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Carry a Big Stick: The Uncommon Heroism of Theodore Roosevelt Reading Notes Read through the definitions before

reading the chapter. Each chapter opens with a quote from Theodore Roosevelt; use the quote for that days Copywork. Part I: The Life of Theodore Roosevelt A Bull Moose Emcee--a person in charge of the proceedings at an event or entertainment Intoxicating--capable of making somebody intensely excited or overjoyed, often so much so that the person becomes irrational Charisma-- the ability to inspire enthusiasm, interest, or affection in others by means of personal charm or influence A Slow Start Burgher-the-scion-- a citizen, especially a prosperous or conservative member of the middle class Mercantilism-- an early modern European economic theory and system that actively supported the establishment of colonies that would supply materials and markets and relieve home nations of dependence on other nations Agrarianism-- a political movement or philosophy that promotes the interests of the farmer, especially the redistribution of land owned by the rich or government Sophistication-- a combination of worldly wisdom, self-confidence, and refinement in a person Clandestine-- needing to be concealed, usually because it is illegal or unauthorized Contraband-- goods that are illegally imported or exported, e.g. goods that evade duty or are prohibited by law from being taken into or out of a country Precipitous-- very high and steep Tenacity-- tending to stick firmly to any decision, plan, or opinion without changing or doubting it Piazzain this context, a veranda or porch Precocious Youth Asthma-- a disease of the respiratory system, sometimes caused by allergies, with symptoms including coughing, sudden difficulty in breathing, and a tight feeling in the chest Sagacious-- having or based on a profound knowledge and understanding of the world combined with intelligence and good judgment Prodigious-- great in amount, size, or extent Insatiable-- always needing more and impossible to satisfy Humanitarian-- committed to improving the lives of other people Philanthropic-- showing kindness, charitable concern, and generosity toward other people Integrated-- bringing together processes or functions that are normally separate Cohesive-- sticking, holding, or working together as a united whole

The Harvard Dandy Prestigiousimportant, impressive, esteemed Sagewise Extra-curricularmore than usual, over and above the usual amount of schoolwork Intramural--occurring within, or involving members of, a single school, college, or institution Raconteur--somebody who tells stories or anecdotes in an interesting or entertaining way Dandy--characteristic of a man who is excessively concerned with his elegant appearance Paragon--somebody or something that is the very best example of something Vim--exuberant vitality and energy Peritonitis--inflammation of the membrane that lines the abdomen Crenelations-- decorative features resembling battlements Fairy Tale Love Verboseusing too many words A Reformers Zeal Harbinger--somebody or something that foreshadows or anticipates a future event Scintillating--possessing or displaying a dazzlingly impressive liveliness, cleverness, or wit Scrutiny--close, careful, and thorough examination or inspection Wheeling and dealingbehaving in an aggressive, flamboyant way, as in arranging business or political deals Mugwumpa Republican who refused to support the party ideas and plans Progressiveone who favors political reform Punditexpert Prognosticatorsomeone who predicts the future Idealisticunrealistic and impractical Quixoticfoolishly idealistic Credobeliefs, doctrine Tragedy Renalof or near the kidneys Go West Young Man Astuteshrewd, smart Liabilityproblem Stigmasomething that detracts from the reputation of a person Effeminacybeing effeminate, like a woman, unmanly, timid or weak Destiny Fulfilled Anemic-- pale and not looking well, pale and not looking well Whilomformerly A Political Quest

Demagogue-- a political leader who gains power by appealing to people's emotions, instincts, and prejudices in a way that is considered manipulative and dangerous Indolence-- lethargic and not showing any interest or making any effort Fiefdom-- something, e.g. territory or a sphere of activity, that is controlled or dominated by a particular person or group Prostitution-- the act of engaging in sexual intercourse or performing other sex acts in exchange for money, or of offering another person for such purposes Forensicshaving to do with the application of scientific, especially medical, knowledge to legal matters, as in the investigation of crime Rap sheet-- a list of somebody's past arrests and the disposition of charges Rough Rider Munitions-- military supplies, e.g. weapons and ammunition Detachment(here) a military unit separated from its normal, larger unit for special duties A Political Accident Gubernatorial-- relating to, involving, or associated with a governor Bureaucratic-- relating to the way administrative systems are organized Anarchist-- somebody who believes that governments should be abolished as unnecessary, and who tries to overthrow a government or behaves in a lawless way TR: Rex Brouhaha-- a noisy commotion or uproar, public outcry of criticism or protest A Restless Heart Pandemic-- a disease or condition that is found in a large part of a population 1912 Finagling-- to trick, cheat, or manipulate somebody in order to obtain or achieve something Years of Exile Rheumatism-- a painful condition of the joints or muscles in which neither infection nor injury is a contributing cause Gout-- a metabolic disorder mainly affecting men in which excess uric acid is produced and deposited in the joints, causing painful swelling, especially in the toes and feet Vindication Pauper-- a very poor person Pedestrianordinary Bard-- a poet, especially one of national importance Socialism-- a political theory or system in which the means of production and distribution are controlled by the people and operated according to equity and fairness rather than market principles Part II: The Character of Theodore Roosevelt His Family

Victorian-- relating to, belonging to, or characteristic of the reign of the British Queen Victoria Menagerie-- a collection of wild animals kept in captivity for the curiosity and entertainment of the public, sometimes as part of a traveling show Albeiteven though His Father Tangible-- able to be touched or perceived through the sense of touch Progenitor-- the originator of or original model for something The Strenuous Life Manifestation-- the condition of being shown or being perceptible The Great Outdoors Disabuse-- to tell somebody or make somebody realize that an idea is not true Incumbent-- necessary as a result of a duty, responsibility, or obligation Environmentalism-- the movement, especially in politics and consumer affairs, that works toward protecting the natural world from harmful human activities An Appetite for Learning Subtle-- slight and not obvious Rhetoric-- speech or writing that communicates its point persuasively Logic-- philosophy the branch of philosophy that deals with the theory of deductive and inductive arguments and aims to distinguish good from bad reasoning Musingsthoughts Sociology-- the study of the origin, development, and structure of human societies and the behavior of individual people and groups in society Ornithologista person who studies birds Story-Teller Elephantineenormous Monologuea long speech by one actor or person Good Deeds Fanatical-- excessively enthusiastic about a particular belief, cause, or activity Fringe(here) members of a group or organization who hold views not representative of the group and usually more extreme Ivory tower-- a state or situation in which somebody is sheltered from the practicalities or difficulties of ordinary life

Reformer Clarion callan urgent call to action (a clarion was a medieval trumpet with a clear highpitched tone)

Pugilistsomeone who practices boxing Aplomb-- confidence, skill, and poise, especially in difficult or challenging circumstances Eugenics-- the proposed improvement of the human species by encouraging or permitting reproduction of only those people with genetic characteristics judged desirable. It has been regarded with disfavor since the Nazi period. Segregation-- the practice of keeping ethnic, racial, religious, or gender groups separate, especially by enforcing the use of separate schools, transportation, housing, and other facilities, and usually discriminating against a minority group Socialism Monopoly--a situation in which one company controls an industry or is the only provider of a product or service Secularism--the belief that God should have no part in political or civic affairs or in running public institutions, especially schools Cult--a system of religious beliefs regarded as misguided, unorthodox, extremist, or false, often directed by a charismatic, authoritarian leader who does not allow a person to freely or easily leave the group if they decide they no longer believe what is taught Fascism--any movement, ideology, or attitude that favors dictatorial government, centralized control of private enterprise, repression of all opposition, and extreme nationalism Coerce--to make somebody do something against his or her will by using force or threats Capitalism--an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods, characterized by a free competitive market and motivation by profit Proliferationreproduce greatly and rapidly Messianic--relating or belonging to an inspirational leader, especially one claiming to be or regarded as a savior or liberator. (From Messiah, which is Hebrew for Savior) Efficacyeffectiveness Bully Pulpit Grassroots--the ordinary people in a community or the ordinary members of an organization, as opposed to the leadership Gridlock--a situation in which no progress can be made Herculeanphenomenal, extra special The Common Man Floraplant life Faunaanimal life

Humility Sycophant--a servile or obsequious person who flatters somebody powerful for personal gain Prodigy--somebody who shows an exceptional talent at an early age

Savant--a wise or scholarly person War and Peace Paradox--a statement or proposition that contradicts itself Science Protozoan--a single-celled organism that can move and feeds on organic compounds of nitrogen and carbon, e.g. an amoeba. Accouterments--an accessory or piece of equipment associated with a specific object, task, or role Ethos--the fundamental and distinctive character of a group, social context, or period of time, typically expressed in attitudes, habits, and beliefs The South Reconstruction--the period of U.S. history from 1865 through 1877, during which the states that had seceded during the Civil War were reorganized under federal control and later restored to the Union Secession--the withdrawal from the Union of 11 Southern States in 1860-1861 that led to the formation of the Confederacy and the beginning of the Civil War Humor Jocularityfond of joking Yellow journalism--a style of journalism that makes unscrupulous use of scandalous, lurid, or sensationalized stories to attract readers. Courage Zeppelin--a rigid cylindrical airship consisting of a covered frame and a suspended compartment for engines and passengers Infinitesimaltiny Daisa raised platform at the end of a hall or large room Failure Harangue--to criticize or question somebody, or try to persuade somebody to do something in a forceful angry way Recriminationan accusation made against somebody who has brought a previous accusation Friendship Button-holed--to be compelled byl somebody to listen to them with no avenue of escape

A Pro-Life Stalwart Hierarchy--ranks of power and seniority Prenatal--existing or happening during pregnancy but before childbirth Infanticide--the act of killing an infant

Enervation--to weaken somebody's physical, mental, or moral vitality Invective--abusive or violent language used to attack, blame, or denounce somebody Sentimentalappealing to tender feelings Debauch--to persuade somebody to behave in an immoral way Blight--something that spoils or damages things severely Progressive Urbanization--to make an area of countryside or a village into a town or part of one or to make a country person move to the city Industrialization--to adapt a country or group to industrial methods of production and manufacturing, with all the accompanying social changes, or to be adapted in this way Direvery bad Disparatevery different Motley--consisting of people or things that are very different from one another and do not seem to belong together Aggregation--collected together from different sources and considered as a whole Prejudice Jingo--an extreme patriot, especially somebody who advocates hostility toward other countries Elitist--the belief that some people or things are inherently superior to others and deserve preeminence, preferential treatment, or higher rewards because of their superiority Equanimity--evenness of temper even under stress Anti-SemiteA person who dislikes and discriminates against Jews Niggera highly offensive term for a black person Melancholysadness Heroes Decorum--dignity or good taste that is appropriate to a specific occasion Bull Feathers Profanity--language or behavior that shows disrespect for God Nomenclature--a system of names assigned to objects or items in a particular science or art Ribald--humorous but rude and vulgar Expletivea swearword Faith Immutablenot able to be changed

The Bible Sniggering--to laugh disrespectfully in a covert way Heterodox--at variance with established or accepted beliefs or theories, especially in the field of religion

The Church Corporate--relating to or involving a group as a whole Bastion--a fortified place TR and FDR Polio--a severe infectious viral disease, usually affecting children or young adults, that inflames the brainstem and spinal cord, sometimes leading to loss of voluntary movement and muscular wasting Fundamental--relating to or affecting the underlying principles or structure of something Presuppositional--to make something necessary if a particular thing is to be shown to be true or false. The sentence "Fred loves his daughter" presupposes that Fred has a daughter Sagamore Hill Mecca--a place that is an important center for a particular activity or that is visited by a great many people Convalescerecuperate, to spend time recovering from an illness American Spirit Primordial--essential or basic to something Workaholismhaving a need to work all the time Ebullience--full of cheerful excitement or enthusiasm Part III: The Legacy of Theodore Roosevelt The Micah Mandate After youve read the chapter, memorize Micah 6:8 Justice Inextricably-- impossible to disentangle or undo Parameterlimitation or boundary, a fact or circumstance that restricts how something is done or what can be done Predilectiona special liking or preference for something After youve read the chapter, read the following verses and choose one of them to memorize: Proverbs 6:16-19; 10:27-32; 16:8; 21:21; 21:3

Mercy Silk-stocking idealismthe ideas or philosophy of the wealthy, who are so removed from the problems of real life that they dont realize their ideas are impractical and could not be accomplished in real life

Philanthropy-- a desire to improve the material, social, and spiritual welfare of humanity, especially through charitable activities After youve read the chapter, read the following verses and choose one of them to memorize: Proverbs 22:22-23; 24:11-2; 28:27; 29:7; 31:8-9 Humility Epistemology-- the branch of philosophy that studies the nature of knowledge, in particular its foundations, scope, and validity Soteriology-- the doctrine of salvation, especially the Christian doctrine of salvation through Jesus Christ After youve read the chapter, read the following verses and choose one of them to memorize: Proverbs 3:5,6; 9:10-12; 11:2; 21:30; 22:4; 26:12 Our Need Executant-- a skilled performer Armageddon-- in the Bible, the battle between the forces of good and evil that is predicted to mark the end of the world and precede the Day of Judgment Before you read the chapter: Read 2Kings 6:8-23 Read Revelation 16:12-16; 19:11-21 Study and narrate the last quote from TR. For an extra challenge, memorize it. Review Micah 6:8 and the three Bible sections/verses you memorized in the previous chapters

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