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LAS A v. pt,/Il\N\
Jim Turek
Jimmy Turek
10/10/201210:58 AM
From: Jimmy Turek
Eastern District of Kentucky
OCT 11 2012

From: Brandon Turek
Date: October 1 201
Dear Honorable Jennifer B. Coffman
Chief United States District Judge
I am writing you to plead for mercy for my father. I am lucky to have such a caring
father like him. He has taught me how to live a moral life and how to put others ahead of
myself. For the past 3-4 years I have continuously noticed the decline in his health. I
often have to repeat conversations because he doesn't remember that we just talked about
them and he always acts like he is playing but deep down I know he is not playing.
Alzhiemer's runs in our family and I am afraid he is in the early stages. Couple that with
his A-fib (afibulation) and heart problems then I know he is nearing the end of his life.
My father taught me to be honest, trustworthy, caring, hard working, and to give back to
the community. My parents have shared their marriage for 40 years this year and while
they both are nearing the end of their lives, I beg you, to let them be together. Nobody
deserves to live out life alone and you have the power to allow them to finish this life
together. My father truly is an amazing, caring man and I never saw him refuse to help
anybody. You can check with his cardiologist but I believe he has been in congenitive
heart failure two times. I truly hope I can be as good of a husband, father, and friend as
my dad has been to my mom, family, and so many other people. My father's biggest fault
is trusting people and taking them at thier word. I beg you to please take all of his health
concerns into consideration when you are deciding his sentence. My father truly is the
best father and I am lucky to have a father and best friend like him.
Thank you,
Brandon Turek
Case: 5:11-cr-00029-JBC Doc #: 58 Filed: 10/11/12 Page: 1 of 8 - Page ID#: 710
October 9,
Honorable Jelmifer B. Coffman
Chief United States District Judge
1 am writing this on behalf of my Father, Jim Turek. and my name sake, He is the
. Husband or friend that could have ever asked Growing up. as a
family, we did have some hard times financially and there were some along the way
but. I would not trade any of that today I wouJd not b..: the man that my Mother and
Father raised me to be. As I stated. we some financial struggles along way but due
to my Father's hard work he was always to provide for our famil:v, 1 remember a couple of
times he had to a sc'cond job so that my brother and J would have Christmas presents,
I know that you probably get I.etters like this all ofthe time but. this I can't help but
feel mine is diflerent. Since I have seen Father":; life \vork destroyed by bad business
decisions, being taken advantage who did not care about the Shareholders the way
my Father did. and no'" sitting in a wishing he'd listened to the right people. t h.ave seen
his health deteriorate sinifi.cantiy indictment and beinf; i(1Und at his trial. His
health now has become so bad thal f not even recognize the man I called m) Father for 35
I cannot begin to tell you he takes for U of heart
that will in the end be what an1 sure he will leave this I that he has
a couple of significant 5 appointments with
There have beel: a visited that it ; minutes
w climb the stairs to come se:.: him out breath be c.limbs the
stairs ii)r vlsiuu.lon: this b ill of the faet he been walking a lot. 1 also noticed
the amount ofvveight that ht' has lost. almost 80 pounds, I am sure some il is stress related but
that scares me even more because I am hi!; hel;U1 could give:' out a1 any moment. With all
being said. ] implore you to take it Otl my dad and to put him in a hospital or a camp.
] know be has been found guilty but, I believe in the bottom of my hean is not guilty and this
will come out in the appeal (ifhe it thallong). I also beg to kecr clost: \(' home
so we may visit him )"Otl cann01 imagine what i: like for a son to kno\\ that
there is u chance his Father may die in whhom his and surrounding him or
being able to hug him one last time.
if you take nothing else please take this consideT'dtion, Please,
please let us hug our before he has Taken away after "'-"""''''v''''h,
Case: 5:11-cr-00029-JBC Doc #: 58 Filed: 10/11/12 Page: 2 of 8 - Page ID#: 711
I. know I have rambled on and this is nowhere near grammatically correct but I have
never had to something like this before: anc i am still trying to make sense of this entire
mess, Thank you for your time! My Father is not a bad man, nor is he a COD-rnan, as some have
call ed him, He truly was taken advantage of by people who saw dollar signs instead of Ii
life work, 1 knOv. that L my famil) especJally my Father are sorry to who was
hurt by tbe downfall of Plasticon.
Case: 5:11-cr-00029-JBC Doc #: 58 Filed: 10/11/12 Page: 3 of 8 - Page ID#: 712

To District Judge Jennifer B. Coffman
I am proud to say that Jim Turek is a very close friend of mine. We met in 1966 when I was
attending Central Missouri State.
Jim was rushing me to become a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon, a fraternity that he founded. I
was very flattered that the actual
founder was rushing me and I joined. Thus began a strong relationship with Jim that has lasted
46 years.
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I was very proud to be Jim's friend over the years as I have many times asked him for advice and
he has always guided me in
the right direction.
I also became very close to Jim's parents who are wonderful down to earth loving people. I also
had the pleasure of standing up
at Jim's wedding when he married his wife Iris. Like Jim, Iris is a very loving wonderful person.
I know from staying in close contact over the years his life has revolved around Iris and his two
sons Jimmy and Brandon. When we
talk our conversations always revolve his family that he loves very much!
I am so proud to be Jim's friend as he is one of the most honest, trustworthy friends that I have!!
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To Whom It May Concern,
Jim Turek is my brother. While we were growing up we were not only brother and sister
but we were best friends.
Our parents taught us to be very caring, honest, loving, to work hard, and be proud of
what we achieve. Because of what they taught us I have always looked up to and
admired my big brother Jim.
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Seeing how Jim's sons have grown into such fine, caring, loving, hard working and
honest young men is justification as to how their parents have raised them and I know
they are following what their father has passed on to them.
Knowing my brother as I do, I know he would never knowingly do anything to hurt
Jean LaMarca
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We could not get Tony's email to come up so he is sending his letter from my address.
I have known Jim Turek for almost 40 years and I have always found him to be a kind
and trusting person. It seems to me that he trusted his Accountant, Stock Broker, and
Financial Adviser to do the right thing and these people failed him. Jim Turek, I am sure
had no intention of doing anything wrong. He has always been a good person.
Tony LaMarca
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