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Name _______________________________________________________ Math Quiz 1) 6+4 = a. 10 b. 16 c.

4 +6


8+ a. 1 b. 9 c. 17



10 - 9 = 8 -

a. 7 b. 1 c. 9


8 2= 9 a. 2 b. 3 c. 6

Keigan had 10 cookies. He ate 2 of them. His mom gave him 5 more. How many cookies does Keigan have now?

I dropped my bag of books. 7 chapter books and 3 Clifford books fell out. How many books were in my bag?

Lucy had 8 flowers. 2 of the flowers died. Her sister gave her 4 more flowers. How many flowers does Lucy have now?

Complete the problems below in 2 minutes or less. Remember to look and see if it is addition or subtraction!

7 0

9 0

1 0

0 3

4 0

5 1

7 1

1 4

3 1

6 1

2 6

3 2

7 2

4 2

5 2

9 1

7 3

5 5

10 8

10 6

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