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hrblished nonthly by UAGICIilITED at 4A64 - 39th Avenue, Oakland 2, California. Subscription rate is $2.00 per f,eaf r six issues $1.00' single copies ?fic excepting special issues so clesignatd.. Send,all corre spondenceto THEBATr % IJoyd E. Jonegr at ad.dressabove. IJOID E. J0NES- - - - - - - - - - EDITOB THEBONFOT---.---I'A'SSISTAIflIEDITOR

taln titat feerlng of warklng on alr. Realry naglcaL ! It seems cetltll, tirat _ at thls wrltlng, the gocrETY oF AMERTCAN MAcrcrANg. and.-the INTENNATIONAL BROTHER}IOOD IUIAGI6TNNS OF W111 1toIil a Jolnt conventlon ln Cirlcago, ln lgbo, B1d,sirave been placed by the reepedtlve ch1eago elubs to the parent organ Lzatlons and. ti:e head.s of the latter have tentatlvery agreed. on a four day meetlng for litay 27tn to 50th. ( gaturday tirrough Tuegipy, wltir a Nlght before Party on Frlday,) Separate buslness neetlngs w111 be heLd. but tire ghowg w111 be Jolnt affalrs as w111, be the f lnanclal amangernents.
Your Eclltor only iropes tirat wltir 11OO a t t h e l a s t C i e fc a g o g . A . M , n e e t l n g , space can be found. to take eare of a 2OOO maglclan conventlon ! Tiren, show, EducatlonaL Lecture , and tsanquet f acrirtle s were stralned. to the utmost and. ad-urlsslon refused, ln some lnstances. At least, tire ld"ea w111 eetil-e many problens and. ney, lesult ln future conventlons on a llmlted, or reglonal basls; or, one blg corrventlon held, not 1n a hotel, but ln a conye4tlqn haII . _Hasn I t Chleago an aud,ltorlunt Ilke San Jo se ? g1d. Flelschmanf g second. mystery has Just been lssued by Piroenlx Presg ln New Ig York. Tlt1ed., tthIURDER NO ACCIDENT,rr g1A wrltten than hle cIalms 1t ls rnuch better whlch we enJoyed. read.ltrB, and hope flrgt, ire f LI favor us wlth a copy of tirls one too . lf tirere 1s a nnaglclan ln tirls one? gld. ls glvlng tire San Dlego boye Meantlnes, tirrough tire local a boost by some publlelty and. paper; tire Junlor magl , the g.A,M.prexy, otirer S, D. Iumlnarl I . Fred. Braue , iras been dolng tire same wltir the Oakland. boys, glvlng tirern frequent -tire mentlon 1n h1s colunnne and. spot1r actlvlt le s . Keep lt up ! llghtlng l{liro knows wir,at can ( or could.) Ue wltir a matirematlcal MEL SIOVER has curtoslty? an ocld. naglcal square wltir naglc poselbllltle s . That 19 , you can precllct several dlf f er( of aourse ) - and. then, lt makee ent totals an unusual puz zJ-e too . How can tirey be eold.? Ilould. there be any lnterest ln g1v1ng them aTtay as pr1 zes? Offerlng then as a bonus? 0r, on the d,en waII as a curlo? If Just placlng you iravq a hlnt, d.rop MeI, or me a llne . DEgl[oND,the d.emon zomble doen, s?y pes thene I s an 16.ea fo n you , whi not tirr a t' D , by a new E lny irg-w, Des ls bltten bug. He wante playlng card.e DESMOND poker elze wltir od.d.6acks, No O



Introducing the Pallid Bat. He lik* ceves.

What's With the Bat

Dr. Robert T. Orr likes bats. As professor of biolory at the University of San Francisco he has spent two years studying the Pallid Bat,'a common Western tyrye. Last week he came uP with tlrese conclusions: A cave, not a belfry, ls the best place to study them. (Dr. Orr spent a night in a bat cave, then captured some to study more comfortably ln a laboratory.) The bat flies by supersonie direction-fiqder. They could be kept in an lce box, with water to drink, but no food, for four and a hall months without ill effects. They breed tn the fall but the female bats don't become pregnant until spring. Baby baLs are born feet flrst. BaLs are gentle and have few enemies. Bats have parasites, even bedbugs. But bat fleas are so rare that entymologists regard them as a prize. Bats are clean. They lick their fur and comb themsglves. Bats eat insects. Bats arc not batty, but smart.



t t

Tirat Lagt sentence above. pLeases me very mucir! ( gg Lf I d.ldn ' t kn6w) . Thls legue also pleases me very much. Extra pages, a fat lssue fuLL of good. materlal , and. lotg of ad.s. Now, lf we can cortlnue to have lots of ad.e, and. keep the subscrlptlon Llst growlrrgr tire BAT w1Ll reaLLy be on lt s way! Tiren loo r wo can get more of tire tirlnge you Ilke ( slt tlng ln our f lle s irere ) fn prlnt . Even wltir only four pages, the BAf woultl be a rfbuytr at two ilo].Iars a year . lTeI ve be en nunnlng twelve , tirl s ls sue iras slxteen, and wltir tire I'[.D.4, behlncl us we nay be able to hlt that number frequentJ.y ln ttre montirs to corne HowI s your sub. scrlptlon? And. how about teL11ng a frlend. about what he le nlgstng? A strlp of flLn was tire cLever means to used. by our BOB GUNfHER announce the &rpGUNTHER, lbe LZ oz, on I lval of PAUL ROBERT Patrlcla June 15, 1949 . Baby Paul and Marnma are d.olng well but Poppa Bob 1g stl11 trylng to flgure out how lt posslble to r-

pl_ctures, and so on. trflayirap you card. N collectors had better cbntbct Des and. set hlm rlght. our cover boy thlg nonth scarce need.g an lntroductlon. In four brlef years, MERVTAILoR iras rlsen to a place o f mlgrcai ennlnence . Currently, he 1s Presld.ent of-the I',laglc Deai; 6re Asgoclatlon and. the d.ealers erpedt great' hls guldance. Illagleal buyers know tirat rfTaylor l,{dd,ert means ortgrnal id.eas, pr&ctlca1ly custom bu1It materlal. and apparbtus well-fuortir the prlce cirargeCt. Hls efieIC 0N PAHADE has cneated. such lnterest tirat ire iras been forced. to sond.ense tire year I s gerrrlce lnto slx months ! A BAf ealute to IdERVSAYLOR. Yourg, ln maglc,


Tire Amerlean Hobby Federatlon report s 1s stl1l the favorlte that stamp eollectlng l.ndoor U.S. hobby, Followlng 1n of popAmerlcan glassware, 1s: collectlng ularlty wood,worlcltrB, rnodel maklng, d.olIs, autographs, eo ln s , and creat lve pal nt lng . What ! No magle'? i{e I s so good" - even the people ln the


I trI,AGIC g GREATEST SOURCEOF USABLE MATERIAL Ie wlth a pleasant soundlng solld clunk. Thre secret : a large washer at tached. to the bottom of tire bottle. fnls doee not lnterfere wlth the loadlng or openlnii of tire bottle but ls gure a convlncer. DR, TAiIBELL showed hle lntere st ln tire popular l1ne of rubber gooci.s ( ABBorr w111 so on irave a book on them by Frank He rrnan ) , baleony watcir irlm ! at Denver. H1s irand.kerchlef casket Just b{emorypla.Ys stlqqge t r l c k s , b u t I bewould irold. a cantaloup and 1t ls reat fi&gWEEKS who showed,me thl s lleve 1t was- I"ARRY lc to see thl s enpty glao s casket and tiren gag at Denver' You lay a lltt}e excellent i t a v e t n e r n a g lc l " a n p r o d u c e a l a r g e p l e c e o f surfaoe, then rernovlng doLlar b11,1 on a flat seenlngly solld. frult f rom lt . same by a paper match frorn lts packet, ltght The goo d, Dr. has alvrays f avcre d. ti:e sulpllslng drawlng lt across the b111 . Qulte casi(et and wltit a dupllcate s1Ik of tne slnce paper matches supposedly w111 only llght klnd. behlnc the frap tn the box -- tire box cover of the pad. The on the on the- mbterlal can be shovm all arounC and e\ren left on seeret Ile s ln applylng pre s sure as the match the table before a performance. The vls1ble bllL . Of Cours, you wlII 1 s d r a ' , m na c r o s s t n e s1lk 1s vanl shed. and of course appears back Qr from the head' qulekly remove yorrr flngers 1n tire box. The polnt here 1s tire wiren 1t catche s f lre, and lf you 9re as nouqh wltir wirlch the box thu.g loaded. can be shown y lnlt1a1 accompllshsurprlsed as I was at and hand"leC. ment , thl s w111 be ad.ded promptly to your Another novel ty worked" out by the good. of pocket gags" Ilst pre sldent of the Dr . , now tire llluetrlous Soclety of Anerican lriagLclans concerns the d.ove pan . Thl s , fourrd the mast r, would" ho1d. a ru bber punrpkln vrlthout any trouble , ancl yet bulk up ln sueh conv lnclng f asnlon tirat fevr would. lnaglne the prod.uct to be collapslble . I{oweve r , otr top of tir,e punpklfl , Dr , T&rbell wou1d, load a bunch of bananag ! I'low to present, tire load 1s ln the top. The pan 1s shown empty and. wlpe d out and the top too 1f you follow the convlnclng style used. by CRLA iriOODY.The top 1s plaeed on the pan and tne back of the pan ls Ilf ted, f 1ret. Thls permlts of the flngers lnto the top the lntroductlon The 11d. coftto hold the bananas ln po sltlon. pletely removed. sirows the iruge punplrln bulk1ng out. Slnce he 1s ln such an awkward.Fostire maglelan ls certaln to be ealled. Itlon, "t on thls; perhaps, lt came f rorn the top ! Oh, Another cute gag shown me by LARRY WEEK$ tro , says the nragl e 1an , w have a bun ch o f hananas ln there ! And tire bananas are rolled. out ls tiil s one . Take a eonrmon pln ancl use for your dove lnto the handf A dlfferent pusir 1t or pound. 1t lnto the tabl e a quarter pan lndee d, - and surely a sur?rl s lng prod.uctlnch or so. Now brlnq your hand down flat on lon. tire t op of ti:e p ln and c ru sh lt f lat ! Tire sTo further d,emonstrate the uses of these eret lles 1n nlttlng the tabre flrst a FG E O R G E C S T O N ,o f t i : e H o l l y B rubber products, 6ound lng whack wlth the open irand . Then lmwood ABtsCTf SHOP, used- the Iluddha Tubes to med.lately i1lt tire pln equarely wlth the flat of tire stuff d.ernonstrate the cornpresslblllty pa1m. Tire irearty wallop on tne table seerfls to and. tne ep"se wlth whlcn they can be prod.uced, foree the blood away frcm the naLnr and to Cver a dozen assorted. ltens, bulklng up flr tense t,he mllscles so that tire p1n ls bent longslde the tubes can be irandled wlth ease. wltrrclrt sensatlon or d.anFjer. Thls ls a surAs lt was last year, Abbott I s HIPPETYprlslnsl etunt anc- cnly tire foolharcy rvll1 HOP RABBITS st[lranked tops as a sucker endeavor to squash the pln wlthout knowlng Oeorge Bostonlg presentatlon glvlng trtck. the nr th oci. e many suggestlons how tire routlne can be deJOE i3ljRc showed. thl s convlnelng Sag at velope d.. lenver and lt rnerlts your a,ttentlon. In-proffThe book (lfagle 1n the Ivlodern lvlanner) w111 d.uclng a rubber beer bottle from a productlon be of lntere st to tire serlous stucertalnly box , Joe brltrt,ls the rfbot tle il down on tire tabd.ent of maglc . rf DARIINL FIfZKEE. Gen1l.

LeNHY tS'HHl{$ ****,," #



UNIQUEDIgCOVERY The ehuffled. pack le cllvlcted. lnto four plleB_. Fan each pl].e on tire table. A spectator looks at any card.. You eotrnt tire number of card,s f rom lt to tire other end, of the fan. spllttlng the deek lnto four plles makes the fane oomparatlvely snall and. henee the sowrt an easy natter. P1ace thls p13.e on a plle where you have prevlousry elghtecl a hey oard.. Ptak up the other two p1Les together and. irand. to tire spectator. Each of you eut your oard.s a couple of tlmes. You teII the spectator to fan irlg bunch wlth the faaes toward. irlneelf and. plck out a eard. of tlre same sult and, Iay lt face down. Iou fan your p1le, count tire oorrect nwaber from the key card., and. see what tire chosen eard. 1s. You then take out a carcl wlth the sane number of spot e and" lay lt face d.own along sld.e of irle face d.own eard.. He then names hls card.. The two face down card.s are turned. up and. tire two d.eslgnate htrs cirosen card.. Apparently you never irave any knowledge of lt yourself o IflIfiACtE SPRE.AD Ef f ect: fwo unprepared. d.ecks are giruffl,ecl tirorougirry and. one ls taken by a menben of the audlence. fne maglclan keeps tire other. The spectator ls told. to-seLeet a barcl. fron d.eck, rprace tt where he oiroses, and cut the pack several tlmes. Wnen thls le the matlclan spread.s h1e cards , taces up r on the table and, aske the spectator to note mentally hls card,. The perforner tiren takes the speatatorf g d.eck anil turns irle back wlth the request tirat tire spect aton renove hls card. frour the fan on the table Shen the maglcand. place lt ln thle pocket. lan turns back he nerely gla^ncee at the carlXs on the table and 1mnecllately nanes or produces the eelect ed card.. Methocl: See d.eoke are genulnely ehuf flect and. lt does not natter wirlch one ls chosen by the s p e c t a t o r . Instead. of erqplalnlng to the person wiro ls lt for hel.plng you how to proceed, lllustnate irln by golng titrough the sane noutlne wlth tiee d,eck you have ln your hande. But take notlce of the caril you wlthcl,raw for lt ls to serve as a key card.. Tlhen he repJ.aces hlg card. 1n the pack you nust notlce carefully wirere he lnserte lt and, end,eavgr to lnsert your card. at approxlnatery the same spot ln your d.eek. lthen he cuts the d,eckr yor aleo trlr to cut yours at tire sane polnt. At f lrst you irad, better eut the carile but once. lllth praotlee they can be cut severar tlmee. Each ttme of course you muet follow hls cuts as olosery as posslble. ,Now spread, your d.eck on tire table and. aek bln to note hlg cend-note hlg card.. l f n e ] . e he ls d o l n o t h t n Tfne1e h e l e dolng-and. tirls ygu look over tire fen for tire key card., riren you f lnct lt, corrnt over to lt f roi tire nearest and, of the fan, remembertng tire number. Let us say lt was tenth frcn the top of the d.eck. tThen your back 1s turnecl and. you are irol&lng irls paclcr Jfoll know that hlg gard 1s ln 8POorrnt d.ownto prSxfnatbty tirb sa*e posltlon. and. glve yourself tne tenth card. fnom tire top a leeway of four or ftve card.s on elther sld.e (wlth pi'actlce , a leeway of three). Abk irln lf tite oard. was red. or b1aek. clownto three or fnle cutg tire posslblltltes four . P1aee the ge sard.s on top of the d.eck t Ihen wirgn you turn memo rLzlng then 1n, around. you have only to Look f or tire ee card.s ln the ian on tire tbbte untll you cllscover When you have d.eterwhtch one te mlselng. nlned. tire card., eltfier name lt, or prod]ge lt ln some nanner- from tire pack you are hold"ln$. CARDCMArIC slre s tlee naglalan lllustra.te s irow ire d,e Any spectator takes the tite d.eck to-be cut. d.eck, cuts as cllrected, and. notes tire face carct. He sguares the cards together agaln t glvlng tire cleck an ad.dltlonal cut or two lf he Aeslres, and. returrrg then to the Pprforner who has-been stand.lng wlth h1s back turneil at tire t at sld.e of tlre roon . One swlft glance through tire cteck 1e al-l that the xraglclan requlres to nane or plck out the cirosen card.. / Metirod.: If 1t was an ord.lnary -cut that- r L! you d.eslreil the voJ.rrnteer to make, there wou1d. be no use for d.emonstratlng lt to hlm as Jrou woulil lack a p1auslble excuse. Explaln that lt 1g the type known as the hrtch Poke. fne effeot ls that you shove out several card.s at tire center wlth tire extenileil forg-,. flnger, and. glace thern on top of the d.eck after notlng the face card. of the group. Here 1s tire nove tirat makeg the d,lscovery po sslble: Holcl tire cleck lengtirwlse and. on edge, tirunb on top and. flngers on the bottom, ln the Left hand. wlth the backg of the 'card.s to the aud.lence. Tlhen the flnger has shoved out the card.e at the center about half an lnch, the rlght hand., back of wirlcir ls irelf to tire audlenco, ls now turnecl so tirat tire back ls uP. fnls allows the eld,e of the foreflngen pcrtton to press agalnst tire face card. of th_e_ of- tire d.ecX nearest the audlence. You wllL have no troubLe gIlnpslng ltg lctentlty and. of pusirlng lt along behlnd. the card.s you are renovlng fron tire center. Tlhen the card.s are about haLf way out, you turn tire end. fron whlsil tirey are energlng s towaril the aud.lence snd. tire rlght hancl. come across to renove tirem the regt of the way. Place tirern on top of tire rest of the d.eck and. square all the card.s up. rf yourhand,g are exceptlonally clryr xou w111 do well to nolgten your foreflnger. You have openly d.ernongtnated. how the d.enonetrated. irow the spectetor ls to cut the d.eok and. note the face card.. gecretlyr you have noted. tire top card, of the d,eck. After tire spectator cuts and. notes a card, you have only to look tirrough the d.eck fon the card. beneatir your key card..




JUI,Y ,'


with with firer e welcomc

adding eight. to thc mcrcur/-boorting

but who carcf. What

discomfort this with thet icy comcr ic calm, fummer, Cool-hcadcd, magician

( ff t( {l

Bob ttrc



Haskel at At . .

is the left,

shown magicians' he

executing confermilk I MILK pours ICE

lt" trick "Freeze cncc here yesterday. glars. Then, ahh


. cold,

Most popular man at the magi- | times the ice-cube supply runs cians' convention yesterday was I out.t' Bob "The Great" Haskell and his I Haskell's was only one of hunBorn trick for a sizzling[dreds of baffling demonstrations appropriate in Glasgow, Scotland, Mr. Ilolden of legerdemain presented by the !began his theatrical career in 1901 1t ! Only tO f 1nd. On iday-"The tr'reeze-It." an assistant to the English conwayg be a fiIorr\pith specialhocus.pocus Boblamateurand lrofessional masi' las feCelVlng the appar-{ ljuror, David Devant. He became Pacific coast Associa- jug;ler and magioian on his own u m e n t t o h l s la atUS titai he _wgf alLlnou"" a sYantrty.:f an{.tiquldinicians tne iand appeared on the -vloss and nemofy turns it unside downlti",l-wrongl No repldcer guld.ed, la gtass' -.-... ^,Stoll circuit in England and the Tess, Marcus Loew and b y w l f e Keith-Albee, -_._-, Isrurt urev ue'rl'rs\r rur uur,'rss Crpheum circuits in the United' and. son 8111 , Duy, ancl aL1 ee),f itm'. anc arl seJ'Il-----'. to !o bujr, t. ,._. :_.,_ States. but many rflagIn 1914 Mr. Holden invented a oharm even aglroreneaqs,a- score or tne suut-'-Ilkg and patented a eolored smoke Pic- lc lan s wll-I ture trick. called shadowgraphs, no t need. tire wittr whicli' he toured Europe, s to foAfrica, Austrajia, the Far East and sir.op foole_d-ME, 1! - ehoufgl*."ii-t the United States as a headliner. member li,tax en trrer ror rrhoee,Houywood.Roosevelt. Mr. Ho1den retired from the Hold.en, Infool YOUR audlgnceg!' !r{*t*{rl*ryda.,p*rt stage in 1929 and opened his magic He had a stead., every sheB ir.. New York. they world-wide clientele, including not tlme ll Napa, Calit. As a youth he traveled only the leading performers but gome of know wOu1d. never wOrk f rom hls f lwith his rather,sshow, later sraduat- thousands in every profession who s e e apparatus ---adopted magic as a hobby. He in- irls __ ll with a medical degree. He atso aptroduced dozens of new tricks to on thelr ln ^_i^_l enJoylng-.eng lvito belleve S.pearedin summerstock for several his profession. wa: lJIUll shelvs, or but work are nany, tirelr f l l3l,.l_it,Atat 4:_ti*l"--o-r IIe was a member of the Lonthe Mare 99,1!h.he Island nawl !l employed even wilen slYA}tsoN of geattIe,^r Inner Magic Circle, the Soci- uge ma,ny of ll ;i;i;t;d-a;-;"G;;;,i". ety of American Magicians, th{e tiee booke iee Inter'national Brotherhood of Man1s Il-,.**-*.*r*im!e*p*tgicians, the Magician Guild, the p u b l l e h e d , to relax? l/e1L, yeg^he travel f rlendIl,ne ss White Rats, the Peonies' and the and, irelpfuLNational VarietY Artists. snop , busy eireeltlng tire merciland.lse ire a suppllers are his wife, Mrs. n e s s w 1 I L b e Surviving wants for irls store! Good. ld.ea to check everythlng once who Maxwell, Elizabeth recaIled.. Be gt toured with him in the vaudeville bui many $rhere d.oes ire put lt all? Anotirer I1ked w111 - he takeg team of Holden and Graham; a ln enJoylng l1fe 1s PETER nAVEi'l rrvirobelleves son, William Holden Maxwell jr., be no doubt ln tiee srrtnner nontils . BUf r --wito__nou1dand. crulses trlps qf Elmont, L. f., and a brother, itl s PROGnAIvIg John Maxwell, of Center Harbor, olA New Iork? p I t- do anythlns to get away fron stleky

Haskell I s DEEP FREEZE fooled. thle old. wlse guy for he felt certaln ire iracl tire book e:qlIalnlng

Ilaskelt Triek Coolsilfragitilns

i,[AX HOLDEN a gentleman who brought to the maglc buslnesg a ctlgnlty lt had. seldon known, and wiro rapl&ty e stabllshed a rpfor utatlon honesty and rellab1l1ty ln d.ea11ng passecl auray on July 3 Accord.lng Leroy to Artnur or l{ew York corre spond.ent , he never spoke an unklnd. word. of anyone ln tire Illax Holilen score of years tirat ire knew ir1m. lfnat better ea,n you obltuary wrlte of a lost f rlend.? Not orlIy tirls , but Mr, Holden sald. a Trick Shops Here and in montn before hls lf ire Boston and PhiladelPhia d.eath that Trade irl s llf e tc I1ve H"udq:u"r:*jor over, ite would Special to the Heralil Tribune Llve lt ln tire OCEANSIDE, L. I., JulY 5.-Max 8o Holden, sixty-four, former vaude- game way, ville magician arid iuggler, whose tirat ire could. magic trick shops at 220 West Forty-second Street and in Bos- meet and. know ton and PhiladelPhia were head- tire nany colquarters for both professional and orful people amateur magicians fr.,r a generation, died here Sunday at the he nad. met ln South Nassau CommunitY HosPi- i r l s Ilfe of tal. maglc. William Holden Maxwell
Magician and Juggler

Max Holderr Ex-YaudeYille Magiciunt Dies

The Holden Sirops w111 &1-

t"o"nl,,lnli'lin:iilT"fl:Ti::ril:: comes nintE, notirl'ng_ "11,-l::l;o""sto-out " -- i cont aii e !! rvo contaiiedt dl Wo d rte rted.--- | w i p:ng^perspiration-bea*"ll::-,ll-i?:: ::':-':1 :|"JilT, fi5illi l"^:i:^: " "l11lyl'-"" li;:,'l:,L?:: :l"::j:j ;ll"i:: *"

j}:::l:"111f,"liff:H;.'i"i$'"uil".t'lfin;' e weexp r ln ent ed,' i l:"::,'.*:," :T "i of co-urgi, e1nc6..r1^llll#""c xooseverr o"'l*ffi"n""TiH*""f":ff"""1r"t1: "o'u'
one wito dld not get pLeasure what pleasurs

Erbert Hubbard bel 1eved tirat

wae. Ldaglc cleaL-


;t",: || "tYrtlu3;,ff'oil1fi,"rT''1i;'3


it pr"y ls thtn5lng ppglc! Does llf;$n:",fl"i,"#,:i.Eilll,'*i.Bilild -ioiit*

htn around.anA y;n rLl f lnd. irrn reraii"g 1"

COI4ISC! Trlck

revlews ! A new BA! f eature . Keep read.lng !




SIXTY-EIGHT NUMBER Yogl $eersirlp EAST INDIAI'I BUBBLE FANTASY BubbLe Flehlng Bubble Manlpulatlon [he Float lng Bubble rHE FAKIR PENETNATIO}I ILLUSTON Sllk Penetratlng Fope and Rlngs A PlIe of RoPe Rlngs The Orlental BACK TO AMERICA Blendo The Callphf s Oarden A l{aglc Flghbowl ,,THE MENTAL MAGIC OF THE YOGI" Yogl MentaL Marvels Iire I'[ood. of lvted.ltatlon Prlnclples of Yogl L{lnd. Control Id.eo-lulotor Re spon se s Phenomena OrlentaL Psycirlcal Hlndu Catalepsy Tire Power of Tirougirt Yogl Transe Phenomena Group Thought Traneferenee Hlnd.u ll'lass Vlsuallzatlon fhe Mystlc F1ame Ad.vanced. Yogl ldllnd Control

As can be seen, tirls 1g a Progra,n lnand. 1s advftend.ed. for ad.ult audlences, touches, tlsed. as such. It has lts llgirt the Pefbut tney are lntend,eil to llghten formance, not for coned,Y lntent With His ExcitingStage Presentation In tire openlng sequence, tirere ls mucir to lnt e rb st the maglclan lnt e re st e d- 1n new maglc . The PFoductlon of tire Bal]-s MoGILL, one of the most advanced OzuliOND of Flre from a eloth younger rnaglclans, preylewed. irle new of tire bag ls qulte novel, fuII evenln$ sitow-for tire CALIFORNIA MAGICIAI'IS of tire the penetratlon CLUB, oR June 29th at tire TfllLow Glen Audltstrlng of bead.s 1g ovfhe foLlowlng orlum ln San Jose, Callfornla. tirat few er so qulcklY evenltrB, a serles of regular performances begrasp what has been gan r openlng at Paclflc Grove and. a nuraber of flre aone . fne altar locof other Central Callfornla eltleg irere sitown ls a bowL Later al eervlce or fraternal organlzatlons. produetlon that fools tite ehow w111 iread. south and. east, not lntire well lnformed. and. tend.lng to return hone to Callfornla unt1l ti:e $llve r $pirere ls 1951. our o1d. f rlend., Zonble A noveL ld.ea at thls prevlew show was Cand.Tne ir,tult lp1ylng a scorlng system, wirlcir the entlr.ely maglcIes, &s ls all of Mcal mlnd.ed aud'tence was suppoged. to use to G111r s slelgirt of grad.e the show and. to reconmendatlon changes hand., ls very well done. by statlng preferences. However, thlngs moveo so fast that hls was not usually praetlcal . fne eand. routlne ls unlque. From several fire program for EAgf IIIDIAI{ MIRACLES sand. pours brass cups shown enpty separately runs as follows: Bo lt seems . Tire sand. ln unllnlt ed. quantlty, ,'THE PHYSICAL plcture ls a tray on wirlcn colored. sands are MAGIC OF THE FAKIR" d.lsclos.ed plcture. hropped. to form a flna1ly $,i A IEIvIPLE AT BENARE8 Unitbubtedly tire weakest lteur on tne ghow. Balls of Flre d"oneto fnerlsand. and. Sugarfrle lnterestlngly TTalklng througil a Strlng of Bead.g The Altar close thle eectlon. of Flre The $llver Tire Orlental Telepathy $pirere turns out to be Idult lpIylng Cand.le s a rlslng that fascard. fron glass routlne rHE MAGIC gAI{Dg OF BOIJIBAI clnated. the aud.lence. A noveL blt hene wae Cups of $and the forclng of the card.s by the asslstant A Plcture whlle I{cGlll of Sand. de scrlbe e the actlon . Tilus , Tire 9and s of Llf e he contlnued. to clomlnate lnterest ancl not lose lt by a t rlp to the aud.lence." Tire II{TIILE THE GODS LOOK ON Snake blt ls our frlend. ln the Basket wlth urlentaL Telepatiry rnaske belng placed. on aud.lence volunteers A B1t of Snake Charntng ( ala Caro ldll1er) , Tire Flre Sacrlf lce ls CaLcutta Flre gacrlflae FAKIR bTggfERIEg SOME CONTEMPORARY Abbott-ldcGl1l tire current offe.nlng . F1ashllgirt buLb Eatlng Electra next followed, wltir a McGlll


N U M B E RX T Y - E I G H T SI LZ cards to tire pocket conclud.lng thls front curtaln blt. Tire Llnklng Rlngs now were lntroEach rlng d.uced, ln a serles as outllned. and. lnd.lvld.ually was si?.own separately, was examlned. before a very flne routlne pre eent e d. tirat d.ellgirt ed. the very well lnformed. and, completely rnystlf led. all eIee. Now cane a hlgh spot ln a good. program. A bubble maehlne set behlnd a Dave Lovesen Flsh Bowl (ad..) prod.uced. bubble s vrirlcir l'icGll1 tlmanlpulateclff as one would b1lt lard. ball s , tnen a large rfbubblerr floated ln the best Frankmaglcal style. iras me IX, tnls stlIl puzzled.. Excellent . To conclud.e tnls flrst lnterestlng iealf c&Iil blend-o, a cont lnue d. prod.uctlon flovrof d.rab featirer ll cGILL and hi s CAPS0F SND ers, and a stack of f lsir-bow1s. Tne second. half was a f 1ne pre sentatlon of stage irypnotlsm. McGlll irand1es fashlon and lf hls aud.lence ln masterful hl s book on tire art l sn I t enougit conv lc t lon the wltnesslnE of a performance wlLl set all d.oubt asld.e. Your Ed.ltor could not help but wonderlng how titls serlous stuf f wou1d. go aud.lenee but lncllned before a non-maglcally then conclud.ed. titat slnce lt le so1d as ad,ult ad.ults would flnd. lt nost 1nentertalnrnent, The prograrn dld conclud.e wlth a ,terpstlng. b l t o f r r c o r n r f. O n e s u b J e c t l s h e 1 d . lltt1e ttgluedrr to the stage. A very funny blt, but ttgorlllarr wanders otr I then of all thlngs ; a at and. off ln to th; iud.lence. IulcGlll flree and. tne curtalns close. Tirls, could' Just lt. have been forgotten. ;;'well lficGl}I , lmpeccabl-y ssed' make g a good6n the aud.lence. Hls mqglc ls new, lnpresslon weil of f tire coumon course , mystlf ylrg , enterand. pleaslng to watch,. He presents talnlllgr ln a polr shed., e$ueated. manner and' rvtiiittg enre f laws . hfrs hl s one aE sl stant works wtthout 1s the I gtrlng P]1]9rrr off licef ii'und.oubtedly ria[" . In the rnenta]- rnagl c . part , I'dcGl1l- ls irand.tcappeil by tire ne ce s slty of remalnlng clo se t;- the irf cropirone . Iuty sugge stlon here card.ff was that he obtaln and on my rfcrltlclsm use a 3.apel m1ke. and. silow fold'Havl rrg seen tire publeclty ers I an convlnced. tire show can be ll sold.. ll Its success, flnanclal-ly of course, w111 d.epend, on the receptlon of lt by lts adult aud.lences. Meanwirlle, the maglclans of Central Callfornla w111 watcir 1t s tour wltir lntense lntereet havlng sat ln on lts lntrod,uctlon. fire ent lre evenlng was a f eather 1n the cap iuiaglclans C1ub. Not for tire new Callfornla staged. by a fu1ly only was McGlIl benefltted. dress reirearsal , but und.oubtedly irelpful was obtalned. frorn the maglca1ly crltlclsm mlnd.ed aud.lence. Tney ln turn by thls pr1a ehorryed. deelrb to irelp vate perfornance maglc and maglclans, ln turn they saw a ld.eas . po ilshed prof eeglonal wlth orlglnal


Johnnle $,{urray here glvee us sometirlng I Prepare a pad of brllIlant. thlnk posltlvely matcires thls way and. you to w111 agree wlth ny sentlments. Ihe old gtunt of the name of a card. 8Ppearlng on a burnt match head. ls Juet tirat; oLd. stuff , Instead of the regular paper pad ! of matches, use Explod.lng I',latcires Your deaLer has the se . Then prepare them as f o1lowg.

e 0

Near tire t1p on the eld.e opposlte the tire nane of a expl-oslve materlal , wrlte card. 1n lnk. Tire wirole pad can be prepared. wlth tire same card. nane r Bey the slre , or IOH, f or ten of irearts , tf you d.e card.s bettor, two, or even three d.lfferent Locate tiren when so spotted. you can easlly and. lf , and. I an sure you w111 be aeked. to d.egtred.. Joirnnle howevTr repeat tire effect, goes a step furtirer and. places a dlfferent you couId, by card, on eacir natch, fn fact, havlng a couple of extra booke, have the d.eck so taken care of . entlre In tirat case , you I d. no t need. to force a card,, bu'u alLow a real freedom of cholce. But glnce lt 1g so easy to foree a card. or tire cho lce to one of three card.s , to llmlt you | 11 most L1keLy Just prepare your match pad wltir tire three card. nanes. The card. ls gelected, renembered., and pLaced. on the table , Tire magl clan take s hls pad of matches at removes one. He showg the natch on both eldes. It ls blank, because of course , tire old pad.dle twl st or rollcan not over move 1g used and. the wrltlng be seen. The matcir ls seratched., lt bursts lnto flane - tiren , POP! - 1t e:rplo and. card. tire name of the selected appears ! At the crltlca1 momeht, you mere1Y . ro11 the natcir over as lt pops ! And. there ls the selected. card..



Golng lnt o the auc1le nce to re t rleve the Tube tire riragl clan cirat s avray as he place s tire cap back on hlraself and. runs h1s favorlte cir sea,l tire halr pln back tnrough the hole s r,zhl tube. He returns to the stage, stops short all ernpty? tt says , 'rI lf tire tube 1s realIy i{e renove s the wlre and start s to take o f f the wlre when water itrlps from the bottom ! Ohl Oh ! Unscrewlng tire cap, he pours out a ful1 load, of water lnto a gtem goblet and. pLaaee tire tube away as he wlpes htg hand.e ana &cknowledges the conments. fne secret? Just a swltcir of tubeg. The water fllled. tube ls irooked, over tire lngld.e breaet pocket of the coat. Ti:e perforner, iravlng seaLed. the lube hlnnself to resembLe the irlild.en tube, also takes care to remove the nnarklngs. Startlng back to the stage , irls han d.arts irl e coat , d.rops the empty tube ln as ire pufls As we know, the load.ed. one fortir. the tlghtly clo sed. tube w111 not leak, but ai soon as the seaL le broken, the clrlbbllng - w111 begln . The f lnger blocke the irole ln the botton so tirat the cap can be removed and. the content s ls poured. lnto the . Tirle glas or a Ilke rebeptacl,e of il sha;r appearance w111 nake the contente appear even bulkler tiran actual-, Of course, lf lt 1s llquor that ls produced., the color w111 make tire llquld more apparent, and,^^the performerr ralslng the glae s , salrg , ohere-s to Iou, r .- and. d.rlnks lt irlmee1f !



Perfonner now plcks Tube, sorews THE PRODUCTION FINISHESIon tire cap, and, passes 1t up the speotiton so to a

e Llovo lonFf

that he nay exa"ulne lt at relgurb, wltirout telIlng hln to d.o Bo. RESUINETIE}ITSI 1. rire wooL yarn r prepared. as explalned. irereaf ter. 2. A cloth contalner to hoLcl tire wool {arn, ?nd plnned. lngld.e the baek of tire perfotmerr s coat' so that the load. wllL be d.istrlbuted. ln the snalL part of tire baok. 3 . A brena Bllr tube,- wlth the lneert renoved.. Insert elther ln outer rlgirt ooat pocket or elgewtrere for convenlent paLnlng when requlred.. 4. A bag woven f rom the sane klncl of multl-colored. yarn, and. uged. to hold. the rreload.r of tire rauuti, bowr of watr, or other ) flnar ppd.uctlon 1t6me. Belng nacl5 of the ,.r"J naterlaL as the prod.uced.yanc; lt w111 not be notlced. ln the plle of such naterlar. It can be Juet a square, wlth a rlng gewed,lnto each cor:ner so that lt can be suspend,ed. a headon less nalL at the back of tire- table. 5 . The r second. load.lf , tire nature of wirlch ls up to the perfor.m6r and, rhlch ls COIltalned. ln the bag or square used. for euah PUf| pose and. d.eecrlbed. ln 4 above. 6. A eervante or (preferably) a heailless nalI at the back of the tabre on wirrcir the prod.uotlon of yaril le plled..

IIIE WOOI: Thls le nerely the knltllns woor sord. by d,lne stores 1n arl colors. A ddzen strands, or Bore, each a d.lfferent color, can be conprggsgd so tirat tirey w111 move through the B11r hrbe, by ROggA. BURTEY rhese etnand,s shourcl be iard par'EFFECT: Performer ehows both hancls empty a1IeL Ilke so nany wtres, and, a thread. ghould. He then produces nagloally the 8111 Tube. Un- be tled. around, then everf' stx lncheg Jo-as to kg"p the_ Fopo-Lrke appeai:ance. when [rre end. Bcrewlng the oap, and. hoLdlng the lube ln hls -oora of one ekeln Ls reaeh-ea, the beglnnrng left hand., he reacheg ln wlth the tlps of h1e or the next skeln 1g nerelf' tled td the Encl.-of and. pulle out nlght thunb and, fore-flngrr the flrst s\eln, and. thus the lenght oi the heavy strand,e of nurtl-colored. yarn, these pro$ucttgn depend,s on the penfornEn. strand.s belng ln the form of a rope- that ls [hls wool w111.g5p?nc[ to unbellbvable etze, as-lt's alnoet the thloknees of the lnner- cllaneter of cqnpr_eslblllty ls even greater than ie that tlre tube. of gllk. Performer contlnueg to pu3.1 out yard.s Tne_tlelng of tire strandg, wlth tirelr and. yard.s of thls naterlal , deposttlng 1t on ) nurtl-colors-niklng a table-top untll , the tabLe 1s covered. and. a lhe prcductlon yery O fl*., ^regPltg ln the trop-en not gettlng- taneiea ! "ororplle has accumulatefl.. The quantlty oanr be as wlthln th9 F$ whel suspend,ed,ffum th6 bacl , muoh as the performer d.eslres. P1aclng the lnsldo, of the perfornei,s coat. once done, Iube aeld.e ln fuLL vlew f or a f ew moment he s, ploka up the accunrrlatlon of wool yarn, ehakee lt d.oes not need. ever to be F-done. Tlre. above rough sketch shows the varloue 1t , anil f ron lt produce s a ctove, rabblt , borl of ;ater, or anythlng elee that nay be d.eglned. etrand.s. (onry 4, fdr slnp].lfloatlon of dna;i"s)


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