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The Way to God

by John Paily

Can God be known by studying scriptures, going to Churches, Temples, Mosques --, by giving animal sacrifices, by giving money and offering to Churches, Temples and Mosques --? If this were true, why did Christ select ordinary people to speak the Truth, entrust them to spread Good News. Scriptures speak that God cannot be sought by any means. But He comes to us and speak to us or selects people to speak for Him and work for Him. He manifest for a purpose. The reason why Christ selected ordinary people is that, every time a religion is formed out of Truth or God manifested, Truth gets hidden. This is natural process that occurs in time. Spirituality is powerful institution, so the evils enter the realm of spirituality in order to rule the people. Our social institution, has four component parts. The spiritualist or Light or knowledge bearers, who are supposed to lead the other four components, the rulers [ Kings and politician] traders and common man. Judgment invariably means there exist, good and bad priests or spiritualist, good and bad kings or politicians, good and bad traders and good and bad common man. Bible says in the beginning everything was good. God created Human in His image. This variably means human was filled with Light and Knowledge of God. Having given the knowledge, God gave dominion to Adam and Eve to rule. The fall begins with, angels of God or Gods own people, who forgot their King and began to express their "self". The Eve's mind was manipulated by these God's people who fell from Grace of God. Eve in turn manipulated, Adam's mind to eat the forbidden fruit. Thus Gods own people, falling for Satan of "self", works on ordinary people's mind creating their kingdoms breaking God's kingdom. This gives rise to religions in the name of God and they live on peoples sweat and build their kingdom and work exploit people to build. They form the biggest hurdle in human search for Truth and liberation or Salvation. Every time God's people fall, the Light or knowledge deteriorates and darkness begins to engulf the humanity. God pays the price to sustain the system. God is not only Love and Faith, but He is also Truth and Justice. He creates by Love and Faith through Free will, but sustains through Truth and Justice. The Vedas tells us that Truth and Justice deteriorates, in four quantum proportions forming the Universal Time Cycle - The Golden age,

Silver age, Bronze age and Iron age. In all these ages, at critical state, God manifests to defend Truth and Justice. He also send messengers and prophets to warn us. History speaks of Lord manifesting to speak peace and eventually lead the war for Justice and Truth. Indian history speaks of Lord Rama and Krishna leading war for Justice and Truth. Bible tells us that by the time Christ manifested there was none who could be justified before God. Thus death becomes inevitable reality. The only way for the Creator is to recreate or conquer time and restore it to the initial state. This secret of recreation and restoration is happening through Calvary sacrifice. This secret can be understood when we look to the universe as living being. God manifested on earth and made the "self-sacrifice" so that that He can transform the whole system and give it New Life and Install it into New Time Cycle. At Calvary He exposed His Heart to win the battle against evil. He ensured the New Seed of Life with in the womb of darkness. At the Pentecostal day as He descended as Spirit, He gave the power for the seed to grow from within. His Second Coming would be revelation of His mind and knowledge, that could help us break the barriers of religion to know the Truth or knowledge to survive. The only way to get to God is to die to "self" to get illuminated by His mind
Date 15/08/2012

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