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What radical climate change zealots don't want you to know...

After man learns to control earthquakes, volcanoes and other natural disasters can he even begin to think about controlling our climate. Climate change has been going on ever since the earth was formed and will continue until the sun cools or planet earth is destroyed. Forces outside of our control (e.g. the sun, solar wind, etc.) are the drivers and, at this time, there is nothing anyone can do about it. In lieu of instrumentation, ice cores provide one of the best methods for determining past climatic conditions. Even if the cavemen didn't have thermometers we can, with some degree of certainty, determine the climatic conditions they lived under. Ice cores have shown that our climate has undergone numerous changes long before the Industrial Revolution. Now there is nothing wrong with conservation but thinking it will solve anything is absurdsometimes it can create more problems than it solves. When you think of the enormity of the problem it's like pouring a teaspoon of salt into the ocean trying to change its salinity. In a couple of hundred or thousands of years all those contaminants will revert back to their basic elements. Whether man will be around to reap the benefits of nature's cleansing technology is uncertain.

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