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The Cult
The Cult
The Cult
Ebook5,773 pages80 hours

The Cult

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About this ebook

It took 3000 years, and this strategy, for one cult, to rule this word. Rule number one: Real power must always remain unobtrusive, invisible, unseen. Control enough of the means of mass communication that you can get to define ‘social reality’ for people, by determining what they see, hear, read, and will be taught, from cradle to grave. So that every form of communication, from television ‘programming’, to Hollywood films, to school textbooks, to facebook blogs, Youtube videos, and web posts, is ‘on message’, saying the same thing in different ways, with zero genuine ‘uncontrolled’ and thus authentically ‘alternate’ messages ever being seen or heard. Thus your carefully scripted and engineered ‘social reality’ will gain traction in the minds of most people. Any ‘dissent’ will be criminalized. Marginalised. Ridiculed. Extirpated. People will understand what ‘views’ are ‘acceptable’ and ‘required’ to ‘get ahead’. And remain out of prison.

Release dateSep 12, 2018
The Cult

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    Book preview

    The Cult - Markus Heinrich Rehbach

    It took 3000 years,                                     and this strategy,                                                          for one cult,                                                  To Rule This World

    Copyright 2018 Markus Heinrich Rehbach All Rights Reserved

    Freeing us, and the ‘Jews’, from The Cult, (of Judah-ism)

    A work by Markus Heinrich Rehbach based around

    Douglas Reed’s ‘The Controversy of Zion’

    This book forms the prequel to my

    ‘Welcome to the New World Order’


    Table of Contents

    It took 3000 years, and this strategy, for one cult, To Rule This World

    Freeing us, and the ‘Jews’, from The Cult, (of Judah-ism)

    If a whistle is blown in the forest, and no-one hears, does it make a sound?

    N.A.T.O, like the similar treaty signed by Poland, France, And Britain, ensures WWIII will begin any day now


    Defamation as the ultimate weapon of the ‘Jew’ World Order, and its agency, the (A)DL

    This is not a counter revolution

    How to free a slave, who wants to enslave you?

    Fake it till you make it

    A brief history of the Cult of Judaism, and its often unwilling servants

    The Sumerian clay tablet prequel to the official inception of the Cult of Judah by a Sumerian Priest

    ‘Holy’? Moses

    By the rivers of Babylon…where we dasheth thy little ones against the stones

    More for you ‘coinicidence theorists’

    The political strategy by way of which we would all ‘reap’ what the Cult of Judah ‘sowed’, some 3000 years ago.

    Forced conversion to the Cult of Judah

    ‘Modern’ Cult recruitment policies

    The rise of the Pharisees

    The Jew World Order conspiracy ‘family tree’and basic modus operandi

    The ‘Messiah’: Was Jesus Jewish?

    The Cult of Judah sets up shop in a new HQ, to prepare for their world conquest

    Enter the Khazars

    ‘Pipulism’ a.k.a specious sophistry

    Zionism as the fulfillment of the Messianic tradition, and the destructive force

    Passover and Purim, festivals celebrating the destruction of Western Civilisation that will precede the ‘Jew’ World Order

    The destructive principle of ‘Judaism’ in practise

    The Cult of Judah leaves its signature and visiting cards all over the most destructive acts of world history

    Always, and everywhere, anti-semitism must be reported to be ‘on the rise’, the ‘threat levels’ always being ‘ramped up’ like our equally ‘faked’ ‘terrorist threat levels’

    The ‘next generation’ ‘Jew’, the (Spanish/Portuguese ) ‘Sephardic’ ‘Jew’, rejected by the Cult High Command in favor of a new ‘sword and shield’, the Khazars a.k.a ‘AshkeNAZI’ ‘Jews’

    The real meaning of ‘Rapture’ a.k.a ‘And ye shall become beings of light’

    The English, French, and Russian revolutions, preliminary events for the final putsch, the ‘world’ revolution

    Hitler as a genuine candidate for ‘Messiah’ of the ‘Jews’?

    The French Revolution

    Napoleon’s attempt at a solution to ‘The Jewish Question’: the convening of ‘The Great Sanhedrin’

    Deir Yasin: genocide modelled on the precedents / origin stories of the Cult of Judaism; and further parallels regarding the Jew World Order and Zionism, and the ‘occupied’ nations collusion / conspiracy

    For ‘Holocaust’ ‘true believers’

    The Biblical ‘promise’ to the Cult of Judah made good, as ‘the nations’ send their treasure to Israel as ‘tributaries’

    The ‘Jew World Order’ occupation from Russia to Europe, to India, to the U.S.A, to Australia

    ‘Jews’ given the legal right to print U.S currency

    The unnecessary war, necessary only to install a ‘Jew’ World Order

    Censorship, or how the West was lost

    The ADL’s Un-American Activities

    The 1950s

    The Jewish Age

    The Illuminati co-opts Freemasonry, only to be co-opted in turn by the Cult of Judah, and its ‘world revolution’

    Bakunin (Polemique contres les Juifs) vs Marx(Das Kapital)

    The birth of anti-semitism as ‘a thing’

    Is Christianity ruled by Thanatos (a death wish)?

    The first documented use of the term ‘United Nations’, and can you guess the context, and exactly whom was intended to rule it?

    The Cult of Judah, everywhere, resists liberty

    Ghettoes concentrating, and distilling Cult evil over generations

    The Iron Curtain falls to allow the Jew.S.S.R to expand West in new disguises

    The first Churchill to support the ‘Jew’ World Order

    The ‘Jewish international’ a.k.a Banksters, and the offer of a Jewish homeland in Uganda

    ‘The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’

    Enter my own Eden Protocols to the rescue

    Winston Churchill, ‘Jew’ World Order co-conspirator from the start

    Zionism versus Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People." ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY HERALD, London, February 8, 1920

    The President makers, House and Baruch, and their occupied ‘Jew’.S.A Presidential Golems

    A terrible beauty crouches its way towards Bethlehem

    In President Wilson's America the real decision makers were Baruch and House, and the real seat of power was East 35th Street, New York

    The Balfour Declaration

    The undeniably ‘Jewish’ nature of the ‘Communist’ revolution

    The ‘Jew’.S.S.R plus Zionism plus the ‘Jew’.N equals a ‘Jew’ World Order

    Wilson’s betrayal of Arabia, breaking his own ’14 points’ long before the ‘Jews’ at Versailles were to do so

    A powerful whistle blower literally ‘certified’ insane, and his own newspaper empire taken from him

    The League of Cult of Judah occupied nations hands Palestine to the ‘Jews’

    The initial ‘Jewish’ invasion of the former U.S.A

    Roosevelt replaces Wilson as the Cult of Judah’s new ‘puppet’ President of the ‘Jew.S.A

    Enter the last ‘independent’ candidate for the Presidency

    ‘The Jews’ as ‘friend of the African American?

    Anti-German Propaganda ramps up, anticipating the ‘Shoa Business’ of ‘The Holocaust’

    The Cult of Judah steps in to sabotage the reconciliation of ‘Jews’ and Germans in Germany

    The ‘Partition’ of Palestine

    Enter a ‘reformed’ Churchill, sick of being the victim of the ‘Jew’ World Order, now willing to sell out, in return for success, luxury, and the status of a ‘Great man of history’, which the Jewish historians have granted him

    The real war aims realised

    Churchill’s war

    Roosevelt, the seditious traitor

    The ‘Jewish’ Technique of propaganda a.k.a A.D.L

    The defamation league a.k.a A.D.L

    How the ADL with Roosevelt and Truman’s support, attempted to ‘blacklist’ potential adversaries of the ‘Jew’ World Order, and how bogus ‘lie detector tests’ have achieved this

    The first ‘dry runs’ and ‘rehearsals’ for the Jew.N takeover on U.S soil

    How the puppet Presidents bypassed the ‘will of the people’, to prosecute illegal wars in the service of the ‘Jew’ World Order

    Pearl Harbor provoked, then the original ‘stand down’ orders given that would leave the military personnel unwarned, and incapable of self defence

    The Jewnited States of American Cult of Judah puppet President Wilson and the German Kaiser establish the ‘Jews’ in power in Russia, then Roosevelt makes their expansion West into Europe the priority of all his ‘war efforts’

    Roosevelt supplies the ‘Jew’.S.S.R with all the materials and plans necessary to build their own Atom bomb, under ‘United Nations’ authority

    Long before ‘The Fed’ came under its current totally ‘Jewish’ control, ‘Jews’ literally given the right to print money (250 Million at 1945 values)

    The real author of ‘The Morgenthau Plan’ ensures the ‘Jew’.S.S.R occupies and thus emasculates Germany

    The real ‘war aims’ of the Allied (occupied) powers

    Roosevelt, the occupied ‘Jew’.S.A’s most treasonous President ever, and Universal Liberty’s ‘enemy number one

    Slavery once more ‘officially legal’, thanks to Roosevelt and Churchill

    The West sends the real ‘captives’ of Jewish history back to their captors

    The Ultimate in ‘Torah-speak’ non-sequitur self cancelling utterances

    Guns are not the answer

    The ‘Jew’ World Order occupation exposed, for a time, and then we all slipped back into our trance

    Alger Hiss and Harry Dexter White, perfect examples of what we can expect to find today, if we bother to look at our own occupation governments

    The origins of ‘The Morgenthau Plan’

    Harry Dexter White, and Alger Hiss, the ‘Jews’ who ruled the ‘Jew’.S.A, and the IMF, and the ‘Petro-dollar Ponsy Scheme’ from the shadows

    Nixon’s real crimes

    Voters now free to chose from our pre-selecteion of ‘premier-dictators’

    The unobtrusive power of the ‘Jew’diciary

    The ‘One World Government’ conspiracy

    ‘The Holocaust that was Dresden’, the most shameful event in U.S and British History?

    The firebombing of Japanese cities

    ‘Stand down’ orders given to ensure the ‘Jew’.S.S.R occupation of Eastern Europe

    Hitler never actually named in the Nuremberg trial proceedings?

    Just a taste of Nuremberg show trial hypocrisy

    The ‘Cult of Judah’ leaves its visiting card and signature on the Nuremberg proceedings

    How was it even possible to calculate the number of ‘Jews’ who ‘perished’ during WWII at the hands of the Nazi’s?

    The bizarre calculation of the day on which the Nazi’s were to be murdered after their Nuremberg show trial ‘pre-convictions’ were made public

    Finally a tiny bit ofjustice for the Nazi ‘adversaries’ of the ‘Jew’ World Order

    Just some of the Torah inspired acts of barbarism commited by the ‘Jews’ during WWII

    Obstruction of the ‘Jew’ World Order a.k.a ‘anti-semitism’, made a criminal offence in ‘Jew’ World Order occupied Germany

    Anti-semitism laws enacted to facilitated and hide the criminal actions of ‘Jews’

    Churchill’s attitudes towards Tito belie his claims to having sought to prevent the ‘Jew’ World Order occupation of Eastern Europe and Germany

    The Dreyfuss affair compared to the massacre of a hundred thousand French by the ‘liberators’ of France

    Tito ‘exposes’ the ‘Jew’ .S.S.R death camps

    ‘Communists’ ruled the German Concentration camps?

    Hitler’s Jewish helpers (debunking the ‘anti-semitism’ myth)

    ‘Jewish’ suffering takes center stage, as usual, with ‘special treatment’ for the ‘chosen people’

    The World revolution ‘a Jewish affair’?

    ‘Jews’ hold all the ‘levers of control’ in the ‘Jew.S.S.R and Cult of Judah occupied nations

    The Arab’s should move out of Palestine, as the ‘Jews’ move in?

    King Ibn Saud would not ‘sell out’ the Palestinian people for the going ‘pieces of silver’ (20 Million Pounds in 1945).

    A taste of ‘Jewish’ arrogance and lesae majestie

    The Zionist rule by terror, of Palestine, and the your own occupied nation

    Roosevelt’s unofficial ‘United Nations’ now unveiled, and doing its masters’ work

    U.S taxpayers funding the mass migration of AshkeNAZI ‘Jews’ from Eastern Europe and Russia to Palestine, under guise of ‘Displaced Persons’ programs

    To control an entire nation, you need only control the ‘levers’ of governance

    The ‘Jewish International’ a.k.a ‘Jew’ World Order

    The classic case of persecution by defamation, leading to death (How the ‘Jew’ World Order deals with whistle-blowers a.k.a how the conspiracy is kept secret for 3000 years

    Was there ever any chance of the whistle being blown, and actually heard?

    The Cult of Judah ‘reign of terror’ extended from the ‘Jew’.S.S.R and occupied Eastern Europe to Palestine: the massacre at Deir Yasin’

    Attempts at some ‘legality’ replaced by a fait accompli, and the occupied Western government roles now shifts from ‘creating’ a state, to international ‘recognition’ for a state ‘created’, again as in the ‘original’ biblical accounts of the foundation of the state of Israel, by genocide

    Meanwhile, back in merry old (not yet fully) occupied England

    The ‘Ihud Organisation’ : one voice of justice among the ‘Jews’

    1951 Israeli census figures reveal the ‘AskeNAZI’ face of modern ‘Judah-ism’

    ‘Soviet’ weapons get the credit for the early ‘Israeli’conquest of Palestine

    Anti-Communism declared synonymous with anti-semitism

    Israel and Communism

    Peace-keeping, when the Cult wants war, is anti-semitic, and a ‘crime’ worthy of death

    Support for Zionism, for the Cult of Judah, at any cost

    The ‘Jew’ World Order occupied nations the true ‘captives’ in this Torah tale, just as the true ‘persecutors’ of the ‘Jews’ have always been the Cult of Judah masters themselves

    ‘Amalek’ forced to pay tribute to the ‘Jew’ World Order

    Would you return, with your family, to a nation that had put you in ‘death’ camps, and murdered 6 million people ‘like you’ in a few years?

    The ‘Jew’.N, herding together and disarming ‘the nations’ to fulfill the Cult of Judah’s 3000 year old conspiracy to establish a ‘Jew’ World Order

    The beginnings of an official institution to carry out the Cult of Judah’s plans for a One World Government, a ‘Jew’ World Order, to ‘utterly destroy’ and then enslave ‘the sovereign nations’

    Enter, stage left, Bernard Baruch, shaper of U.S foreign policy for six U.S Presidents, and his ‘Baruch Plan’ a.k.a ‘Jew’.N

    The ‘Jewish’ Century

    Selling the absurd notion of ‘anti-semitism’ to American ‘Jews’

    The occupied Western popwers make war on Egypt, for its ‘Jew’ World Order masters

    The ‘Jewish Doctors Affair’: ADL style ‘fake’ anti-semitism for the consumption of the sheeple

    300 million persecuted, but the ‘priveleged’ instigators of that persecution still proclaimed as the victims of the ‘Jew’.S.S.R?

    The ‘occupied’ nations attempt to throw off the yoke of an essentially ‘Jewish’ oppression, and ‘Jewish’ Opressor

    Hundreds of thousands people were being murdered by ‘Jews’ in Eastern Europe, but all the ‘West’ read about in their newspapers was about the ‘persecution’ of ‘Jews’, and their need for a ‘refuge’

    The manufactured ‘Suez’ Crisis and Nuremberg style war crime a.k.a Israeli invasion of Egypt, aided by the same nations who held the actual Nuremberg show trials

    The truth about the ‘success’ of Israel, and ‘Jewish’ consensus, compared to the glowing propaganda the world was offered a.k.a ‘The inversion of truth’

    The Cult returns to its old ways, finally having annexed Israel to Judah

    The ‘free’ West liberate the enslaved ‘East’?

    The grooming and advancement of President Eisenhower, the only WWII leader to actually order, and operated, death camps in Europe

    Germany coerced into paying ‘tribute’ to the Cult of Judah

    Let my people go and murder and enslave your nation!

    Voice of America? Radio free Europe?

    Help, the Egyptian military is defending itself from our invasion, save us from the new Hitler’s ‘persecution’

    Occupied ‘Jew’.S.A and E.’Jew’ and ‘Jew’.K trance states

    Probably the only people who read my books and watch my videos are ‘Jew’ World Order operatives

    Poland and Germany, Vis a Vis the ‘Jews’, The Palestinians, and the Arab nations

    Just a taste of what so many famous people have tried to warn us about when it comes to ‘The Jews’

    Just a few of the ‘Tells’ that the New World Order is really just the old Cult of Judah (Torah inspired) ‘Jew’ World Order


    Markus Heinrich Rehbach



    The sinking of The Lusitania in the context of 911, and WWIII

    I would like to explain how a real currency, and monetary/fiscal policy, could work, without the need for gold or silver backing, or banks

    The forecaster, & the fate of those who would defy and resist the Zionist Occupation

    New U.N power to arbitrarily arrest or kill civilians

    France was once THE nation of popular protest

    For all you Zionists who abuse the term 'hate crime'

    Faked nuclear strikes on the U.S (and Europe?) to be used to complete the introduction of police state in Zionist Occupied North America (and Europe?)

    A big ‘no thanks’ to Talmudic law

    The (real) Holocaust of 6,000,000 (that is on its way)

    A rose by any other name?

    Neuro-Linguistic (un- & re-) Programming

    The Mandela Effect explained (Why you are sure ‘The Holocaust’ actually happened)

    Trump admits he is 1000% Zionist

    So the circus has come and gone, leaving us with a new Zionist puppet dictator

    Propaganda as the social version of AIDS

    The truth shall set you free

    More Clinton Zionism

    More Zionist NLP

    Foundations perfect for tax avoidance and money laundering, by design

    World ‘Jews’ wear green day

    World War III

    The Birther Conspiracy as a set-up to discredit conspiracy researchers

    The Tzar failed to get rid of the ‘Jews’, and they murdered him and his family, and tens of millions of Russians and Ukrainians. Putin did get rid of them, and now they are after him

    Michael Savage censored mid-sentence, as anyone will be, who dares threaten the ‘Jews’ propaganda

    Vaxxed? Whatever you do, do NOT get the next round of flu shots

    The ‘Jewish’ propaganda is full spectrum

    Should we be expecting a new god-person?

    Alex Jones, your friendly neighborhood CIA-Mossad Zionist asset?

    Michael, Obama’s husband, the first ‘lady’

    Usury for you, free money for the ‘Jew’

    Money is a service, NOT a good

    W W W : The Name Of The Number Of The Beast

    Breaking News on ‘The Templars’

    The Jubilee and Shemitah

    The ‘Jew-diciary’

    Homeland Security, sure, but WHOSE homeland? Jews of course

    The new ‘black gold’, laundered pure ‘white’ by the narco Banks

    The banks died in 2008, yet their ghosts live on

    500,000 dead Iraqi children NOT too high a price to pay (for what?)

    ‘If you want to know who really rules you, find out who you are not allowed to criticize’ (Voltaire)

    Blind spots and finally seeing things for what they are

    Will we, humans, be missed?

    A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing?

    2+2 can equal 4, or 6, or … whatever THEY tell you … and it always did

    For as ye do unto others, so shall be done unto you

    Why am I helping people who deserve my vengeance?

    The chosen few, who will inherit the ‘Jewtopia’, after the 6,000,000 ‘Jews’ are burned up

    Hitler was Time Magazine’s ‘Man of the year’

    ‘Noble’ lies

    The elephant in the room

    A personal challenge to Alex Jones and the (Mis-?) InfoWars crew.

    You’ve been ‘Bern’t’

    Bitcoin is money, Gold is barter

    The dismal science?

    The price of freedom

    Israeli State Insecurity Service a.k.a ISIS

    Third time’s the charm?

    Defining yourself as a ‘Jew’ is the ultimate hate crime

    France, the home of revolutions

    Spooky flashbacks

    It is impossible for two businesspeople to meet, on any occasion, without conspiring against the interests of the general public

    The CIA went all the way with JFK

    Image a world without hate

    I wish to report a hate crime to my local branch of the ADL

    Freedom of speech, obligation to listen, right to publish, obligation to be well-read

    Secret symbols, magical names

    Soon women are to be included in conscription

    This is the end

    Windows took over my, and your, computer’s hard drive for several hours recently, a ‘test-run’ to see how the public would react

    Where am I?

    A faked Russian attack, with Putin playing his role as ‘enemy’?

    None are more enslaved than those who think they are free

    Germany has a constitution? Come on!

    Propaganda, such as ‘The Holocaust’ is legal in the U.S, and Germany, and France, and 12 E Jew nations

    Some of us just can not and will not accept slavery

    Kill Mark Zuckerberg

    My petition to free all political prisoners in Germany

    The irony of ‘why we need government’ being ‘why we dare not have government’

    Smashwords, silent cogs in the Zionist Propaganda full spectrum domination machine

    Who wants to volunteer to sit on Bill Gates’ death panel?

    Saint Thomas Aquinas, Rothschild, and Hitler all agreed that ‘honest work’ would be good for the ‘Jews’

    I hereby formally renounce my German citizenship

    It’s time for a fair trial

    Me agreeing with a Pope?

    Russian, Iranian, or Syrian Asylum application

    Skepticism is the basis of all scientific enquiry

    If ‘The Holocaust’ didn’t happen, what does that make the Allies, if not war criminals?

    Who benefits from censorship?

    Some people in the military and government are finally ‘waking up’

    The most racist ideology is the lie that there is more than one ‘Human’ race

    Dear Alex Jones, ‘as you do unto others, so shall be done unto you’

    Racism as the millennials version of ‘Freudian post-modern-deconstructionism’

    Deerborn and WTC 911

    What really happened to JFK, and how it was covered up

    Do as I say, not as I do

    The ‘Fed’, the 1920s stock market crash, and the biggest ‘Jewish’ scam of all, Federal income taxes

    How much wealth do individuals actually produce?

    The costs and benefits of compounding interest

    What do you really hope to gain from ‘investing’?

    A note for investors

    The story of how Passive Low Cost Index Funds came about

    Safe as houses?

    Safe as ‘money in the bank’?

    Life insurance?

    How is it a hedge, if you don’t own the asset?

    Bonds. Local, State, Federal, and Corporate Bonds.

    The ‘Founding Fathers’ of the U.S.A never intended levying income taxes

    Diversification of risk

    You should demand the right to have your own home included in your compulsory superannuation scheme

    The AAA Blue Chip ‘Sure Thing’

    Kunti and Eudystyr


    SAVING US,AND THE JEWS,FROMTHE CULT OF JUDAHAND ITS‘JEW’ WORLD ORDER; Collated Post ‘Occupied’ notes, podcasts, facebook posts, steemit posts, and general notes to incorporate/use later, including movie/book/t.v ideas

    Introductory note

    Additional Putin notes

    Those who walk away from Omelas

    Who it is that hates your freedoms, and has stolen them from you

    WIKI LEAKS and Julian Assange and Ed Snowden as agents of disillusionment, confusion, and chaos, for the Jew World Order

    On Denial (not the river, the default mental state of sheeple)

    Why ‘Holocaust Denial’ laws should matter to YOU

    Why ‘the minimum wage’ is irrelevant

    The head of the Russian Orthodox Church is not only an atheist, but an enemy of all religion, a former KGB (you are never ‘former’ KGB or CIA or MOSSAD!) and current FSB agent for the ‘Jew’ World Order


    What does ‘Europe’ mean, if there are no Europeans living there?

    Genocide of ‘whites’ in South Africa ramping up?

    The ‘Jewish’ Trinity of Hate: Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Hitler

    The ‘Kalergi Plan’ for the genocide of all Germans, after the ‘Morgenthau Plan’ was ‘initialled by Churchill and Roosevelt at Yalta, but not officially carried out

    Welcome to your 'Jew'.S.A 'for profit' gulag (a.k.a FEMA camp / prison)

    To write up: notes on the Weaver Family murdered at Ruby Ridge, as mass media falsely reports and ignores facts

    Notes to write up:Abuse of Psychiatry

    The ‘Holocaust’ trance state

    Marie Antoinette victim of Jewish conspiracy?

    General ‘trance’ and ‘imprinting’ and ‘beliefs’ stuff

    Social reality encoded in trance, so we must understand how this works

    Why we need philosophers like myself today more than ever

    Notes from ‘Hitler, the greatest story never told’ massive documentary

    cult notes

    David Icke’s shape shifting reptilians have at least as much ‘biblical’ basis as Jesus or ‘God’, and much more logic to it

    A clear example of what I call the ‘Ideology of Semitism’,

    Rabbi David Bar-Hayim's views on the supposed consensus opinion that there is a definitive ‘last word’ on the meaning of the Torah and Talmud, as expressed in the uploaded video

    Discussion points for OPENING the URGENT and PRESSING IMMEDIATE dialog we MUST have with the ‘Jewish’ world

    Notes on the Second Video on the Shulchan Aruch

    Akhenaton notes

    Anti-semitism notes

    The Barista as Alchemist

    Some Brendon O’Connell notes

    Caroll Quigley tragedy and hope controlled opposition notes

    Kurt Vonnegut’s ‘money trough’ finally identified and located

    Social and mind conditionining in the unobtrusive police state notes

    Noahm Chomsky controlled opposition : pretend to represent the entire field of possible views, and hence drown out any real independent ‘offensive’ views notes

    Correct use for facebook and internet is to spread jew world order propaganda / lies notes

    Some David Irving notes

    Some greater Israel notes

    Economic warfare provoking physical warfare notes

    Einstein notes

    Facebook censorship example

    GIGO garbage in, garbage out notes

    Hitler’s peace offers the world was never allowed to give their informed consent on notes

    Immigration notes

    India the source of most of our advanced mathematics notes

    Marie Antoinette victim of ‘Jewish’ plot / conspiracy ? notes

    Message for Ainar…more evidence ‘people suck’

    Moses Red (Reed?) Sea and River Jordan metaphors for ‘ZEN’?

    Holocaust trance notes

    New New World Order notes

    Denying notes

    Why we need philosophers like myself more than ever notes

    Some Palestine notes

    Princes of the Yen documentary notes

    Protocols of Zion etc notes

    Putin notes

    Notes on cults in general

    Quantum / sub atomic level stuff notes

    More Quantum stuff notes

    Real money, inflation, deflation, market manipulation, concentration of real assets in hands of ‘Jews’ notes

    Reflexivity notes

    Rhythm method notes

    Ruby Ridge Weaver Family murdered by occupation government notes

    Social reality encoded in trance state of classroom, novel, and movie, and church ritual notes

    Notes from Kyle Hunt renegade broadcast

    Studio set up notes re: comb filtering etc

    Taking back democracy notes

    The big Co(he)n job; 911 notes

    The Federal occupation government conspiracy against the Bundy family notes

    Zoroastrian underground ‘Ark’ cities and today notes

    Interesting stuff on ‘Saturn’

    Why we ‘feel’ we ‘know’ anything, and how we can be made to feel we know anything, literally… notes

    Double binds in the context of 911

    Guide to podcasting notes

    Venezuala sanctions notes

    Wah Pedal made from cheapest mouse components for optimal reaper ‘free’ wah

    We are all MK ultra victims notes

    Welcome to your Jew S A gulag notes

    Wild Opium lettuce notes

    Poland, Catalonia, and the E.Jew notes

    Zoastrianism notes

    Adam Smith notes

    Anti-Semitism is for those who LOVE ‘Jews’

    Catalonian independence denial proving that democracy is an illusion

    Reflexivity is key to constructing and deconstructing reality

    Comments for Assad video

    Notes on Ancient Sumerian civilisation and clay tablets

    Please read me then feed me

    If a whistle is blown in the forest, and no-one hears, does it make a sound?

    ‘For nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid, that shall not be known’ - Luke 8: 17.  

    So, the truth will out. Yes indeed. But how far out?

    If those who ‘know’ it have no way of ‘transmitting’ this knowledge to others, due to censorship, persecution of ‘whistle-blowers’, and criminalization of truth as ‘hate speech’ and ‘racial vilification’ and ‘incitement’ and ‘anti-semitism’, then how may people will it actually reach? And how many will be receptive to this ‘strange’ news. ‘News’ that is totally inconsistent with everything else the listener and reader ‘knows’ to be true. Everything they’ve been conditioned and taught to believe? When the ‘whistle-blowers’ are universally demonised and ridiculed by all the ‘authorities’ and ‘mass media’? When they are painted in the very worst light by every journalist, news presenter, television host, Hollywood film, and top selling novel?

    People who refuse to even entertain even the very possibilitiy of a ‘Jew’ World Order often claim that ‘if it were true, someone would have let the cat out of the bag by now’.

    Well the fact is that many people have been furiously ‘blowing the whistle’ on the ‘Jew’ World Order for centuries. In fact Millenia. It started with the Hebrews own prophets. As ‘documented’ in the Old Testament, in the ‘Torah’.

    At that time you’d be denounced and stoned. You’d put your own family and friends in the position of having to denounce you, and literally ‘cast the first stone’.

    Jesus was ‘hanged’ according to Cult of Judah scribes, or ‘crucified’ according to the ‘Old Testament’, for vocally proclaiming his anti-semitic views.  Basically criticisms of the Cult of Judah ‘Pharisees’

    Several of his predecessors and later followers suffered a similar fate for their anti-semitism.

    Then in the Jew.S.S.R and occupied Jew World Order territories, ‘anti-semitism’, which is what any criticism of anything ‘Jewish’ was legally operationalized to mean, was punished by death.

    Then in the West, nations like Germany had ‘Holocaust Denial’ laws foisted upon them by their occupational governments.

    Later other nations followed, after lobbying by powerful ‘Jewish’ organisations and under threats of economic retaliation if they failed to ‘submit’ to the Jew World Orders ‘laws and statutes’, in introducing ‘hate speech’ and ‘racial vilification’ and ‘incitement’ and ‘anti-semitism’ laws carrying massive fines, and prison terms often exceeding 10 years. Laws which were enforced on men and women who would not bow down to the Cult of Judah.

    Great men and women. Truly courageous, noble figures. People like Ernst Zundel, Sylvia Stolz, and David Irving, to name but a few, were willing to take up the torch Jesus, and all the Hebrew prophets before him, had lit.

    But no matter how loudly you blow that whistle, it is drowned out in the ambient noise. It is lost. It is rarely even ‘heard’ at all. And then by so few that it might as well be ‘secret’ still, for all the impact it might ever have had on  ‘public opinion’ and ‘the system’.

    If a whistle is blown, and no-one hears it, has it really been ‘blown’ at all?

    The "Genocide Convention’ of the Jew-nited Nations contains a provision prescribing legal penalties for anything said by some faction to cause ‘mental harm’. This is the universal / international legal precedent for all the ‘hate speech’ and ‘racial vilification’ and ‘incitement’ laws that began appearing around the world, from Australia to Germany, decades after the death penalty had been put in place in the Jew.S.S.R. We can expect this death penalty to be reinstated under the coming Jewnited Nations one world government behind which the ‘Jew’ World Order will hide itself, at least until it is fully established.

    Such laws are effectively anti-whistle-blowing laws. They have nothing to do with universal justice, or concern for the masses ‘mental wellbeing’. They have everything to do, as was clear from their start during the Cult’s early years, over 3000 years ago, at stifling all and any public criticism of the ‘Jew’ World Order. Of the actions of the Cult of Judah and any of its representatives.

    Solzehnitsyn concluded that it was the mere ‘fear of losing their jobs’ that kept most Russians quiet and acquiescent during the Cult of Judah’s reign of terror. The more serious repercussions were ‘fates worse than death’ for the freedom fighters. However there would never have been enough secret police or torturers to prevent a mass uprising. No, what kept the average person ‘in their place’ was the mere threat of losing their job.

    If that system could work, given the massive, open, obvious, widespread abuses of the ‘Jews’ of their ‘host’ nations, then why would anyone expect it to be less effective while the ‘threat’ was still relatively vague and unclear to most people, as it is right now?

    Would you risk losing your job when the Jew World Order’s abuses can easily be ignored and overlooked for the time being? When the costs are not so obvious. When you could simply ‘ignore’ the reality that is gradually becoming impossible to ignore. But which it is, at this exact moment, quite easy for most people to simply deny?

    If the system worked when everyone knew for a fact that it was ‘Jews’ who had taken control of their nations, as part of their plans for a ‘Jew’ World Order, then imagine how unlikely it is that more than the  current regime of ‘anti-semitism’ and ‘hate speech’ laws will ever be necessary. By the time it becomes obvious what is going on to everyone, it will be too late to do anything about it. The prison will have been completed. One that will be literally breath-taking, in its depth, and bredth. In its 24/7 level of micromanagement.  613 laws will seem like a ‘liberal’ and ‘lassez faire’ society compared to the ‘1984 on steroids’ that the coming Jew World Order is going to be. It will have every single action you ever will take under total observation, and control. You will not be able to do a single thing without the ‘consent’ and ‘approval’ of the Jew World Order. You won’t be able to access your money, or get a job, or  a loan, or ride a bus, or drive a car, or buy anything, or do anything, even leave your apartment, or turn on your computer, or television, unless you have given 100% commitment and proven your loyalty to the ‘laws and statutes’ of the ‘Jew’ World Order. This reality has begun manifesting at an exponential rate since 911. 911 could only have been possible if the U.S had already been effectively ‘occupied’ at every level. Since then the ‘Patriot Act’ and successive ‘Executive Orders’ and ‘extra-judicial’ rulings have virtually eliminated any real  freedoms  in the U.S, Europe, or Austalia.

    You may think you are still free, simply because all of the executive orders that have been signed, and put in place, have not yet been fully activated. But when the time comes, simple ‘stop and check’ and ‘airport security scans’ and ‘internet passports’ and ‘no fly bans’ and ‘gun controls’ and ‘privacy invasions’ and ‘the suspension of Habeaus Corpus’, and ‘the militarization of  the police’ and ‘intervention of military forces in civilian areas’, will all seem like  child’s play, compared to the ‘Big (Kosher) Brother’ that is coming up your drive right now, inching his way towards Bethlehem. Only this ‘terrible beauty’ that ‘slouches towards Bethlehem’ won’t be wearing stylish Boss garments. It woudn’t even dare wear wool and cotton together. This ‘Jew World Order’ Big Brother won’t be guided by any universal principles of truth, justice, and freedom. It will be guided by the worst sin against ethics and reason ever devised. The most repugnant ideology ever imagined, let alone imposed on a person. The ideology of Semitism. The ‘laws and statutes’ of the Cult of Judah. The viper in the flowery garlands will emerge hissing and spitting its vile venom. And then it will remind you, surely ‘You knew I was a snake, when you let me in’. When you welcomed the Cult of Judaism into your nation with open arms. Just like the Midianites had welcomed Moses, in the ‘legal precedent’, the moral compass, the ethical guide, for what is coming. And remember, Moses murdered his own family. He betrayed his closest friends. There is no ‘loyalty’ even among members of the Cult of Judah, except too the ‘laws and statutes’, and through them, the Cult masters.

    Please, while reading this  book, and any other book, blog post, essay, or video comment that I have posted,  remember that we are seeking to save the ‘Jews’, as equally vulnerable members of the ‘human’ race, as we ourselves are.

    There are millions of Jews who have made more embittered protests against the destiny of destruction, forced on them by the Cult of Judah, than the Gentiles have made against the threat of destruction, aimed at them. 

    Millions of Jews in Palestine come out onto the streets to protest actions the state of Israel has taken in their name.

    I, and no-one I know, hates Jews. They merely hate the ideology of Semitism. The Cult of Judah’s ruthless ambitions. Their Macciavellian lack of empathy for their victims, past, present, and future. And millions of ‘Jews’ hate this ideology at least as much as I do.

    The ideology of Semitism, using my own words, is the poltical ideology of racism, racial supremacism, exceptionalism, genocide, slavery, and rape. And so clearly most ‘Jews’ do not actively and/or knowingly, support this ideology. They are not ‘obedient’ Cult of Judah practitioners. They are mere Cult of Judah-ism ‘affiliates’ and self-identifiers. They define their ‘Jewishness’ in ways that reject the Cult of Judah’s strict ‘laws and statutes’, and are as much victims of that Cult, as the rest of us. And thus we seek to free them, as much as we seek to free ourselves. For ask not for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.

    N.A.T.O, like the similar treaty signed by Poland, France, And Britain, ensures WWIII will begin any day now

    When the North Atlantic Treaty Organization pact was signed in 1949, the ostensible, original purpose was that the then member states America and Canada, England, France and ten other European countries, and Turkey, would regard any attack on one as an attack on all and aid the one attacked.

    Before anyone could ‘call’ ‘False Flag’, an World Wrestling Federation ‘Jew’ World Order occupied Iranian or Russian missile attack on any of the new, or old, NATO signatory nations, would instantly lead to a retaliation from any of the ‘Jew’ World Order NATO bases around the world.

    In the interests of ‘national security’ martial law would be declared, the internet basically shut down, full censorhip put in place, and all ‘news’ would be pure propaganda,  while the ‘Jew’.N occupation forces were brought in and all the ‘executive orders’ fully activated. ‘Conspiracy theorists’, Constitutionalists, Millitia members, Second Amendment-ers, Tea Party members, Evangelical Christians, ‘Anti-semites’, ‘Holocaust deniers’, ‘Historical Revisionists’, and anyone else who might ‘obstruct’ the ‘Jew’ World Order will all be rounded  up and placed in the ‘Jew’.S.A Gulag forced labor camps already set up, and awaiting activation, all around the ‘Jew’.S.A. With the most infamous located, in true ‘Siberian’ fashion, in Western Alaska, for the ‘thought criminals’ a.k.a ‘mental treatment of those suffering from deception defiance syndrome’.

    Watch my short video about how it appears that recent U.S legislation has effectively handed over control of NATO to Israel.

    But it doesn’t need direct control. As we saw with the joint ‘Jew.S’ – Isreal ‘false flag’ known as ‘911’, all the ‘Jew’ World Order need to do  is commit some act of terrorism in the U.S or Europe, and blame it on ‘Musliim Arabs’ from any particular nation they wish to invade, say Iran for instance, to dupe the occupied  ‘Jew’.S.A population into at least passive acceptance that they are now ‘at war’, if not complete enthusiasm and pro-war hysteria via WWI and WWII style propaganda campaigns.

    Manufacture economic crises beforehand, to ensure a massive  unemployment rate, and zero economic opportunity, and your unemployed occupied ‘Jew’.S.A citizenry will probably push down the military recruitment center doors in their enthusiasm to ‘sign up’ to ‘fight for  liberty, justice, and  ‘the American way of life’.


    Rule number one: Real power must always remain unobtrusive, invisible, unseen. To gain absolute power you must make it a crime for anyone to even suggest that you, and your power, even exists, and that you even have any real power at all.

    Rule number two: Ensure every nation, organisation, and institution adopts an increasingly centralised structure. That states form nations, nations form federations, federations for international institutions, and so on. This places power in the least number of hands. And then you only need to ‘control’ and ‘manipulate’ and ‘direct’ and ‘advise’ a very few people, to gain effective ‘control’ the entire world. All without those who are effectively ruled by you, ever realising. For you’ve made it a crime for anyone to even suggest such a ‘Conspiracy’ could even be possible.

    Rule number three: Control enough of the means of mass communication that you can get to define ‘social reality’ for people, by determining what they will see, hear, and read, and be taught, from cradle to grave. So that every form communication, from television ‘programming’, to Hollywood films, to school textbooks, to facebook blogs, Youtube videos, and web posts, is ‘on message’, saying the same thing in different ways, with zero genuine ‘uncontrolled’ and thus authentically ‘alternate’ messages are seen or heard. Thus you carefully scripted and engineered ‘social reality’ will gain traction in the minds of most people. Any ‘dissent’ will be criminalized. Marginalised. Ridiculed. Extirpated. People will understand what ‘views’ are ‘acceptable’ and ‘required’ to ‘get ahead’. And remain out of prison.

    Defamation as the ultimate weapon of the ‘Jew’ World Order, and its agency, the (A)DL

    The ADL is of course a ‘Defamation League’, rather than an ‘anti’-defamation league. ‘Hate Speech’ laws merely reflect the hatred of the ‘Jew’ World Order for free speech. Truthful reporting of events. Honest reporting of events. Unbiased and independent recording of events. ‘Racial Vilification’ laws are there to racially vilify Germans and Nazi Germany. ‘Incitement laws’ are there to prevent people acting in good faith to inform people of genuine threats to their survival, and national security, and to thus trigger their instincts for self-preservation and personal liberty.

    Please join me in setting up a ‘German and Arab Anti-Defamation League’. I think the one I set up on Facebook was taken over by controlled opposition. The administrator will not let me join the group I myself set up!

    I could list dozens of famous ‘Jews’ that I admire, and are worthy of everyone’s admiration. However they are admirable despite their ‘Jewish’ identity, and not because of it. The things that I love most about the ‘Jews’  I love, may have been partly a ‘reaction against’ the Cult of Judah’s absurd, destructive, enslaving dogma, but otherwise they have nothing to do with the whole  ‘Jewish’ identity. They have everything to do with personal exceptionalism. Discipline. Dedication. Commitment. Hard work. Creativity. Qualities that are human, rather than ‘Jewish’.

    That said, the very worst qualities in human nature have been expressed, and conditioned, and encouraged by, the role models in the ‘Torah’, like Moses, also a role model for Christians and Muslims alike. The Cult of Judah, while now associated with some of the most brilliant, creative, disclipined, and ethical humans in history, is itself pure evil. Pure destruction. Pure slavey. Pure genocide. Pure rapaciousness. Pure criminality.

    And while perhaps most ‘Jews’ don’t identify  themselves  as members of  the Cult of Judah, or its ‘Jew’ World  Order, they do identify as ‘Jewish’. The emancipated slaves of this Cult and their descendants retain positive associations with their loving families, and family occasions associated with ‘Jewish’ customs and traditions. So I get it. But it is time to renounce and denounce the Cult of Judah. By all means retain your valued celebrations and customs, but publically reject the Cult itself.

    Surely a truly ethical and evolved individual would reject most of the ‘Torah’ as hate speech, racial vilification, and incitement to rape, pillage, destruction, slavery, and genocide. And thus  reject the ‘Old Testament’, and much of the ‘New Testament’, and ‘Koran’, as incompatible with  a humane,  open, ethical, just, peaceful, free, prosperous, and creative society.

    These 4 or 5 books deal exclusively with the Cult of Judah.

    My ‘Religion’ deals with Cults in general, with all being given the same  equal level of interrogation, and all equally revealing themselves to be slave cults, demanding  slavish obedience to absurd propositions.

    So my next work will help all people escape every kind of Cult influence. It will provide the capstone to my TROONATNOOR adventure and enterprise, and deal with the very nature of how beliefs are formed, and how we can disabuse ourselves of the mind control that is inflicted upon us from birth, to death, and possibly well beyond that.

    Please read all my TROONATNOOR guides and books. However you get your hands on them, please give them the chance to empower you to define reality for yourself, and to escape all the prisons. The ones you were born into. The new ones being prepared for you.And last but not least, the prisons your own erroneous beliefs and thinking mislead your into creating for yourself. Buddha, Schopenhauer and Hegel would approve, I think. For I haven’t yet rejected ‘life’. I am still trying to ‘optimalise’ this experience engine we call ‘the world’.

    Then I will devote myself to music, in terms of writing, producing, learning, and teaching. I am a lousy musician. Like most people, real musical training was a luxury I could never afford. But today everyone shares their knowledge, and I have access to it, and I will do my best to understand the best way of approaching music, and then teaching it. Yes I hope to be a ‘music’ teacher. And musician. If Wagner, and Nietzsche believed that you could optimalise the world via music, it is worth trying. After all, all our ‘reality’ is constructed the ‘electromagnetic soup’ that makes up everything. And the ‘diffferences’ are all about frequency / resonances of the primerty, the ‘energy-matter-consciousness that ‘plays’ with this electro-magnetic soup. That ‘encodes’ it into ‘experiences’. Sense-Impressions. And beliefs. Anyway, thankyou to anyone who has chosen to join me on my journey. I hope I have been of some use as a guide, or even just fellow traveler. For we all guide as much as we learn. We all contribute as much as we benefit. When we interact on the principle of reciprocity, with compassion, with open minds, with a Zen Humean Skepticism, believing nothing, while entertaining all possible beliefs.

    This is not a counter revolution

    This is not a ‘counter-revolution’. Revolutions leave you where you started, dummy. 360 degrees. Just same old shit, with new words to describe it. Like public service reforms. Or supposed ‘regulation’ and ‘reform’ of our banking sectors, and military, and Jewdiciary, and … I think you get the point?

    No, I am all about ‘political jujitsu’. Of taking the force directed against us, and re-directing it to serve our best longer term interests.

    It is about taking all the power vested in the ‘Jew’ World Order, and being used to enslave us, and turning it in directions that will free us, and relieve us  of the parasitic entity that has been not just holding us back, but actively orchestrating our  misery, failure, suffering, and enslavement. And our deaths.

    I am all about co-opt ing the power of the ‘Jew’ World Order , which itself has co-opted every form of power on this planet to its insane, deluded,  obsessive compulsive, genocidal, criminal strategy to enslave the planet, and  rule the world, as Cult slave masters, and kill every man, woman, child, and animal, of any people who will not submit.

    This is poetic irony. This is Karma’s plan. If we will only humbly begin by aligning our own personal lives, intentions, desires, and ambitions, with the sort of universal principles that are required to produce sanity, prosperity, and justice.

    I am about co-opting the power produced by the most inhumane of ideologies ever invented, and imposed on a Cult, to my own very ethical, just, beautiful, and humane ends.

    I am about an evolution of each individual, and thus the evolution of humanity. If you let it be. If you will consider the alternatives I have to offer you, and present to you in the form of my TROONATNOOR books.

    This ‘Jew’ World Order is merely the manifestation of the worst in human nature. In you. In me. In us. It is the expression of our own intentions and actions.

    All we need to do is first disarm the tyrants, and kick out the occupation governments. Actually really simple, if we can just inform everyone of their real interests, and how they are being manipulated at present to act against those.

    Marx was right about that. Just disingenuous about who to blame. For our social systems are not the product of some ‘imposed’ ‘foreign’ value system. They are the product of our own personal and collective values.

    Marx gained popularity by blaming ‘others’ for our own behaviors, and the values that inform them. When in reality any honest philosopher and political scientist will have to see that we get the ‘social systems’ and associated ‘social conditions’ that reflect our own values and behaviors.

    So we need to look into ourselves. Look in the mirror. At ourselves. For by our own thought and actions we create the social world, the technological world, the governments, and systems that we live in.

    We can withdraw our misinformed consent. We can withdraw our tacit agreements. We can withdraw our power from our occupational governments. Government is made up of people. If those people refuse to ‘follow illegal / immoral / unethical / destructive orders’, then the people given those orders are immediately rendered powerless.

    We need to start with ourselves, our communities, then work on up. As far as we think right. We may not ever again build up nation states. We may remain as a federation of sovereign communities. But we have to start from scratch. Throw out the virus. The contagion. The disease. And the vectors that carry these. The systems and institutions that have never served our interests. But which have been imposed on us by the Cult of Judah, as means to its own ends.

    How to free a slave, who wants to enslave you?

    When I began writing ‘911: five minutes to midnight?’ I really felt a sense of urgency pushing me to work through migraines, nausea, and all sorts of headaches, eye aches, and assorted body aches, you tend to get when you begin writing the moment you wake up, forgetful of how cold you are, how thirsy or hungry you are, how desperately you need to go to the toilet, and everything, and suddenly realise you’ve been writing for 14 hours.

    I honestly feel that something happened in the minds of the Cult of Judah masters that decided for them that it would be politik to slightly delay a few things. They have patiently plotted over 3000 years, and all their leaders live in absolute luxury, wanting for nothing, their every possible desire immediately fulfilled, their slightest discomfort relieved the moment it is felt. They have no sense of urgency. They can have every confidence in victory, any day now.

    But clearly they have everything in place, already, just waiting to be ‘activated’.

    We are talking about the ‘end of days’ predictive programming / role models / instructive political strategic counsels / directives and policies as laid out in the Biblical ‘histories’ and ‘prophecies’ as ‘self-fulfillinng prophecies, contained in the Torah, and even the supposed ‘New’ Testaments, which ‘validate’ the ‘divine authority’ of the Cult of Judah as much as the most virulently ‘semitic’(as in ideology of Semitism)  Talmudic ‘interpretation’ of the ‘laws and statutes’ ever did.

    It really is time to pick your sides. Will you willingly enslave yourselve to the ‘Jew’ World Order, or will you hasten to activate every constitutional right you inherited as a result of our ancestors’ sacrifices?

    Remember they, the Cult, want us to employ violent means, to ‘legitimate’ complete martial law, and a state of emergency. And they have the military and a militarized police state on their side, at least for now. If you can, contact any serving police or military personnel personally, and plea our case, maybe we can win enough of them over to our side, to recognise their own interests, to make a difference.

    Otherwise now is the time to adopt, and adapt, every legal and peaceful means available to us, and invent more, to waking up as many people as possible, and peacefully resisting the illegal, unconstitutional measures already in place. And then to take back our democratic rights. To push out the occupational ‘Jew’ World Order governments. To shut down ‘The Fed’. To bring back authentic democracy and to expose and dismantle all the various ‘conspiracies’ that together form the ‘Jew’ World Order conspiracy itself.

    However it is a fact that none of the human rights we enjoy today were handed to us simply because we asked for them. A few percent of our ancestors fought violent struggles with oppressive authorities to demand those rights we enjoyed for a few decades.

    Then we simply handed them over the first time our occupational governments cried ‘terrorist’, while referring to their own ‘false flag’ perpetrators.

    Before the bullets start flying, and they will, you should decide who your real enemies are. They are not Islamic Arabs. They are not your local militia. They are not ‘three percenters’. They are not gun rights activists. They are not evangelical Christians. They are not historical revisionists and ‘Holocaust’ deniers’.

    Your true enemies are the occupational governments installed by the ‘Jew’ World Order. The civilian and military leaders who have been either brainwashed, blackmailed, corrupted, or groomed, to serve the ‘Jew’ World Order, and who have abandoned all loyalty to the Constitution, and the people.

    The moment you take those ‘social reality’ goggles off, the ones they put on you when you were born, and through  which you have ‘expereinced’ the world  your entire life, you will see these facts for yourself. Until then they will sound unreal. Like some ‘conspiracy theory’.

    But the conspiracy is a fact. And right now you have a chance to comprehend this conspiracy from its very beginnings. To see how it functions. What strategy it has adopted, and held fast to, in order to literally be the most powerful conspiracy this world has ever known. One that is on the very brink of absolute power.

    The final moment may be loud, and violent, with entire cities vanishing in clouds of radioactive dust, just like the WTC. With declarations of ‘martial law’ and ‘curfews’ and door to door searches by military personnel.

    Or it may come as silently and unobtrusively as a message from your  laptop insisting ‘Your  virus  software is  out of date, Windows  will now automatically install your new updates’.

    You see true power is unobtrusive. It acts without anyone realising what is happening. That way almost no-one can make any effective resistance to it. Form any efficiacious strategy to defend against it. Even name it. You can’t fight a phantom. One that has no obvious locus, let alone a ‘uniform’ identifying it as ‘the enemy of humanity’.

    The ‘Jew’ World Order has taken control of your life, like a cute chipmunk carrying the Plague. You welcomed it into your computer, phone, office, and home, for the benefits it offered. Then you became ‘addicted’ and ‘dependant’ on what were first mere ‘optional’ toys. Then you found they now had all your biometric data, access to every piece of data about you. Access to your banking and medical data. The power to totally isolate you, and make it impossible for you to carry out the most basic tasks like shopping, paying bills, getting a job, getting to work, communicating with friends, without first getting the ‘Jew’ World Order’s approval. And you only get that if you comply with their demands. Oh first they were ‘optional’ requests in return for ‘free’ online dating, faster airport security check processing, ‘entertainment’, and such ‘benefits’. But then it became impossible to do anything, without first ‘volunteering’ more personal data, and giving up more of your privacy, and rights, than even our totally enslaved, enthralled, serf and peasant ancestors had ever had to.

    And then you were confronted with the ‘apparent’ choice of ‘terrorist attacks’ or ‘Give up your freedoms, rights, and privacy’. And in a state of panic, terror stricken, rushed, with no access to ‘true’ information, your brain incapable of reasoning, and totally deprived of ‘honest’ information, being bombarded at the same time with vivid propaganda, misinformation, deceptions, and misdirections, it was impossible to form any rational decisions, and you passively gave your misinformed consent to ‘The Patriot Act’ and ‘National Emergency Measures’ which amounted to nothing less than Martial law, in principle. A martial law that exists legally, and just waits for its full ‘activation’ at the time the ‘Jew’ World Order decides.

    And thus the old ‘canard’ that ‘The nations will volunteer to ‘Serve the Jews’ and be ruled by ‘Jews’ in a one world government, from (the new Jerusale), will appear to have become ‘prophecy manifest’.

    Remember, the ‘Cult of Judah’ never claimed the consent would be informed consent. Any consent will do to satisfy their ‘laws and statutes’.

    Like the ‘consent’ granted by a young girl offered ‘rape’ or ‘watch your young siblings be tortured to death before your eyes’.

    Or the ‘consent’ offered by a totally brainwashed and deceived public, when offered ‘more Islamic terrorist attacks’ or ‘the U.S Constitution’.

    I suspect the final ‘consent’ will be ‘granted’ by us when offered the alternatives of ‘total nuclear destruction’ and ‘continued financial meltdown’ (after several nukes have already been launched in ‘false flags’ and ‘World Wrestling Federation’ styled nuclear exchanges among ‘Jew’ World Order occupied nations, and the worlds economies have already been placed under manufactured meltdown by the ‘Jew’ World Order), and a glorious, supposedly ‘independent’ and ‘beneficient’ ‘New World Order’, ‘One World Government’.

    These may occur in dramatic, single steps, or more likely via what David Icke aptly describes as ‘The totalitarian TipToe’ of ‘baby steps’.

    We may have the ‘Jew’ World Order imposed upon us in one go, or what is more likely, in increments. Like a python wrapping itself around the world, and then slowly contracting, with each breath we expel, with each ‘right’ we give up. Until we find ourselves compressed so tightly in its grip that we cannot breathe in at all. And we fall unconscious.

    Well, in fact most of us are totally unconscious already. Thanks to the mass media, and our birth to death social reality conditioning. We really are ‘walking (brain) dead’ zombies. Please WAKE UP! NOW!

    So my books are my finally attempt to ‘wake up’ as many people as possible, and get them informed. Everyone. To free those of us ‘outside’ the Cult, we are going to have to free, first, those embedded with the Cult, and those inside the Cult.

    ‘Jews’ are as much prisoners of the ‘Cult of Judah-ism’ as we are soon to become. We already are ‘wage slaves’ thanks to the Cult’s Banksterism, founded in their ‘Torah’. But in the near future, the Torah commandments which were ‘fulfilled’ in the Torah ‘Bible stories’ will be fulfilled in reality. In the past they have been fulfilled in part. Soon they will be fulfilled in full. The ‘Jew’ World Order promised by the Cult of Judah, to all who would slavishly obey their ‘statutes and laws’, is soon to be a reality. The world will be run by a tiny elite of Cult masters. The rest of us will be their slaves.

    The Cult has built the most intensive, and extensive, mind prison ever imagined. Invisible, mental chains are more effective than the metal variety. Cheaper too. And they don’t impede the labors of the slaves at all. They overcome the fundamental dilemma of slave masters, everywhere, in all ages. How to motivate the slave. Most slaves die within a few years at most. They only do as much work as they can get away with. Much of the labor savings accruing to slave owners are consumed in ‘managing’ the slaves, and constantly ‘whipping’ them into making any sort of effort at all.

    But what if you could make the slave think they were free. That by working harder, they would be earning not just material rewards in this life, but also in the next. What if you could convince them that even if the material rewards in this life were neverforthcoming, they would receive and eternal reward of such unimaginable magnitude that it would make any sacrifice here on earth seem miniscule by comparison, and thus fill them with motivation, even in the absence of any real, manifest, rewards for their effort, sacrifice, risk, sweat, and blood?

    This is the trick that the Cult of Judah, and its ‘subsidiary’ ‘franchises ‘Christianity’ and ‘Islam’ have pulled off.

    For the ‘Jews’ are not insane in expecting that we will willingly, of our own free will, serve them. They never said they would gain our informed consent. Just our consent. Misinformed. Deceived. Yes. But consensual. Also yes. So who am I to argue?

    But it is what they don’t say that matters to me. All this deception. Misinformation.

    Then again, if people are subjectively happy with the stupid deal they enter willingly into, in ignorance, and based on lies, they are still subjectively happy, are they not?

    So far be it from me to put a spanner in the works. Except that the history of the ‘Jew’ World Order clearly proves that no means, no matter how brutal, how destructive, how merciless and ruthless, are considered ‘fair game’ to the Cult of Judah. Tens of millions dead. Billions enduring fates worse than death. All in the name of their ‘Jew’ World Order.

    The Old Testament is the role model for the political strategists of the Cult of Judah, today’s ‘Jew’ World Order. Genocide. Ripping up pregnant women. Dashing the little one’s heads against the stones. Raping the virgins. Enslaving all who will serve, and slaughtering all who will not. Men, women, children, infants, unborn children, and their animals inclusive. All in the name of some obsessive compulsion to rule the world.

    As frustrating it is to be punished by my own society, and the Jews I am trying to

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