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-Congressman David Rivera has a 6 point advantage, 44%-38%, over his Democratic Challenger Joe Garcia, with 19% undecided -Mitt Romney has an 8 point advantage, 50%-42%, over President Barack Obama -Congressman David Rivera maintains overwhelming support among Cuban American Voters, where he leads Garcia 58%-20%. -Joe Garcias Cuba Policy stance is also an obstacle to his election prospects in the district. 46% of Cuban American voters have an unfavorable opinion of him compared to 27% of Cuban American Voters who view him favorably. -422 Likely voters were polled between 9/13-9/16. 234 interviews were conducted in English and 188 interviews were conducted in Spanish.

Likely Voters-Florida Congressional District 26

Frequency Table

If the election for U.S. president was today who would you vote for the Republican Mitt Romney or the Democrat Barak Obama? Frequency 213 177 32 422 Percent 50.5 41.9 7.6 100.0 Valid Percent 50.5 41.9 7.6 100.0 Cumulative Percent 50.5 92.4 100.0


Mitt Romney Barak Obama Undecided Total

If the election for Congress was today who would you vote for Republican David Rivera or the Democrat Joe Garcia Frequency 185 159 78 422 Percent 43.8 37.7 18.5 100.0 Valid Percent 43.8 37.7 18.5 100.0 Cumulative Percent 43.8 81.5 100.0


David Rivera Joe Garcia Undecided Total


David Rivera * ethnicity Crosstabulation ethnicity Other Latins 22 34.9% 13 20.6% 11 17.5% 3 4.8% 14 22.2% 63 100.0%

David Rivera

Strongly Favorable Favorable Unfavorable Strongly Unfavorable No OpinionRefused


Count % within ethnicity Count % within ethnicity Count % within ethnicity Count % within ethnicity Count % within ethnicity Count % within ethnicity

Cubans 39 25.7% 40 26.3% 15 9.9% 11 7.2% 47 30.9% 152 100.0%

Blacks 0 .0% 5 12.2% 15 36.6% 8 19.5% 13 31.7% 41 100.0%

Anglos 2 1.3% 33 21.3% 25 16.1% 21 13.5% 74 47.7% 155 100.0%

Others 1 9.1% 4 36.4% 2 18.2% 0 .0% 4 36.4% 11 100.0%

Total 64 15.2% 95 22.5% 68 16.1% 43 10.2% 152 36.0% 422 100.0%

Joe Garci a * e thnicity Crossta bul ation ethnicity Ot her Latins 2 3.2% 7 11.1% 32 50.8% 4 6.3% 18 28.6% 63 100.0%

Joe Garcia

St rongly Favorable Favorable Unfavorable St rongly Unfavorable No OpinionRefused


Count % within ethnic ity Count % within ethnic ity Count % within ethnic ity Count % within ethnic ity Count % within ethnic ity Count % within ethnic ity

Cubans 10 6.6% 32 21.1% 36 23.7% 34 22.4% 40 26.3% 152 100.0%

Blacks 7 17.1% 20 48.8% 3 7.3% 2 4.9% 9 22.0% 41 100.0%

Anglos 6 3.9% 46 29.7% 29 18.7% 11 7.1% 63 40.6% 155 100.0%

Ot hers 1 9.1% 4 36.4% 1 9.1% 0 .0% 5 45.5% 11 100.0%

Total 26 6.2% 109 25.8% 101 23.9% 51 12.1% 135 32.0% 422 100.0%

f the election for U.S. president was today who would you vote for the Republican Mitt Romney or the Democrat Barak Obama? * ethnicity Crosstabulation ethnicity Other Latins 39 61.9% 20 31.7% 4 6.3% 63 100.0%

If the election for U.S. president was today who would you vote for the Republican Mitt Romney or the Democrat Barak Obama? Total

Mitt Romney Barak Obama Undecided

Count % within ethnicity Count % within ethnicity Count % within ethnicity Count % within ethnicity

Cubans 100 65.8% 33 21.7% 19 12.5% 152 100.0%

Blacks 0 .0% 40 97.6% 1 2.4% 41 100.0%

Anglos 68 43.9% 79 51.0% 8 5.2% 155 100.0%

Others 6 54.5% 5 45.5% 0 .0% 11 100.0%

Total 213 50.5% 177 41.9% 32 7.6% 422 100.0%

If the election for Congress was today who would you vote for Republican David Rivera or the Democrat Joe Garcia * ethnicity Crosstabulation ethnicity Other Latins 37 58.7% 12 19.0% 14 22.2% 63 100.0%

If the election for Congress was today who would you vote for Republican David Rivera or the Democrat Joe Garcia Total

David Rivera Joe Garcia Undecided

Count % within ethnicity Count % within ethnicity Count % within ethnicity Count % within ethnicity

Cubans 88 57.9% 30 19.7% 34 22.4% 152 100.0%

Blacks 3 7.3% 36 87.8% 2 4.9% 41 100.0%

Anglos 53 34.2% 77 49.7% 25 16.1% 155 100.0%

Others 4 36.4% 4 36.4% 3 27.3% 11 100.0%

Total 185 43.8% 159 37.7% 78 18.5% 422 100.0%

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