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* * * Hon. Betty Sutton (OH-13) Labor Breakfast with Hosts Leo W. Gerard, International President of the United Steelworkers; Richard L. Trumka, AFL-CIO President; Lee Saunders, AFSCME President; Harold A. Schaitberger, IAFF President; & Bob King, UAW President: AFLCIO 815 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006 Contact: Heather Fraser Leonard or Jennifer Cyr at 202-488-1445 or Contribution: $5000 Host, $2500 Sponsor, $1000 PAC, $500 Individual Committee: Betty Sutton for Congress, 499 South Capitol Street, SW, Suite 404, Washington, DC 20003 Hon. Sheila Jackson Lee (TX-18) Breakfast: 401 C Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 Contact: To RSVP email Elleni Almandrez at For more information please call Francessa Cox at 202-256-8851. Contribution: PAC Chair: $2500, PAC Sponsor: $1000, Individual: $500 Committee: Sheila Jackson Lee for U.S. Congress, 4412 Almeda, Houston, TX 77004 Hon. Lloyd Doggett (TX-25) Breakfast: 138 D St SE, Washington, DC 20001 Contact: Doug at or 512-217-2739 Contribution: $500 Individual, $2000 PAC Committee: Lloyd Doggett for US Congress Committee, P.O. Box 5843, Austin, TX 78763 Hon.Nick Rahall (WV-03) Breakfast: The National Democratic Club 30 Ivy Street, SE, Washington, DC 20003 Contact: Call (202) 629-2438 or Contribution: $5000 Co-Host, 2500 Sponsor, $1000 Supporter. Committee: Keep Nick Rahall in Congress, P.O. Box 64, Beckley, WV 25802 * * * Hon. M ark Critz (PA-12) Labor Breakfast with hosts Leo W. Gerard, International President of the United Steelworkers; Richard L. Trumka, AFL-CIO President; Lee Saunders, AFSCME President; Harold A. Schaitberger, IAFF President; & Bob King, UAW President: AFLCIO 815 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006 Contact: Heather Fraser Leonard or Jennifer Cyr at 202-488-1445 or Contribution: $5000 Host, $2500 Sponsor, $1000 PAC, $500 Individual Committee: Mark Critz for Congress, 499 South Capitol Street, SW, Suite 404, Washington, DC 20003 * * * Hon. Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX-30) Brunch: National Democratic Club Townhouse 40 Ivy Street, SE, Washington, DC 20002 Contact: Rhonda Foxx or Randy Broz at (202) 479-2527 or Contribution: Host: $5000, Sponsor: $2500, PAC: $1500, Individual: $500 Committee: Eddie Bernice Johnson for Congress, 499 South Capitol Street, S.W., Suite 422, Washington, DC 20002 Hon. Doris M atsui (CA-05) Lunch: Acqua Al 2 212 7th Street, SE, Washington, DC Contact: Justin Davey at (202) 543-5777 or Contribution: $2500 Host, $1000 PAC, $500 Personal Committee: Matsui for Congress, 236 Massachusetts Avenue, NE #603, Washington, DC 20002 Hon. Tim Walz (M N-01) Lunch: We, The Pizza 305 Pennsylvania Ave, SE, Washington, DC 20003 Contact: Molly Allen or Todd Brooks at (202) 454-5262 or Contribution: $2500 PAC Host, $1000 PAC Sponsor, $500 Individual Committee: Walz for Congress, P.O. Box 938, Mankato, MN 56001

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Paid for and authorized by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003, 202-863-1500,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

6 of 23 Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.

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