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1. Bamboo hut = my father was making bamboo hut.


saya membuat gubuk bambu.)

2. Extremely hard = Climbing is one of the extremely hard sport.( Climbing
adalah salah satu olahraga yang sangat keras.)

3. Home decoration = Sister buy home decoration accessories for parties(Suster membeli aksesoris dekorasi rumah untuk pesta.) 4. Try (something) out = Rein try out of the theme art that her learned.

Rein mencoba seni tema yang dia pelajari.

5. foot in path : every morning when i go to campus,usually i foot in path(setiap
pagi ketika saya pergi ke kampus, biasanya saya jalan kaki)

6. low priced oven: My mother bought a low price oven to make cookies on Eid (ibu
saya membeli oven harga rendah untuk membuat kue kering di hari raya idul fitri)

7. get over: i have get a bag over there ( saya harus mendapatkan tas di sana) 8. magiccom with stable temperature: my sister cooking rice with magiccom stable temperature (magiccom dengan suhu stabil: adik saya memasak nasi
dengan suhu stabil magiccom)

9. mechanic clever: dedy would be mechanic clever in his shop (dedy

akan montir pintar di tokonya)

10. sensitive issue: rina and ani were talking about something sensitive issue that is become hot( rina dan ani bicarakan masalah sensitif sesuatu yang menjadi panas)

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