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8th Grade Syllabus 2012-2013 Mrs. Williams * Room JHS 122 * 404-609-6332 @EPDWilliams * www.superfluousthought.wordpress.

com Course Description for 8th Grade: In English 8, students will grow in the following essential learnings: Writing, Reading, Responsibility, Collaboration and Participation, Presentation, Discussion, and Research. In order to provide a common lens for our practice in these areas, students will read Harper Lees To Kill A Mockingbird, Homers The Odyssey, Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet, and other common texts identified by individual teachers. This course is a graded and required course for every 8th grader at Westminster. Essential Learnings
Essential Learning Writing Description 6+1 Rubric used to grade writing in each category: Responsibility Participation & Collaboration Discussion Reading and Ideas Organization Voice Word Choice Sentence Fluency Conventions I turn in work on time. I complete work according to directions (emails included). I arrive on time, work on task and am prepared. I use technology responsibly, safely, and with learning as my goal. I am receptive to feedback and show growth in areas of weakness. I am organized I participate in class discussions without dominating. I focus the group by modeling positive behaviors. I balance leading and following well in group work. I include all group members in work. I can use evidence from the text or other facts to back up my thinking I can build on others comments I can participate without dominating I can use others names I can read for pleasure, with focus in 4 point scale: 1= not yet/ rarely 2= getting there/ seldom 3= on target/ usually 4= exceeds/ always Assessment (self, peer, teacher) 4 point scale for Writing

4 point scale: 1= not yet/ rarely 2= getting there/ seldom 3= on target/ usually 4= exceeds/ always 4 point scale: 1= not yet/ rarely 2= getting there/ seldom 3= on target/ usually 4= exceeds/ always 4 point scale:

Literary Devices

Sustained Silent Reading I can comprehend what I read I can annotate and scholarly read when necessary I can analyze what I read I can identify literary devices and understand how they add to the meaning of a text I can speak in front of an audience with good eye contact volume speed and tone I can demonstrate film presentation techniques in any video Camera Angles and Shot Set Up Volume/Music Costumes/Props I can use visual presentation techniques awareness of space Color Font Size I can research, practice technological Responsibility and ethics Plagiarism Copyright Online Safety/RUP Balanced Research

1= not yet/ rarely 2= getting there/ seldom 3= on target/ usually 4= exceeds/ always


4 point scale: 1= not yet/ rarely 2= getting there/ seldom 3= on target/ usually 4= exceeds/ always

Research and Digital Citizenship

4 point scale: 1= not yet/ rarely 2= getting there/ seldom 3= on target/ usually 4= exceeds/ always

Assessment: We use the 4 point scale because it is the most effective way to assess student work, but ultimately, the 4 point scale must be translated onto the 100 point scale. Working with math teachers on a translation table that illustrates the best translation possible, we have come up with the following scale: 4= 100 3= 88 2=73 1= 65 A students overall average will be communicated at the 5,9,15, and 18 week marks, which will be the average of that students grades in each category. To understand, read more here. Classroom Tools: Schoology - This site is where assignments and handouts will be posted. I will also have a calendar of the course and lesson plans. You should be able to find everything you need for the class on Schoology. Every child will have an individual login, and parents will be able to login as well. Westminster Google Docs/Forms/Sites- I keep an online version of every handout on google docs. In order to access the links to the forms on schoology, you must be logged in to Westminster Google. No one outside of the Westminster community can view anything posted here.

Blue Harvest Feedback- This is where I will provide written feedback to you about your progress in each of our essential learnings. You and your parents can sign up to receive email notifications each time something is posted in Blue Harvest. Westminster Outlook Email - for every paper, you will email me a copy of your paper and CC yourself so you know it was received. I will usually email you back and post your paper with comments on Blue Harvest in order to return it to you. Please be in the habit of checking your email once in the morning before school and once in the afternoon after school. I may ask you to check your email for something for my class, but otherwise, you should practice technological balance by only checking email at times you set aside for messaging that are not during class. All of these links will be added to Westminster Wildcat Web so that you can also access your information in one place if that is preferable to you. Daily Class Materials: Students do not need a notebook or paper for this class. The only class materials they will need are the following: their own fully charged computers and power cords, at least one pen or pencil, the books we will be reading in class, their SSR books for the week. Office Hours Check in: When you come to Office Hours, please sign in! This way I know that youve been there and can track with Mr. Cutbirth and Mrs. McMillan.

Honor Code, RUP, Code of Conduct: Students are expected to stand by the precepts of the school at all times in this class. 21st Century Learning for Life: Teaching Strategies - PBL (project and problem based learning) - direct instruction - group work on projects - individual work on writing - SSR - Sustained Silent Reading- for 30 minutes once a week. On the last day of class each week, students will bring in a physical book (no screens allowed) to read for pleasure. The last week of each month, students will be allowed to read online. Weekly Jobs As part of your responsibility for this class, you will participate in weekly jobs on a rotating basis. You will not have a job every week, more like once every three weeks or so. Bright Spotter- on day 4 of class, this student will report during the last 5 minutes of class on one learning bright spot that s/he saw during the week in another students learning. Tweet/Updater- on day 4 of class, this student will tweet (if s/he is a twitter user- use the hashtag #wmslearns) otherwise s/he will post an update on our schoology site, about one thing s/he learned this week. Time Keeper- every day, this student will let Mrs. Williams know when there are 5 minutes left in class. Im Reading- at the beginning of SSR, this student will have 2 minutes to tell the class about what s/he is reading for pleasure either inside of class or outside of class.

Student Progress Card- At each grading period, students will complete this student comment card, and below it will reflect on their progress in at least 2 of the essential learnings. While Blue Harvest Feedback will provide a narrative description for each child, the progress card will provide a numerical snapshot of where the student is in each essential learning at a given point in time.
Essential Learning Writing Description 6+1 Rubric used to grade writing in each category: Ideas Organization Voice Word Choice Sentence Fluency Conventions Assessment (S= self, T= teacher)

wk goal S T

5 2

9 2

12 3

18 3

Your writing score will be an average of your individual category scores.


I turn in work on time. I complete work according to directions (emails included). I arrive on time, work on task and am prepared. I use technology responsibly, safely, and with learning as my goal. I am receptive to feedback and show growth in areas of weakness. I participate in class without dominating. I focus the group by modeling positive behaviors. I balance leading and following well in group work. I include all group members in work. I listen to my peers.

wk goal S T

5 3

9 3

12 3

18 3

Participation & Collaboration

wk goal S T

5 NA

9 2

12 3

18 3


I can use evidence from the text or other facts to back up my thinking I can build on others comments I can participate without dominating I can use others names

wk goal S T

5 2

9 3

12 3

18 3

Reading and Literary Devices

I can read for pleasure, with focus in Sustained Silent Reading I can comprehend what I read I can annotate and scholarly read when necessary I can analyze what I read I can identify literary devices and understand how they add to the meaning of a text

wk goal S T

5 2

9 3

12 3

18 3


I can speak in front of an audience with good eye contact volume speed and tone I can demonstrate film presentation techniques in any video Camera Angles and Shot Set Up Volume/Music Costumes/Props I can use visual presentation techniques awareness of space Color Font Size I can research, practice technological Responsibility and ethics Plagiarism Copyright Online Safety/RUP

wk goal S T

5 2

9 2

12 3

18 3

Reserach and Digital Citizenship

wk goal S T

5 3

9 3

12 3

18 3

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