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Representations in music videos Evanescence- Everybody's Fool

Kayleigh Morris

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This music video is very much different to other evanescence videos in that it uses less of a performance element focusing instead on the story that the lyrics provide. It was initially written by the singer Amy lee in an attempt to stop her little sister from wanting to be like the celebrities seen in magazine and the lying/false spokes models on TV.

Representation of artist
Very juxtaposed presentations of the lead singer seen in the opening shots and other shots of famous lifestyle/jobs compared to the shots of her between these clips. This shows the disillusionment she feels for fame and her famous lifestyle. No real presentation of other band members except for in the drink advert where they are only in the background. Enforces the feeling of loneliness, makes her a very solitary figure within the music video enforcing the suggestion of the false representation of fame. Very much a presentation of her views of fame. How false everything is and how much fame changes people until theyre almost unrecognisable- suggested in part through the very contrasting looks that she has throughout the video.

Appearance of shots and artist presentation

Further contrast in the appearance of shots- advert shots and photo-shoots much brighter colours and even clearer to see, they seem to be higher contrast as well. Other shots are tinted green and have quite low saturation which adds to the sense of upset and disappointment that she feels. Which enforces her dissatisfaction with the way in which she has been changed.

There is a symmetry in the celebrity lifestyle shots and in the other shots i.e. see her drink in the advert as
she drinks in the bathroom. Perhaps acting as a suggestion of how these forced developments in her character/ changes to who she is have managed to establish a part in her normal day-to-day life. We can see her anger and frustration throughout the video especially at points such as when she is scribbling on the magazine, and when she cuts her hair, all coming to a head when she smashes the mirror.

Artist representation
Use of the advert clip without the music at the beginning of the video allows us to sense her underlying frustration through the gentle introduction of the music along with the slow change in expression. Introduction of the lie/lies theme. Presenting the artist as unable to fully take control of her life icons of self indulgence and how really fame is subject to societies whims meaning that the celebrities arent allowed to be who they want so much as they are who we want them to be. Very much mocking how people desire an idol that doesnt exist- an idol that never was and never will be and the only means they have of gaining this idol is through buying into the celebrity character (adverts are a further suggestion of buying into the character)

Artist representation
Everybodys fool the character has become nothing more than a doll/ something to be admired and changed/adjusted according to what they want- different costumes, Japanese anime style, various stereotyped character types. Use of a lot of silhouettes implies a sense of distance (emotive) causing the artist to become very distanced from the audience which fits in with the idea that she is a solitary and lonely character. There is wide use of close up shots which should create a contrasting feeling of closeness to the viewer however the lack of eye contact in these shots generally creates a false pretence of closeness as in we feel close when in reality were miles apart. Again this acts as a representation of the character being very different to the singer herself and how the character is what we buy into rather than the person. We only get real direct address

when she appears in the adverts.

Artist representation
Really presents the artists hate and disgust at how false fame is and can be Without the mask, where will you hide? Can't find yourself lost in your lie as well as the dislike of the forced lies and misrepresentation. At the end of the video we really see the artist grow in strength and shout a refusal to conform to the lies shes been living any longer I know the truth now, I know who you are and I dont love you anymore this is punctuated by the angry smashing of the mirror. Then shouting her anger to the billboard as she states that the life she lead and the image she had Never was and Never will be.

Perfect by nature Icons of self indulgence Just what we all need More lies about a world that Never was and never will be Have you no shame? Don't you see me? You know you've got everybody fooled Look here she comes now Bow down and stare in wonder Oh how we love you No flaws when you're pretending But now I know she Never was and never will be You don't know how you've betrayed me And somehow you've got everybody fooled

Without the mask, where will you hide? Can't find yourself lost in your lie I know the truth now I know who you are And I don't love you anymore It Never was and never will be You don't know how you've betrayed me And somehow you've got everybody fooled It never was and never will be You're not real and you can't save me Somehow now you're everybody's fool

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