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Mediation and Truth

In a complicated world, sometimes we need to reflect on our lives. To evaluate our strengths and to rectify our weakness are essential activities of a progressive human being. Our world is uncertain on numerous dimensions. On other hand, the vitality of the human rights movement is a valuable access to our spiritual, political, and social development. There is drama that unambiguously persists. Henceforth, real issues must be discussed. Although, I do believe in some relaxation and some humor in our lives. For our lives are not all encompass seriousness and a temporary time of fun or even reflection can reenergize our soul in order for us to fight for progressive reforms among the landscape of world society. We came a long way as human beings. Our ancestors fought for religious freedom, for civil rights, for the rights of women, and for other minorities plus others of every background. Still, we have a long way to go in order for us to reach that true diverse community that we all seek. We all seek a community where equality and tolerable treatment among fellow human beings becomes a reality. I am a controversial man at times. I write and say controversial commentaries from time to time. Yet, with a person like me, I am honest. I tell you how I feel about various issues without formal obfuscation. As time goes on in my life, I am learning new information and waking up about a lot of issues. So, our common goals aren't limited to a specific single issue. We want reforms among a variety of issues from workers' rights, environmental issues, and many social/economic issues. By nature, I am not a pessimistic man. I get that from my mother since she is a people person. I get my more competitive nature from my father. Henceforth, I have extremely high hopes for the future. I do believe that potentially the future will be better than past. Yet, realistically, we will have to fight for a better future. A social world revolution never comes easy

and it is our precise responsibility to help our neighbors. It is our fundamental duty for us to activate solutions to numerous complications. Some folks exploit the name of God as an excuse to support the tax breaks for the super wealthy. On the other hand, real people care about pollution in our Earth, the health care for human beings, and the preserving our civil liberties in spite living in a war mongering atmosphere. I enjoy respecting wisdom while rejecting buying materialistic goods as a means to act ignorant. There is a huge debate about voting, especially in my own people. I believe in voting and I will continue to believe in voting. A lot of individuals suffered water hoses, dog attacks, police brutality via police thugs, and even death, so that we can experience the right to vote. I voted before and I will continue to vote in the future. You have the right to vote for who you want to. Now, if your conscience feels like you can't vote for Mitt Romney or President Barack Obama (for whatever reason), then you can vote for a Third Party (or even use a write in candidate on the ballot). I am not Merlin, so I can't tell you who to vote for specifically, but vote your convictions and vote your conscience. In this new political era, the Democrats are just as reactionary and militaristic on foreign policy as the Republicans are. The Democrats executed not only drone attacks on sovereign nations. They bombed multiple nations, allowed trillions of dollars to exist in secret bailouts, and promoted the obtuse Simpson/Bowles agenda. The Romney/Ryan economic plan is even worse than realized. It massively targets food stamps, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, and other legitimate social programs that actually help human beings legitimately. Therefore, both major parties aren't perfect. Most people will vote on the candidate who is perceived as the lesser of two evils. In the left/right paradigm, the Republicans act like Bad Cop and the Democrats act as the Good Cop when both parties in their leaderships are funded by the same Wall-dominated corporate interests financially. As for President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, obviously the President Barack Obama is more politically astute than Mitt Romney is. Romney's wickedness is that he issues political contradictory statements on issues that relate to taxes, the 47 percent, foreign policy, immigration, etc. This reality has led some individuals to be confused on Mitt Romney's core convictions or his ideological views. President Barack Obama is obviously more intellectually gifted than Mitt Romney. Being a President is difficult at times and you have to express your words wisely without degrading a certain percentage of Americans. We fully comprehend about Mitt Romney's disturbing extremism, but some believe that the President should never experience constructive criticism at any circumstance. Some feel that any form of criticism against the White House is equated to being against the President personally, which is a lie. All heads of states deserves critiques from time to time. Constructively criticizing some policies of the President has nothing to do with being a Republican, but it has to do with being fair observers of the political system. No human is divine or is above authentic critiques. Extremists in the Tea Party and some in the GOP pronounce up some of the gross, bigoted lies about the President (about him being a Muslim, a socialist, that he isnt an American citizen, or he hates America), which I reject. Conversely, the President is not God and isn't above legitimate critiques. For sometimes, legitimate critiques can inspire a head of state to enact better solutions. It's like a real critique of a worker can inspire a worker to improve his or her working performance. So, the freedom of speech means something. The right to protest means something. The right to express legitimate grievances and the right to petition the government means that we will not sit in the sidelines (and allow our interests to be placed into the backburner). We have a God-given right to speak up against imperialism, to speak up against the War on Drugs, and to

speak up against the Patriot Act. That's a part of our rights and we intend to continually express our rights publicly too. A fighter for the world's poor is better than being an agent for Wall Street. These issues are bigger than the President, because not even the President can solve every problem at all times. Fundamentally, its our responsibility to speak up about real issues and call for legitimate solutions in our own communities. People organizing power is an excellent beginning in respecting life & human justice. War can never be justified as some means to develop a peaceful future. On the other hand, discrimination and racism are serious reasons why some people of color lack opportunities not culturally reasons.

We should always advocate a crackdown on corporate corruption. We should continue to promote labor rights. Deflating the bloated military budget and reforming our tax code are examples of great policies. We need a more competitive democracy in America. In the final analysis, we should have civil liberties, a living wage (The minimum wage in Sweden is $19.00 an hour. Thats taboo in America. Even a $9.50 minimum wage today in the USA is less than the minimum wage back in 1968 when you adjust for inflation. It is our goal to end poverty & any form of discrimination on Earth), clean air, clean food, and clean water. Getting corruption out of politics, and shifting power to the people are great mottoes to fight for. As we grow, we should be active humanitarians. Thank God I woke up.
As for redistribution, redistribution is a part of taxation and all public services period. Redistribution is not necessarily synonymous with Communism. There is nothing wrong with legitimate redistribution as the President said in 1998. Every nation on Earth functions on some form of redistribution of wealth or power. Therefore, redistribution is not a dirty word. Overall, there is the marketing by the CFR-dominated mainstream media. This marketing promotes the fiction that both major parties represent real political freedom. The reality is that billions of dollars are spent by special interests, who limit the major political choices that the citizenry justly deserves. That is why I am Independent. I don't have to worry about submitting under some ideological litmus test. I can think for myself and believe in my views without shame. There's no stringing pressure on me, because I have wings to fly and fly into the sky of intellectual liberty plus uninhibited truth. I don't need some Red Bull to grant me some wings.

When you get the wings, you can still see have a chance to see the Promised Land. Fundamentally, regardless of our ideological and socioeconomic differences, we all desire the same transparent goal of equality for all peoples. We still believe in the enrichment of our financial apparatus. We still love courage and the preservation of our natural resources. We all love our families, friends, and personal loved ones. The past are linked with our psyche and cultural makeup. We can use the past as a motivational tenet that can build up our present including the future. As we approach the year of 2020, we must learn about the technological changes that constantly evolve. The new I Phone and nano-technology represent excellent marvels of man. Yet, we must marvel at social renewal, compassion for humanity, and a comprehension that activism must come for revolution to occur. We should have always respect our ancestors and give condolences to the heroes that recently passed away in 2012. Legislation cant be the one only essence of solving every ill as some conservatives mention. Although, legislation is one part out of many avenues where education, labor rights, and the building of our standard of living in general can be grown. Culturally, we are not perfect. We are not into the holy valley of the land of milk and honey culturally. A preponderance of materialism (ignorant musicians may talk about racks of money and calling women outside of their names, but a real man will adhere to strength, honor, and dignity for their fellow man without the love of money), hate, divisions, personality clashes, egoism, and imperialism still pervade the Earth. We live in a time where people (even so-called progressive) try to justify NATO civilian bombings of Libya and Africom violating the sovereignty of the African continent (with their neo-colonial siege in the Motherland). If such imperialistic schemes are wrong under a Republican administration, then it is still incorrect for these actions to exist under a Democratic administration. The racial profiling stop and frisk policy in New York City ought to be disagreed with as well. In the city of Chicago, we should continue to speak out and find real solutions to the record number of young black children being murdered there. If this level of grotesque murder transpired in a suburb or Beverly Hills, billions of dollars would have been allocated to help resolve the problem. Some of the same people legitimately talking about the massacre in the movie theater of Colorado don't have an inch of concern for black boys being murdered in the Southside of Chicago. Now, it isn't the time for second guessing. Now, it's the time to continue onward in our battle for real democracy and freedom. Far too often, the American ghetto exists as a colony that is ruled by leaders of monopoly capitalism. Incomes and profits heavily aren't reinvested to benefit the people of the ghetto, but the landlords and the corporate leaders. Likewise, the inhabitants of the ghetto are regularly & falsely blamed collectively for their own victimization. During the year of 1967, Dr. Martin L. King at Chicago was right to outline these words at the "Conference for a New Politics": [W]e have deluded ourselves into believing the myth that capitalism grew and prospered out of the Protestant ethic of hard work and sacrifices. The fact is that capitalism was built on the exploitation and suffering of black slaves and continues to thrive on the exploitation of the poor, both black and white, both here and abroad...The way to end poverty is to end the exploitation of the poor....We must recognize that the problems of neither racial nor economic injustice can be solved without a RADICAL REDISTRIBUTION of political and economic power." There is the issue of President Barack Obama. The President has an unparalleled intellect and enormous love for his family that I admire. I disagree with him ideologically on some issues in a respectful manner. The extremists either hate President Barack Obama viciously as a Marxist

extremist. Other extremists view him as divine. The truth is that the President is personally moderately liberal or progressive in his personal beliefs, but he governs in a heavily centrist fashion in his political practice. One example is that his foreign policy and views on civil liberties isnt progressive or even civil libertarian at all. They are nearly identical to the views of the previous administration. I don't question his walk with God since that is not my job. Yet, his faith is merged with his acceptance of secular thinking. There are many secular type religious individuals and the President fits that mold. If the President wins this election, he will have no excuses for real. The reason is that he has nothing to lose politically by advocating intervening policies. If Romney wins, the poor better pray to God since the poor individuals will surely witness increased taxes and huge cuts (even among vital, necessary social programs). Even some of the middle class will suffer as well under a Romney Presidency. Also, the President governs from a centrist realm, but the reactionaries in America still view him as the most liberal President in American history. LOL. On many occasions, some activists have been lead into being more right or more isolated even when they enter the political realm. Now, a real revolution deals with an end to sexism, racism, class oppression or monopoly capitalism, and all forms of oppression against any human being. Capitalist exploitation and bigotry have harmed the poor in huge ways as well. A stagnant minimum wage, the scapegoating of the poor by extremists, and other economic problems outline the sufferings of our poorer friends. The President is accountable for his policies. If activists, abolitionists, civil rights leaders put the feet to the fire of Abraham Lincoln, FDR, JFK, and Johnson, then we have right to hold the current President's feet to the fire as well. The President commented that much of his policy agenda has been strifed, because he experienced obscene obstructionism by some Republican members of Congress. On the other hand, we have the responsibility to organize political movements, charities, and other legitimate programs to help our fellow people in society. The President can't do everything by himself. We should do what is necessary to assist where we live. The reactionaries obsess with debt beyond the immediate concerns of human poverty. Organizing the people for social justice is a great recipe for living an authentic life. Even the prophets of old like Amos and Isaiah denounced the injustices toward the poor. Amos and Isaiah were not in the Tea Party brigade, but they desired a pro-poor agenda. There is nothing wrong with a social progressive movement for justice that can inspire the President to promote more reasonable policies in America. The current President ought to realize that he should close the Guantanamo Bay prison. Both campaigns (of the President and Mitt Romney) should make anyone in the Bush administration accountable for the torture done by U.S. personnel against prisoners in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Guantanamo Bay. It is blatantly immoral to allow the use of drones to assassinate human beings in Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, or Somalia. Unjust wars are evil and the Patriot Act is an abomination as Ralph Nader said before. Our duty is to rebuild America and promote fair treatment among other countries not to formulate some archaic, oppressive new Empire in the world. Both parties are virulent proponents of nuclear power and its expansion. Even the death penalty in our current judicial system has been exploited to murder numerous innocent human beings. Both of these candidates arent responsible for all evils in the globe, but they ought to be evaluated justly in allowing people to make up their own minds in which they choose to vote for. The right to vote is a paramount right and all people ought to never be restricted of that fundamental human right. SO, VOTE. PEOPLE DIED FOR THAT RIGHT AND THEIR BLOOD SHED WILL NOT BE IN VAIN. Some good news is that the Pennsylvania court recently blocked the new Republican voter ID law. This voter

ID laws in America lessen early voting and set abrasive new requirements in receiving voter ID. That is why folks legitimately are opposing such laws. Yet, voting alone isnt going to cut it. We should advocate fair voting procedures and battle against unjust voter ID laws. We should work with independent and genuine grassroots organizations that are dedicated to progress the human family. We need Power and we must demand real Power for people. Thats how changes come with a demand. There is oppression in the world. Injustice based on class and gender is wrong too. When you get older, you can become wiser about this situation. Even feminists like Bell Hooks, Angela Y. Davis, Joy James, etc. are correct to proclaim opposition to an extreme form of patriarchy (or what we call the subjection of women. That is why you can't have a progressive society with basic human freedoms restricted from women). There is an interrelationship between oppression and class exploitation. We certainly aren't free yet. Society has issues with oppression. It is also hypocritical to condemn welfare when others don't say a word on the subsidies relieved by the super-rich. An economic bill of rights is fine with me as well. Also, just because a program is controlled specifically the state level, doesn't mean that program will be successful. The state governments once used Jim Crow-styled tyranny decades ago and also promoted cuts to the suffering. That is why the federal government can help Americans since the government is made up of the people. See, people are in the government and corrupt government is the problem not the essence of government in general. The federal government can have the power to give people opportunities and protect people's human rights. The Transcontinental Continent railroad, land grant colleges, and other programs relied on the federal government's help. These acts have enhanced human freedom without massive restrictions to it. The Federal Bill of Rights is superior to state's rights. The state can't do all things, so the federal government can make a difference in building up society. It's a historical fact that spending money the right way can grow jobs and develop the economic structures of nations. The privatization of Social Security is really extreme when Social Security has been an economic successful program for decades. Regardless who wins the election on November 4; the winner ought to be treated with dignity and respect. They are human beings. Regardless, we should still hold the winner's feet to the fire and keep on advocating justice for all peoples. We are in a new stage of our cultural and social evolution as human beings. In the 21st century alone, college students are protesting for a decent tuition and for low interest rates. Labor activists have promoted collective bargaining in Wisconsin and in Chicago, Illinois. There are protesters endorsing the legitimate human rights of immigrants. I can't forget about the Occupy Movement. This is a popular democratic movement that sincerely desires economic justice. These groups of people that reside in the 99% Movement oppose the concentration of wealth of the corporate plutocracy. They want the power of the people to be paced on a higher emphasis than the worship of wealth. I do think that many of our late leaders would support the Occupy Movement greatly. We should always be against poverty worldwide and hate the war against any poor human being no matter their color. The movement for economic justice today is similar to the 1968 Poor Peoples Campaign. That campaign back in the late 1960's was a multiracial, diverse coalition of activists. These activists yearned for an Economic Bill of Rights and other reforms in order for poverty to be completely eradicated from American society. There are members of my people (I am a brother) advocating an end to liberty shedding voter ID laws nationwide, the end of the prison industrial complex, and the promotion of justice for black people including all people too. So, real

movements for social change are not only real. They are vibrant, coherent, and fully stable in their compositions during the 21st century. The freedom to love is not a sin either for love is the strongest force in the Universe. I will never believe in suppressing human freedoms from human beings for who they want to love. In our generation, we have to advance social, economic, educational, and technological opportunities to all peoples. Universal education among humanity is always linked to cultural development, a reduction in poverty, and a further strengthen of our quality of life. Other nations have followed this concrete path to be some of the most progressive nations on Earth.

Just because a man is a business leader, doesn't mean that a man can lead the free world. A leader of the free world must have an astute, cooperative mindset in wanting to help the least of these. Others have prescribed radicalism and militancy in order for authentic solutions to spread across the land. I agree with that assumption, because quaint, limited action has never been beneficial to humanity. Halfhearted measures only benefit the few not the majority of the masses. In order for revolutionary changes to occur, you have to condemn and replace the current system since the system perpetrates oppression, sexism, xenophobia, imperialism, and the sick philosophy of American exceptionalism (or the view that America is the superior yardstick where all nations must bow before like scared victims of tribute). American exceptionalism is wrong, because it gives many Americans a false sense of a superiority complex which is reflected in the materialism, the insanity of war, and a cultural confusion found in society. American exceptionism claims to promote some peaceful Utopian existence, but far too often it is synonymous with neo-imperialism and a sick form of rugged individualism. Many people took off some token 'middle class' values in the 1960's to seek justice among mankind via protests, international activities, and the adherence to human rights. The social system contains many evils; therefore it is reasonable for us to criticize the social system. The structural alterations must exist in order for reforms to transpire. One defining principle is the need for us to achieve action. Action is one of the many inspirational tactics that we should activate in order for us to witness a more progressive land. Radicalism means that we must reject the dictates of the status quo we must wholeheartedly condemn mediocrity. It was the radical acts among numerous human beings that engineered varied forms of human revolutions. A broader social movement is what is necessary for us for we are tied to the human race as equal human beings despite our diverse cultural &social realities. Finally, radicalism is equated to the rejection of the reactionarytough on crime" rhetoric, which contributed to the police state policies of mass incarceration&the War on Drugs. It means to give up the yearning for Empire building (including the slick Western militarization of Africa). There is a contradictory foreign policy being executed by the Western establishment. On the one hand, the West proclaims the need for democracy and revolutionary social change in the Middle East and the rest of the globe. Yet, they support some of the debased, extremists, and reactionary elements of folks. For example, America supported theocratic terrorists and ruining the once democratic nation of Afghanistan in the late 1970s. Once, Afghanistan in 1979 tried to grant women equal fights, all people other rights, and other progressive reforms. The progressives in Afghanistan in the late 1970s wanted its citizenry to have food and to be inhabited in legitimate shelter. These are some of the basic, rightful needs of a human being. A human being has the

right to receive food, water, and shelter. These are human rights from God. Then, the West supported the Taliban and now in 2012, America is battling the Taliban (as a means to create democracy in Afghanistan). The West and NATO supported the pro-Salafist, pro-Al-Qaeda elements in Libya to overthrow the government of Gaddafi (which had a high standard of living and huge health care plus educational services for its people. Now, Gaddafi isnt perfect nor a saint, but claiming to advance democracy & funding anti-democratic terrorists is an example of blatant, abhorrent hypocrisy. Thats real. Ironically, Adbel Hakim Belhaj was the Libyan rebellions most powerful military leader and he was veteran of the U.S. backed jihad against the reformist government in Afghanistan back decades ago. So, the human beings in the Middle East are having an ideological war not just military wise. The war is between more progressive voices in the Muslim community vs. the reactionaries. Of course, terrorism is immoral, but the reactionary omits that the vast majority of Muslims in the world seek peace and social tranquility not nihilistic chaos. Since the founding of Abrahamic religions, there has always been a debate between rational people in those faiths and the voices of reaction. In any movement of human history, the movements of progression and forward thinking ideologies always reigns as possessing intellectually superior dogmas. Hopefully in the future, uplifting voices of freedom, justice for women, and anti-imperialism are the orders of the day in the Middle East. The next stage of the human rights movement is definitely to deal with issues internationally (including the wise usage of technological & medical advancements) and to make sure that all human beings of every background receive justice, peace, and equality. It doesn't matter if an unjust war is classified as "humanitarianism," it is still uniquely cruel and abhorrent. There is nothing humanitarian about using depleted uranium inside of civilian populations. There is nothing humanitarian about seeing puppet leaders and the lynching of innocent human beings based on the color of their skin. There is nothing humanitarian about some who threaten war with an Iran when Iran even condemns weapons of mass destruction as sacrilegious. Presently, Iran doesnt possess militarized, active, and fully capable nuclear devices at all. Henceforth, imperialist wars, white supremacy, mainstream capitalism, institutional racism, and any injustice ought to be condemned even if the establishment will praise these concepts via sophisticatedly deceptive "euphemisms." Additionally, militancy means to reject imperialist warmongering and to give affordable housing and universal education to human beings. Radicalism is the thinking of issues comprehensively wherefore strategies are developed in order to benefit all of the people. It is not only an individual effort, but collective organization that can make the Dream into a reality. For example, massive collective civil rights groups, antiwar groups, and other institutions worked together in successfully ending the Vietnam War (and grant more human rights to human beings). One individual can only be limited in their contributions to social justice, but collective efforts can reach so many more humans in getting health care, human freedoms, and other basic necessities during the road of life. We must be international in thinking, because local problems are interconnected with world problems. Our concerns must always be in the local community, but the love of the international affairs is equated to a love of humanity.

People know about the political reality in America. Professor Robert Reich said it best about the debate from Wednesday. President Barack Obama won the debate on substance and Mitt Romney had a better performance in expressing his deceptive ideals. Romney was more aggressive and came to battle. In recent days, the President is acting more aggressive in his speeches after the debate. Mitt Romney has controversies with Bain capital, his comments on promotion agitation to fight Iran if necessary, and he was forced to apologize for his disrespectful comments about 47 percent of Americans. It is obvious that the President is not perfect, but the Republicans are ruled by strong reactionaries and borderline fascists. Now, Romney is switching positions in a matter of days in order to attempt to win the election. One of the biggest deceptive comments in the debate was when Mitt Romney wanted to promote states rights above the federal Constitution. States rights have been used as a code word decades ago as a means for Southern states to have Jim Crow segregation. Now, Romney doesn't want that, but the states arent infallible today. There is a balance between federal and state power. Their powers shouldn't be tyrannical, but the federal government has a role to promote the general welfare in society (in building roads, promoting science, and protect our liberties, which are found in the Constitution I might add as in Article I, Section 8). Fundamentally, it is not about big or small government. Its about efficient, smart government growing our society. The reality is that trickled down economics doesn't work to develop our economy among the poor and the rest of Americans. The economics grows by spending in the right way via investments and other programs that can assist the poor and the middle class. Mitt Romney's views are nothing more than an updated, sophisticated version of Reaganomics. Corporations aren't people and we should reign in corporate corruption. We don't yearn for tax breaks for the super wealthy that allow the middle class to suffer or PBS to be stripped of it subsidies when PBS funding makes up so little of the total federal budget. There are a variety of forms of injustices in the world from many events in New Orleans and to the events in rural communities too. FOX News typically doesn't expose the plight of the poverty as a result of plutocratic policies either. There can be culture, autonomous communities, and communal power in the world to. That is why it is reasonable to have social democratic reforms in American society. Folks have the right to have collective bargaining rights, people have the right to receive opportunities in receiving universal education, people have the right to experience basic human liberties, etc. Also, even the Acts of the Apostles in the NT described many social democratic principles. Now, being a real American means to move forward. Moving forward means that medical care is a human right not a class privilege or a commodity to be solely traded in the market. We shouldn't be like Europeans culturally, but Denmark, Sweden, Germany, and other nations have great ideas about education, health care, etc. that we can utilize in influencing the development of revolutionary values. When you compare nations with universal health care and our health care system in America, there is no comparison. The words from Rush, Gingrich, O'Reilly, Hannity, Coulter, etc. don't represent all Americans. They represent some radical fringe that try to make folks move backwards and not forward into a progressive society. The reactionaries have the right to be on their private plans if they want to, but people who desire public services or Social Security ought not to be denied. The same ones lecturing us on personal responsibility say nothing on corporations behaving badly. Laissez capitalism leads to lax responsibility among the plutocrats or oligarchs (who use the Koch Brothers and some in Wall Street to fund Mitt Romney. Three quarters of all corporate funds are going to Mitt Romney. Corporate interests aided the reactionary Governor Scott Walker in Wisconsin. Some Wall Street interest funds the President's campaign as well). The high level transnational corporations have record profits and there is record income

inequality in the world. Some corporations usurp real jobs in small stores and cafes and shift union jobs overseas. Not all businesses are wrong, but many in the oligarchy use war mongers, criminals, and other miscreants for their own agenda. The government including the private sector can create jobs. Now, we should follow permanently the concept of human rights not the archaic philosophy of states rights alone. Economic genocide has been the goal of the establishment. The wider issues are ignored by many in Washington, D.C. Our economic system has been damaged by international situations of an over reliance of petroleum, political corruption, fraud, and the evil war on terror. Our economic crisis mostly was created because there was financial manipulation and institutionalized fraud. The bank bailouts were wrong since it transfer wealth to Wall Street banks without a massive change in the system. This increased public debt. Its not a secret our enemy wants to loot taxpayer funds and destroy of state social programs as a means to promote an archaic economic philosophy. Our economic crisis is beyond just American shores. Its an international system that desires to maintain national security and strategic objectives. US/NATO military engine promotes this slick neo-imperialism. Today, we have the borderline fascist Tea Party types and the President who sometimes appeases to the political establishment as a means to not lose votes. Yet, the corporate elite is not criticized by the mainstream media at all. The radicals and the reactionaries want to get rid of the major systems of the New Deal and Great Society programs. Wars, bailouts, and tax cuts for the rich arent right to harbor real economic growth. Even Webster Tarpley is rather to say that if the social safety net is radically eliminated (with health care, Social Security, etc.), then people will be exterminated. The wild thing is that the 1 percent has record profits. Suffering under the guise of sacrifice is austerity. Even the New York Times omits that they find it unknown if the Syrian artillery came from the rebels or the government. The Western propaganda mainstream media is trying to use the Turkish/Syrian conflict as a means to promote some Western intervention in Syria. Bloomberg, Guardian, Ynet, and others are reporting about an unconfirmed report. This report dealt with Turkey and Syria agreed ot form a 6 mile side buffer zone running the length of the Turkish/Syrian border. The report of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad using warplanes and helicopters to honor the buffer hasn't been confirmed yet. The United Nations talks about the proposed secure safe zones in Syria as a means to end the 17 month conflict. Even the Brookings Institute desire a possible military option in Syria. Their Middle East Memo #21 entitled, "Assessing Options for Regime Change" documents admits that the humanitarian justification of helping the rebels in Syria is but a pretext for long planned regime change in Syria. The Brookings Institute talks about how Turkey's aligning the vast amounts of weapons and troops along its border in coordination with Israeli efforts in the south of Syria could help effect violent regime in Syria. Israel's intelligence services have known about Syria and have assets in the Syrian regime. The buffer zone is one pretext that some are using as an excuse to try to promote a regime change in Syria. The unconfirmed reports floated by allegedly reputable news agencies, citing high placed sources in the Turkish media reeks of propaganda, public perception management, and psychological warfare. It is most probably NATO-backed terrorists that attacked and overrun the border post of Akcale. The Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan is responsible for allowing armed terrorist groups may not even Syria, but Libyan in origin (as a means to use Turkish territory to carry out attacks). Many of these terrorists use Turkish towns as ground staging points for their activities. Some are using TayyipErdogan as a proxy in a means

to involve Turkey in the wider conflict with Syria. The buffer zone situation is promoted by corporate financier interests (from the US, the UK, France, etc.). People have protested in Turkey's capital Ankara, because they oppose the border incident being used as a means to initiate a wider conflict. The Turkish parliament recently passed a bill that promotes the corss border military operations. The buffer zones have been promoted by the Wall Street think tank of the Brookings Institution. The West via their proxies want to advance tensions among Turkey and Syria. War is strange. One example is that Donald Rumsfeld shook the hand of Saddam Hussein in the 1980's, because America once supported the Iraqis in their war with Iran. U.S., Britain, and France gave money, weapons of mass destruction, and money to Iraq in that time period. The Iraq/Iran conflict lasted 8 years and cost over 1 million lives. Years later, the West deposed of Saddam Hussein. Turkey allowing terrorist forces in his nation may jeopardize Turkey's existence in the future if reforms aren't met. Even Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said that the conflict on the border between Syria and Turkey may spread into neighboring nations and cause a regional war. A Russian diplomat said that radical members of the Syrian opposition might deliberately provoke cross border conflicts for their own benefits. In the final analysis, militarism is not needed to solve our international problems (only international cooperation, the rule of law, and peace). There is a sense of not only unambiguously spiritual emptiness in American society, but a sense of huge evil. To be fair, numerous Americans are enlightened on vital issues and are not ignorant of pervasive issues in the world. American society proclaims itself as some paragon of virtue, but America still refuses to repent for its numerous crimes against humanity. This generation is not only engaged in a war on oppression, but on a war on the reclaiming of its soul. Tattoos, piercings, and controversial modes of music alone can never cause a real revolutionary change of society. These items are colorful, but unconventional behavior by itself must be stirred into a positive direction in order for righteousness to spread. Vulgarity and culture being degraded threatens the essence of a reasonable society. Contemporary society ought not to evolve into reactionary totalitarianism or anarchy, but present society should transform itself into a more people oriented, tolerant existence. On the other hand, there must be communication and connections among the youth and rest of humanity in order for common ground purposes to develop (where society can benefit all people irrespective of their generational composition). For the youth is not to be collectively castigated as responsible for pollution, for oppression, for the police state violating our human civil liberties, and other ills in the world society. Sometimes, the youth represents the most hardened resistors to the status quo and injustice. If a man solely accepts the existence of material goods absence moral purpose, then that man is still spiritually and morally deficient. Only through social activism and progressive thinking can lead society into higher height of real prosperity, justice for humans, and true love. This era of war on terror exists heavily in covert means too. The secret torture camps and the matrix of deception flow greatly in the world not only in America. Yet, there must be enthusiasm for change. Change isnt totally concretely evil. For eons of time, humans changed and eliminated old reactionary social mores in order for freedoms to be given unto the poor, females, minorities, and all of diverse backgrounds. It is instrumental for all us to think internationally. Local problems should never be disregarded or minimized from crime to neighborhood issues. Yet, we are interconnected culturally and socially as human beings. The problem isnt to be blamed on any one ethnic group, gender, or creed. The problem of evil is rooted in the system (the system is

heavily following white supremacy though, which is evil), so structural change can incur an ideology of forming a better society among man. *As for the Stacey Dash controversy, the Sister Stacey Dash is wrong to support Mitt Romney since Mitt Romney doesnt desire an effective solution to fight poverty, to fight discrimination, to fight the prison industrial complex, and to grow peace. Romney accepts the archaic, ineffective philosophy of laissez capitalism (which includes austerity among our disinherited. Mainstream capitalism and the instruments of white supremacy are linked greatly throughout human history). Mitt Romney regularly verbally expresses contradictory stances on issues all of the time. This makes it confusing for individuals to grasp a real understanding of his core political tenets. His rejection of full, affordable universal health care and his refusal to expose the real issues that relate to people of color doesnt make me malleable to support the adherent to Mormonism Mitt Romney. Romney made the offensive, ignorant remark that the reason on why some individuals wont support his campaign is because the dissenters desire to want free stuff. A business man who is running for President saying that I like to fire people outlines a callous attitude toward many workers. Record income inequality doesnt merit more tax cuts for the super wealthy & more money spent to strengthen the military-industrial complex. That situation requires more public and private investments in our domestic apparatus from schools, health care, and to technology. Huge economic reforms (like a higher minimum wage, the creation of public works programs, and a redistribution of power) and political actions beyond the free market ought to exist in order for our society to be further enriched progressively. No matter how much a man can lecture on states rights, HUMAN RIGHTS will always be superior unequivocally to states rights. Although, the Sister Stacey Dash shouldnt experience unwarranted pejoratives and disrespect. We can disagree with her adamantly about her support for Mitt Romney without calling her every name in the book. She is still our Sister no matter how misguided and in error that she is. Our oppressors called us in sickening words for decades & centuries, but let that not be us. Compassion ought to be respected, but a person in error ought to experience truth plus correction not excessive demonization. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, we can dissent in a nonviolent fashion. We cant force her to come home. She has to come home on her own, but she has the right to vote for who she want to. People have the free speech right to disagree with her as well. I disagree with her decision, but I dont hate her. Hopefully, she can come home in the future. One day, the world will respect civil liberties not discrimination and one day there will be a world filled with tolerance flowing within a real land (made up of milk & honey not narrow-mindedness).

Whistleblowers have been attacked by the government for decades. That is why criminal fraud dominates Wall Street, but not one major Wall Street broker has been tried and convicted by the federal government in the 21st century. Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, George H. W. Bush, and Bill Clinton each prosecuted financial crime more aggressively than the current President Barack Obama. It is a historical fact that a lack of a fair or even handed legal system will destroy prosperity and breakdown society in general. There are folks who use national security as an excuse to keep financial fraud secret. Even those who protest runaway criminality by the big banks are targeted as terrorists. Some are targeted even if they are from the private sector that blew the whistle on potential crimes as well. The current White House has prosecuted more whistleblowers than all over Presidents combined. It is not a secret that some government employees have smeared whistleblowers, threaten reporters, etc. who discussed whistleblower information. They have harassed honest analysts too. Even some high level government employees have been in danger. One example is that head of NSA's spying program named William Binney disclosed the fact that the U.S. was spying on everyone in the U.S. and storing the data forever. He said that the U.S. was quickly becoming a totalitarian state and the feds tried to scare him into shutting up. Binney said that FBI officers held a gun to his head as he stepped out from the shower. His wife and youngest son was in the home as the FBI ransacked his own home. The FBI officials tried to pressure him to implicate one of the other complaints in criminal activity. During the raid, Binney attempted to report to FBI officials the crimes he had witnessed at NSA, in particular the NSAs violation of the constitutional rights of all Americans. However, the FBI wasnt interested in these disclosures. Instead, FBI officials seized Binneys private computer, which to this day has not been returned despite the fact that he has not been charged with a crime. Other NSA whistleblowers have been subjected to armed raids and criminal prosecution. If this stuff can happen to NSA elite members, then we have a serious civil liberty problem in America. After high level CIA officer John Kiriakou blew the whistle on illegal CIA torture, the government prosecuted him for espionage. Some in the government want to crack down on dissent not to keep freedom safe. Torture has not prevented terrorism, but it can create new terrorists. U.S. military and intelligence service say that torture is futile in getting real, actionable intelligence. Some in the U.S. have used Communist torture methods aimed at creating false confessions as a means to advance a false justification for the Iraq War. Many terrorists came

into Iraq because of the abuses carried out at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo (according to a top U.S. air force interrogator). The U.S. national security state has used secrecy to shield their actions from accountability. Now, the U.S. has been launching cyber warfare in Iran. The secrecy powers are not gone today. Wikileaks even released thousands of classified diplomatic cables n 2010. These leaks prove that the Bush administration used torture, the NSA's illegal eavesdropping on American without warrants is real, the abuses at Abu Ghraib are wicked, etc. We know about the CIA black sites that torture human beings. So, these things are real including the targeting of an U.S. citizen for assassination without due process. Many whistleblowers have been in jail for exposing the evils of the U.S. national security state from Bradley Manning on down. Many of the torturers, the folks who conceived of the torturers and other like-minded individuals are walking free today. America in terms of human civil liberties have experienced police state like policies. Even 10 years ago, it was taboo for the NSA to spy on American citizens via monitoring their emails overtly. The reality of the government using drone aircraft to assassinate American citizens back then would never have gotten support in a reasonable courtroom, especially if the citizen didn't have due process. There is no massive public outrage about these things, except in limited quarters. Scholars and activists have said that God is love, so it all right to love human beings period. I do believe we should respect ourselves for there is nothing wrong with being you at all.

There is also a time of mediation and prayer. Scientifically, many forms of reflection can benefit our bodies physiologically. Regularly, prayer can cause a person to exist with a calming effect. Prayer is a great instrument to inspire human beings to grow in work and personal responsibility. It is a way to increase their spirituality.Our concerns are beyond individualistic self-interests, but we ought to be concerned comprehensively with all of humanity. There is absolutely no shame for a person to pray. I pray at times. There are many low and high moments of our lives. There is pain and subsequent joy. Regardless, of our time spent on this Earth, it is our intention to try to care for our fellow people and to desire for human freedom plus dignity to spread among all human beings. As men, we will have to defend the honor females since there still an epidemic of females being harmed & disrespected. If a woman or female in general is harmed, we have the subsequent right to intervene and protect all females (no matter their background or color) as men period. One of the strengths of America is of it capacities of moral courage. In this generation, daily, we should continually display moral courage in opposing war and promoting peace. We should act in moral courage in believing in the truth that love is not a sin. We should the moral courage to reject complacency and apathy, but to believe in justifiable opposition to any form of oppression against anyone. Soul force is whats needed to exterminate injustice not the forces of war. Love is the highest human value since love exists only in the honest communication among people (and the Creator) not in isolation & bigotry among mankind. I do acknowledge the numerous heroes that fought for tolerance, economic justice, and moral regeneration. Likewise, I do apologize to God and the world's inhabitants of the numerous sins of America. I do apologize. I apologize to God for my sins and imperfections. One of the greatest attributes of America is that America, despite its imperfections, still harbors leaders, heroes, and great audacious folks that want harmony and real righteousness to spread across the globe. Life is worth living and humankind has the right to survive. By Timothy

So, you know me. I pledge allegiance to Almighty God alone.

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