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1. Name & class of drug – generic and trade name.

GENERIC NAME: Dalteparin Sodium

CLASSIFICATION: blood formers, coagulators, and anticoagulants

2. Dose range and routes for adult & geriatric client.

PREPARATIONS: SC – (2500, 5000, 10000) IU/0.2 ml injections

DOSING: DVT Prophylaxis – ABD surgery – SC 2500 IU (16 mg) qd starting 1 – 2 hr prior to surgery and continuing for 5 –
10 d post op
DVT Prophylaxis – Total hip Arthroplasty – SC 2500 – 5000 IU qd starting 1 – 2 hr prior to surgery and continuing
for 5 – 14 d post op
Acute thromboembolism – SC 5000 IU bid for 3 – 6 months
Unstable angina/ non Q-wave MI – 120 IU/kg (max 10,000 IU) q12h

3. Purpose prescribed. Underline reason your client is prescribed drug.

THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS: anticoagulants, low molecular weight heparin

USES: prevention and Tx of DVT following hip or knee replacement or ABD surgery, instable angina, acute coronary

4. Major side effects & drug interactions.

DRUG INTERACTIONS: Aspiring, NSAIDs, Warfarin can increase risk of hemorrhage

SIDE EFFECTS: pain and inflammation at injection site, dizziness, headache, insomnia, N/V, thrombocytopenia
5. Nursing Implications & teaching.

• Alternate injection sites
• CBC with platelet count, urinalysis, and stool for occult blood should be tested throughout therapy
• Carefully monitor for and immediately report S&S of excessive antigoagulation or hemorrhage.
• Pt should be sitting or lying supine for injection.
• Inject deep SC with entire length of needle inserted into skin fold
• Hold skin folds gently during injection and do not rub site after injection

• Tell all your medical doctors and dentists that you are using this medicine .
• Check with your doctor immediately if you notice any of the following side effects:
o Bruising or bleeding, especially bleeding that is hard to stop. (Bleeding inside the body sometimes appears as
bloody or black, tarry stools or causes faintness.)
o Back pain; burning, pricking, tickling, or tingling sensation; leg weakness; numbness; paralysis; or problems
with bowel or bladder function.

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