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climate (almanac) Casey Anderson [ME f. med.L almanac(h) f.

GK almenikhiaka] kitchen timer, resonator (as amplifier), and (perhaps) objects The following are words/phrases that one often sees when reading about almanacs: average, time (referring to a particular period), characteriz(ed)(ations), relative(ly), stable, regular, weather, movement, recurring, general, usual, dates, tables, information, heavenly If you have been here before, think back to a sound that you associate with this particular performance space. If you have not been here before, use this time to make an association about a sound and this performance space. In either case, use the previously mentioned list of words as a guide for your listening. When the kitchen timer stops, make your sound continuously, using whatever means necessary to represent it as accurately as possible. We will continue to make our sounds until they are all equal, i.e. until they blend together into one complex, unified sound (though they may all be different). Try to match your sound with those of the performance space and those made by others. For example: if you are the loudest person in the room, lower your volume. If you are inaudible, increase your volume (etc.). I think of this as a means of freezing time. (start timer)

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