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Fuck. This is complete bullshit, this right here ... fucking frizzed-out hair ...

Stacy scowled at herself in the mirror, willing her hair to just be compliant for once and lie the fuck down, already. She was late for her meeting as it was - another late night of coke-fueled mayhem had led to yet another late morning of missing her classes. Stacy was positive that she was going to flunk out of school this semester. At age twenty-three, it would be the third time that she had flunked out of her freshmen year. There had been too many parties, too many Jager-bombs, and way too many se ual partners. !er lifestyle simply did not nurture an atmosphere of scholastic achievement, not one bit. Stacy knew this all to be true, and did not give even one flaccid fuck about it. "ast weekend, she#d told her $om and %ad the truth of her grades and future employment intentions, had told them calmly across the big oak table during family dinner. !er aunts and uncles had gaped incredulously, and her parents had raged at her, threatened to cut off her allowance and &cast you out into the goddamned real world'& (hatever. )ollege was not for her. *etting up in the morning was not Stacy#s strong suit. "ooking good in stiletto heels and a mini-dress was more her forte. Anyway, her reputation on campus was beginning to proceed her+ at every club or frat house Stacy went to, she would be plied heavily with drugs and boo,e, with the intent of getting the curvy young siren rip-roaring, bare-ass inebriated. -t never failed to work. Always the life of the party, she thought, and despite feeling ill, she smirked. .o, college was not for her/ after flunking out this time, Stacy fully intended to make her way in the porn industry. 0inally admitting defeat, the lithe young woman tied her dark mane back with a glittery hair band and called it good enough. She fled the disastrous clutter of her bedroom and hurried into the disastrous clutter of the living room. 1athy was lying on the couch in her baby-doll shorts and a man#s undershirt, looking like someone had cruelly run her down with an eighteen-wheeler, one that was loaded to the tits with 2abst, cocaine and semen. &0uck me, Stace, - feel just absolutely fucking awful,& her roomie croaked, and curled up into a tight ball. &(hat the fuck did we get up to last night3 -#m so sick ...& 1athy was cut of the same cloth as Stacy. They were a duo to be reckoned with when they were out on a tear. The longlegged blonde was an e -sorostitute who had been kicked out of her sorority for her increasingly outrageous shenanigans. This was 4uite a feat, considering that 1appa %elta was widely considered to be the most amoral sisterhood on campus. &5eah, me too. "ike -#m getting the flu. (hat did we get up to3 !mmm,& She considered for a moment. &6m, we went downtown and wound up at *ala y, but it was dead, so we headed over to .ite %ust. (e picked up some guys there, they got some coke, then -#m not too sure what happened. Think we might have done something cra,y in an alley somewhere. - recall an alley, and being naked. (e ran for a while, but - can#t remember what the hell for, e actly. - think the guys might have been getting weird on us. "ook, at least one of the fellows was getting waaaay over-,ealous with the biting, aha.& She undid a few buttons on her blouse and pulled one conical tit out of the ,ebra-print bra she was wearing. There was an angry set of red tooth-punctures on the upper slope of the smooth, spray-tanned flesh. &.ow - can#t show cleavage for a while. 0ucking animal.& 1athy winced. &7w' The skin around it looks all red and infected. %oes it hurt3& Stacy pushed her breast back into the push-up bra and nodded. &"ike hell. -t#s really tender. -#m probably lucky that he didn#t get a hold of my nipple. !ey, so what is this guy#s name again3 (hy am - meeting with him3&

&!is name is 2agan 8lack. .o, really, that#s what this %-bag calls himself. !e#s an ugly, short, and fairly-rich guy that is hopefully going to give us both lucrative jobs as shooter girls in his club. met him through Andrew - you know, the door man at *ala y, the big .ubian power-cock that usually lets us in for free3 !e#s Andrew#s cousin through marriage or something like that. )an#t remember which club right now, -#m too massively hung over for that. (e were supposed to go to this together, but, once again, -#m too fucking hung the fuck over. %o you think those guys *ee#d us last night3 - feel like they did.& &(ouldn#t be the first time. (hy, e actly, is the interview in a hotel room3& &)u, he#s a scumbag. 2robably wanted a double-team blow job. - probably would have gone for it, too - the place, apparently, is a very high-end club. )elebrities sometimes stop in, that sort of place. - really want to go to this, Stacy, e cept ... gah, so sick. 5#know3& &*od, - couldn#t possibly do that right now, blow a dude,& Stacy shuddered. The very thought of some greasy club-owner#s coke-hardened dick nudging her tonsils made her want to projectilevomit. She was sick, all right. 0ucking skea,e-bag *uidos and their little vials of *!8 ... &Aw, just let him stick it in you, hun. Seriously, don#t be a whiner. !e#ll probably be really small and he#ll blow his load in, like, twenty-three seconds. 5ou#ll hardly even notice.& 1athy rolled over to face the back of the couch, her eyes s4uee,ed shut tightly. &(orld is spinning. Stop it from spinning, Stace, pleeeeeease...& &5eah, - can sympathi,e, my dear. - feel pretty sick. !ead hurts. Stomach is churning. -#m all shaky, and my goddamned tit hurts like blue fire. - smoked a joint and had a 4uick snort just now, and it helped-& &!ey, fuck you, slut' Share with your better half, you selfish bitch'& &-t#s in my room, the big dresser, top drawer. And we haven#t actually fucked in ages.& She patted 1athy#s matted hair and said, &*otta go. -#m late for 769 job interview. 8itch.& &5ou#ll thank me later, when we#re drinking all night and getting paid for it'& 1athy called out after her, but the door slammed shut before she could finish. The bang hurt her head terribly. She groaned again, and threw up on the floor a little bit. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2agan eyed up his interviewee with naked lust. She seemed to take it all in stride. Good girl. !er name was Stacy, and she had been over twenty minutes late. Traffic was backed up everywhere, she e plained+ lots of sirens and shit. :ver-congenial in the presence of fine white pussy, 2agan dismissively waved away her wooden apologies and patted the bedspread beside him. &!ave a seat, gorgeous,& he purred. She sat beside him without apprehension. mmm, confident, he thought. !e"ll have to break that confidence down, won"t we, little girl# &$oooo,& he said, drawing the word out lasciviously, &have you ever had any e perience waitressing before3 A server or anything3 %eviance is a busy place, girl. 5ou gotta hustle out there on the floor, -#m telling ya. !ustle is the word up in my club.&

&.o,& the hot little bitch replied, &but -#m pretty sure that - could do it. 1athy, too. --& &7h yeah,& he interrupted, in an effort to purposefully show disdain for her. &5eah, the other one. (hy didn#t she show up3& &(e#re both feeling pretty under the weather today. "ate night out on the town. Think we might both have a cold.& 2agan clucked with false sympathy. 5eah, the girl was hot, real bangin# bod on it, but her face was very pale and her eyes had smudges of purple shadows beneath them. She looked like she was in a considerable degree of physical distress. %etter not be contagious. &5ou gonna live3& he asked, and gently s4uee,ed her thigh. Stacy tensed against this for a moment, then rela ed, resigned to this indignity. "ike she had said to 1athy earlier, it wasn#t the first time. !e slid his hand higher, up under her short skirt, and rubbed the delicate crotch of her thong. She endured it, looking miserable. The combination of her silky skin and the girl#s discomfort made his cock twinge in his pants. &7kay, baby, this is how it goes/ you can have the job if you let me fuck you. 7kay3 .o guarantees about keeping the job, see, but -#ll let you try it out. - think you#ll do just fine out on the floor. *uys#ll buy shots and shooters off you, damn right they will. 5ou hustle out there and you#ll make some fantastic fucking money. -t#s the only thing -#ll promise you here. 5ou#ll make fucking bank at my club, baby.& &5ou don#t waste any time, huh3& !er teeth were gritted. &ope, definitely don"t want this ... ugh. !e snorted. &5ou listening to what -#m saying3 *imme a roll in this bed we#re sitting on, and you#re the last interviewee of the day. 0or real. Also, - toss in an eight-ball of rocked-up coke and, uh, how#s three hundred bucks3 5ou#re worth it, baby-girl, just look at you sittin# there, being all worth it and shit. $mm-mm' &7h3& she asked, trying to keep her voice pleasant. Fuck (, that"s ... well, ) can do this now ... at least ) think so. &- guess that#s a fair e change ... um, it#s 2agan, right3& &2agan 8lack, at your service,& he agreed. The club owner was around forty and was very darkskinned, his straightened hair worn long and greased straight back into a ponytail with some product that smelled like cloying oranges. -t made her want to gag. !e was overweight and dressed in a strangely 9ap-*othic fashion+ he wore a large black sail of a button-up shirt that was laden with gold chains, and his fat legs were s4uished into somber leather pants. .7T her type of guy, not at all. *h shit, this is going to be +uite a chore, she thought, and s4uee,ed her eyes shut. She felt his hand leave its nest between her legs and slide up her stomach. !e gripped her breast hard, her bitten breast, and the girl jerked away from him with a hiss of pain. &!ey'& 2agan barked at her, &what#s up with that3 5ou want a fucking job or not3& &That hurt, you asshole'& she shrieked back. !e grinned, e posing a mouthful of gold teeth. &Awwww, your titties are sore, baby-girl3 Someone was being too rough on #em last night, huh3& &,es, and now 576#9: being too rough,& Stacy barked at him. &Take it easy, will you3& &!ow about you do as - tell you to, bitch, or you can get the fuck out and start a new career in giving ten-buck 8J#s on the corner.& 2agan abruptly stood and started pacing along the side of the

4ueen-si,ed bed, his wide brow furrowed into rolls of unattractiveness. &-#ve got a hundred bitches lined up, ready to do e-actly this, in order to work at my club. 7kay3 -#d do what - want and they#d be down with it. So no, - won"t take it easy, because that#s not how - like it. %eal with that shit or get going.& As the man voiced his tirade, Stacy noted that he wasn#t much taller than he was wide, and she cringed. *hhhh God, sooooo G.*$$. &-#m starting to think this isn#t worth it. .ot at all, in fact.& She rose from the bed in a huff and immediately sat back down, woo,y and nauseated. &5ou kind of look like shit, you know that3& 2agan informed her. !e shook his head sadly. &.aw, maybe you aren#t %eviance material after all ... our girls are the best looking, they give the best service, and they clear a grand a week, easy. Too much money for a sickly-lookin# chicken-head like you, for real.& A grand a week#' Fuck. The nausea was deepening, and her tongue felt slick with sour spit. A thousand bucks a week3 Ah, /esus ... fuck you, 0athy. ,ou should be here, too, goddamn it. ,ou fucking *!( me, bitch, oh you have no idea ... :yes clenched shut, Stacy muttered, &7kay. 6gh, um ... just let me go to the bathroom and, uh, wash up a bit, #kay3& 2agan#s thunderous frown magically transformed into the sunniest of smiles. 1onfidence officially broken, he cackled inwardly. The repulsive man pointed a fat, heavily-ringed forefinger at the bathroom door. &9ight there, sweets. )ome out naked.& 9efusing to look at him, Stacy stagger-walked over to the bathroom and locked the door behind her. She looked at herself in the cheap sliding mirror and asked herself if she could go through with this. The answer was, unfortunately, yes. She could do it - and then look at herself in the mirror again later while she did her make-up to go out and not feel a thing, not one single twinge. 8ut oh sweet baby God, how her fucking tit was killing' *ingerly, she opened her blouse and had a look. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Too tired and woo,y to do anything about the small spatter of vomit that rested on the thick rug beside her nest on the couch 2fuck it, it was 3ust a little bit, )"ll deal with that shit later4, 1athy snapped on the T;, tucked her hand between her thighs, and idly masturbated through her shorts until she do,ed for a while - her cure for boo,e-related sleeplessness since she was twelve. She had put on a news network, reasoning that the anchors were dull and soothing, and who gave a fuck about the news anyway3 .o problems with getting engrossed by it ... !er slumber was disturbed, however, with the hooting, ululating blare of sirens. The reporters# voices were terse and edged with some raw emotion - panic3 0ear3 -t grated on the girl#s subconscious, and she pulled a pillow over her head to block it all out. Some time later, the sirens started outside her apartment building, and 1athy woke up to a brand new problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Stacy looked down at her breast, and she stifled a scream. (ithin the past hour, the marked redness around the bite had spread across her entire breast and beyond. The skin was mottled purple and black around the punctures, which were secreting some milky fluid that stank like rotting meat. !er nipple was entirely black, and was also oo,ing fetid drops of the horrid pus. As she watched, a drip of the no ious stuff rolled off her discolored nipple and dropped to the cream-colored tile, blip. Stacy#s mind immediately began to scream*hmygodohmygodohmyG*5whattheF610 in an endless loop of panic, blaring at top volume in her brain. (ithout warning, the nausea cranked her stomach over in a noisy roll, and she doubled over to spray vomit into the gleaming white sink. The high-pressure glut of blood-streaked puke rebounded off of the curved porcelain and splashed outward in a fan, coating the mirror above and mottling the walls and ceiling with gaudy splashes of the stuff. &7h God,& the girl gasped, then hurled another thick wave of vomit at the sink. This time, it was mostly comprised of bile and an alarming 4uantity of bright red blood. The sink filled. 7verflowed. 8lood and digestive effluent drooled over the sides of the basin and began to patter down onto the floor. Stacy was burning up. !er sweat was sludgy and thick. -t smelled like burnt wires and necrosis. She felt like she was 4uite literally on fucking 0-9:. The weeping girl tore her blouse and skirt off, mewling and leaking oily tears. As she kicked free of her panties, Stacy lost her balance on the slick floor and fell backwards into the tub, landing with a hollow thock against the wall in an untidy tangle of naked limbs. !er nose let forth a gush of blood. -t ran in twin streams from her ears. She trembled and jerked spastically in the tub, keening involuntarily. !er bowels let go with an awful spray of black and red-tinged brown, and the poor girl rolled and flailed around in the mess. The door shook under 2agan#s pounding fist. &!ey' (hat the fuck is going on in there3& he bellowed, and rattled the locked door knob vainly. &7pen the fuck up' Are you fucking dying in there3& ,es, Stacy thought, remotely, )"m doing 3ust that. She tried to call out to the greasy bastard, but could only whee,e inaudibly. !er vision was fading 4uickly. &... call ... ambulance ...& !er voice slipped out in a choking, wet plea that was lost in the pounding and rattling of the bathroom door. She vomited again, leaning forward and spewing a dark, stinking splash of blood clots and bile between her legs. !itching in a lungful of air like ra,or blades, she screamed, 7) need help''' 8elp meeeeeeA8888887+ then her vocal chords tore, and the scream immediately rasped into a harsh, hushed caw. 8A.*8A.*-%A&G, three thunderous blows slammed in 4uick succession against the cheap hotel door, and suddenly 2agan was stumbling into the the tiny room in a flying cloud of pressedwood slivers. There she was, writhing like a suffocating fish in the tub, choking on blood and vomit, her naked body covered in vile e cretions ... 2agan gaped down at her in e4ual parts of shock, disgust and - yes, *od help him, it was true - deep, trembling lust. !e had never witnessed, in real life, a woman so helpless and defiled. The club owner felt his hairy, sub-par little cock surge hard against the tight crotch of his black leather trousers. So ... fucking ... %:0-":% ... &&&&&nnnnggglllurrrrgh,& Stacy gargled up at him, and 2agan felt his lips rise up in a manic grin. &(hat the fuck happened, baby3 5ou having a stroke or some shit3 (hat#s the problem3& The girl tried to pull herself up with the lip of the tub, but her slimy fingers lost their purchase on

the rounded porcelain and she slipped back onto her tight, round ass, plop. The sound made 2agan throw his head back and laugh out loud, deep and hearty. *h, man, this is ... is ... amazing' Stacy gaped up at him and her mouth convulsed into a hollow oval, her lips twitching in the refle of brain-death. She looked even more like a fish, now - a shit-and-blood-covered, hot-bodied fucking fish. 2agan abruptly doubled over and shook with cra,ed laughter. This was too cra,y, it was too fucking (-"%, man, oh shit ... (hen he straightened back up and looked at her ne t, Stacy was dead. -t was like a slap in the face with a hand made of icy-cold water. She was still staring up at him, but now her eyes were flat and gla,ed, and she was sliding bonelessly down into the disgusting gloop that was leaking, slowly, down the drain by her feet. As the body slid down the side of the deep tub to the bottom, her hair dragged out in a fan behind her, stuck to the white enamel by the no ious, stinking li4uids that used to be inside her guts. 2agan watched the fan drag down the side of the tub, mesmeri,ed by the undulating movement of the long, slick wave of a dead girl#s hair8(,''' There"s a dead, bloody, shitty, naked fuckin" white bitch in the hotel room that ,*6 rented, fool, what the fuck you gonna do# Acting purely on self-preserving refle , 2agan jerked forward to cranked both taps on full, and clicked the lever mechanism over to S!7(:9. The full-blast spray hit the girl#s la body and washed the filth from her in multi-colored streams. (hile the body was getting a good spraydown, he grabbed her discarded clothes off the floor and stuffed them into the wastebasket - then pulled the bag out and knotted it tightly. 2agan stumped out into the room and grabbed his cell off of the nightstand. !e dialed. (hen a husky male voice answered on the other end, he said without preamble, &"isten to me, dawg, and listen good. - need you to come out to a hotel and meet me, right away. -t#s at the corner of Smith Ave and %ennings Street, just north of the highway e it - it#s called James# 9est. 9oom twelve. 5ou got that3 5ou gotta come right away, man, and you-& The voice said something that made 2agan ladder his forehead into that ugly, dangerous scowl. &-s the hotel nice# (eeping Jesus on a leash, man' Are you listening to me, or am - just motherfucking talkin# away to no one, here3 5ou get over here fucking ASA2, dawg, got me3 8ring some cleaning shit+ bleach, buckets, rags and shit. 8ring a small canvas tarp, heavy-duty trash bags ... and a couple big-ass meat cleavers. %o this right away, homie, like, .7(. 5ou got it3& 2agan hung up, still frowning like a storm front. &-s it nice3 *oddammit, man ... !e dialed another number and told his secretary to cancel the rest of the days# interviews. &Tell all those sweethearts that -#ll reschedule as soon as possible, okay, baby3& he instructed the girl, and hung up on her, as well. Steam was drifting from the bathroom. Time to turn her over, wash the rest of that gross shit off ... and, of course, play around a little. Just a little, hey... nothing big about that. 0uck it, right3 2agan waddled back into the humid bathroom, sweating profusely - and stopped dead in his tracks. The girl was sitting up. Stacy#s eyes were drooping and slack and full of water, but they were most definitely focused on him now. !er skin was rapidly turning a cool, greyish-blue color. She was snarling like dog and was attempting to stand on the slick surface of the tub. She kept rising half-way up, only to plop

back down after losing her footing, over and over and over+ 2agan watched her do this, not believing or understanding what his eyes were witnessing. &.aw, bitch, no fucking way ... you#re dead, okay3 5ou#re dead as dog shit. Stop ... stop fuckin# doing that,& he whispered. Stacy#s ruptured laryn made a soft, growling haaahhh sound+ her teeth clacked and chittered as she snapped her jaws at him. She heaved convulsively,and managed to slither over the rim of the tub and somersault onto the floor, landing heavily onto her naked backside, whap. !er breasts bounced comically with the impact. &Stop doing that,& he said again, and this time hysteria tinged the edges of the man#s voice, making him sound shrill. The girl sat up, bared her teeth, and lunged for his legs. 2agan#s mind was fro,en, but his refle es caused him to thrust forward one blubbery, column-shaped leg. The sole his %oc $artin-clad foot smashed into her face. !er nose broke with a muffled crack and Stacy flopped bonelessly onto the tiled floor ... then sat right back up again, her bony hands bent into reaching claws. The girl#s nose <which by all rights should have been spouting blood like a fucking garden hose= was barely even leaking, just a slight, sluggish trickle of dark li4uid. 2agan back-pedaled clumsily, and Stacy crawled forward on her hands and knees in pursuit, her mottled-blue heart-shaped ass pumping like twin pistons in the air as she skittered across the floor after him. The girl#s pointy tits swung wildly beneath her. !er face was twisted into a predator#s killing bite. She chased him out into the room. Still back-pedaling, 2agan hit the bed with the backs of his bulbous thighs and he fell like a turtle onto the bed. 9ombie' his mind was screaming, 9ombie' 9ombie' Surely this wasn#t really happening3 Surely, he was actually splayed out on the generous bunk that lay below-deck on his yacht, high as tits on heroin - and this was just all a cra,y nod-dream. Surely. 8ut it wasn#t. Stacy#s bony blue fingers popped up into view and clutched hold of the bedspread. !er wet, tangled hair slowly rose into view ... then the mottled skin of her forehead ... two dead, red-rimmed eyes ... a nose in which the cartilage was visibly cracked in two pieces, yet it was not swelling or bleeding ... full lips, grey and skinned back over bone-white teeth A shriek tore itself out of his throat -7*h fuck' Fucking 9* %)('''7 - and he rolled away, fell off the other side of the bed, then sprung up while gripping the edge of the pillowy bed-spread in both hands. Stacy had crawled most of the way onto the bed by now, and he dove forward, holding the bedspread in front of his body like a protective net. 2agan swept it over her head as he slammed into her, and he tackled the now-ensnared thing off the bed and onto the floor, landing on her and pinning her. She struggled like a wildcat beneath the bedspread, and 2agan grimly held her captive. !e waited for her to tire/ of course, she did not, so he was forced to struggle and wrap her up like a burrito in his make-shift, 4uilted restraint. 8y the time he was finished with this task, the fat man was sweating heavily, his grease-laden heart was palpitating wildly ... and his cock was bigger and harder than the disgusting little protrusion had ever been, ever in his life. This made ordinary domination-play seem as vanilla as daytime-T; ... right at this moment, he had full license to bind and control her against her will. (ho would ever challenge him on it3 .o one would ever know, and even if they did, who could blame him for restraining this wild thing3 -ts bite was probably deadly - even more, it would undoubtedly tear him apart and eat him alive, if the thing got the chance to do so. &ot binding the girl was clearly not an option. -n a strange, roundabout way, he was doing the right thing. 2agan adjusted his bulk so that he was sitting on top of the struggling, swaddled girl#s chest. !e

stuck his short, rotund legs out and began to pull the long laces out of his boots. !e was definitely going to be needing them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1athy was dreaming, deep and restless, curled into herself on the couch like a bug shriveling on a white-hot summer sidewalk. She was covered in a sheen of oily, rancid sweat. This was partially caused by her body#s struggle to rid itself of the no ious concoction of alcohol, cocaine, $%$A and *!8 that was still swirling about her system/ it was also because of the dream, which wasn#t really a dream at all, but a sinister blend of nightmare and memory. -n her dream, a guy was standing in front of her on a dance floor that was located somewhere in !ell. !e was hot in a s4uare-chinned, mean-eyed sort of way. 8ehind him and all around, the flashing neon and glittering tile stretched endlessly in all directions. They were surrounded by people who were gyrating in loose, swirling groups. Something was off about them ... they seemed uncoordinated, jerky and stumbling. 1athy couldn#t see their faces. She was afraid to see their faces. The beat of the pounding music that shook the air around them was too fast, off-kilter. -t sounded more like warfare than club music. The hot guy smiled a bland, generic-handsome smile and unbuttoned his white dress shirt. !e pulled it open to reveal a smooth, muscular torso that was hideously marred by missing chunks of meat. The raw, bloodless wounds looked like bites. 7)t"s no longer an (:)-demic, bitch,7 he told her, still smiling, 7it"s a :A&-demic, now. 5o you know what that means#7 7&o,7 she answered him. 1athy suddenly reali,ed that she was naked. !er skin was pebbled with gooseflesh, and her wide, dark nipples were standing at ram-rod straight attention. .one of the shuffling, jittering clubbers around them seemed to notice or care. 7 eans that we"re dinner, that"s what. eans that we"re all fucked. ,ou like to be fucked, though, right# ,ou wanna go outside somewhere and fuck right now# )"m down to pound vag, bitch.7 She opened her mouth to tell him no but suddenly they were outside, in a filthy and constricted little alley. They were standing by a small, narrow door with a glowing :>-T sign that dangled from loose wiring above it. The cra,ed beats from inside the club could still be heard through the club#s back e it door, speeding and stuttering along like an old tape reel that was self-destructing. Just like the interior of the dream-club, the alley seemed to stretch both ways into a black, inky infinity. She could smell the rotting garbage in the dumpster nearby, could smell mold and damp and death. The frat-boy was now as completely naked as 1athy was herself. The frat-boy#s body was covered in ragged bite wounds. Shreds of skin dangled from the gnawed edges of the bite-holes. A mottled loop of intestine was slowly s4uee,ing out of a particularly bad one on his lower stomach, at a spot where teeth had worried completely through the muscle wall. -t slowly oo,ed out of the hole and dangled down lower and lower, steadily escaping from the confines of the boy#s abdomen. 8ehind him stood a semi-circle of his frat brothers, all of them naked, all of them sporting erections that were e aggeratedly massive to a brutal degree. .o woman could ever e perience such a member and live. Their faces were mutilated to the point of being featureless, churned-up masses of meat, tendon, and gristle. 75oes this look familiar, bitch#7 the frattie asked, and he began to stroke his cock to attention. &!e came out here to bang, don"t you remember# ,ou girls were down to fuck. !e made sure of that, didn"t we# Guard your drinks, girls. !e G"d you bitches, you got silly, and people started

getting naked. Then T8(, came out, and they 3oined the party, and the fuckin" party went downhill fast.7 Still smiling blandly, the corpse pointed down the alley. 1athy could hear the sound of shoes scraping against wet, cracked pavement. *roaning. *rowling. "ike a wave, they lurched out of the darkness and into the weak glow of the lighted e it light. -t was the patrons of the club, shuffling towards them in their tight dresses and fitted T-shirts, and now she could see their faces. Their torn, dead faces. 1athy screamed. 7,ou got out of here, grabbed your skank dress and heels off the ground and you stumbled off with the other bitch in tow. Fuckin" snort our shit up like a vacuum, then take off running when the zombies come - typical, bitch, sooo typical. !e tried to fight them, but you can"t punch out a dead guy, y"know.7 !is grin disappeared, and the boy looked at her seriously. 7They took our shots without a care in the world, 3ust steamed right in. They bit us, and fuckin" 18(!(5 us, and there were so A&, of them. ;ook at all those fuckers.7 !e motioned over at the approaching mob of ghouls. 7!hile they were eating us alive, you ran. ,ou and the other whore. 5o you remember#7 7&o'7 1athy shouted back. She wasn#t denying anything that he#d said, e actly+ rather, she was saying no to the whole situation in general. Just ... no. She shot another look at the monsters that were advancing upon them, and wheeled on her bare soles, poised to run once again. The frattie grabbed her arm hard, and it instantly went numb. !e threw her to the ground. Stones and sharp bits of pavement bit into the skin of her back and buttocks. 1athy#s naked arms and legs were sei,ed by dead hands, and she was pinned to the dirty, wet cement by the faceless fraternity boys. !er legs were wrenched apart, and they held her down like a starfish. The leader dropped to his knees between her splayed legs. !e was decaying now, his hair straggly wisps and his body bloated by methane gas. The young man#s naked skin was a mottled patchwork of grey shifting into blue, then purple. !is eyes were milky and dull. The hard-on he sported appeared shriveled, desiccated. -t oo,ed some vile, chunky li4uid from the tip, a gurgle of ejaculate soured to curds by the chemical heat produced by the rot of the dead man#s loins. The shuffling horde loomed over his shoulders, cracked lips wrinkling back from yellowed teeth in anticipation. 1athy writhed her torso vigorously, but to no avail. !e settled forward and hovered above the girl, his dead eyes staring sightlessly into her face. The puffing of the dead boy#s fetid e halations made her gag. 7)t"s not an epidemic, not anymore, you cheap little slut,7 the cadaver grated down at her. !e readied to push himself in. 1athy shrieked against this, &&o' &o, &*'7 7)t"s a fuckin" :A&5( )1 now, bitch, %.A1( yourself, here it fucking 1* ($-7 1athy woke up on the floor beside the couch, panting hot and heavy. She was wrapped in a blanket and was fighting against the blanket wildly. The girl#s pert ass and lower back throbbed in synchroni,ed waves of pain - she#d landed hard when the she slid off the couch, locked in throes of a desperate struggle against the nightmare-boy. 1athy#s patch of vomit from earlier was smeared into the back of her tank top in a most distasteful fashion, but she barely noticed this, nor did she notice that her right arm was in the grasp of a severe pins-and-needles predicament from sleeping on it. The object that her eyes were transfi ed upon was the T; screen. :mbla,oned across 07>#s screen was a banner of red that trumpeted, .7 "7.*:9 A. :2-%:$-). 8elow this/ S-T6AT-7. -S .7( A (79"%-(-%: 2A.%:$-). *h shit... fuck ... $tacy...

1athy jumped up to find her phone. 7n the T;, police sirens were wailing and gunfire was poppopping away. -t echoed the sounds of lunatic strife that were drifting in through the windows from the street below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2agan was in the shower. !e was humming a hit that had been popular at the club lately, and rinsing off an effort-sweat of the likes that his body had literally never seen before. !e soaped his sagging folds and, to prepare for what was coming, he decided to clear the plumbing. Ten seconds after he began to stroke his dick, 2agan grunted and spewed a thin dri,,le of semen onto the bottom of the tub, where it was instantly washed down the drain. 1athy had been correct in her assumptions of his staying power. 2remature ejaculation issues now dealt with, the fat man shut off the water and dried himself with a towel that was far too small to handle the job. Still glistening, he jiggled out into the room and laid down on the bed beside his new toy. She was tied face-down to the mattress, pinioned to the four posts by her wrists and ankles. !e#d used his boot laces on her arms, and the polyester sashes that had bound the curtains back were now securing the captive monster#s legs in a widely-spread ;. -t had been difficult beyond words to secure the dead girl in this position several times during this wrangling, 2agan had been sure that the feral, wiry thing was about to slip out of his sweaty grasp and latch onto his throat. &!i, baby-girl. $mm-mm, you look so damn good like this, hell yes. This is how bitches should always be,& he told her. She was struggling tirelessly against her bonds, trying to pull back and forth against them ... but once upon a time 2agan had been a boy named %ennis 0rancis, a shy and overweight boy who had been very active in the 8oy Scouts. !e had made absolutely certain that the impromptu ropes were tied as taut as possible, and there was no slack for her to work with. The thing tensed her body continuously against her bondage. -t made the lithe muscles ripple beneath the fascinating grey and blue shades of her skin. !er dead hide was stained darker colors on the back of her body, where the blood had began to settle as she#d been laying in the tub. !er buttocks and a few patches on her back were unmarred by the discoloration these spots were where her body weight had rested, s4uee,ing the rapidly-congealing blood out of the capillaries in the skin there. !e traced the outlines of these light-blue patches with a finger, then played connect the dots with them. !er flesh was cold to the touch. The dead girl#s constant straining against her bonds made her body#s musculature stand out in %i ;incian relief. !er ass cheeks looked like twin marble carvings+ greyish-white, and clenched to perfection. 2agan fondled them, traced the curvature and plane of their surfaces. !e slapped them, and giggled at the flat, dry crack that issued forth every time he swung his palm down. (hile he did this, the dead girl tried her damndest to snake her neck out far enough to bite 2agan#s face. 1lack-clack-clack-clack, her jaws snapped hard onto thin air, so hard that the sound echoed in the sparsely furnished room. Stacy#s blue eyes were covered by a thin film of translucent cataract. They stared at him with no emotion save hunger. 2ure, primal need. !e stared back at her with a similar e pression. &*onna have to do something #bout your teeth, girl. )an#t have no accidents.& !e got up and strolled naked over to the glass doors that led out onto the balcony. !e couldn#t see what was happening down on the street because the balcony was in the way, but 2agan could hear plenty. 0or the past half an hour, things had been getting considerably louder out there. Shouts, sirens, the blaring horns of gridlocked traffic - and gunfire. 2agan didn#t have to see what was going down out there to know the score/ he#d viewed enough ,ombie flicks to know that the situation was rapidly going to shit outside of his co,y little hotel room. As he looked out the window at the

business high-rise across the street, he saw a man smash through a ten-story window and fall, screaming and wind-milling, down to his certain death below. There was a chorus of screams at this from the street, but 2agan was too far up in his third-story room to hear the impact. !e imagined that it would have sounded much like an over-ripe pumpkin being smashed on a sidewalk. A figure stood briefly at the broken window, then disappeared back into the gloom to search for new prey. 2agan heard his cell phone ringing. !e went over to where his pants lay crumpled on the floor, and fished the phone out of the hip pocket. &(hat#s taking fucking so long3 (here are you3& 2agan listened, then scowled ferociously. !is fat cheeks 4uivered. !e ran a hand through his long, rapidly-afro-ing hair and blew an unsympathetic gust of air through his lips, pffft. &The fuck you mean, #- can#t make it through the traffic3# !ow close are you3 (here you at3& !e listened again, and his eyes narrowed. &Then get your ass out and walk, nigga. (hat - pay you for3 To be a scared little bitch3 .ot on my dollar, son, hell no. 5ou#re my boy, dawg, you know that+ - pay you to have my motherfuckin# back at all times. - need you up in this motherfucker over here, right fuckin# now ... what3' .7, you ignorant .egro, this ain#t the end of the fuckin# world'& !e shouted the lie into the phone with a feverish tone of indignity. &There ain#t no need to be gettin# religious all of a sudden. .o, don#t go get your $oms, she#s gonna be just fuckin# fine wherever the woman currently be. All you gonna end up doing is get yourselves both dead. "isten to me, my nigga,listen real hard, because you#re pissing me off with this pussy shit and - ain#t gonna be happy if - gotta repeat myself.& 2agan took a deep breath and sat his blubbery, naked ass down heavily on Stacy#s back. She undulated and hissed beneath him. This felt good on many different levels, and he smiled. &-t#s time to man up, my nigga. :verything#s all chaotic and shit out there right now, and it#s dangerous, and - don#t give a fuck. *et out of your ride, man up, and walk the fuck over here. -t#s only si blocks, man, you can get here in no time. 5ou#re one hard-ass nigga, and that#s why you my boy. 5ou#re tough as nails. This is a good thing, because this shit is for real. These things will fuck your shit up if you let #em get a hold of you ... anyone comes anywhere near you, you blast his stupid ass. $an, woman or child. )op, even, - don#t give a fuck. 5ou draw and you pop #em right in the head, cold as ice. There#s so much shit going on out there right now, no one#ll even notice. *et the fuck going, dawg, - need you here.& !e glanced briefly down at the body that was trapped beneath his massively fat ass. Stacy was straining to look at him from over her shoulder. !er teeth gnashed unceasingly. &5o, dawg, wait up ... you get what - asked you to get3& 2agan asked the voice on the other end, and nodded approvingly at his response. &5eah3 That#s good ... - don#t know if - need some of that shit still, but you bring it anyhow. See you real soon.& 2agan lifted his bulk up for a moment, placed the phone on the cheap wooden nightstand beside the bed, then plopped back down to resume grinding and itching his asshole against the straining, rigid backside of the thing beneath him. The sensation was nothing short of ama,ing. !e wedged his hands between Stacy and the bed, seeking out her tits and finding them. *rinning madly, 2agan twisted the pliant mounds of deceased flesh as he smeared and soothed his hemorrhoidal bung against the living corpse pinned beneath him. Ah, it was good. $o good. &.o wonder dogs do this shit on rugs,& he grunted. !is cock was a stiff, somewhat crooked branch, which poked through a wiry cover of oily pubic hair to nudge against the underside of his sagging gut. Stacy cranked her head around until her neck creaked, and stared at his hard-on

with mindless hunger. She snapped her teeth at it. 1lack. 1lack. 1lack-clack-clack-clackThis, for some reason, ignited his mind into a fiery rage. !e screamed &ST72 T!AT, 8-T)!'& and slammed his pudgy fist into her e posed right cheek. The fragile bone snapped beneath the cool, rubbery flesh, and the dead girl#s head spun back around fast-first into the bed. 2agan sei,ed her hair and pushed her cranium hard against the bed, forcing her gnashing jaws to bite into the mattress beneath her face. (ith his other hand, he pushed the relatively unmottled flesh of Stacy#s tensed ass cheeks apart. !er anus was greying now, as well. !e studied this phenomenon briefly with a species of unbalanced, depraved scientific curiosity - then curled over til his nose was almost touching the corpse#s ass-crack, and deliberately spat a large, greenishbrown wad of semi-gelatinous mucus onto the discolored ring of her e posed asshole. -t oo,ed off immediately and ran down over the purple-brown lips of her deceased pussy, then dripped off out of sight. 2agan muttered a curse and tried again. Satisfied now that the ride would be relatively smooth, he grasped his erection and pushed it hard against the puckered, dead-liver ring of Stacy#s anus. There were a few moments of cold resistance ... then he was inside her ass, bucking and keening, slobbering, sweating and rolling his eyeballs helplessly. (hile he buggered his unwilling captive, 2agan battered the back of her head and shoulders with his free hand. The blows caused a refle that made her rectum tighten around his member spastically. She struggled wildly beneath him, and he pushed the creature#s face harder into the bed as a response. So tight, so unwilling ... !e wrapped his hands around the things throat and s4uee,ed convulsively when he came. )artilage crunched beneath his fingers when he shot his load up the dead girl#s ass. Ah, sweet Jesus, it was good. -t was so good. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2agan had just cleaned off his dick and got his clothes back on when there was a knock at the door, hard and panicked, !8A !8A !8A !8A . A husky voice said, low and urgent, &!urry up, please man, fuckin# hurry'& !e trundled over and, after checking through the peephole, he threw it open. The knocker scurried inside, a large black man clad in an all-red track suit. !e held a *lock ?@ Amm in one massive, tattooed hand, and an Adidas gym bag in the other. !is eyes were wide and wild. !e opened his mouth and a stream of garbled words spewed forth. &0ucking things are all the fuck over the place, man' )ops are blasting #em with shotguns. - shot a nigga right in the neck, dawg, right in the middle of his throat, and he just kept coming at me. There#s people runnin# around screamin#, all bloody and shit ... -t#s fucked out there, man, - mean know you said it ain#t the end of times but it is, the dead walk and the dead eat, they fuckin# eat us, it#s 9evelations like my $ama used to talk about and what the fuck is that tied to the bed#'& &)hill the fuck out, nigga,& 2agan soothed, and stood between his boy and the bound,struggling corpse on the hotel bed. &That#s my girl, right there. She#s a wild one, ya#ll wanna be careful near that bitch.&

The newcomer gaped over the top of 2agan#s round, fri,,y hair and tried to absorb e actly what it was that he was seeing, there. The answer was obvious, but ... no. 9eally3 &$an,& he whispered, &you ... you been fuckin# it3& 2agan said nothing. The answer was dancing in the lunatic light that shone in his eyes. -t was

being broadcast in full color by his maniacal grin. & ... the fuck ...& the red jump-suited man breathed. !is mouth hung open, forming a cavern of incredulous shock. &- was doing interviews for the club, and my girl here came looking for a job. She was sick. Then she died, right there in the bathroom. !ad a ,ombie bite on her titty. .ow ... well, now me #n her are going steady.& 2agan#s hired gun looked decidedly ill, now. !is chocolate comple ion had paled to chalk, and his lip trembled. The big man took two large, shaky-kneed steps away from his employer. &$an, - always thought that you be one sick, disgusting motherfucker ... but this shit is seriously ill, dawg. .aw. Fuck this.& !e dropped the Adidas bag and turned for the door. &- ain#t doin# none of this. - ain#t helpin# you rape a dead ,ombie bitch, you dig3 - ain#t going to that place. -t#s too far.& &)#mon, man, where do you think you#re gonna -& &-#m gettin# my $oms and we#re heading for one of the safety ,ones they be talkin# about on the radio and shit. -#ll kill any nigga that try and stop us, )u,. -#ll blast any ,ombie-lookin#-ass-nigga that come near me.& The trigger-man drew himself up to his full si feet four inches, and stared down hard at his boss. &-n fact, -#ll blast anyone at all. Anyone, my brotha. )ool3 5eah. -#ll be lettin# myself out now, and you go on ahead and do whatever the fuck it is that you plan on doing here. And may *od have mercy on your s-& &5ou can#t leave yet, nigga,& 2agan interrupted. The corpulent man#s glower transformed his face from merely ugly to something almost demon-es4ue. &5ou can#t leave because you#re kicks be untied and shit. 5ou#ll trip on #em.& &!uh3& )onfused, the unsuspecting man looked down at his feet. $oving with a speed that completely belied his stature, 2agan jumped in close and upper-cutted his henchman with a left while grabbing for the gun with his right. The man#s wide head snapped back up to the ceiling, and he grunted. 2agan pulled down on the *lock and his boy pulled up in an automatic response/ 2agan abruptly reversed the tension and slammed the gun up into the man#s teeth. They shattered with a sound like ceramic being smashed with a hammer. The redjumpsuited lackey fell to his knees, choking on blood and bits of tooth enamel. 2agan wrenched the gun from his la grip and pistol-whipped the man repeatedly on the top of his do-rag-adorned skull. 2anting, he sei,ed his groaning employee by the back of his sweatshirt and dragged him over to the bed. Stacy hissed and growled at their approach. !er throat was so badly damaged at this point that she was barely audible. !er milky pupils were fi ed on the henchman#s bloody, semi-conscious face. &5ou ain#t a hard man, nigga,& 2agan gasped, &you soft as shit. %o you think you#re a bad man3 !uh3 !ere, bad man, why don#tcha prove how bad you are and kiss my girl3& (ith that, 2agan shoved the guy#s face down into hers, and she latched onto his puffy, lacerated lips with the force of a bear trap. 8urning agony ripped through his da,ed brain. The sheer horror of it all ... the man screamed, but it was muffled by his own lips, which were clamped shut over his mouth by the dead girl#s teeth - 7 mmm '7 The henchman tried to jerk away from the awful thing that was battened onto his face, but he had no leverage in his kneeling position, and 2agan held him with the lunatic strength of the insane. &)ome on, boy, kiss that bitch deep' 5ou sorry little faggot, tongue that shit'&

!er teeth met through his lips, Stacy shook her head like an attack dog, and then she was chewing his severed lips with the ,eal of a famished woman tucking into a delicious meal. The man screamed again - no longer fettered by a fleshy gate, the shrill sound tore out of the bloody hole that was his mouth with the force of a freight-train, and crimson droplets misted Stacy#s purple-blue visage in a fine stipple. She spat out his deflated lip-skin, then drove her head back in to latch onto his wide nose, crunch. The henchman#s shrieking filled the room with a horrible cacophony of pain and panic. The toes of his pristine-white sneakers drummed against the carpet. !e wet himself. &Git you some, bitch' Git you some of that motherfuckin" face meat'7 2agan was laughing, shrill and strident. !e pinned the man#s chest against the bed with his bulk and tensed hard against his desperate flailing. !is face was being 4uickly decimated, chewed and torn away to the bone. The man#s whole e istence had narrowed and closed down to this one point of agony and terror/ being eaten alive, face-first ... battered and held in place by a man whom he had trusted and relied on for years. The horror of this could not possibly be described with mere words. &*ettin# gassed out up here, bitch, give this fool a hickey'& 2agan slobbered, panting, and heaved his former friend higher onto the bed. -mmediately, Stacy sank her teeth into his windpipe. !e glurked and thrashed as if in a sei,ure. She shook her head again, and a fountain of blood sprayed out, soaking her face and the rumpled pillows with a glut of copper-stinking red. !is struggles weakened. 2agan counted to thirty, then tore the dying man out of the grasp of Stacy#s savage teeth, rrrrip. 2agan flung the red-jumpsuited victim onto his back on the floor, where he commenced to sunfish and spasm like a contortionist. !is face was a raw, ragged mess. A toothless maw twitched meaninglessly+ his remaining eye rolled as if it were loose inside of its socket. The flow of blood from the gaping tear in the man#s throat was slowing in synchronicity with the failing of his heartbeat. -t leaked down into a tepid, congealing pool on the carpet beneath his head. 2agan hunkered down onto his flabby ham hocks and lectured the dying fellow. &5ou don#t walk out on me, nigga - ) walk out on you, you dig that shit3 0ucking punk. 5ou judging me3 5ou couldn#t handle my girl#s love. y girl eats punk niggas like you for breakfast. That bitch is too much woman for a faggot like you, son. She#s wild. She#s ...& he trailed off, considering and organi,ing his train of thought carefully. !is gla,ed eyes stared without seeing at the ruins of his boy#s face. &She#s evolved,& he said, finally. This reali,ation made his blunt features light up with a sunny smile. &$y girl has fuckin# transcended the bonds of civili,ed discourse, you dying-ass little bitch. She has evolved past civility, right back into a state of primal needs and shit. All she wants is to kill, like an animal, and to control such an animal is to be like a *od.& 2agan straightened up to his feet, painfully. !is body ached beneath the manic thrumming of endorphins and adrenalin. &- con4uered this magnificent bitch. - over-powered her, bound her, and now - will fuck her, son. (hile the world falls apart outside of that door, - will fuck this pure, primal beast in any way - goddamn well please.& The man#s breathing was shallow, fast and harsh/ trauma and blood loss had sent him into a cardiac arrest. 2agan shook his head at him and wagged a short, stumpy forefinger - no, no, no. &.aw,& he said, &- can#t be havin# you coming back on me. .ope. -#ve got a lady to attend to, dawg.& 2agan picked the Amm off of the floor, pulled the slide back until it cocked forward with a crisp snick' &Thanks for all the entertainment you just provided us, fool. .ow say g#night.& !e pulled the

trigger. %;A ' The gunshot was deafening in the small room. The man#s head jerked and e panded out into a new and horrid shape. 8rain matter sprayed. The man crumpled inward, a s4uished bug, and was still. 2agan let him lay there to leak onto the carpet some more. !e#d deal with that garbage later. The entire ordeal had left him feeling horny as hell - and there was a certain, special young lady who just so happened to be unwillingly available for his attentions. 2agan tore off his clothes and lay heavily atop the living, struggling corpse that was tied to the blood-spattered bed. !e pushed himself inside of her cold, dry rectum and rocked his bloated form back and forth, back and forth. The sounds of his phlegmy moaning were punctuated by the incessant clack-clack-clack of the girl#s teeth+ behind this, there was an orchestra outside made up of blaring sirens, screams, and high-caliber firearms. This hellish din was music in 2agan#s ears. -t was beautiful music to make love to. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Something very, very bad was happening out in the hallway. 1athy had been scuttling around the living room floor on her hands and knees with her ass in the air and her hair in her face, frantically searching for her cell phone+ suddenly, there had been the pounding of multiple running feet past her door. The runners were gasping and panting and whimpering to themselves, a litany of desperation. 1athy fro,e with her head halfway under the love-seat and her lacy, tanga-cut panties flying at full mast in the air above her. The runners receded away down the hall - then there was a shriek, muffled but clearly audible+ 7Fuck' They"re coming up that way, too' Fuck'7 At this point, a second herd of heavy feet bustled past her door... but these feet were slower, unsteady in their gate, like a small mob of drunkards who had decided to walk home together from the bar. And ... ... they were growling. They were all growling and snarling like dogs. &7h, shit, Jesus, here they fucking come behind us'& This was a man#s voice, but terror made it high-pitched and cracked, like a youth#s. A chorus of cries and shouting greeted this observation. 7ne 4uavering voice cut high above the rest, screaming, 7 ary-Anne' ary-Anne' *h my God &* it"s ary-Anne'7 over and over again. 1athy listened to all of this without moving a muscle, not blinking or even breathing. !er rounded, golden form was covered anew by a rank and heavy sweat. -t soaked through her clinging, cotton-ribbed undershirt. -t ran down her smooth thighs and sprang unbidden from her ass and pelvis, moulding the flimsy material of the girl#s panties into a second skin which clung, transparent, to her buttocks and the firm rise of her pubic mound. The stinking sweat beaded on 1athy#s e posed temple and trickled down the high rise of her cheekbone to drip, like a leaking faucet, off her nose and into the musty carpet. The side of her face that was resting on the rug began to itch and crawl maddeningly. -n the random and detached manner of one who is on the brink of losing their shit to e treme panic, 1athy thought of %r. !ibbert from The $impsons saying, 7*h, heaven"s no' )t had to be T(..*.-$!(AT'7 That#s what the hot, salty discharge oo,ing from her puckered pores was, wasn#t it3 -t was fucking terror-sweat, oh yes indeedy, it sure was. *h, sweet fuck, they"re here. They"re in the building. . The 4uavering voice shrieked, one final time, & ary-Anne'

ary-AaaahhhmyyyyG*5 &****-7,

then the sounds of a fierce struggle echoed back down the hall to her apartment+ there were bodies slamming into walls, grunted curses, and feet twisting and stuttering in a dance of warfare. $ore screams rebounded in the narrow space, mi ed with shouts of false valor 21"mon, then, motherfuckers' !hatcha got, you ugly fucks-4, but these soon turned to screaming, as well, and then there was nothing but the heavy thudding of bodies hitting the floor, monster-roaring, and a veritable choir of voices raised to glass-shattering heights of vocali,ed misery. 1athy heard this all, and dared not move one inch. 7n the T;, a harried-sounding man was imploring to a 07> anchor that everyone $6ST keep indoors, please, the streets were flooded with the infected and response teams were accidentally shooting uninfected people*h $8)T%A;;$, the fucking T<' 1athy yanked her head from beneath the love-seat, obtaining a mild rug-burn on her ear in the process, and lunged for the remote control on the coffee table. She stumbled on cramped, deadened legs, fell forward, and whacked her head off of the sharp edge of the coffee table as she fell. 1athy saw stars, literal stars of varying degrees of brilliance that e ploded, like a cosmic fireworks display, across the curtain of inky blackness that had blanketed her vision. Time passed. 1athy found herself pushing up off the carpet with shaking arms, performing a crippled push-up. She had no idea how much time had passed, or why she#d lost any time in the first place. !er head was ringing and bonging, as though a do,en cracked church bells were simultaneously whamming out a do,en different odes to agony within the confines of her skull. Something hot was trickling down the side of her face. -t hurt, her head did ... and something was wrong3 (hat the fuck was going on3 (hy was she on her knees on the floor of the living rThe remote, her mind whispered to her. The interior voice was barely audible through the many layers of pain-gau,e that were wrapped around the da,ed girl#s head. ,ou need to use it on the T<, because of the zombies. The fuck was that supposed to mean3 (hat was with all the noise outside the windows3 And outside the door3 (eak, hoarse voices, whining in agony. Animals, growling and snarling. 1athy couldn#t focus her mind on the answer. 0uck, her head was about to e plode. (as she hung over3 (as she oh fuckin" $8)T, turn the sound off' 1athy sei,ed the remote off of the floor and e ecuted an awkward lunge , stabbing at the mute button frantically as she sailed through the air. She looked, for a brief moment, like a renegade police detective from a movie, who has been compelled to jump fantastically over some object whilst firing his gun at the bad guys. She landed badly on her unprotected ribs and knocked the wind out of herself, oof. Bombies. There were fucking ,ombies out there in the hallway. They were eating people, eating her neighbors alive. The phone' (here was the phone3 (hat in *od#s name had she done with the slim, silver little rectangular motherfucker last night, what# lt was not lost+ she#d heard her te t message tone go off earlier in the day, back when she#d still been marooned on the couch by the aftermath of a vicious hangover. )ouch-bound and blissfully unaware ... those were the good ol# days. The little bastard of a phone was here, somewhere, lying small and unnoticeable underneath a pile of clothes, or somewhere like that. She needed to call the cops and tell them that people were eating her neighbors. She needed to call Stacy and see if ... if her ... if she was feeling okay, and if she was safe out there. She even considered the need to contact her mother and, if not able to make

amends under the strain of impending doom, at least give the stuffy old tit a civil goodbye, for )hrist#s sake. 1athy sucked wind and pushed herself up off the floor once again, the world#s se iest and crappiest pri,e fighter. !er head was bleeding. -t needed to be tended to. She cast a terrified glance back at the door and hurried to the bathroom, stripping off the soaking wet tank top and undies as she went. .aked, the shivering girl e amined her poor, assaulted skull in the harsh glow of the fluorescent lights. The toothpaste-speckled mirror revealed an ugly gash that was just below her sweaty hairline. -t was roughly an inch long and was steadily welling a trickle of thick, dark-red blood. !er pretty little bow-lips crimped down in dismay. The $1A. this thing is going to leave, fuck' 1athy stank. She could smell herself, a horrid mi ture of acrid sweat, cigarette smoke, armpits, vag and ass. -t was making her empty stomach feel troubled and sour. She clamped a towel to her wound and jumped into the shower, rinsing off 4uickly. .o time to masturbate <although a small and inappropriate part of her definitely wanted to+ rubbing off was just another step in her daily shower ritual=. Still wet from the shower, 1athy searched for and located the ancient 0irst Aid kit, which had been languishing into anti4ue-hood in the cupboard beneath the sink. Shaking, she taped a sloppy bandage over her wound, then tip-toed naked back out into the living room. She leaned in and listened at the door, her tawny skin tight and pebbled in gooseflesh. They were still out there, groaning and tottering around, bouncing off the walls and randomly banging into doors. She was trapped. ) have to find that fucking cell, call the cops, call the 1athy turned back to cluttered interior of her apartment, making a mental checklist of potential rescuers to contact, then happened to glance at the muted T;. She stopped dead. 7n the screen, there was an aerial shot of her apartment building, presumably being taken from a 07> news helicopter. -t was undoubtedly hers - the convenience store beside the building, the one 1athy often went to when she wanted to buy orange juice and blunt wraps, was also in the shot. -t was on fire. -n the corner of the screen there was a graphic proclaiming that the footage was being filmed "-;: 7. "7)AT-7.. She looked out the window. Smoke was billowing past in a dirty, tattered plume. !er building itself was surrounded by a mob of the dead, do,ens and do,ens of them. They were pouring in through the smashed-out glass of the big lobby doors. A few cops were shooting into the midst of the undead horde, but they were attacked and dragged to the ground for their troubles, flailing and screaming. The camera ,oomed in to show the viewers huddled in their homes e actly what it looked like to be clawed and bitten to death by the dull teeth and nails of the human form. 1athy wanted to scream. The caption at the top of this ghastly scene read 8:S:-*:% A2A9T$:.T 86-"%-.* 8:-.* -.;A%:% - .7 !72: 079 7))62A.TS3 Tits bouncing vigorously, the dark-haired girl ran to her bedroom and raked madly through hapha,ard piles of clean laundry that never seemed to get put away. 1athy flung shit around until she found some shorts, ankle-height athletic socks, a sports bra and a form-fitting tank top that was made for running. She dragged her clothes on over her wet skin and laced her runners on tightly. The roof. -f she made it to the roof, she could flag a helicopter and get the fuck out of %odge. -t wouldn#t be hard to capture the heart and chivalry of a male pilot, she was sure of it. (hat red-blooded, hetero-normative man didn"t want to rescue the fantastic tits and ass of a hot damsel in distress3 7ne last thing+ the hammer that 1athy kept beside her bed as a rape-deterrent <she might be somewhat free and easy with her favours, but no one likes to be awoken to being raped, not

really=. Armed and dressed to run her ass off, the wide-eyed girl crept lightly up to the door and had a peak through the spy-hole. The door to the stairs was about fifteen feet down the hall. -f the coast was even remotely clear, 1athy was going for it. She was in great shape+ the boo,e and drugs hadn#t caught up to her yet physically, either, and she could sprint like the w*h ... fuckin" shit. The hallway was rapidly becoming crammed with the vile things. The invading mob from outside had made their way up to the fifth floor a lot faster than she#d imagined possible. They were shambling, ragged, dirty things/ they were the ghouls that had once haunted the uneasy sleep of our stone-age ancestors. $any of them had chewed, mutilated faces. Some were missing both eyes and moved by flailing their arms like feelers while they sniffed the air. There were missing limbs, e posed ribcages+ as 1athy s4uinted through the spy-hole, a male ,ombie wandered past her field of vision whose throat had been chewed and worried away until the victim#s head was flapping against his chest, his neck too decimated to support the weight any longer. There were things out there in the hallway that had most of their intestines hanging freely outside their bodies, spilling forth from gnawed-open body cavities like grisly rainbows. These things bore no resemblance to human beings. They were se less, cataract-eyed demons who grinned lipless smiles and searched, unceasingly, for human flesh. 1athy stumbled back from the door. She was going to faint. -t was coming - the greying of her vision which was the harbinger of the shut-down of her conscious mind ... swaying like a drunk, 1athy ponderously reached up through this enveloping fog and pushed the handle of the hammer against the tender gash on her skull. The pain brought the world around her to immediate focus. She couldn#t do this. There could be no fainting or curling into the fetal position on the carpet. There was not going to be any rescue from this situation, and getting to the roof was out of the 4uestion ... so it was time to think. 1athy was a drunk and was drug-dependant, but her brain was not yet fried and she was a pretty smart cookie. (hat were her options for escape3 The only other answer was the balcony. )limb up or climb down ... it was the only option. 1athy#s head hurt terribly. She was frightened, in shock and was still pretty hung over ... there was no way that she would make it. -t would be a death sentence. .o, the only real option for now was to hunker down and wait. :ventually, their numbers out in her hall would thin out. She needed to sit and wait for this and be fucking +uiet. -f they heard her, the ,ombies would batter their way in with single-minded determination. .o, best to chill out and watch the silenced T; for any information on what to do after she esca999999------.*' 9999999------.*' *h fuckin" $8)T, you"ve got to be kidding me. -t was coming from inside the couch, loud and strident, the ring-tone volume of the cell phone set on ma imum. She tore the cushions off and rammed her arm into the cracks, searching past lost change and kernels of popcorn. !here is it, where is it, whereisitwhereis)TF*.F610"$$A0(1athy gra,ed the slim rectangle with her fingertips and knocked the phone deeper into the crevasse. &Ah, fuck you,& she hissed, then did it again. 999999------.*' 9999999----.*' 7*h you 1*10$610(.'7 She slammed her arm deep into the couch and suddenly there it was, in her sweaty palm - 1athy snatched the phone out from the guts of the offending furniture ... and it stopped ringing in her hand. She stared at it with intense hatred. The missed call had been from

her $om. ,ou know what, bitch# Fuck you, ) don"t want to reconcile with you after all. 8A.*' 8A.*' 8A.*8A.*8A.*S"A$' The fiends began to batter at her door and the intervening wall that kept their horrid teeth from finding her. They were roaring and howling. She screamed and ran for the sliding door to her balcony, her heart slamming and her sturdy legs pumping. 0uck it. She#d jump, if she had to. -t was a fuck of a lot better than the alternative. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2agan stopped to admire his handiwork. *od, it felt good to complete a challenging task. The heavy bed was now flipped up and standing length-wise against the wall. Stacy was tied to the underside of the metal frame by her wrists. !e#d dragged the twin nightstands over and tied her legs to them by the ankles, so that she was now in a kind of spread-eagle sitting position in mid-air. 8oth pillow cases had been drawn tightly over her head and fastened with a bootlace under her chin, which then criss-crossed over her face to tie her head back against the metal frame of the upended bed. 8eneath her makeshift hood, Stacy#s mouth was stuffed with half of a *ideon 8ible that 2agan had discovered in one of the nightstands. -t was heavily taped into position with the roll of duct tape that he#d found amongst the goodies in the athletic bag. Stacy struggled to writhe against her bonds. -t made her pointy, mottled-blue tits shake around fetchingly. &- love you, baby-girl. - really do. - want to fuck your pussy, and confide in you. A man should be able to share his past with his girl. - wanna make love to you and tell you some of those nasty secrets that -#ve keeping for so long. - want to share with you, bitch.& The captor closed in on her, fat and naked. !e stood between her taut, straining thighs and s4uee,ed her breasts. They were cold and pliant in his hands. !e pulled her nipples, twisted them and s4uee,ed them ferociously. As he tortured her unfeeling flesh, 2agan told her, &(hen was si , - put rat poison in my $om#s food sometimes. Just a little bit, baby, just a pinch. - wanted to see what would happen, - guess. She got pretty sick, but she didn#t die.& !e tried to spit on his cock, missed the diminutive target, spat again. &(hen - was eight, - stole a cat - found wandering around outside our house, and - drowned it in the bathtub. -t was an e periment+ - wanted to see how long the lil# fucker could hold its breath. - don#t think it understood the concept, know what -#m sayin#3& 2agan used his cock as an applicator, to rub the spit around Stacy#s pussy lips, which were now as grey as boiled liver. The contact caused the dead girl to strain hard against her bindings. A faint, strangled-off hahhhh sound was issuing from under the white makeshift hood that covered her head. &- killed my little sister when - was ten,& 2agan whispered, and he pushed into his new love as hard as he could. !er cunt felt clammy and tight around his intruding member. !e could feel it twitch and push against his cock, trying to hurt the invader. !e laughed and began thrusting. &:ven your pussy is trying to murder my ass, baby, ha' 8ut seriously ... - killed that little bitch.

She was only seven, but she#d been gettin# on my nerves for fuckin# days and days. She#d call me &0atty .erd& and shit like that/ childish, y#know, but it would just fuckin# drive me nuts. So when my $oms was out shopping one morning, - grabbed that name-callin# bitch and - threw her down the stairs. She broke her neck in the fall. )oroner labeled it an accident.& !e breathlessly laughed again, warmly remembering a time when he didn#t get into trouble for doing a bad thing. &(hen was twelve, - raped another kid in the ass in the bathroom at school. -t was during lunchtime. followed him in and beat him up and told him to suck my dick. !e said he#d bite it, so - beat him up again and fucked him in the ass with that green li4uid soap from the dispenser over the sink. wasn#t smooth with bitches back then, and - was dying to fuck a warm hole... and - knew this loser kid didn#t have any friends, and that he probably wouldn#t tell. *ot my rocks off, bitch, all that matters. - fucked him like a girl and told him he#d be called a faggot if he fuckin# snitched. 5eah ... hahhhh damn ... blew my load up his skinny white ass, - fuckin# popped like a rocket, just like right ... fucking ... now, oh damn, oh shit.7 2agan collapsed against her, shuddering. !is hands found her tits again, and started twisting them. &.e t really fucked-up thing - did, - raped and murdered my aunt %esiree. $y 2ops# sister. was si teen. That bitch was all booty and big-ass tits, but so fuckin# cold, y#know3 She was always on my case, yellin# at me and shit to help out around the house when she come over to visit. (hat a fuckin# laugh that was/ that bitch never worked a day in her life, yo. She#d just peddle them big titties and booty around the #hood to any nigger that had some game and a few dollars in his pocket. She lived in a basement apartment not too far away from us. - snuck out one night when my $oms was sleeping, and - broke in through a window. - found Aunt %e, in her bed. beat the shit out of her with a metal pipe ... then - strangled her and cut her titties off, after - was finished reaming her ass and cunt. - put #em into a plastic bag, and fed them to some stray dogs in an alley near the apartment we was all livin# in.& The fat man stared blankly for a moment at Stacy#s hooded head, reliving the final moments of that long-ago murder/ his stunted, crooked cock buried in his Aunt#s bleeding ass+ the cartilage in her throat cracking under the straining clasp of his smooth, chubby little palms. 2agan shuddered a little and convulsively s4uee,ed the blue and purple breast flesh in his hands. !e took a step back and pulled hard on Stacy#s tits, pulled the high-set torpedoes as far as they would go. &After that, - stayed on the down-low for a while. - dreamt about doing another bitch all the time, though. All the time ... damn, these things are stretchy, girl'& !e pulled even harder - and suddenly the upended bed toppled away from the wall, pulled from its position by virtue of being bound to the girl whose breasts were being pulled to a punishing length. 2agan let go of Stacy#s tits and tried to arrest the bed#s downward plunge but it was too late, and Stacy#s hooded skull smacked hard into his own forehead, whap' 2agan#s corpulent knees unhinged and the bed drove him hard into the floor. The nightstands were both knocked flying to either side and Stacy#s hips dislocated with audible twin popping noises. She ended up s4uare on top of 2agan, the bed on top of both of them, and now he had no leverage for his stubby arms to push all of this off of him. !er legs were free but incapable of supporting weight, so they twitched uselessly, splayed out on either side of the bed like oars beneath an overturned canoe. Stacy#s neck restraint had been jerked loose when the bed fell, and she was now free to batter her hooded face into 2agan#s repeatedly. -t wasn#t particularly damaging, but it did hurt enough to be annoying as fuck. !e sputtered curses and tried to wag his own head from side to side, but he kept getting hit, whup-whup-whup-whup, and it was driving him to fury. !e wriggled beneath this indignity and sweated and abruptly his cock was inside her again. Stacy#s attempts to attack him mimicked the motions of enthusiastic fucking uncannily, and 2agan found himself starting to moan and push his obese hips upwards in response. &5eah, fuck me, baby-girl, ride that cock, fucking dead whore, ride it hard you zombie slut, ride that shit'7 The dead thing#s firm, cold tits were crushed against his own flabby chest, and their bodies slicked against each other on a thick film of his unhealthy sweat. *od-motherfuckin#dammit, it was electric, it was feral, he was being murder-fucked by a she-beast and it was

incredible. 6nbelievably, he came yet again, he came so hard that he screamed hoarsely and almost sei,ured. 2agan came so hard that his body thrust the heavy bed and girl right off him. -t flipped back over onto its legs, and the girl struggled against her remaining bonds beneath it. 2agan paid her no mind ... he#d dream up a new way to tie that dead whore up in a minute. 0or now, 2agan was in his own twisted version of !eaven, locked in a dark dream of necrophiliac rape, endorphins and lunatic euphoria. !e was dimly aware that he never wanted this to end, never, not fucking ever. 2agan lay naked on the scratchy rug and stared at the white ceiling for a long, long time. :ventually, he became aware of something, a repeated noise that was pounding through the lovely fog of se ual satisfaction that was clouding his mind. -t was the door. Someone was pounding on the goddamn door, and they would pay for it dearly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As the door to the apartment rapidly began to splinter behind her, 1athy turned and ran for the balcony. She had no clear plan to follow from there. 2anic and terror drove her in that direction,so she followed un4uestioningly. !er fear made her fingers slow and stupid. The simple act of pushing the latch slider down and opening the goddamn door seemed almost impossible. 8ehind her, the cheap pressed-wood door to the apartment let out a sharp pop' as a crack rent the length of it in a jagged line. The ne t blow made the door tent inward at the seam of the crack, and splinters flew. Fuckshitfuckshitfuckfucking1* (*&' She got the latch to slide down, finally, and violently flung the glass door open. -t ,ipped across its track briskly, and it slammed into the other side hard enough to shatter the large pane into a ,illion winking fragments. 1athy dove through this brilliant, dangerous confetti and landed in a crouch on the balcony, then leapt straight up and clambered like a monkey onto the railing. .ot even once considering that the ground was fifty-some-odd feet below her, 1athy jumped up from the two-inch-wide railing and scrabbled to pull herself up onto the balcony straight above her. !er pumping adrenalin gave the girl a wiry agility of the likes she#d never even suspected she possessed - she flung herself effortlessly over the railing above her, e ecuting a pull-up that smoothly flowed into an aerial full-body vault. She landed on her feet and was immediately sei,ed by the arm from behind with a strong, warm grip. 1athy whirled, a warscream caught in her throat, and was pulled into the strong, bosomy embrace of a towering, middle-aged woman. She stifled 1athy#s shriek against her green blouse and rapidly hauled her backwards into the woman#s own apartment. She wrapped the confused and struggling girl tightly against her with one giant arm whilst pulling the door shut behind them with the other. 1athy#s mind was derailed by this new and strange turn of events, and all she could think to do was push and fight against the incredibly strong embrace of the woman who, apparently, lived in the apartment above hers. &Stop it' 5ou cra,y little thing, you stop fighting $isha right now' - save you, stupid girl, stop it'& the woman hissed down into her ear. She smelled of talcum powder and flowery perfume, and her speech was heavily accented, as if she hailed originally from :astern :urope. She gave 1athy a short, sharp s4uee,e that instantly crushed the air and fight out of her, ugh' 1athy went limp, and the woman brus4uely flung her onto an over-stuffed love seat. She whispered, &5ou are cra,y little thing, to fight me so' - come out onto balcony when - hear the monsters break your door in, and - hear you screaming. - was going to pull you up to my balcony, but ... you do it yourself just fine. 5ou could be gymnast, eh3 !a.& 1athy stared up at the woman and her surroundings warily. $isha was at least si feet tall, broad-

shouldered, crop-haired and s4uare-jawed. The woman was endowed with a massive pair of breasts that threatened to rip asunder her plain, lime-green blouse at any second. The aging woman was somewhat overweight, but was visibly muscular - she#d easily overpower the average man, and give most strong men a run for their money. The apartment itself was dark, plainly furnished, e tremely neat and smelled of boiled cabbage and 0ebree,e. There were a proliferation of trophies and medals on display on the walls and on top of a long shelf that ran the length of the far wall - trophies that were adorned with figures who were throwing massive barbells aloft in various poses of power and triumph. &- ... - don#t really know what#s going on. )an you tell me3 )an you e plain this all to me3 - was ... - was sleeping, and - woke up and on the T; there were these things, and Stacy#s gone and she got bitten last night and are they really dead, are those things actually fucking dead -7 She was sobbing, suddenly, and $isha sat heavily beside her, to rock her back and coo 7$sshhh, ssshhh,7 in a low, husky whisper. &8e 4uiet, little girl. %on#t cry, you are too lovely and young to cry, okay3 Sshhh ...& 1athy was, on a dim and far-away level, completely ama,ed by her own tears. (hen was the last time she#d cried3 "ike, for real crying, not pretend-so---can-get-my-own-way crying. -t felt good, to weep into the polyester swell of the woman#s massive chest, and be held in her strength. -t felt like coming home. &There is a virus. -t is man-made, but no one has come forward to say that they were the ones responsible. -f you are bitten, it will kill you within a day.& $isha hesitated, then continued, speaking low and easy into the top of 1athy#s head. &(hen you are dead, you arise again 4uickly, and then you are no longer human. 5ou are a monster. 5ou understand3& 1athy nodded yes. She was covered in gooseflesh again. $isha rubbed her arms and back with rough, strong hands. &%on#t cry anymore, little girl. 5ou are safe here with $isha.& !er voice muffled by the rock-hard pectoral that topped the basketball swell of $isha#s right breast, 1athy said, &(hat are we going to do, now3 They ate the all cops outside. - saw it on the T;, - mean literally - saw it happen. All the rest of them are busy fighting the ,ombies everywhere else, and they#re all probably getting eaten, too. There#s no one left to come save us.& &$isha does not need saving,& she responded gruffly. &$isha will be savior for us both. (e will hide here, little girl. (e will hide and wait and be as 4uiet as mice on this little couch. And we will see what happens ne t. This is all we can do.& So they lapsed into a species of apprehensive silence, and they waited. 0or some reason, the incoming wave of the undead invaders had chose to skip the si th floor and pillage the seventh floor instead. ;ague thumping and high-pitched caterwauling could be heard drifting through the ceiling from up there. -t was best to try and block it out, so they did ... and, after a while longer, 1athy fell into an e hausted sleep. $isha cradled the sleek creature against her massive chest and stroked her hair, and remembered a girl in her past who had felt much like this one in her arms. $isha would protect the precious one who slept so soundly against her. She would smash to pieces any fiend who tried to force its way into her home. She would break them, each and every one of the foul things. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Still naked, 2agan heaved himself up off of the floor and, stepping over his erstwhile henchman#s

dead body 2gotta clean that shit up, nigga shit himself when ) blasted him4 he had look at the soon-to-be-deceased motherfucker who#d dared to ruin his post-coital bliss by hammering on the fucking door. -t was a cop - two cops, actually, a younger dude and an older, !ispanic pig who was sporting a drinker#s nose and a heavy, greying moustache. They both had their guns drawn, and they both looked terrified. &7pen up, it#s the police'& the older cop shouted at the door. The two cops e changed a look and then the old bull continued his rap+ it came out sounding tired and rehearsed. &There#s been an act of bio-chemical terrorism. $artial law has been declared. 5ou#re not safe in your home, or anywhere else e cept the closest Safety Bone. )ome out, and we#ll take you there.& The younger cop was already shaking his head - his eyes said, they"re gone or they"re dead, so let"s 3ust kick the goddamn door in and get on with this shit. The older cop began to count silently - *ne, two, three ... 2agan watched the guy#s lips move and stifled back the urge to count aloud with him. 9escuers <sort of= ... a small, small part of him was touched, kinda. -n fact, if the oinkers had just knocked, recited their little speech and then moved the fuck on, 2agan would have been content to let them go on their way. 8ut no, of course they had to fucking stick their snouts where they plain just didn#t belong - here the fuckers were, gearing up to kick in the door to his honeymoon suite ... to barge in on his perfect love with their guns and their moral bullshit ... no, these motherfuckers weren#t going to be alive for much longer. 0uck that. !e scooped the *lock up off the carpet, and took another peek through the smeary little fish-eye lens. The cop was mouthing eight, nine ... while his young partner readied to slam a booted foot into the door, looking all )aptain America and shit. &... T:., $7T!:906)1:9'& 2agan hollered, and shot through the door at knee-height, %A: %A-%A: %A: %A:' Agoni,ed screams. !is madman#s intuition told him to get out of the way, so 2agan dropped his fat bulk onto the floor and rolled to the right just as a couple of .CD caliber bullets smashed through the newly-ventilated door and whistled through the air where he#d just been standing. There was a poof of plaster dust from the ceiling, and someone began to shriek and wail in the room above. 7Fuck' y legs' ,ou 1*10$610(., my ;(G$'7 the older cop screamed, and another volley of shots punched holes through the splintering door. There was the whine of a ricochet outside, and 4uite abruptly the younger cop stopped making any noise. 7$hot him' ,ou fucking shot him, you son of bitch'7 !ispanic 2ig cried out. !e sounded teary-eyed and shocked. &.aw, homie, you shot him. 9icochet, you dumb fucking pig. And you shot someone upstairs, too. 5ou fucking suck, yo.& 7!hat the hell is the matter with you, man# ,ou fucking shot at us'7 &- can hear you cryin#, pig' - can hear you cryin# like a little bitch out there' 5ou#re shit is weak, )u,.& 7*f course )"m fuckin" crying, you blew my fucking shins to pieces and my partner"s brains are all over my fucking FA1('7

&(hat a bitch,& 2agan snorted at the man, and warily circled around the door, moving his foul flesh with the noiseless grace of a bloated shadow. !ow many rounds did he have left in the .ine3 The cop had body armour on/ he was naked and vulnerable. !ow to get a kill shot3 &5ou know what, )u,3& 2agan chuckled, &- think -#mma just leave you out there to bleed. 0uck it. -#ve got a dead bitch to screw, -#ll deal with you after, fuckin# busted-ass 2onch-lookin# motherfucker.& Another shot punched through the door in response. -t tinged off of the bed frame, and the big mirror that was attached to the long dresser instantly shattered. &5eah, fuck you too, nigga,& 2agan muttered. !e ambled over to the bed, flipped it over - and Stacy, who by now had struggled mostly free of her restraints, lunged forward and sank her teeth into his leg, just above the knee. !er milky eyes locked onto his. She almost looked like she was smiling around the fatty piece of his hide that was clenched in her mouth. 7*h you fucking %)T18'7 he roared, and he smashed the handle of the *lock into the side of the dead thing#s eye socket. !er eye popped out 2glup'4 and dangled beside her bulbous nose by the corded optic nerve. !owever, this was not nearly enough to make her release her jaws+ instead, Stacy began to viciously chew at the flesh between her teeth, ripping skin and sawing into meat with her dull human teeth. 2agan howled up at the ceiling ... oh Jesus pole-smoking 1hrist, it burned. !e fought against shock and sei,ed his undead lover by the underside of her lower jaw, then s4uee,ed for all he was worth. !er mouth popped open fully and 2agan tumbled back to land heavily on his bulging ass, whup. 8lood was pumping from the ragged tear on his leg in gouts. The she-thing tried to come after him, clawing and flailing, but she was still tied up enough that she couldn#t reach him - so the dead girl grabbed hold of the shag rug and began to drag the bed forward with her arms, teeth bared in a death#s head grimace. &*oddamn it' 5ou bit me' ,ou fucking bit me, you fucking bitch' &ow )"m F610(5''' A...G8'7 2agan pistoned his stubby sausage legs at her, battered her. A rib snapped beneath his foot. !er already-broken nose was smashed and flattened entirely. She streaked his cellulite-bubbled appendages with bloody scratches+ he shrieked profanity and kicked even harder, looking like a naked lunatic who is riding an invisible bicycle. Stacy snagged one of the kicking feet with both hands and promptly bit into his toes, crrrrunch. 8lood sprayed and drooled from the corners of her mouth. &7! !7"5 06)1 $7T!:9 70 *7% 06)1-.* 066666666666)1'''''& he screamed, and drove his free leg at her head as hard as he could. The blow drove Stacy#s skull at a downward angle, and her neck, long and graceful in life, snapped with the sound of a dry branch being stepped on. !er jaws refle ively rela ed and 2agan immediately pulled his foot free of her mouth#s severing grip. The three smallest toes were all dangling by shreds of meat and tendon, looking abused and forlorn at the end of his foot. 8lood was gushing out rapidly, and the pain ... oh sweet baby Jesus, the fucking pain. !e stumbled to the bathroom, limping and lurching like he was afflicted with polio. Tears of agony streamed over his saggy fat cheeks and dripped onto his flabby tits. !e wrapped a towel tightly around the wound above his knee. !e had another look at his foot and promptly threw up into the tub. -t was a fuckin# hideous mess. 2ain screeched up the nerve highway from the mutilated toes, it raced up the fat man#s leg and sunk iron fingers into his inner thigh. !e was fucked. The virus was in his bloodstream, working its vile magic. !is life was now officially a stop watch, ticking ine orably down to ,ero. 8ut, in spite of all this, 2agan#s cock was hard. 9ock hard. &-#ll show you, you bitch. -#ll fucking show you.& !e grabbed a second towel and wrapped it around

his foot tightly, then staggered his way over the Adidas bag. )rying a little, 2agan rummaged through the bag with shaking hands. !e was panting harshly. !e pulled out a small meat cleaver, ten inches long and wickedly sharp. !e turned to face the girl#s awkward, dragging approach and fell on her. !e sei,ed her clawing hands and pinned them with his knees to the floor, then rammed the blade straight into the ,ombie#s gnashing mouth. -t penetrated easily, slicing her tongue in two and cutting through the back of her throat like butter. !e fucked her mouth with the cleaver, slamming it in and out, smashing out teeth and churning the inside of her maw into a mass of wet, stringy meat. 7$uck T8)$ dick, punk bitch' $610 T8AT $8)T, ,*6 5(A5 !8*.('7 Abruptly, he threw the cleaver aside and leaned forward, pinning the back of her head to the floor with his hands. !e pushed his erection into Stacy#s open eye socket. !e pushed it all the way in and started grinding madly. &8itch,& he panted, &cunt, whore, slut, fuckin# take it, fuckin# take it, ohhhhh you fuckin# bit me, you fuckin# 8-T me, ohhhhhhhhh fuck 57666666-& 2agan came then. !e spewed his load into her skull and screamed in triumph as he did so. The orgasm transcended his pain and sent him into a world of prism-scattered colors and vivid constellations of star-burst e plosions. -t was better than heroin. -t was better than anything, ever. !e spewed his load into her brain and, for a brief moment in time, he was like a *od. -t made the death sentence of her bite seem petty. (hat was death, in the face of such ecstasy3 !ow could such a trifling concept even hope to stand against the ecclesiastical glory of this communion3 !e#d die a million times over to e perience this moment again, even just once. 2agan fell off the dead girl and rolled away to lie on his face, out of reach of her rending nails and broken teeth. !e felt calm, powerful, and full of new meaning. !e understood, now, that the vagina was merely a rudimentary se ual orifice. To truly appreciate the e perience of penetrating her body, a man simply must fuck a woman in the brain. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.ight was approaching. 7utside 2agan#s hotel room, the streets belonged to the dead. -nside, however, the living still held sway as the dominate life force. After a long and epic struggle, 2agan got Stacy completely untied from the bottom of the bed frame, and restrained her in the classic hog-tie position. !er shins were bound to her forearms behind her with strips of torn curtain material, bending the dead girl#s body into a &6& shape. !er breasts stuck out like a ship#s prow. They were now completely purple-blue in color, and the nipples which peaked the torpedo shapes were long, black and turgid. !er head hung, heavy and somber, from a badly broken neck. -t dangled like the pendulum of a grandfather clock. !e#d dragged Stacy over to where his dead soldier lay on the floor <her boiled-liver-and-swamp-mudcolored twat scraped along across the carpet in a manner that would have made a living woman scream to the !eavens like a banshee= and flopped the writhing monstrosity down beside him. &%o me a favor3 1eep my bitch occupied, dawg, would#ja3& 2agan asked the dead man. !is cock was still standing out like a small, deformed pillar of granite before him. !ho woulda known that ballin" zombie bitches is 3ust like poppin" back <iagra# he thought absently. Fuckin" science and shit, 1uz. !er mouth was now far less deadly, assaulted as it had been in the attack with the cleaver, but he gagged the ,ombie wildcat with duct tape anyway. -t was a little too late to worry about the danger

of being infected by her, but still, the dead whore#s bite had fucking hurt like hell, so it was probably best to take precaution. !ow long3 !ow long before his brain shut down, along with his body3 (hat was it going to feel like3 (ould there be anything left of his true self, after the transformation3 Anything at all3 2agan was not feeling well. .ot at all. The bites Stacy had inflicted on his leg and foot were throbbing and hot. !is head was pounding with a sickening thudT865, thudT865, and his stomach was 4ueasy. 2agan was starting to feel feverish, hot, and clammy - the ,ombie bug, which had been modeled after both the !?.? flu and the A-%S virus, was doing a timely and efficient job of rampaging through 2agan#s bloodstream. -t attacked his organs and gathered in his brain stem to replicate and divide away at the rate of four divisions per second. The virus laughed heartily at his white blood cells and tore them to shreds. -t wiped its ass with 2agan#s antibodies, then tossed the poor little things over its shoulder without a second glance. There was no stopping the virus. There was no way to combat it. There was no vaccine and no hope. !is dick ... damn, the little fucker was so hard that it was almost weird. -t was maybe time to have a look at that. !e wandered over to the dresser to turn the lamp on, but the bulb had been shattered by the "atino pig#s gunfire 7hhhhhh yeah ... the cop ... &7h, hey, 2onch, how you doin# out there, dawg3 0eeling like a million bucks or what3& There was no response to his jibe. -n fact, it was silent as a tomb out there in the hallway. 2agan approached the splintered door cautiously and had a look-see out the peephole. -n the hallway, two dead cops lay on the dark brown carpeting. The younger piggy was sporting a blown-to-shit skull, courtesy of his partner#s wild shooting. !is body was sitting up and slouched forward over his stretched-out legs. As for 2onch... something had apparently come around before he could die of his bullet wounds and had helped itself to some pig neck. The scavenger had come, fed and left while 2agan had been busy with the business of transcending the boundaries of this dreary planet through the rape of his captive ,ombie whore#s skull. -t had sank its filthy teeth into the cop#s laryn and eaten clear back to the vertebrae in his neck. !ispanic Bombie )op was trying to crawl around on its shattered legs, stupidly looking for someone to bite. Fuck your zombie ass, pig. ) hope that it was your own mother that ate your neck, nigga . !is erection ... so fucking stiff' !e tried to bend it downwards, e perimentally, and found that he could not. Also, it was becoming distinctly numb. Something was wrong with his cock. -t was too dim in the room to tell for sure, but ... the veins that ran along the stubby length of his penis were ... well, wrong, somehow. Time to shed some light on the situation. 2agan headed into the bathroom, clicked on the light, and looked down. !e stared at his penis for what seemed like hours/ time slowed with the gravitational crush of pure horror. This could not be. )ould not. )ould ... not. The hard little protrusion that projected outward from beneath his sloping gut was covered in bumpy, knotty veins that were black in color+ blacker than the dark skin of his penis, blacker than fuckin# midnight. They stood out in rigid relief, high above the rest of the skin, looking like the

Appalachian mountains on a topographical map. !e reached down with a trembling hand, and ran a fingertip over the length of the largest one. -t felt hardened and cold. !e could feel the vein beneath his finger - but couldn#t feel the finger on his cock. !e tapped the wooden thing aggressively, then swatted at it, making his cock wobble briefly before him. The nerve endings in his penis registered none of this. !is penis had no sensation at all. The infected man swore in a guttural tone, then pinched his dick at the base and s4uee,ed whilst pulling forward, in a milking motion. !e was trying to feel something down there, anything, pain would be just fine at this poi- plllllurt' A thick gruel of dark-brown fluid, green pus and chunky blood spat out from the misshapen mushroom that tipped his crooked shaft. -t hit the white wall hard enough to be audible, splattering back and tumbling, not oo,ing but tumbling down to the floor in glops and glurts. The semi-solid discharge smelled powerfully of fishy rot, similar to the way a polluted lake smells after o ygen depletion has created a massive fish kill. The reek of the foul ejaculate made 2agan#s eyes water, and he dry-heaved while trying to scream. !e had already accepted the fact that he was infected from the bitch#s bite, fine, the world outside was over with anyway, fuckin# whatever ... but this ... this was the ultimate horror ... The clever virus, in addition to being a blood-born pathogen, also affected the point of entry topically, much like the venom from a rattlesnake bite. The result was local tissue death and necrosis. -n other words, 2agan#s cock was already dead, and the tissue was currently caught in the throes of rigor mortis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As she slept a deep, artificial sleep that was the by-product of shock, 1athy felt herself being carried through the air - just like a feather in a gentle bree,e. She could flyyyyyyy .... then, a firmbut-soft surface yielded slightly beneath her. The sleeping girl felt the drag of her own weight again 2bed i"m on a bed4 and then she was beneath the waves again, sucked under, gone. 1athy slipped into a dream 2vision#4 of being stretched out on a hill of the softest emerald grass, naked and tingling with arousal. Strong, rough hands were sliding up and down her torso and legs, slowly rubbing across the length of her and producing a delicious feeling of calloused friction. She lolled and arched beneath the pleasant pressure on her naked body.The hands gently kneaded her 4uads, made circles on her flat stomach. They trailed fingers across her pussy lips and drew spirals around her clitoris. The hands slid up from her feet one final time, and stopped at 1athy#s chest to pet and s4uee,e her round, soft tits. 1athy looked vainly around her to ascertain the identity behind those hands, but it was a dream and there was nothing above her, nothing but a pale white sky ... The wind crooned to her. -t said, 7Ah, my little thing ... they are so perfect and lovely ... ) must have suck on them, ) must ...7 The wind sounded ... 9ussian3 The warm bree,e that was playfully gusting across her tits had an accent3 !uh3 Abruptly, her eyes fluttered open, just in time for 1athy to observe $isha#s large, crew-cutted head bend down to her left breast. !er nipple was enveloped by a hot, rasping mouth. The hard planes of the middle-aged woman#s cheeks hollowed as she sucked the wide, dark circle deep into her maw. She rolled her tongue around the long, stiff nipple and said & ... mmmm ...& 1athy jerked involuntarily beneath the woman, whom she could now see was also naked. (here was everyone#s fucking clothes3 1athy could smell lavender and pot pourri+ she was splayed out on her back, laying on a bed in a dim bedroom. The massive woman who#d pulled her into the apartment was now laying between her legs, pinning 1athy down under her leaden weight. And,

of course, she was sucking on 1athy#s tit, sucking hard. 1athy grabbed firmly hold of $isha#s round, knobby skull and pushed at it. &!ey' (hat are you we were on the couch' (hy are we naked and ... let go, damn it'& 1athy pushed harder, and $isha sucked with even greater force in response, bulling her face back into 1athy#s tit with the raw power of her bulging, bullish neck. She smushed her face into 1athy#s breast and bit down onto the sensitive disc of her areola, making a guttural noise in her throat as she did so. 1athy uttered a little shriek and tried to sit up, but $isha weighed over two hundred forty pounds and wouldn#t budge an inch. She sucked even more of 1athy#s groggy, unhappy tit into her mouth and chewed on it slowly, deliberately. !er captive writhed and cursed beneath her. &0ucking rapist dyke, stop it' -t hurts, you bitch, owwwww''''7 $isha released her aching breast 2shhhhlop'4 and grinned up into 1athy#s frightened, angry face. &(hen - was younger woman - train for 7lympics. 2ower-lifting. - meet a girl, a gymnast who is from 6kraine. She look like you. - make her my girlfriend in the showers. She did not want this, but that did not matter because - did want, yes3 - hold her down on shower floor, - suck and bite her lovely breasts. - put fingers in her sweet pussy and - suck on it, too ... after this, she is mine. .o one dared to come near her, and she stayed with me everywhere - go.& $isha smiled ... no, she leered. &.ow ... you will be my girlfriend. 5es. 5ou need me in this new world, sweet little girl - am strong like a bull. - am black-belt in Tae-1won-%o. - will protect you, and feed you ... - give you shelter and love and we will live as Eueen and princess in this new world. 5ou will see ... it will be well.& 7Get ... *FF ('7 She tried to punch $isha in the nose but the woman grabbed her wrists in a grip like a clawed vice and pinned both arms above her head. (hile she held them easily in place with one hand, $isha pinched her nipples with the other, her hard thumb and forefinger s4uishing tender flesh like a cruel little vice. 1athy shrieked and struggled. &8e good, and - will stop. 1eep fighting $isha, and - will use my teeth.& !er voice was choked and strained with lust. &This must happen. - must have you now. %on#t fight me, it is useless. - will have you no matter what.& &7kay' 7kay' 7kayokayokayalrightstop''' -#ll ... you can do whatever, yeah, fine. Just don#t hurt me anymore, fuck ...& !ow the fuck was this actually happening3 -n the history of worst days, surely this one was the very worst, the showcase of bad fucking days. $isha licked her thin, dry lips and went in for a kiss. !er mouth was like cotton, her tongue rough and unskilled. The muscular beast-woman kissed her way down to 1athy#s breasts again, then back up, all the way up both of her pinned, rapidly-numbing arms. She bit and sucked the soft flesh on 1athy#s inner biceps, then her ears, chin and neck. &Suck my titties,& the woman gasped, and suddenly a huge, firm, sloping half-basketball of a tit was lying on 1athy#s face. The areola was as wide as a saucer, and the nipple was long and hard enough to poke her eye out. 1athy sucked the nipple <harder, you little bitch, bite it hard'= then worked over the other proffered nip. $isha chuckled, deep and manly, then soundly pummeled 1athy#s face with both hanging tits, whap-whap-whap-whap. -t actually hurt. "ight e ploded behind her eyes with every swinging blow of an eight-pound breast. &This sucks,& 1athy rasped. $isha giggled, then slid down, dragging her breasts over 1athy#s prone body as she did so. &- am going to stick my tongue in your pussy and asshole, little girlfriend,& she announced. 1athy shut her eyes tight, and prepared to try to block out what was about to happen ne t. 1rack-%;A ' The now-familiar sound of a wooden door being broken into splintered ribbons/ the

,ombies had finally wandered onto $isha#s floor, and they had heardFsensedFtasted the two women. The thudding of staggering feet flooded into the living room outside the bedroom door, and $isha was off of 1athy and roaring out a war cry in a flash. 1athy saw a brief silhouette of the broad, rippling ; of $isha#s back, tapering down to a pair of jutting, sharply-planed buttocks+ then, the giant of a woman was thundering out into the living room, still roaring her primitive cavewoman call to arms. 1athy immediately sprang up and, looking about wildly, saw her shorts and sports top, lying crumpled in twin balls beside her sneakers on the carpeted floor. She skinned them on in a whirlwind of movement, then ran to the door to see what was happening. -n the living room, $isha had a kicking, flailing man hoisted above her head/ she threw him bodily at two other ,ombies, knocking them down in an uncoordinated tangle of dead limbs. -mmediately, she spun to her left and slammed a big, bony fist into a female ,ombie#s face twice, in rapid succession - crunch-$&A:. The ,ombie tumbled to the floor, lifeless once again - the ghastly thing#s facial structure was smashed clear back into its brain. 5et another gaggle of dead things were just beginning to stumble into the apartment, moaning and gurgling. $isha ran at them, barrel-thighs pumping, gigantic tits bouncing, and she kicked the ,ombie in the lead s4uare in the chest. There was the sound of a wet branch being snapped off of a tree, and the ,ombie rocketed backward. -t bashed into its brethren that had been pouring into the room behind it, and they were all knocked back into the hallway like bowling pins. $isha sei,ed the couch, hollered, and lifted the massive piece of furniture to chest height. She ran with it at the door like a battering ram and slammed it home in the open doorway, whump'7 The frame let out a sharp crack and a groan, then all was still. Silence, for a second. The two women regarded each other with slack, sweating faces. Something passed between them, then - a moment of pure, sober clarity ... !hat the hell 3ust happened# !hy is it continuing to happen# $isha shook her head. &Euick, little one, fetch my clothes - we must go'& she barked. &There is fire-escape, outside of the bedroom window. (e will pack some things, then-& As the !erculean woman strode towards her, 1athy saw the movement from the kitchen, and had time to wonder if she should warn $isha that ... naw. 0uck that. Twisted rapist bitch. $isha heard something at the last moment, or maybe she saw the oncoming charge reflected in the anticipation in 1athy#s eyes ... either way, it was too late. She half-turned and was slammed into by two dead males, a burly biker-looking ,ombie and a man in a suit with half of his face chewed away. She was off-balance and fell+ the two slavering monsters fell with her. !alf-0ace sank his teeth into her breast, while 8iker Bombie got a good hold on her throat. $isha gurglescreamed, grabbed both by the hair and tried to tear them off. All she got was handfuls of dead men#s hair. 7,eah, ya big fucking genetic freak' 8ow"s that# %ite her fucking tit off'7 1athy spun on her heel, ignoring the older woman#s screams and cries for help, and ran back into the bedroom. She slammed the door shut behind her. $isha#s bedroom window was a large rectangle of gloomy, dying daylight/ the burning convenience store ne t door gave a flickering, unearthly 4uality to the light, as if the :arth was on a collision course with !ell. She slid the window open with shaking arms and kicked the screen out. -t clattered onto the metal grating of the fire escape outside/ oh thank )hrist, Allah and every other deity that it e isted%;A ' The door slammed open hard and $isha tottered into the bedroom. 8iker Bombie clung to her rippling back, chewing away at the side of her neck. 8lood was spraying from the ragged wound, jetting out in pumping s4uirts from either side of the monster#s gnawing mouth. $isha#s left breast was missing several good-si,ed chunks of tissue. The raw, red holes looked like screaming mouths. 7;ittle %)T18' ,ou leave isha to die# ,*6 ;(A<( )$8A T* 5)( ;)0( A 5*G-7 She reached up behind her and, sei,ing 8iker Bombie by the back of his leather jacket, flung him up and over

her head. !is teeth tore away from her neck and he tumbled head-over-heels across the floor. The burly, bloodied thing whapped hard off of the wall beside the window and immediately grasped for 1athy#s golden-tanned drumstick. She kicked him in the face and slithered through the window. An instant later, $isha lunged out after the shrieking girl, huge hands clenching for her streaming wave of thick, dark hair. !er neck was gushing blood from the tattered hole left by the former outlaw#s discolored teeth. $isha#s massive breast was a ruined horror, a bite-pocked moonscape that seemed to swell and pulsate in the revealing glow of the fire ne t door. 1athy ducked away from the madwoman and scuttled down the steep, narrow steps. She fervently hoped that there wasn#t a gang of the goddamn cannibal-things waiting for her at the bottom. Above her, naked $isha was now forcing her torso through the window, bellowing promises of violence in her native tongue. *h fuck, you gotta be kidding me. 1athy leaped down the last few steps to the ne t landing and ha,arded another look up/ $isha was now out on her own landing, struggling with 8iker Bombie/ he was biting her leg, and she was curled over him, biting him right back on the side of his face. -t was hard to tell who was trying to eat who. The sight was so grotes4ue and surreal that 1athy forgot that she was supposed to be fleeing for her life and liberty for a few moments - she dumbly stood there and watched the spectacle, mouth agape, eyes as wide as saucers ... (ithout warning, there was suddenly the tinkling crack of a pane of glass being shattered to 1athy#s left, accompanied by a stinging spray of shining fragments. She flinched away to the right, narrowly avoiding being sei,ed and pulled back into her own ,ombie-infested apartment by a bloodied, se less horror, a ghoul that had a shredded mask of gore for a face. 1athy e haled a soundless screech and plunged down the ne t flight of steps. The whole framework of the fire escape began to shake beneath her - she looked back up in time to see that Bombie 8iker was taking yet another head-over-heels tumble, this time down the rungs of the fire escape steps. !e shot under the railing on the ne t landing and rolled out into thin air, to windmill and snarl the thirty-nine feet to the sidewalk below, ssssss!8A:' $isha roared down to her, 7Get back here, you little bitch' Get back here and face what is coming to you'7 The fire escape rattled and screeched again as the tough old weight-lifting defector pursued her. She was surprisingly fast, for a fifty-year-old woman who had lost more than two pints of blood. 1athy waited until the woman got to the ne t landing, and then hollered, 7!ait a second' !ait' 5on"t move'7 Surprised, the woman stopped for a few moments, just long enough for the mangled horror that was hanging out in the window to grasp hold of her - by the face. She struggled and tried to pull away, but it was already too late. 7ne finger slid into her left eye and popped it+ another snagged her nostril, and a third sank its dirty, ragged nail into the corner of her mouth. $isha bellowed and tried to bat the hand away, but it convulsed into a claw and her face tore brutally. The hand jerked hard on $isha#s ripped, tortured features and yanked her head into the window. She screamed like a tortured animal, and her feet began to drum and kick in a marionette dance of death. The ravenous monsters on the other side of the window heaved and pulled $isha#s naked form right back into the apartment, smashing out the rest of the window glass in the process. A jagged chunk of the stuff slit her belly open as she was pulled through, and a giant ribbon of intestines spilled out onto the landing. A ,ombie reached its filthy hands out, grabbed hold of them, and pulled them inside, too. -t hauled $isha#s guts over the windowsill hand-over-hand, like a rope. The screaming was awful. She sounded like a warbling siren on a malfunctioning cassette tape. 1athy fled down the fire escape with $isha#s screams bouncing and rebounding between the buildings around her+ they merged with the cries of others in distress, and the resulting cacophony was a symphony of misery, conducted in !ell. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

As dusk began to loom in above the city, it had become 4uite obvious that the war against the infected had been lost before it could even really get off the ground. All semblance of an ordered society had fallen apart like an old, wet cardboard bo . 8eneath it, there was only savagery and terror. The infection was rampant. The prolific spread of the virus was due partly to how 4uickly it killed, and partly to how incredibly contagious it was. The super-germ could be transmitted through the air, saliva, or blood-to-blood contact. -t could live outside of a host for up to eight days, lurking on doorknobs and pens, elevator buttons and banisters. -t was possible to infect yourself by picking the virus up onto your fingers through touching something, then rubbing your mouth or eye afterward. -ntroduction of the virus through topical means <ie+ touching it= gave one a twenty-five percent chance of infection. 8reathing the virus into the lungs gave one a forty-seven percent chance of infection. Saliva-to-blood or blood-to-blood transference, such as a bite wound/ one hundred percent. 6nprotected se ual activity with an infected person/ one hundred percent. 7nce infected, a perfectly healthy individual would die, and then arise again, in no more than twenty-four hours. This time period shrank e ponentially if the infected person had been badly wounded or <obviously= killed in an attack. *iven all of these factors, it was no surprise that the human race was facing certain e tinction, a mere forty hours after the virus had been deliberately released on all five continents. The identity of the suicidal e tremists who enacted this most nefarious deed is not important to the story, because they were all just as dead as everyone else. The very poor were dead, and the middle class were as good as dead, and so were the very rich+ even the elite &one percent& were destined to become re-animated corpses. -ndeed, some of these former world puppeteers had already joined the ever-growing ranks of the murderous deceased. They were now busily causing mayhem in the streets, dressed the rumpled remains of fine silk night garments or tailor-cut suits from Saville 9ow+ cheek-to-snarling-jowl with the working poor, the homeless, homose uals and immigrants and minorities - all of them, united at last in a brotherhood of sorts. (here the ideals of humanitarianism had tried and failed, the mindless virus succeeded in bringing all of mankind together at last. After the death of the last few pockets of survivors, the dead would soon begin to rot apart and degenerate+ the process would be spurred along by the creation of lactic acids that were the waste product of the virus# reproduction. The virus would die with the flesh that housed it, and within a few months there would be not one single human being left standing, alive or dead. This was the intention of the virus# creators, and they would <post-humously= receive their fondest wish. 5ou and - and everyone that either of us personally know or are aware of would be as dead as year-old dogshit. .ot only that, but our cities and towns will have suffered the ravages of unchecked fires, and their blackened, hollowed-out carcasses will crumble away into the undergrowth within fifty years# time. "ondon and .ew 5ork and Sao 2aolo and even places that you weren#t sure actually fuckin# e isted, like )asablanca/ they#ll all be nothing but rubble beneath bushes and new trees. :ventually, the rubble will degrade to dust and rust, and the natural process of forest growth will cover this with accumulations of soil, and before you know it ... all traces of our time on this planet will be obscured and gone. And, as much as - hate to admit it, -#ve kinda gotta side with the e tremists on this one/ it will probably be better, this way. 2erhaps it#s time to give another life

form a chance at being the Alpha 9ace. 8ecause, really, we fucked it up, didn#t we3 Sure we did+ that#s why e tremist groups and terrorist cells e ist in the first place. (e fucked it up, all of us, we collectively fucked everything right up to the point where it#s probably not worth salvaging. 8ut - digress <as usual, aha=. "ets get back to the story. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7fficer 2atrick *rant could tell you, in great detail, just how fucked over the situation had gotten. !e#d just shot his partner in the face. 2atrolman *rant was holed up in an long-abandoned convenience store. The interior of the closed-down shop was small, cluttered, dusty and <very recently= blood-spattered. *rant had dragged the remains of 7fficer !olt, around the corner of the display shelves, then went to the very farthest side of room, to sit on the floor behind the register counter and rock back and forth. 2at was twenty-four, a rookie, and he was very close to succumbing to terror and shock. !e#d never shot anything more alive than a range target, before today. (ell ... technically, he still hadn#t shot anything living, but ... fuck. 2at had fired on so many walking corpses today that he#d lost count. 8ut at least they#d all been strangers to him. !e hadn#t shot anyone that he recogni,ed. 7f course, many of the ,ombies whom he#d sent back to the grave in the past ten hours would have been completely unrecogni,able to him regardless of how well he#d known them in life, because they were missing facial features such as noses, eyes, lips, entire lower jaws ... !olt,, on the other hand ... $ikey !olt,, the cheery, beery old patrol veteran, his mentor for almost eight months now - 7fficer *rant shot him in the face knowing full well who the man had been in life. !e knew that !olt, had three teenaged girls at home. !e knew that !olt, liked pastrami on rye with hot mustard, 8usch beer, and lawn bowling. 0uck#s sake, 2at had known the guy. !olt, had gone from 4ueasy to deathly ill in a matter of hours, burning up and throwing the sickness from both ends ... by this point, the two had been more or less on their own for a few hours. The precinct had been swarmed by the things - they#d heard the battle and subse4uent cannibal massacre take place over the radio. After that, they#d been reduced to running through the streets and alleys, pursued by living corpses, fighting and thinking on their feet. 8ut $ikey was sick, and kept getting sicker. So the two law enforcers, once the hunters and now the hunted, had broken into the back door of a decrepit old 1orean variety store, to attend to !olt,#s medical needs the best that they could. Their best, of course, was pathetically inade4uate. The most brilliant medical minds in the world could not have helped !olt,, even if they weren"t ,ombies. !olt,#s face was contorted into a wild animal#s snarl when he lurched from the bare storeroom in the back. The cop#s face was a cold, dead shade of light grey-blue, his eyes entirely black and glassy. A thick foam of vomit-laced drool had been dripping off of his chin and spattering onto his uniform shirt. &!olt,3& 2at whispered, and his voice had cracked. !olt, growled and staggered at him as fast as his stiff, jittering legs would allow. &!olt, ... $ikey ... no, man, c#mon, don"t-7 2atrolman !olt, clacked his teeth in response. !e kept coming, and his bite was a death sentence. (hen he was no more than five feet away, 2at had shot him twice in the face, and again in the forehead, blam-blam, blam'. The .CD caliber bullets ripped through his friend and mentor#s head, and the damage was grisly. !olt, had toppled in his tracks+ he took one last step

forward as his torso began to crumple forward, then !olt,#s sturdy legs gave out in a spastic tumble and he fell face-first into the dirty floor tile. .umb and distant from himself, 7fficer *rant then put another chunk of hot metal into the already-ruined back of !olt,#s skull. 0or safety. ) want my om, he thought to himself, and wrapped his arms around his legs tightly, curling up like a pill bug. 8oly fuck, it"s true - ) want my om and ) want my old bedroom, ) want to be safe in my old bed with a bowl of popcorn and a movie on the T<. That wasn#t going to happen, though, was it3 2at crawled slowly to the storefront windows and had a peek out through the grimy glass. -t was almost full dark outside, and the streetlights were out+ but the fires were growing in strength and number, and a faint orange glow was lighting up the skies. !e could see nothing but the occasional shambling figures who, no doubt, would prove to be troublesome company. !ow many people were left alive3 !ow many of the living were cowering, just as he was, in the stores and businesses that lined this city street3 :ventually, they#d all be found and torn apart, himself included. The fight was lost. 7rder amongst the police and military ranks had broken down hours ago. The cowering deni,ens of this street would not be saved. They#d be eaten or burned alive. 2retty soon, the entire planet would be covered in carrion. And 2atrick *rant3 (hat was to become of him3 (hy ... he was a dead man, too, wasn#t he3 This thought was beyond depressing. 7fficer *rant began to softly weep for himself. !e didn#t want to die. -t wasn#t# fair. !e was going to be dead soon, just like !olt,, and he didn#t want to be. 2at childishly began to chant, &.o, no, no-no-no, no' .o, no, no-no-no...& over and over again. Soon, he#d probably have an all-out hysterical tantrum. !hy the fuck not# 2at asked himself, and began to bawl in earnest. Fuck being a grown-up right now, )"ll TA&T.6 , this isn"t fucking FA).&.o' *et away from me, you fucking ... you fucking dickheads' $omebody help me'7 A female#s voice, probably )aucasian, most definitely distressed. /oin the club, woman, he thought, wearily. !owever, some part of him was apparently still ready to man the fuck up, because *rant found himself on his feet and striding towards the front door, gun at the ready. !hat the fuck am ) doing, why do ) even care# !e could see the slim back and heart-shaped ass of a girl, pressed hard against the outside of the front door. A loose gaggle of the things were advancing on her, gnawed and broken creatures. 7ne of them was entirely missing a leg, and was awkwardly ,ombie-hopping to catch up with the rest. Another sported a giant, shredded snarl of a hole, clear through its stomach. 2at could see through the hole and observe the street and opposite sidewalk behind it. !is mouth twitched down in a horrified grimace. The young cop twisted open the stiff latch and yanked the door open. The girl fell backwards into him - he caught her around her ample chest with one arm while he fired on the leading ,ombies with the other hand. !eads jerked backward amidst sprays of mucky, clotted brain tissue and bone. 2at kicked the door closed and dropped awkwardly dropped her, so as to free up a hand to lock it again. 1athy cried out, &6gh' 7w, my frickin# knee-& then hurked as 2at abruptly scooped her up tightly and, carrying the disheveled girl like a parcel beneath his arm, ran for the back door. There was a tremendous, 4uivering bang' from behind them+ a split second later, the glass began to crack and then shatter beneath a hail of dead fists. 2at adjusted his grip on the 1athy#s wriggling body, threw her up into a fireman#s carry, then once again utili,ed his karate front-kick to smash the flimsy wooden door off of its hinges. -t clattered out onto the damp, cracked pavement of the alley behind the store. !e unceremoniously plopped the shapely, barely-dressed young woman onto her feet and, before he#d even had a chance to ask her if she was all right, 1athy was sprinting away down the alley.

2at hesitated, then yelled after her, &!ey' (here are you going3& She spun around and called back, 7) have to, uh, ) want to see what happened to a friend' 1ome with me#7 then took off again. 2at shrugged to himself and hightailed it after her. !e#d follow her to wherever it was that she was going. 0uck it, why not3 As far as he knew, 2at was following the only other living person left on :arth, and he kinda wanted to see what she was up to. $ight as well die while doing something better than dying while sitting around on his ass, waiting for it to happen. -t was good to be proactive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So this was it, then. .ot only was he going to die horribly, then arise to become a mindless cannibal, but this awful turn of events was starting at his cock. !is cock, for )hrist#s sake.

"ooking down at his afflicted, swollen, rot-stinking member, 2agan found himself remembering a time in his twenties when he#d freaked out over a burning, pus-ridden discharge that started leaking out of his dick. )hlamydia. -t had been the end of his world. 2agan was slinging crack rocks at the time, and had a number of addicts that owed him a favor - so he called on a dirty-ass, dreadlocked nigger with a fake gold grill who was getting in deep over the rock. !is name had been Spa,, or )ra,,, some shit like that. The big, bony, hollow-eyed degenerate was all too happy to oblige 2agan#s re4uest, and he carved the suspected hoe#s face apart with a broken beer bottle. Then, as per 2agan#s instructions, Spa,, <or )ra,,= kicked the teenage crack whore s4uare in the cunt with his piss-stained workboots, over and over again. "ooking down at his afflicted penis, 2agan wished that he could find and then apologi,e to the worn-out little crack whore. )hlamydia was fuckin# nothing, compared to this. !e could only take solice in the fact that the girl had probably died of an overdose or e posure long, long ago, and would not have to e perience this particular ordeal herself. 0arma and shit, dawg - you know it. $hit comes back around ... !e#d been raping a corpse. A fucking zombie corpse. (hat in hell was wrong with him3 !ow#d he manage to slip so far down into the murk that e ists at the bottom of the human psyche3 &-#m a sick motherfucker ... that#s what it is. -#m sick and -#ve always been sick.& 2agan addressed the mirror. 0or the first time in years, he acknowledged that the heavy-browed, .eanderthallooking, jowl-faced, ugly-ass sack of shit in the mirror was him, it was really him. !e was the sum of all his e cesses and depravities+ a lifetime of drugs, boo,ing, murder and se ual deviance. The face in the mirror revealed the wages of sin and base desires made reality. -t was bloated, physically ill and dying ... but it was also evil. !atred was ingrained in his features. -t oo,ed from his large pores and it dripped in the sweat from his laddered brow. 0unny - he#d never thought of himself as being evil, just hard and ruthless and self-gratifying. Amoral, even, but actively malign3 The idea had never crossed his mind. Seconds before he sprayed an enormous glurt of bloody vomit into the hotel mirror, 2agan had an revelation of sorts ... if no one who is truly wicked is aware of that fact, then is it possible that we are all inherently evil3 -s it possible that the world we have created is insane, and no one is even aware of it3 Then, abruptly as it came, the light of self-reali,ation was gone in a gush of bloody, chunky puke.

The chunks were pieces of his stomach lining. The discharge hit the mirror with tremendous force and rebounded everywhere. $oments later, a freight-train of diarrhea blasted out from between 2agan#s flabby ass-cheeks. -t painted his legs and the floor tiles all around him. The pain was tremendous, it was everything and all things. !e lifted his head to scream at the ceiling and released another bile-and-blood, projectile vomit barrage instead. -t knocked a few of the flimsy tiles out of the false ceiling and sprayed up into the dark depths above. !is grossly obese bulk erupted into a foul, oily sweat/ it stank. -t stank of decay. The dying man walked in slow, slippery motion out into the room, shivering so violently that the rolls of fat were jiggling like a massive and unappeti,ing Jello mould. !is heart was pounding in a fast, uneven rhythm - thump-thump, thump-thump-T86 :-thump, thump . 2agan#s legs failed and he slammed without grace into the floor. !e landed beside the corpse-pile comprised of his former thug and the cause of his current misery, the bitch. She was staring at him, and he swore that he could see smug victory behind the milky pall that covered her remaining eye. 2agan could taste blood. !is nose was gushing. !e paid it no mind. !e had a job to do, before his consciousness faded and he was reborn. !e had to rape this bitch, one last time. %ominating women had been his reason to carry on in life/ dominating a woman was what had brought upon his downfall. -t clearly had to come full circle ... he would die while forcing himself upon something unwilling and female. !e would die doing what he had always loved best, and fuck whether that was wrong or right or fucking whatever+ it was simply who 2agan was. 0uck it, homie ... he was an evil motherfucker. $ight as well roll with it. !is joints were full of broken glass, and his guts felt as though they were being internally shredded with a rusty jigsaw, but 2agan pulled the fucking ,ombie whore over to him anyway. Stacy head-butted his nose in an attempt to slam her duct-taped mouth into his neck. !e barely registered this. !is stiff, rotting cock was going to go into her. !e#d puke and shit and rape her till he died in the act. (hy the fuck not3 2ush the envelope, that had always been his motto. 2ush that motherfucker right to the limit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2at was almost out of ammo. 0ive shots left, maybe3 -t was nothing short of miraculous that he and the taut young piece of ass that he#d followed here had made it this far. The streets were thick with the dead. They#d not seen one single other living human being during the time it had taken to get to this overrun hotel of horrors. -t was a flea-bag hotel, one where the owners tried hard to cover the bedbugs and unsavory guests by putting up a lot of glit, and mirrors. -n better times, one would be able to purchase a blowjob for thirty bucks in the bar on the main floor, most nights+ a lay would cost you si ty <unless it was in the ass andFor without a condom - in the local market, these acts cost an additional fifty dollars.= Today, the bar was full of lurching dead things, and any attempt at obtaining a 8J would be inadvisable. They slammed through the front lobby doors and skirted past a milling gaggle of ,ombies. 2at didn#t waste any bullets on the pursuing monstrosities, just kicked at the few who managed to totter in too close and kept running. (hatever this was, it was suicide. They#d be trapped in this place, easy prey for the do,ens and do,ens of ,ombies who were either already in the building or pouring into it in pursuit. They were never going to get out of this seedy hotel, not alive. 8ut that was going to happen eventually anyway, wasn#t it3 *asping, they pounded up the stairs. The naked corpse of an elderly woman lunged at them, and 2at pistol-whipped its skull into a broken stew, wham-wham-wham-whup-whush-splurch' !e

threw the body over the railing+ it tumbled like a heavy rag doll and flattened another of the fiends, an eviscerated mailman who#d been in hot pursuit on the stairwell below. &)ome on, through here,& 1athy panted back over her shoulder, and slammed into an e it door. A ,ombie on the other side was knocked sprawling. They both ran over its back and then 1athy was leaping over a fellow policeman+ well, the remnants of one, anyway. !is legs were a mess and his neck had been eaten down to a bi,arre-looking pencil stump, as if a flesh-eating beaver had been the cause of his demise. Another cop lay nearby, unmoving. !is head sported a neat entrance wound in the forehead, and a fist-si,ed chunk of missing cranium in behind. 2at gave the crawling ,ombie cop a few resounding raps on his skull with the gun. -n the meantime, 1athy was beating wildly on a door which was pock-marked with bullet holes. &$tacy' $tace' Are you in there still# Answer me'7 &"ook out,& 2at rasped, and used his famous front-kick on the splintered barrier, $ A$8' The door fell inward, and a stench immediately assailed their nostrils/ it was a stomach-churning mi of rancid sweat and rank breath,vomit, shit, congealing blood, putrefaction, old semen and untidy anal penetration. -t was the mind-bending stink that resides within a whorehouse that is located in the @th circle of !ell. The tainted air that rushed out of that s4ualid room of horrors was enough to make their eyes water and stomachs roll. 8ut that is not what caused them to stumble back, no ... it was what they saw that did that. (hat they saw is this/ Two ,ombies, locked together in coitus on the floor. The one on top was male, grossly overweight in life, and he was smeared in puke and shit. !e was fucking a female ,ombie, pinned beneath him by his weight. !e was not fucking her ass, nor her pussy, however - the bloated thing had chewed a hole in the she-corpse#s lower stomach, and he was slamming his nasty little cock in and out of this wound like a randy mountain goat. The female#s legs were wrapped around his, her nails digging bloodless trenches into the broad, slack fat on his back. !er head rolled and swung around on a broken neck. -t was apparent that they were both in the thrall of some vile species of ecstasy. A few feet away, the body of a black male watched the two rut with slack, sightless eyes. A voyeur. !e, too, had been stripped naked. & ... oh ... stacy ... & 1athy whispered. &7h ... no ... - ... oh *od shoot them, please officer, shoot these things.& 7fficer *rant was already taking aim. 8"A$' 8"A$' "i4uefying brain matter spattered/ the two ,ombie lovers slumped, lost muscle tension and lay still. 1athy began to sob and screech hysterically, but there was just no fucking time for that, the ,ombies were closing in ... so 2at shot her, too. !e shot her in the back of the head and she gasped something that sounded like a garbled, &7w, fuck'&, then her legs went loose and 1athy fell down hard. She died with tears on her cheeks and horror in her eyes. &-#m sorry,& 2at said, and was not surprised to discover that he was weeping, too. !e ran from the horde of ghouls that were almost upon him, ran down the long hall and slammed against a locked fire e it. !e beat at it and wailed even harder. &This is it, then, huh3& 2at whimpered, and snot ran out of his nose in greasy twin trails. !e pointed a trembling finger in accusation at the advancing monsters, and he spat, &There was no point to any of this, was there3 There was no meaning to any of this at all, !A$ T8(.(#' This whole bullshit mess is 3ust to make people $6FF(.'7 2at fired twice and dropped the two leading creatures. The others, undaunted, kept on coming. 7 !ell, we already suffer plenty, so no fucking thank you' !e suffer every fuckin" day out there, A;;

day, day in and day out'7 !e hitched in a shuddering breath, and, earnestly trying to make the mindless corpses understand, said, &This is just more slea,e, don#t you get it3 There isn#t any point to it ... it#s just ... sleazy.& The ,ombies may have heard this+ maybe, on some base level, their misfiring brains even understood what the crying, defiant young man was trying to say ... but if they did, they certainly didn#t show it. The undead pressed in with the blank, avid eyes of your average T; viewer, greedy and mindless. 2at put the mu,,le of his service pistol in his mouth, pressed the trigger ... and nothing. !e had miss-counted the number of bullets left. There had only been four. 2at fought them with the fury of the righteous, wielding his gun like a club, but of course he was overwhelmed. The ,ombies bore him to the ground and bit him deeply. They ripped strips of skin and muscle fibre from his face and neck and arms, they clawed and tore and feasted #til he was cold. After, the dead things wandered away to aimlessly run amok with no direction, no rationale ... just running amok. Thus concludes this tawdry tale. 5ou#ve probably been killed, and so have -. 5our parents are dead, and your sister, and your uncle 8arney, and everyone else in the world. (e shall all wander the earth as decaying spirits, debased and unaware of our debasement. Soon, we will rot apart, and the world will start anew ... and maybe this time, it will be a world that is clean and free of such mindless societal decay ... ... but, in all likelihood, probably not.

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