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Reverensi Geologi Dasar : 1. Monroe et al, 2007, PHYSICAL GEOLOGY: EXPLORING THE EARTH, Brook/Cole, 6th edition. 2.

Wicander & Monroe, 2009, THE CHANGING EARTH: EXPLORING GEOLOGY & EVOLUTION, 5th edition, Brook/Cole. 3. Fossen, 2010, STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY, Cambridge Univ. Press, Ist edition. 4. Carlson et al, 2010, PHYSICAL GEOLOGY: EARTH REVEALED, Prentice Hall, 5th Edition. 5. Lutgens et al, 2011, ESSENTIALS OF GEOLOGY, Prentice Hall, 11th Edition. 6. Montgomery, 2011, ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY, McGraw-Hill Comp., 9th edition. 7. Raffert (ed.), 2011, GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES, Britannica Educational Pub., 1st edition. 8. Huggenberger & Epting (ed.s), 2011, URBAN GEOLOGY, Springer, 1st edition.

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