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Formula for Revival cup of forgiveness 2 cups humility 2 liter bottles of power prayer 1 fraction of fasting T.

T. Repentance 1 cup attitude adjustment Whole stick of obedience 1 cube of desire Several dashes of love Multiple variables of Christlikeness 1 Gods Searchlight mixing bowl
Directions: Earnestly seek a desire for revival, Mix together the 2 liters of power prayer with fasting, forgive those who have wronged you, go to a brother or sister in humility, be sure to include God, repent of your attitudes, add several dashes of love, give God your life in complete obedience, show multiple variables of Christ likeness in every word and action on every committee and ministry you serve, placed yourself in one large bowl under Gods searchlight of love. Bake at 70 times 70 degrees until completely forgiven and hot enough to be an effective influence and soul winner for Christ. Jeanne McIntosh September 2012. All rights reserved.

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