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USDA changes to eligible communities are NOT in effect until 3-27-13 We had alot of Realtors and Brokers asking

why we were not following the trend o f blasting the USDA RH "rumor" that the sky was falling and many towns were goi ng to be wiped off the USDA Eligibility map in October 2012. Today's notification was the reason why (see below) . In short, any changes to the Eligibility Areas will NOT take effect until 3-17-13 and when we get the FAC TS on the new areas we will let you know. "The United States Department of Agriculture s (USDA) Rural Development (RD) announced in AN 4679, on September 25, 2012, that implementation of the 2010 Census Data for Rural Development programs is delayed until March 27, 2013. Until that time, there are no changes regarding communities that are currently eligible for the USDA Section 502 Guaranteed Program. Therefore, it is business as usual for the Guaranteed Rural Housing Program as Fiscal Year 2013 begins on October 1, 2012." Have a great weekend and keep rocking the USDA loans! Be good to each other... KP

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