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Self-evaluation Complete the chart with the appropriate structure in the afirmative, negative and interrogative forms: SIMPLE

treballa + She works - She doesn't work Does she work? 1- Habits or routines (always, usually, often, hardly ever, sometimes, never, every day, once a week, twice a month, 3 times a week, ) 2- General truths 3- Permanent situations va treballar + PAST She .... + 1- Actions happening at a time in the past. (long actions) (while) 1- Actions that happened before a certain point in the past. CONTINUOUS est treballant / treballa + She .... - She .... 1- Actions happening at the moment. ( now, at the moment ) 2- Temporary actions (these days, this week, until next month) 3- Definite arrangements in the future (Diary="Agenda" ) (next Friday, on the 23rd of November) treballava / estava treballant + PERFECT ha treballat / treballa She ....


1- Unfinished actions (for, since) 2- Recent actions (just, recently) 3- Experiences (ever) 4- Actions with a result in the present (already + , yet -/?) havia treballat

1- Finished actions (yesterday, last year, when I was a child, )

treballar + She .... FUTURE 1- Spontaneous decisions (+ offers + promises) 2- Predictions based on your opinion. + -

estar treballant + -

haur treballat

1- Actions happening at a time in the future. (This time tomorrow. , In ten years time, .)

1- Actions that will be completed at a time in the future. (By the end of the week, By the time I'm twentyfive,)

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