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Mt s thut ng vit tt trong tim mch

Mt s thut ng vit tt trong tim mch: RTC: rung tm trng

CIA: thng lin nh

CIV: thng lin tht

PDA patent ductus arteriosus cn ng ng mch

NYHA new york heart association

sng f (trong rung nh) fibrillation

AR aortic regurgitation h ch AS aortic stenosis hp ch

ASA atrial septal aneurysm phnh vch lin nh ASD atrial septal defect khuyt tt vch lin nh

AV atrioventricular nh tht

BDG bidirectional Glenn operation

BP blood pressure huyt p

BVH biventricular hypertrophy

CAD coronary artery disease bnh ng mch vnh CHD congenital heart disease (or defect) bnh/khuyt tt tim bm sinh

CHF congestive heart failure bnh tim mc phi COA coarctation of the aorta hp M ch

DORV double outlet right ventricle

ECD endocardial cushion defect ECG electrocardiograph or electrocardiographic in tm

echo echocardiography or echocardiographic siu m tim

EF ejection fraction

HCM hypertrophic cardiomyopathy bnh c tim ph i HOCM hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy bnh c tim tt nghn

HLHS hypoplastic left heart syndrome

ICD implantable cardioverter-defibrillator

IVC inferior vena cava xong TM ch trn LA left atrium or left atrial nh tri

LAD left axis deviation trc in tim tri LAH left atrial hypertrophy ph i nh tri

LBBB left bundle branch block bloc nhnh tri b his LPA left pulmonary artery M phi tri

LV left ventricle or ventricular tht tri

LVH left ventricular hypertrophy ph i tht tri

LVOT left ventricular outflow tract

MAPCAs multiple aortopulmonary collateral arteries MPA main pulmonary artery ng mch ph chnh

MR mitral stenosis hp 2 l

MVP mitral valve prolapse sa van 2 l

PA pulmonary artery or arterial

PAPVR partial anomalous pulmonary venous return

PBF pulmonary blood flow

PFO patent foramen ovale

PPHN persistent pulmonary hypertension of newborn PR pulmonary regurgitation h van M phi

PS pulmonary stenosis hp M phi

PVC premature ventricular contraction

PVOD pulmonary vascular obstructive disease

PVR pulmonary vascular resistance RA right atrium or atrial nh phi

RAD right axis deviation trc phi RAH right atrial hypertrophy ph i nh phi

RBBB right bundle branch block bloc nhnh phi b his RPA right pulmonary artery M phi phi

RV right ventricle or ventricular tht phi

RVH right ventricular hypertrophy ph i tht phi

RVOT right ventricular outflow tract S1 first heart sound ting T1

S2 second heart sound ting T2 S3 third heart sound ting T3

S4 fourth heart sound ting T4 SBE subacute bacterial endocarditis vim ni tm mc nhim khun bn cp

SEM systolic ejection murmur thi tm thu

SVC superior vena cava

SVT supraventricular tachycardia

TAPVR total anomalous pulmonary venous return

TGA transposition of the great arteries

TOF tetralogy of Fallot t chng fallot

TR tricuspid regurgitation

VSD ventricular septal defect khuyt tt vch ln tht

WPW Wolff-Parkinson-White

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