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A BOLERO pattern for Gene

from Tiki Doll Designs Directions: All seams are ". 1. Sew darts in front pieces (fabric and lining). 2. Press down. 3. Sew front to back at shoulders (fabric and lining). 4. Press seam open. 5. Sew collar pieces together along curved edge. Notch, turn, and press. 6. Sew collar to neck edge, placing collar ends " from raw neck edge to allow for seam allowance. Must be eased into place. I used pins. 7. Clip and press seam down. 8. Turn armhole edges under " and press (along dashed line) on both fabric and lining. 9. Sew side seams to just past dart (fabric and lining). 10. Press seams open. 11. Sew jacket to lining around outer raw edges (sweeping curve). 12. Trim, clip, turn, and press. 13. Hand stitch armholes to lining. Hand stitch lining to collar seam. 14. Press well. 3 inch line

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