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Maslows Hierarchy of Needs

In 1943, Abraham Maslow first published his famous Hierarchy of Needs to explain what energizes and directs human behavior. It is no accident that very successful brands, such as Coke, appeal too many of Maslows deficiency and growth needs and that these needs are linked to powerful emotions: Physiological Needs (Coca-Cola quenches thirst and hunger. It is delicious& refreshing.) Safety/Security Needs (Coca-Cola is safe to drink worldwide. Classic Coca-Cola.) Belongingness Needs (You are part of a large group of people who love Coca-Cola.) Esteem Needs (Coca-Cola is recognized as a premium soft drink worldwide. It also call to mind memories of special times and places.) Aesthetic Needs (All Coke ads and designs have a sense of order and beauty.) Self-actualization Needs (On the Coca-Cola web site, there are many stories on how It is unchanging:

Coca-Cola has deeply affected peoples lives)

Marketing Mix
Product Our selected product is Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola has different sizes. They have 1 liter glass bottle as well pet bottle. Coca-Cola also has 175 ml and 250ml glass bottles. In addition, they also have 1.5 liter of pet bottle and in the recent past they introduced into the market 2 liter pet bottle Coca-Cola. It has also 250ml of can Coca-Cola. What's in a Coca-cola??? Carbonated Water High Fructose Corn Syrup Caramel Color Phosphoric Acid Natural Flavors Caffeine

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