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A. Put the verbs in the brackets into The Simple Present Tense. No 1 is done for you (Ubah
kata kerja dalam kurung dalam Simple Present Tense No 1 dikerjakan untuk anda
sebagai contoh)
1. Mia (speak) five languages
Mia speaks five languages
2. Mr. William (smoke) twenty cigarettes everyday.
3. Mother (cook) for us everyday
4. Peter (watch) TV everynight
5. Andi (be) a police
6. They (swim) every Monday
B. Put in am-is-are or was were. No 1 is done for you
1. Yesterday she was at home, but now she is away.
2. They their office last week.
3. Today the weather ................................ nice.
4. I ........................... in hospital at 5 oclock yesterday.
5. This time Alex and Vina .............................. in Bali
6. Why ............................... you so pale two days ago?

C. Change to negative and interrogative sentence! Ubah ke kalimat negatif dan tanya!
1. Lucy went to Papua two years ago.
(-) .........................................................................................................................
2. They will watch movie tomorrow.
(-) .........................................................................................................................
3. Rose always comes on time.
(-) .........................................................................................................................
4. She is going home now.
(-) .........................................................................................................................
5. I am going to visit her next week.
(-) .........................................................................................................................

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