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When are we certain about anything? Scientists, Historians, Geologists, Religion and all other experts are busy, daily, to try and determine certainty. Many of the followers of the various fields grab new information and take the stand to shout at the world; this new information proves that this or that is the truth. The followers react, some who are sceptics say no, history has already proved otherwise, why follow this new advice or fact, the nave accept, and slowly the new information is dissected and eventually it might take a hold or be proved wrong. A human condition which greatly affects all of the above is fear. Religion was established thousands of years ago as a fixed idea or dogma. Science grew slower and today it is an established life subject, and has become a great opposition to most of the religious idea or dogma. Fear of both is a condition in both camps, the religious are afraid that science might prove them wrong, and science is afraid that religion might push them off their newly acquired podium. The big question in all of this is; what is truth and which camp has the most of this rare quality? Religions state that they had divine insight and were told straight from the horses mouth how things work. Science on the other hand investigate, research and then declare that according to tests and study that this and that is in all probability how those specific items or ancient texts or artefacts can be understood, but they almost always add that future research may vary and come up with a different opinion or facts. In being open minded science leaves room for improvement whereas religions has no such intent, and declare that if no other divine knowledge is given, their followers must accept that God works in mysterious ways! Unfortunately for Religions and fortunately for Science mankind has developed to a stage where proof has become the norm enabling him to understand his world! This new development in mankind might be regarded by many as the turning point in mans development and subsequent rejection of the various Religions! Fear however is standing between that development and a possible decline in mans knowledge! That fear is a phenomena instilled in man right at his creation. According to the Christian and Judaist religions,

man must fear his creator! This fear has grown among man and is so prominent that man has over thousands of years in all nations handed it down to their children. Today in spite of the phenomenal development by science man still fear death, or rather what happens to him after death and especially among the religious due to the idea that man has a soul or spirit, and that spirit or soul might end up burning in hell forever if he sinned according to his religion. Unfortunately no man has ever come back from death in the flesh to explain this religious concept. According to religion one did, but not even the religious can prove this. According to recent research a grave was discovered some thirty years ago in Jerusalem which according to scientific studies just might be the family grave of that man, the man called Jesus! This grave is called The Talpiot Tomb anyone can follow the ongoing research and debates regarding this amazing find by simply entering the highlighted phrase on google, or enter tabor blog. This find also confirms the information made public regarding what is written in the Nag Hammadi Library! In this amazing work it is stipulated that Jesus never showed himself in the flesh to anybody, but appeared in the form of a ghost or spirit to some of his earthly friends. The Talpiot grave then in fact gives clear credence to the fact that a man, called Jesus have indeed lived, but in the same sense also reveal that the whole Christian dogma is a fallacy! This man according to the Bible never explained what the afterlife looked like, but instead taught his followers or friends to live a respectful life. Due to an inscription in the book of Revelations chapter 22 verse 18 to 19, it is not allowed to add the Nag Hammadi Scrolls to the Bible, which were only discovered in 1957, and this holy book was compiled 1700 years ago!!, which reads as follows I John, solemnly warn anyone who hears the prophetic words of this book; if anyone adds anything to them, God will add to his punishment the plaques described in this book, 19 And if anyone takes anything away from the prophetic words of this book, God will take away from him his share of the fruit of the tree of life and of the holy city, which are described in this book. People are taught that the above words were divinely inspired, that in fact the whole Bible was divinely inspired, but in verse 20 we read; He who gives his testimony to all this says, Yes indeed! I am coming soon! and then So be it, Come, Lord Jesus

This same Jesus however deny this in the book of Matthew chapter 24 verses 23 to 26, and if you read on you will see that he states that he will send his angels to fetch those who believe, or understood him, you will also read that no man can enter the kingdom in the flesh as explained in John chapter 3. All this means that the person called John who apparently wrote Revelations is in straight contradiction to Jesus. And so is everybody else who believes that the flesh will be raised from the graves and live in heaven or the new Jerusalem forever! After he died all kinds of meanings and ideas, some logical, others totally against all logic and sense was distributed as coming straight from this mans mouth! In the paragraphs above some scientific research was applied to religious dogma and logically makes more sense than the divine inspiration claimed by religion of which no proof exists! The fear handed down by the religious however still plays a huge part in this. After the Talpiot grave was discovered two researchers were given the task to go and try to determine the facts surrounding this find. Both men are equally well qualified to come to logical conclusions, and for many years worked as a team to get logical and sensible answers, the one James Tabor is not a true Christian although he teaches religious history as a subject. The other Christopher Rollston is a respectable scholar who also teaches religious history in an instituut created by the Christian religion for the education of future and current religious clergy. Rollston is a religious man and true follower of that dogma, and also fearful of retribution by that Religions God. In spite of being an excellent researcher and Scientist in his specific fields of study, he cannot accept the facts staring him in the face. Like one of his predecessors David Rohl, it is difficult for him to grasp and talk about the immense repercussions the facts tend to have for the safe continuance of religion. As Tabor and Rollston neared a conclusion Rollston started denying the evidence and as a leader in that specific field his word was being advertised by the church as having more weight than that of his colle que and friend James Tabor. From the above one can easily determine just how huge an influence fear have on the conscience of some of the best scientific minds we have the honour of knowing. The question arising from this determination is; must we allow this fear to continue based on divine inspiration or should we pay more attention to factual logical explanations?

If we design and create a mode of transport which have the possibility of failure due to design errors we dont reject it due to that fear, but we go back to the drawing board and redesign it until it comply to safety, workability, and economic viability. If fear in those fields not religiously connected prevented this world from developing, then surely we would have still lived in the stone age! Must we allow religious fear to still prevent us from developing spiritually, should we at all have a spirit or soul, which both religious and non religious believe drives the physical body we call our mode of transport? Yes, some dont believe in spirit, and is of the opinion that when the physical body die, it is the end, but even they would wish that there will be something after this life, and it is my opinion that they would not mind exploring the spiritual in a logical manner! From the above we can determine that fear is in all probability the driving force behind the scepticism of all people on this planet regarding religion, science, and the atheistic beliefs. Can mankind eventually lay their fears to rest and without prejudice investigate all life has to offer and perhaps realise their true potential, is it a sin to do that? Are we not entitled to know ourselves to the core. To reject what dont make sense. To accept the logical. To live without fear, even though it might mean that investigating our being also means not fully knowing, but with the knowledge that we can investigate, and be free to do so without prejudice! More explanations can be found in my book We Question here <a href="">


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