and this was a wonderful way to bring some extra fun to some of our "neighbor children." The Outreach project for July will be the collection of School Supplies. School starts up in mid August so this project fits in well for our July 25th distribution at the Food Bank. This was a huge success last summer. Please be on the look out for school supplies and leave them in the box labeled SCHOOL SUPPLIES that is in the narthex. You can leave them there until the 22nd of July. School supplies add up, especially if a family has a large number of children, so any help with this project will be money well spent. I am still volunteering at Wish - i Ah and loving it. I am still hoping that some of you might also be willing to donate some time there. The patients are so loving and appreciate being visited so much. Many of them have no one who comes to see them. If you find that you might be willing to help out, even once a month, please contact me. Again, this is missionary work right here with souls who need to hear the word of God while having someone just "be with them." I am still always looking for magazines too. The patients love to look at these! I try to bring a little something each time I come and they seem so excited with even the tiniest of gifts. Before the summer is over I hope a group of us can go over and sing to them as well. They light up when they hear music and many join right in. In closing, I will put in an ad for Tollberry Theatre's "1776." We have finished our first week of performing, but you still have a chance to catch the close of the show. We will be having a matinee at the SHS PC at 1 pm on the 4th of July!! Plan to come and witness "History Alive!" This musical is fantastic and should not be missed. Ask Fran or Jerry Garwick what they thought of the performance. Fran is still smiling as she won the raffle the night she came. On the 4th there will be a HUGE raffle and then all the winners of the previous raffles will be put in one container and a special drawing will be held. That person will win their very own theatrical seat with their name engraved on the back of their chair! This is a $145.00 prize!! All proceeds go back to the high school!! With the tough times our school district is facing we each need to do our part to support our local students. Here is a perfect way to do so and have a fun time close to home! Adult tickets are $12.00 and students are $8.00. See you there, and yes, I will be happy to sign autographs!!! May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13 Lynda Qualls Outreach Team Leader


One Sunday morning, a mother went in to wake her son and tell him it was time to get ready for church, to which he replied, Im not going. Why not? she asked. Ill give you two good reasons, he said. (1). They dont like me, and (2), I dont like them. His mother replied, Ill give you two good reasons why you SHOULD go to church: (1) Youre 59 years old, and (2) youre the pastor!

Health Matters: First Aid Kit

As a young mother of three active kids and the aunt of four more, I encountered many skinned knees, cuts, scrapes and other minor injuries. My family members tested my resilience by holding a smashed thumb, gaping wound or other trauma about 3 inches from my face. They just wanted to see if I would jump in horror from the latest wound. I didnt flinch and they finally learned how to take a less dramatic approach with their own families. For the less lethal injuries, I usually had bandaids in my handbag. That may not be the case with other moms and dads, though, so I assembled a First Aid Kit to keep in the office after July 1, 2012. I want to stress that this is only a First Aid Kit and not a lifesaving kit. It is for scrapes, minor cuts and other slight injuries. I ordered a First Aid Kit through Red Cross but I dont know when it will arrive. In the meantime, our kit will be in a cupboard in the workroom. Let me stress the very first thing about treating injuries. If you find someone laying on the ground or looking like they are in distress, do the classic look, listen and feel of Basic Life Support. Call 911 if they are in trouble. When checking a scraped knee or hand, wash the area first with soap & water to remove dirt and debris before applying any ointment or bandaids. Ointments are handy but run the risk of sealing in bacteria & dirt so avoid using them if youre not sure you were able to clean the wound as well as you should. Be sure to remind the victim to check the injury upon getting home and cleaning the wound well. Our daughter, Kristin (also an RN & schoolteacher) is the mother of 3 soccer-playing kids. I am in awe of her technique when a scraped shin or other body part is presented to her by one of her kids. She simply says, Are you bleeding? Then if not, she says, it will feel better soon. Why didnt I think of that? Please call if you have any questions. My new cell is 765-7364; home is still 323-6603. Fran Garwick, Nurse Practitioner



July 2012 Worship Assistants July 1

Altar Guild Greeters Shelley/Susan Jerry & Fran

*all services at 9:00am*

July 22
Shelley Steve & Jennifer

July 8
Shelley Pam & Joyce R.

July 15
Shelley/Susan Gloria & Fern

July 29
Shelley Shirley & Shelley


Dave & Joni & Bob David J

Chris & Stan & Fern Nordine ???

Dave Mc & Bev & David B Alan

Alan & Sue & Jerry Lynda ???

David J & Becki & Mike Jennifer ??? Sam/Shelley

Readers Gods Word Computer Communion Assistants Prayer Stations





John & Lori Fran w/pastor & Fern Yes

Mike & Chris Lynda w/pastor & Joyce R Yes

If you are unable to serve when scheduled please ask one of the other assistants to trade dates or provide a substitution for you, and notify Worship Coordinator Shelley Telles (855-5703) of the change.


Sun 1
Summer Schedule 9:00 am Service After Service Ice Cream Social

Mon 2
3:15-7:30 pm Freefalling (Middle & Senior High Ministry Youth Room Mike Jolley Birthday Mary Ann Price - Birthday

Tue 3
6:00 am Mens Bible Study WorkroomSimpson

~ July 2012 ~ Wed 4

12:00 Noon Mens Bible Study Garwick @ Big Ds 6:30 pm Life Group Pape Home

Thu 5
6:30 pm Praise Team Sanctuary 7:00 pm - Kitchen Team Meeting David & Jeanie Taylor Bookwalter Anniversary Renae Hard - Birthday

Fri 6 7


Tanner Hess - Birthday

Bev McCann - Birthday

Summer Schedule 9:00 am Service

3:15-7:30 pm Freefalling (Middle & Senior High Ministry Youth Room Joe Beck - Birthday

6:00 am Mens Bible Study WorkroomSimpson

12:00 Noon Mens Bible Study Garwick @ Big Ds 6:30 pm Life Group Pape Home

6:30 pm Praise Team Sanctuary


Josephs Storehouse 9:00 am 11:00 am

Vacation Bible School Meeting After Service Room 2

Summer Schedule 9:00 am Service

3:15-7:30 pm Freefalling (Middle & Senior High Ministry Youth Room Tim Crow - Birthday

6:00 am Mens Bible Study WorkroomSimpson

12:00 Noon Mens Bible Study Garwick @ Big Ds 6:30 pm Life Group Pape Home

6:30 pm Praise Team Sanctuary Jeanie Taylor Bookwalter Birthday Mandi Coburn Birthday



Summer Schedule 9:00 am Service

3:15-7:30 pm Freefalling (Middle & Senior High Ministry Youth Room Carole Actis - Birthday Vacation Bible School 9:00 am to Noon

6:00 am Mens Bible Study WorkroomSimpson

12:00 Noon Mens Bible Study Garwick @ Big Ds 6:30 pm Life Group Pape Home Food Bank 9:00 am 11:00 am Vacation Bible School 9:00 am to Noon

6:30 pm Praise Team Sanctuary



Vacation Bible School 9:00 am to Noon

Vacation Bible School 9:00 am to Noon

Summer Schedule 9:00 am Service

3:15-7:30 pm Freefalling (Middle & Senior High Ministry Youth Room



Michael Austin Birthday Morgan Austin Birthday

10 | P a g e

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