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Case 1: In this case the sale has been made but the article is not in a state of possession hence

it is the cupid store which is liable to any loss which is being caused by theft. s Case 2: Their can be two scenarios 1. The invoice is made : If the invoice is made then the sale of the ring is made hence the ownership is with N and N is liable to any loss thereafter. 2. The invoice is not made: If the invoice is not made then the sale process is not complete and the loss will be borne by the Cupid store. Case 3: Their can be two scenarios 1. The invoice is made : If the invoice is made then the sale of the ring is made hence the ownership is with N and N is liable to any loss thereafter. Hence N will have to pay 60000 more. 2. The invoice is not made: If the invoice is not made then the sale process is not complete and the loss will be borne by the Cupid store.The cupid store will have to refund the 5000.

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