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Aliza Kantarowitz 3HN

The Beauty of Sunday Mornings

This Sunday morning I didnt sleep in until twelve in the afternoon and just get up for Sunday football. Instead, I did the most unusual thing. I got up at an early hour on a Sunday to go to school on a day that wasnt necessary for me to go. At about 9:15, I got out of the car and walked into a Minyan in school with my father. Most students cant understand what could possibly possess students to go and miss out on sleep. Usually by the time Friday rolls around we are dying to get out of school, not do the total opposite and come in on a Sunday thereby ending our weekend early. So why? Why come to school when you arent forced to? Three words answers it all: Sunday Morning Learning. For the past three years I have been going to SML and not once have I been disappointed. The Tfilah, I find, is so much more powerful when I am there of my own free will, the food is great, and the learning is always focused on a vital topic of interest. On top of it all I get to bring my dad along with me. I get to sit and learn with him which isnt something I can do every day. I get to bond with my dad, not only over a tasty breakfast, but also preparing for and learning different shiurim that are relevant. This past Sunday, Rabbi Urim led us in a shiur in which we learned about different signs and customs we do to ensure that we have a healthy and sweet new year; and we learned about the power of teshuvah. Every SML Sunday its a different topic but the end result is always the same: I leave school on that Sunday feeling more fulfilled than I do any other school day. I feel more fulfilled because I know that it was my choice and I got to share it with my father and the amazing teachers, students, as well as the lunch ladies of Yeshivah of Flatbush.

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