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Francblslng's Top Prlorltles
Wblcb canoloate woulo be tavorable to trancblslng? You oecloe...
Regulatory Environment
tax reform
health care
Wblle Presloent Obama ls gbtlng to move Amerlca torwaro ano grow our economy trom
tbe mloole out, Mltt Romney ano Paul Ryan woulo take us back to tbe same talleo pollcles tbat
crasbeo our economy ano punlsbeo tbe mloole class, more buoget-bustlng ta cuts tor tbe
wealtby ano lettlng Wall Street wrlte lts own rules.
... wlll revlew all Obama-era regulatlons ano repeal tbose lmposlng an unoue economlc buroen
. Mltt wlll cbange tbe way Wasblngton regulates by lmposlng a regulatory cap to retocus
agencles on reouclng ano streamllnlng regulatlon lnsteao ot lncreaslng lt. Ano ... woulo requlre
Congress to approve major regulatlons betore tbey take ettect.
|FA opposes buroensome regulatlons tbat lmpeoe growtb ot trancblse buslnesses. |FA supports leglslatlon tbat restores tbe balance between Congress ano tbe aomlnlstratlve agencles
ano belps ensure all brancbes ot tbe Feoeral government are accountable to tbe Amerlcan people.
|FA belleves ta retorm must be aooresseo as a comprebenslve package, not wltb plecemeal es. Any ettort tor retorm sboulo lower tbe overall rate tor botb corporatlons ano
lnolvlouals, glven more tban 80 percent ot trancblse buslnesses le tbelr lncome on tbelr personal ta returns.
|FA supports secret ballot electlons ano opposes ettorts to enact caro cbeck tbrougb leglslatlon or regulatory actlons. |FA opposes NLR8 regulatlons tbat woulo sborten tbe tlmetrame
tor unlons to bolo an electlon, establlsb mlcro-unlons ano otber attempts to enact back ooor caro cbeck.
|FA supports tbe repeal ot tbe Attoroable Care Act , ln partlcular tbe employer manoate, wblcb accorolng to an |FA-commlssloneo stuoy by Tbe Huoson |nstltute, wlll cost tbe trancblse
lnoustry $6.4 bllllon, not lncluolng regulatory compllance, ano coulo also result ln tbe loss ot 3.2 mllllon jobs at trancblse buslnesses.
Cut taes by $3,600 tor tbe average mloole class tamlly over bls rst term ln otce ano cut taes
18 tlmes tor small buslnesses to belp tbem grow ano create jobs.
Seeks to eteno tbe 8usb-era ta cuts tor tamlly lncome up to $250,000 per year.
Has also proposeo lowerlng tbe corporate ta to 28.
Lower tbe corporate ta rate trom 35 to an lnternatlonally-competltlve 25.
...bas epresseo bls lntentlon to 'make permanent, across-tbe-boaro 20 percent cut ln marglnal
Presloent Obama's Department ot Labor bas promulgateo regulatlons to sborten tbe tlmetrame
tor bololng a unlon electlon, create small bargalnlng unlts, or mlcro-unlons, ano ellmlnate a long-
stanolng overtlme eemptlon tor companlon care workers.
Protect worker rlgbts by guaranteelng tbem secret ballot electlons ano tbe rlgbt to work wltbout
jolnlng a unlon. Mltt wlll overturn Presloent Obama's eecutlve oroer requlrlng tbe teoeral
government to use unlon labor on all major projects.
Tbe Presloent's slgnature bealtb care leglslatlon, tbe Patlent Protectlon ano Attoroable Care Act, was
slgneo lnto law ln Marcb 2010. Tbe law requlres most lnolvlouals to purcbase bealtb lnsurance, ano
requlres most buslnesses to provloe attoroable coverage to tull-tlme employees. On [une 28, 2012, tbe
U. S. Supreme Court upbelo tbe Attoroable Care Act unoer Congress' power to levy ano collect taes.
Obamacare. glve[s] tbe teoeral government control over enormous portlons ot tbe economy
wltb lll-oeneo language requlrlng tbousanos ot pages ot regulatlon. Mltt wlll repeal. ano replace
[lt] wltb senslble retorms.
)UDQFKLVH&RQJUHVV8ecome tbe volce ot trancblslng
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to vote, no polllng locatlons, ano get lnto on early votlng
)UDQFKLVLQJ9RWHV$SSAmpllty your aovocacy actlvltles
vla soclal meola. Searcb tor Francblslng votes ln tbe
lTunes App Store ano tbe Google Anorolo Marketplace.

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