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August always takes Fran and me to Monterey for the vintage car races at the Leguna Seca raceway. The tradition began when we lived in the Monterey area back in the 1960s. Our daughter, Kristin, was born while we were there and she was baptized on Easter Saturday in 1969. Our local church was Bethlehem Lutheran, which is Missouri Synod for old school. We went back to Bethlehem Lutheran Church during this last visit and were informed that the service was to be a throw-back to the 1952 service that was in-place when the current pastor was first ordained. The service was beautiful, as is the church. I encourage you to attend a service there when in Monterey. When we lived in the area, I was in the Marine Corps attending the Naval Postgraduate School. The minister at Bethlehem Lutheran, Pastor Grumm, was a great guy. He was a former paratrooper during WW II and made two European combat jumps with the 101st Airborne Division. No small task in itself. He met with us Navy and Marine students in the schools dining room each week for Bible study and a beer. However, he hated the United States involvement in the Vietnam War. That was his right. But, yes there is always a but. But he railed against it every Sunday during his sermons. I was infuriated that he would use the pulpit for his politics. I was personally not supportive of the war. I had just finished my second tour in Vietnam and was not too keen about going back for a third one. But I was willing to do so for our Marine Corps. However, I did not go to church every Sunday to hear a political speech regarding how wrong our government was. I went to save my sorry soul.
Continued on page 2

Continued from Page

As I sat in the pew this past Sunday listening to the Gospel, this flash-back from 1969 came to me, as I heard the words from John, Chapter 6, versus 4169. But it was verses 66 and 67 that had an immediate, great impact on me. Because of what Jesus said, many of his disciples turned their backs on him and stopped following him. Jesus then asked his twelve disciples if they were going to leave him. WOW! There were quitters. And apparently a lot of them! It would have been easy for me to have left Bethlehem Lutheran back in 1969 because of Pastor Grumms sermons. Granted, he was not speaking for Jesus, but I was fed up with it. However, Fran and I stayed, and brought our three kids with us every Sunday for the duration of our time in the area. We knew that it was important to stay the course, not for Pastor Grumm and his political rants, but for the words and teachings of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I hope I do not have to explain to you where I have been going with this newsletter. If so, see me after the service on any Sunday. Ill explain my thoughts in detail, during a personal rant. Your Brother in Christ Jerry Garwick

Thank you to all of our church family who have prayed for and sent cards to me after my heart surgery. I felt "wrapped in prayer" the entire time. Also many thanks to those of you who brought us those delicious meals!!! All is truly appreciated! We have such a great, loving and caring church family and for that we certainly thank God! Blessings to you all! Your sister in Christ JesusBecki La Voy-Jordan

Report from the Administrator

August was a bit slow in this department but a couple of things going on are: *This fall a tally of all keys for our church will be taken. We will, at that time, have a deposit system for keys that are given out. The deposit to be returned when the key is returned. It has come to our attention that we have many keys "out" that may not need to be out and may not be accounted for. There is a key log in the church office and I will be going through that line by line. We are just trying to get a handle on where each key is at this time. If you have a key that you no longer need please turn it in to one of the Secretaries in the church office on Tues. -Friday from 9-12noon and they will log it in or you can give it to me and I will take care of it for you. * Church Admin. Council has asked that we have an established policy for borrowing any church equipment( ie. tables and chairs, etc.). That policy will be published in September's newsletter and will be posted in the church office and workroom when completed. *Rally Sunday will be held on September 9th. We will have information for everyone on what groups (like Women's Group, Small groups, Sunday School classes for children, youth and adults and other opportunities) are available for you to join, at Sierra Lutheran Church for 2012-2013. *The Sunday after Rally Sunday, September 16th will start off our Sunday School year. Sunday School, for all ages, will start at 10:30am right after our worship service. Registration will take place in each Sunday School classroom. A map of where each class is held will be in the Narthex for your convenience.

All are welcome!!!!

*This year we have added a Confirmation Class during the Sunday School hour. We have young folks who need this year of class to be confirmed in their faith, in the late Spring, when they will take on the responsibility for their own faith walk- as their parents took it on for them when they were baptized as young children. Please keep them in your prayers.! Blessings to you all- Becki La Voy-Jordan

Our Journey To Jesus Continues..

Childrens Sunday School classes will start again, 10:30 am on September 16, 2012 We will continue with our bible timeline, with a brief recap of what we have already covered. Kindergarten 2nd Grade will meet in Room 2 with Cathy Jolley 3rd Grade 6th Grade will meet in Room 3 with David Bookwalter Confirmation Class will meet in Room 1 with Becki La Voy Jordan Cathy Jolley In Gods Grace

A minister parked his car in a noparking zone in a large city because he was short of time and couldnt find a space with a meter. Then he put a note under the windshield wiper that read: I have circled the block 10 times. If I dont park here, Ill miss my appointment. Forgive us our trespasses. When he returned, he found a citation from a police officer along with this note Ive circled this block for 10 years. If I dont give you a ticket Ill lose my job. Lead us not into temptation.

SLC Church Choir

Sierra Lutheran Church Choir resumes Choir practice on September 4 at 7 pm in the Sanctuary. Our accompanist, Fatima Martin, has been working on our music throughout the summer. We will sing some old favorites and some new ones. Warm up those vocal chords and join us for a different kind of Life Group. Call Fran Garwick at 323-6603 (home) or 765-7463 (new cell) for more information.

Sierra Lutheran Church Leadership 2012

Executive Board Vision At Large

On Rally Sunday September 9th the kitchen team will have a Continental Breakfast of fruit and breads. We would like to thank Fran and Jerry Garwick for furnishing the kitchen with a new coffee pot and crock pot. We would also like to give a big thank you to Thelma Canclini for giving to the kitchen the money needed to buy a new sink. The sinks will go in after the electrical and plumbing work is done.

Council President
Jerry Garwick Mike Jolley

Council Elder
Paul Jumps

Council Vice President Council Secretary

Tami Wright

Council Elder Council Elder Council Elder

Doug Baker John Pape

Edwin Simpson IV David Jordan

Council Treasurer
Sue Gallegos


David Bookwalter Administration Staff

Council Elder

LADIESTHE FOLLOWING IS A WARNING FROM CONSUMER REPORTS The salad packages say prewashed BUT even if the bag says prewashed wash the greens yourself. They tested different salad prewashed bags and they found bacteria that are common indicators of poor sanitation and fecal contamination, in some cases a rather high level.

Ministry Teams Of Purpose

Church Administrator
Becki LaVoy Jordan

Worship Team Leaders

Kay Austin Shelley Telles Bob Actis

The next kitchen team meeting is on September 6th at 7:00 P.M.

Youth Ministry

Robert DuPree

Friendship Team Leaders Parish Nurse


Children Ministry
Cathy Jolley

Fran Garwick, NP-C



Joyce Velasquez

Choir Director
Fran Garwick Lynda Qualls Sallie Karp

Church Secretaries

Joyce Reed Fran Garwick Joyce Velasquez Samantha DuPree Becki LaVoy Jordan Jeanie Taylor

Outreach Team Leader Prayer Chain Leader

Matt and Shelley Actis are calling for used cell phones. If you have one please bring it and give it to Bob Actis, A.S.A.P. They are working with the people to rebuild and then sell them so people can buy food, etc.

Hope & Joy

Join the ladies of Hope and Joy when they meet Saturday Sept. 8th at noonfor a potluck lunch, short business meeting and bible study on Hannah, 1 Samuel 1: 1 2:-11. We will be visiting Nordine Sanders so please let her know if you will be attending the meeting .855-4435. Hope to see you there.

Dear Church family, I am writing you all, young and old, with many mixed feelings. I have been at SLC for more than 26 years and have grown to love you all as my church family. The truth of the matter is that I failed at retirement and have been sent back to high school. Well actually it is an international school in Astana, Kazakhstan. I will be gone more than likely for two years and Teaching special needs students there. I had dreams of Greece, Italy, or possibly Germany, but God had other plans for me. I will try to keep up on all the exciting happenings that our church will be experiencing in the coming years. I will miss you all and hope that things will carry on in love and charity to all. At the same time I am excited about this new chapter in my life and await the challenges that God has in store for me. Take care, live your lives in fear of God and keep my husband and I in your prayers for travel mercies and spiritual grow. Love always. Christine OKelley For now you can stay in touch via email at,, facebook which I hope to monitor and put photos or here is our new mailing address: 14 Turan Ave. Apt. #84 Astana, Kazakhstan 010000

Health Matters Back to School!

By Fran Garwick, Nurse Practitioner This is the time of year that brings new challenges for children & parents. The ringing cry of Back to School reminds us that our young ones will be outside our parental circle of protection for a few hours every day. Our children will have new friends and new environments. These are important in their social and educational development. They will swap lunches, pencils, books and hats, etc. HATS! Yes, they will swap hats. Why is this significant? LICE! Kids swap hats and share hairbrushes, combs, hair ornaments and things and get head lice. It is very common especially in grade school. One would think that warm weather prevents kids from wearing caps because its too hot but wearing a cap is a fashion statement. Kids swap hats or try them on to see how they look and transfer head lice from the swapped cap to their own head. Head lice are about the size of a sesame seed and are light tan to gray. The egg of the head louse is called a nit and sticks to the hair shaft. The pictures below are copied from, a very handy site.

You may notice a child scratching their scalp frequently which could be a sign of head lice. The louse also causes a rash behind the ears or on the back of the neck. Fortunately, head lice are treated with an over-the-counter product. Follow the package directions and plan on treating again in 7 days. Wash all items in hot, soapy water. That includes hats, clothes worn, linens and towels. Contact your health care provider if the problem persists. Fran Garwick, NP, 323-6603 (home) or 765-7463 (new cell) for more information.

You maybe Lutheran if.... only serve Jell-O in the proper liturgical color for the season. ....a midlife crisis means switching from the old hymnbook to the new one. forget to put water in the baptismal font but never forget to put water in the coffee pot. response to someone jumping up and shouting "Praise the Lord! you politely remind him or her that we don't do that around here. think a meeting isn't legitimate unless it's at least three hours long. make change in the offering plate for a ten. ....the church is on fire, and you rush in to save the coffee pot. think hot dish is one of the major food groups have more than five flavors of Jell-O in your pantry. takes 10 minutes to say good-bye. ....doughnuts are in the official church budget tap a church visitor on the shoulder and say, "excuse me, but you're in my seat." .you wonder why bread and wine are used for Communion instead of coffee and donuts. .Your biggest fund-raisers are bake sales instead of bingo.

End-of-Summer Greetings from the Outreach Team!!

This will be short as I have been busy traveling this summer and will soon leave for Africa with Anne Neal. This has been a trip long in the planning and I have been blessed as my dear friend, Lorna Stewart, who passed away last September, left me money to make this "bucket list" trip. We were close friends for almost 40 years so this gift is a treasure I will always hold dear. Thank you all again for your summer support for the children of the Food Bank. The toys and games were well received and I have all the school supplies that will soon be distributed as well. Just as the widow gave her last mite, all the acts of kindness that you have done over the years is appreciated my Jesus. When He sees all this kindness He knows you indeed are following His teachings. As I have been gone so much Outreach will need to "get it in gear" for the fall. Stay posted for what comes next! I still encourage you to save old magazines for Wish-i-Ah. They really love all the magazines and books you have generously shared with them. I still encourage any of you who could volunteer there to do so. It has been such a joy to get to know these wonderful people, many of whom have no one to visit. When I come and see their eyes light up it gives me such a great feeling. We will be doing the Christmas Tree again for Wish-i-Ah this December. For right now be on the look out for any calls of help from Tami Wright as she is heading up the feeding of our youth again this fall. If we all take a turn or bring a part of the meal it will really be a help to Tami. If you just cannot bring food, buy some paper products to help out. Often, Tami has dipped into her own resources to make sure all who show up on Mondays do not leave empty handed. Find a way to help as Outreach to our Youth is essential to the health of our church family. May this Indian Summer time be a blessed and not-so-warm time for all of you. Find the time to reach out to our church as well as all the people you come to contact with on a daily basis. We never know when we will minister to the Lord. Keep up the good work and as always, God bless each and everyone of you. Lynda Qualls Outreach Chair

Sierra Lutheran Church of Auberry 2012 Fundraiser To raise money for the General Fund Contact Bob Actis or any Friendship member.



Thrivent Financial for Lutherans" Let's thrive."

The Fresno County Chapter of Thrivent Financial has partnered financially with SOS (Survivors of Suicide) for the past nine years. This year we are inviting Lutherans and friends to support this organization by your presence as a volunteer or by your participation in this Walk. Here are the details: Sat., Sept. 22nd, 8:00 a.m., two-mile walk; 4 mile run Cost: $20 adults (18+) $15 under age 18 Meet at Woodward Park, Mountain View Shelter This is an annual event of SOS to gain operating funds for the year. To support those who have lost a loved one to suicide and to educate the community about issues related to suicide and its prevention. Also: entertainment, giveaways, food, resource fair, silent auction, "For more information, or to offer to help, contact ... Your Thrivent Congregational Advocate, or Nancy Newsom, Thivent Events Chair, at

Hosted by members of the Fresno County Chapter of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans ______________________________________________________________
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is a financial services membership organization that helps its approximately 2.6 million members thrive in life. Thrivent Financial and its affiliates offer a broad range of financial products and services including life insurance, annuities, mutual funds, disability income insurance, bank products and more. As a not-for-profit organization, Thrivent Financial brings its members together for social and educational events, as well as activities that help congregations, schools, charitable organizations and individuals in need. For more information, visit All funds donated to this chapter will be used exclusively for charitable, educational or religious purposes. This Chapter currently intends to use the funds donated in this fundraising activity for the purpose(s) and recipient(s) stated for this activity. The chapter reserves the right, however, to use all or part of the funds donated in this activity for different charitable, educational or religious purpose(s) and/or recipient(s) at its sale discretion. This could occur, for example, if the chapter determines that funds have been donated in excess of the amount reasonably needed or if the need for assistance changes. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Appleton, Wisconsin Minneapolis, Minnesota 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836)

To Know, Love and Serve Jesus Christ

Monday Night Youth Dinners are back!!! We are cooking for the kids again, and this year are using a new manner of organization that we hope will allow more people to participate in various ways, and leave fewer gaps in our menu schedule! Folks wanting to help with this ministry will have a couple of options:
1) Sign up for bringing in the ingredients listed on the menu grocery list and, Helping with the preparation on Monday night, OR Leaving the ingredients in the kitchen refrigerator if your schedule does not allow you to be here Monday, but you still want to help ***Because the ingredients will be needed in varying amounts, every little bit helps, so the sign-up sheet will be broken down into numbers of ingredients, and folks can bring whatever they are able, rather than the whole meal! 2) If your Life Group or service/ministry group would like to do the entire meal on a specific date, sign up for that date. If your group wants to do something other than what is on the menu, thats great too just check the menu and check with me to see if we have any ingredients you could use.

There are a FEW dates of note on our menu calendar :

The week of Trunk or Treat we MAY be having the youth dinner on actual Halloween during Trunk or Treat (hot dogs, chips, fruit, lemonade) and will have many more youngsters to feed. The Monday before Christmas break we try to do a special dinner. Fat Tuesday (Shrove Tuesday) falls during Ski Week this year, so the week BEFORE that, we will be having our pancake version of Fat Monday.

As always, we will HAPPILY accept donations of paper plates, plastic utensils, cups, and napkins. The menu is as follows (the main dishes are listed here, but the sign-up sheet in the Narthex will have include side items and condiments): September:
10th Spaghetti 17th Fried Chicken 24th Sub Sandwiches

1st Grilled kabobs 15th Taco night! 22nd Pulled pork sandwiches 29/31 Trunk or Treat hot dogs

5th Pizza night 12th Baked Potato Bar 26th Soup night

3rd Chile Verde 10th Lasagna 17th Turkey

7th Grilled Cheese & Soup 14th Chili & Corn Bread 28th Hamburger night!

4th Chicken Tenders 11th Pancakes (FAT MONDAY)! 25th Philly Steak Sandwiches

4th Pizza night 11th Weiner Wraps 18th St. Pattys Potato Bar

8th Mac & Cheese 15th Pulled Pork Sandwiches 22nd Finger Food night! 29th Orange Chicken

6th Taco night! 13th Tri tip

Thank you all! In His Service, Tami


September 2012 Worship Assistants Sept. 2

Altar Guild Greeters Ushers Shelley/Susan Pam & Joyce R. Jerry & Fran & Shelley Tami

*all services at 9:00am*

Sept. 23
Shelley Steve & Jennifer Dave Mc & Bev & Stan Stan ???

Sept. 9
Shelley Alan & Sue

Sept. 16
Shelley/Susan Gloria & Fern

Sept. 30
Shelley Shirley & Shelley Alan & Sue & Fran Jeanie

David J & David B Dave & Joni & & Edwin Bob Mike ??? Nordine

Readers Gods Word Computer Communion Assistants Prayer Stations






John & Lori Pastor & Fran (Fern/plate) Yes

Mike & Lynda Pastor & Fern (Joyce/plate) Yes

If you are unable to serve when scheduled please ask one of the other assistants to trade dates or provide a substitution for you, and notify Worship Coordinator Shelley Telles (855-5703) of the change.


~ September 2012 ~
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat


Labor Day 7:00pmAA Meeting-Room 2 Birthdays Jessica Gallegos, Joyce Velasquez

6:30pm-Praise Team-Sanctuary 7:00pm-Kitchen Team Meeting 7:00pmAA Meeting-Room 2

Birthday Jodi Jordan

9:00am-Josephs Storehouse 12:00 Noon-Hope & Joy-Location Nordine Sanders Home Birthday Ronnie Aylward

6:00am-Mens Bible Study-Simpson- 12:00 Noon-Mens Bible StudyWorkroom Garwick @ Big Ds 12:30pm-Life Group-Karp & Sanders- 6:30pm-Life Group-Pape Home Room 2 7:00pm-Choir-Sanctuary

Grandparents Day 9:00am-Rally Sunday Following service continental Breakfast Birthday Jerry Garwick

3:15-7:30pm-Freefalling Middle & Senior High Ministry-Youth Room 5:15pm-Youth Dinner 7:00pm-AA Meeting-Room2

6:00am-Mens Bible Study-SimpsonWorkroom 12:30pm-Life Group-Karp & SandersRoom 2 7:00pm-Life Group- Bookwalter Home 7:00pm-Choir-Sanctuary

12:00 Noon-Mens Bible StudyGarwick @ Big Ds 6:30pm-Life Group-Pape Home Birthday Bobby Larson

6:30pm-Praise TeamSanctuary 7:00pmAA Meeting-Room 2



9:00am-Service 10:30am-All Church Sunday School 10:30am-Life Group-VelasquezLibrary

3:15-7:30pm-Freefalling Middle & Senior High Ministry-Youth Room 5:15pm-Youth Dinner 7:00pm-AA Meeting-Room 2

6:00am-Mens Bible Study-SimpsonWorkroom 12:30pm-Life Group-Karp & SandersRoom 2 7:00pm-Life Group-Bookwalter Home 7:00pm-Choir-Sanctuary

12:00 Noon-Mens Bible StudyGarwick @ Big Ds 6:30pm-Life Group-Pape Home Birthdays Sue Catchpole, Emily Simpson

6:30pm-Praise Team-Sanctuary 7:00pmAA Meeting-Room 2



First Day of Autumn

Birthday T. George Pickering

9:00am-Service 10:30am-All Church Sunday School 10:30am-Life Group-VelasquezLibrary Birthday Missy Hansen

3:15-7:30pm-Freefalling Middle & Senior High Ministry-Youth Room 7:00pm-AA Meeting-Room 2 Birthday Jim Markus Newsletter articles due

6:00am-Mens Bible Study-SimpsonWorkroom 12:30pm-Life Group-Karp & SandersRoom 2 7:00pm-Life Group-Bookwalter Home 7:00pm-Choir-Sanctuary

9:00am-Food Bank 12:00 Noon-Mens Bible StudyGarwick @ Big Ds 6:30pm-Life Group-Pape Home

6:30pm-Praise Team-Sanctuary 7:00pmAA Meeting-Room 2 Anniversaries Dave & Bev McCann, Wes & Lynda Qualls


Birthday Arlene Jumps

9:00am-Service 10:30am-All Church Sunday School 10:30amLife Group-VelasquezLibrary Birthday Sharon Tevis



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