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Class, Theisen House built 1857, Warren Coop, Train Station 1968, Stilwell Printer, Dan Dee Shoe

man, Boblo boat 1979, Hudson Car, fire training, teens, Base Line Feed, Old Wolf Hardware Page 76

DURING THE WAR THINGS WERE RATIONED. At home people often had to do without.


Soldiers Veterans and Patriots We are free today because citizens had enough courage to stand up to defend their community and country against threats. According to the Macomb Daily officers of the Warren Historical Society are behind the stealing of at least 5 expensive memorials from Warren Union Cemetery. They do not own the cemetery or the markers, They did this secretly without just cause, without a public hearing, without notification to the membership, police, City Council or even property owners. They robbed Warren's unknown soldier memorial from a grave and they stole a memorial that listed Warren soldiers who are buried there. This was the only memorial showing the names of these soldiers. Nothing was found wrong with these memorials in a later meeting. And they stole the memorial to all veterans and to those who died on attacks on our country and 9-11 and they stole another that honors our flag and yet another that honors those many children and pioneers buried there without markers. These memorials were causing no harm. There is lots of room for them. They posed no threat. There is nothing disrespectful or wrong about these memorials. They were there to honor men who died and to educate visitors especially young people who no longer learn about history in school. This grave robbing gang actually has a written plan to steal more markers they do not like without notice and several more markers are now gone including an expensive family's epitaph robbed from a grave. We veterans who survived wars speak for the soldiers buried there. We veterans went through hell, were wounded, saw friends die, heard the pain filled screams of mortally wounded men, put friends body parts into body bags, accompanied friends caskets home. We served our country with honor and integrity. We feel it is wrong to steal soldiers memorials and especially ones which show soldiers honored service to future generations for whom they fought and died. They at least earned their name on a granite memorial and this grave robbing gang has no right to steal soldiers memorials they don't own out of our cemetery. Now visitors including young people will not be able to see who these soldiers were. Now many of our soldiers have no marker at all because the only one they had was stolen. Taking others property is called stealing, when worth several thousand dollars it is grand larceny. But worse they robbed those soldiers of the only memorial listing them and they robbed future generations from knowing about those Warren soldiers. Stealing the history of soldiers who put their lives on the line (thousands died) to win our freedom is worse than disgraceful disrespectful desecration, it is the act of low lifes who do not deserve to live in this free country. They have given our city a big black eye and become the laughing stock of hundreds of history lovers. Warren Township's oldest soldier was Abel Warren who spent so much time helping our earliest settlers that they named the township after him. See his story earlier in this book. Abel was a hero in the war of 1812. Rev Abel Warren born August 3, 1789 and died Sept 5, 1862. His great grandfather came across on the Mayflower. His Grandfather Gideon Warren was a Lieutenant in the French and Indian Wars, joining in 1748. He was one of Ethan Allens Green Mountain Boys in Vermont. He became a Colonel of the 5th Vermont Regiment in the Revolutionary War. He was wounded in the battle of Ticonderoga. Abel Warren enlisted and served his country as a soldier in 1812 holding the rank of Sergeant. He was seriously wounded and taken prisoner at the battle of Queens town Heights. Having near death experiences in the war and as a British prisoner made him aware of the value of life. He became a Christian in 1817 and joined the Methodist church. In 1824 he and his wife Sarah became some of the first pioneers in Macomb County settling just north of Warren. He became a deacon and later an elder in the church and was the first man to preach in Macomb County, and no doubt preached at more funerals and married more couples than any other man in the county of Macomb. As a pioneer local preacher, he was abundant in labors, traveling on foot at times twenty-four miles on the Sabbath and preaching three times, and that after a hard weeks work on the farm, and preaching as regularly as any stationed, preacher, and spending most of the winters in special revival work, in Macomb, St Clair and Oakland Counties, in which hundreds were converted, thus helping to lay the basis on which rests the magnificent, moral and social superstructure of this beautiful region of country. From the History of Macomb County. Leeson 1882 p 739. JOHN W KINGSCOTT 27 SOLDIER b England in 1850 Census. I placed a marker at his grave as his name was unreadable. Our soldiers are listed in my book Our Veterans and many details are at 79

There are thousands of our brother and sister Americans who have paid with their lives for our Freedoms. Many had tremendous pain and suffering leading to their deaths. Some of us got medals. Many of us feel that it wasn't worth it and we would rather they hadn't died and we could skip the medal. Many who deserved medals did not get them and many died in the process their story never recorded. And the local school districts where supers are getting 100,000-200,000 a year graduate students who don't even know who we fought in WWII or why, what the revolutionary war was about or what is covered in the Bill of Rights. This little book is a small effort to educate folks. Read the parts about our wars and see how many died. I have made effort to include how many died from Michigan also. But what is important to know is that wars have not stopped. An observation of history shows you that wars continue to happen. We must keep informed, be vigilant and be prepared or we will lose our freedom and perhaps our lives. The USA is going down due to greed, neglect of education, ignorance and other causes including the pop and entertainment culture. Other countries are about to surpass us. Foreigners are ever increasing at a much more rapid rate in our country. The difference is that many of them will not really become Americans. Instead they wish to instil their anti-Western culture. Even our universities are packed with foreign students because most American students don't succeed in college. America needs to wake up. Following are a few tributes to our heroes.

Several thousand from Michigan are fighting today for our freedom. . 80

Our Cemeteries In the 1800s there were no grave stone makers in Warren There were no funeral homes. The body was laid out at the family home for friends to see. Sometimes a coffin was constructed but that depended if there were planks available and someone who had a saw and was skilled enough to make one. Many were buried without a casket or marker on the farm as there were few cemeteries around. Families often did not have money to pay for a cemetery lot. Often several family members died within a short time due to diseases we now have cures for such as scarlet fever, cholera, diphtheria, typhoid fever, small pox, etc. Both the 1854 St Clement and 1845 Warren Union cemeteries appear to be preceded by the Bidell-GreenWeier Indian Cemetery but no one knows and it is not important. This was located west of Bunert and North of Martin. Here is a foto. During construction of Briarwood School a skull and other human bones were discovered. (Per Tri City Progress 4 14-1967) In May of 1969 children playing in the school playground discovered more human remains. Imagine the look of shock on the teachers face when they brought the remains into the classroom. One contractor dug a load of dirt for fill dirt and dropped it off on someones property. The homeowner receiving the fill dirt saw human remains and called the police who contacted the contractor. Imagine asking for fill dirt and getting human remains dropped off in your driveway. The funeral director William Duross told historian Wesley Arnold that Theuts, Greens, Hessels, and Schoenhers were probably buried there. So it was for sure a pioneer cemetery. Mt Olivet (opened in 1888) down Van Dyke, Mt. Elliott opened in 1841 but to farmers in Warren village that was a long trek with wagons especially if the weather was bad or in the Winter. The St Clement Cemetery is located on Engleman east of Van Dyke. The first known recorded burial was in 1854. Staff members of many cemeteries have stated that they have hundreds of children buried without markers. St Clement Cemetery is the sister pioneer cemetery to Warren Union Cemetery in Warren Michigan. Records show 451 child and 299 adult burials before 1898 of which only 28 markers now show a child burial. That gives a ratio of 1.5 child burials for each adult. There were 17 scattered years when there were about twice the children buried than adults. 5 years had about three times the child burials. One year had 12 times and one year 4 times. This is from their records and is verifiable. 81

In old pioneer Michigan cemeteries there are often many more burials than visible stones. One old caretaker admitted that there were a huge number of graves with no marker visible and that they actually had to probe with a rod before they dared dig a new grave. In the old days markers would fall down in the depression made when the old wood caskets caved in and in time were covered over. Many volunteer and underpaid mowers were pressed into service and the less markers the faster they could get the mowing done. St Clement had about 1,500 burials prior to 1943. The above is verifiable. But this is an under count as they have several years without records. Looking at Warren's sister cemetery there were between 1.5-2 child burials per adult burial prior to 1900. The infant mortality rate back then was very high sometimes over 200 per 1000 per annum so this over years indicate a few hundred. Old county death records of Warren show there are 500 registered child deaths per 1000 deaths average but this is probably 1/4 of the true number since only a small percentage of stilborns, infants and children were even registered. An examination of county records shows that of the 150 stones with children's names only 12 were recorded. The sister cemetery with good records indicates 1500-2000 per 1000. And it is known that virtually no stillborns and very few babies were marked by stones. Only a very few even have a surviving grave stone now. Researchers have done the math of all of the above and say that there is high probability that hundreds of children are buried at Warren Union Cemetery without markers. And we know that many adults in the very old families were buried there without markers because they did not have money for markers and there were no stone cutters around. The area was rural and a few small stones piled on grave sufficed. Also many believed in a resurrection soon so felt there was no need. A beautiful memorial was donated (without cost to the city) in memory of our pioneer pioneer families and children who were buried there and now have no markers and it was stolen. According to Macomb Daily officers of the Warren Historical Society are behind the stealing of at least 5 expensive memorials. This was not an act of the historical society itself rather two people. They did this secretly without just cause because in their minds this was an old folks cemetery and there are no markers for these folks and their children. Duh! They have no right to steal expensive granite memorials which do not belong to them from a cemetery they don't own. Another memorial listed soldiers buried there and was the only memorial that displayed their names. Now future generations will not even be able to see their names. They have effectively stolen the history of these soldiers who died, We veterans are fighting this. See cemeteries pages for details. Most Cemeteries in the world including those of Macomb County Michigan have many unmarked graves. Many old ones like Millar (Miller/Cady's Corners) - Section 30 Metropolitan Parkway & Utica Rd, Clinton Township, have almost no readable stones left. (around 54 actual stones) We could also state the fact that most burials of past years were not in cemeteries at all rather were in locations close to the site of death and are virtually unmarked. In Europe catacombs abound underground with thousands of unmarked bones. I have been there and seen them. Macaber to say the least but true facts nevertheless. Creepy isn't it.

Warren Union Cemetery is located between the Red Run River and Chicago Road East of Ryan Road. Pioneer farmer Peter Gillette sold a parcel of land in 1845 to eighteen families for burial ground reserving a large lot for his kin. It has 1000-3000 possible graves after subtracting aisles and drives. Under 1000 now have a surviving marker. There are probably more unmarked graves than marked now.
Consider that the old section was considered full by 1945. Proof of that is in the fact that many of those old families had to buy plots in other cemeteries because their local lots were full, even if markers had not been placed on them. Even township officials had to go elsewhere to buy graves as they were sold out. Township records, newspaper articles and stories indicate that pauper burials were also done there. 82

Why Warren Union Cemetery may have hundreds of more burials than stones now show. Consider that the original 19 families who had lots 10 feet by 30 did not place
stones. Most had big families and they usually filled up their lots and had to buy additional lots here and elsewhere to accommodate the deaths from many diseases we now have cures for. Also consider that many stillborns and newborns were buried on top of regular already used lots and were rarely marked. Even now many families have baby graves without markers. Consider that the older graves were most often not marked by stones at all and that the older part of the cemetery had to be expanded several times. And it was considered full by 1945 and many families had to buy lots elsewhere. Consider that there are 20003000 graves even after subtracting aisles and drives. Consider that the back of the cemetery where many babies & paupers were buried extended much further than the now fenced in area and was destroyed by the 1950s Red Run project and by erosion since. The fence was erected in 1986. Families who suffered stillborn or baby deaths did not usually want a big funeral or a stone as there was a stigma about this. The family home served as the funeral home and most families just buried the remains in the cemetery quickly and privately and did not want a marker to remind them of a stillborn or sickly often unnamed baby which would prolong the sorrow of the guilt ridden grief stricken mother. Many were put in shallow graves in the back. The sister cemetery St Clement with good records shows 1.5-2 children buried for each adult with only about 6% of child deaths registered. Some years the count was over 2 children buried per adult. County Death records for Warren indicate 50% of the recorded deaths were children prior to WWI. But this is perhaps only 1/4 because only a small percentage of stillborn and day old baby deaths and infant deaths were even recorded. The real count is in area of 1.5 2 times adult burials. Also the infant mortality rate back then was very high approximately 200 per 1000 per annum. Many other old cemeteries have hundreds of now unmarked graves many of which are children. Figure of the 1000 burials in Warren Union Cemetery only 150 show children. Consider that if the true rate is 1.5 2 children buried per adult then there would be 1,500-&up children buried there, indicating the possibility of 1,000-2000 children in unmarked graves. Also consider that less than 6% were even registered and considering the actual rate per the sister cemetery which is much higher, and also considering the mortality rate there are at least hundreds of additional unmarked burials. Researchers have done the math of all of the above and say that there is high probability that hundreds of children and many adults are buried in Warren Union Cemetery without markers. Many of these babies and children died terrible deaths. Whooping cough, scarlet fever, diphtheria, typhoid fever, inflammation of bowels, summer complaint with severe pain. Many feel these children without even a marker should at least be honored. A beautiful memorial was donated in memory of the children and pioneers now without markers. But it was robbed off of a grave by uncaring grave robbers. According to the Warren Police, WWJ, and Macomb Daily officers of the Warren Historical Society are behind the stealing of several memorials. They did not even consider research findings or hold a public hearing. Many of us feel we should honor our Veterans but these grave robbers also robbed an Unknown Soldier memorial from a grave even though there is documentation that a soldier was buried there. Another marker they stole had the names of Warren men who are buried in this cemetery, many of which had no marker in the cemetery listing their name. Now these men many of which died for our freedoms have no marker anywhere even listing their name. They also stole a Memorial to all veterans and to those who died in attacks to our country including 9-11. And at a meeting that followed they did not find anything wrong with the memorials. They don't own the property. Those expensive memorials do not belong to them. They have no right to steal memorials property that does not belong to them. They also stole a marker stating what these men felt our flag stood for, It said Our flag stands for Liberty, Justice, free speech, Press, Maintain our Freedoms... A police report was filed. Those memorials were donated to honor our soldiers and to educate our young people who no longer learn history in school. Now these soldiers will be forgotten as this was the only memorial naming them. Many have no other marker anywhere. Us veterans had the courage to stand up and defend our freedom and way of life. Many gave everything they had including their lives often after great personal pain and suffering. These Warren boys who gave their lives at least deserve to have their name on a granite memorial in their home town. Those memorials were no threat to anyone, were hurting nothing and there is lots of room for them there. They were donated without cost. We veterans feel they should be replaced. Page 83

Five memorials were secretly stolen by two persons without notice to public, membership or vote by Village Commission. There is ample room for the memorials here. They were not causing any harm, were not a threat to anyone. Nothing was found wrong with the memorials. We veterans are asking that The Warren Village Commission simply acknowledge that these memorials are not a threat to anyone, harm no one, honor our Warren Soldiers many of which are buried in Warren Union Cemetery which has lots of room for them and does so without cost to the city. We also ask that the people who removed them without public notice or the vote of The Village Commission simply return them without cost to the city. This will also avoid costly and ugly legal battles supported by hundreds of veterans over the improper removal (grand larceny) and disrespecting of our soldiers. This simple and cost free action would make The Warren Village Commission heroes to thousands of Warren children, and veterans who look to them to preserve our Warren Village Historical and American Heritage to future generations. It is wrong to steal memorials (property one doesn't own) out of a cemetery they don't own.

Education was better in old days even with overcrowded class rooms and lack of good books. Students learned better and learned more than today. They did math in their heads learned history, geography, civics. Knew Bill of Rights, Constitution. Take the 6th grade test on if in doubt. Page 85

Schools Schools were non existent for most of the history of our area. People could not read or write. Children had to work for the family to survive. They learned survival skills from their parents. Women taught the children. When a boy was old enough he would go with his father to learn and work. After 1840 a few home schools were formed and children taught in local homes. Some families allowed visiting teachers to sleep in and gave them food in exchange for work and schooling their children. A schoolmaster was supposed to be able to make quill pens and be able to defeat the largest boy in the class in a fist fight and maintain discipline. The birch rod was an indispensable part of his equipment and any pupil who misbehaved would feel its sting. Women school teachers had to be courageous to teach. (Willis F Dunbar 284) Women were also used because they would work for less money. The first known school in Warren was s split log school house the farmers built near Creek Road (Chicago Road) and Ryan roads. This school house was also used for a church for both the Methodist and Baptist groups. This log building also had split log benches. Usually there were in these log schools boards laid across pegs driven into the walls and used for desks. Rather uncomfortable to say the least. Early log schools usually had just a fireplace rather than a stove so it was hot by the fire and cold away from it. Teachers were often paid a sum per each pupil taught. There were often few if any good books. Church buildings were sometimes used for schools. West school was built in 1894 to the south on Ryan Road. That burned down in 1931.A newer better red brick building was built to the south on Ryan Road and is still standing. The North school built in 1859 was also called the Berz school. It was located on the West side of Mound just South of 15 Mile Road. It became part of the Warren Consolidated School District in 1941, It was sold in August of 1952. The South school was built in 1866. It was located on the East side of Mound Road between 13 Mile Road and 12 Mile Road. There was also an East School built before 1875 on Chicago Road between Van Dyke and Mound. The Leonard Schemm School Nine mile at Hoover were one room school. The 1865 Jeremiah O'Leary School at Bunert & Frazo burned about 1875. Probably leading August and Mine Bunert to donate land so local children would be closer at the Bunert One Room School built in 1875. It housed students in grades 1-8. A larger two room school was built in 1927. The 1869 Plunkett school named after Mortimer Plunkett who taught there 19001916 after Frank Bacon. Mort had a farm in southern Van Dyke Note school was in use before school district formed. These had grades 1-8. St Clement School before 1868. Murthumn High was built in 1926. Busch High 1921. Students could attend either. Schools with two or more rooms followed. Lincoln 1921. Harding 1925. Ellis 1926. Groesbeck, Mckinley, Macomb Park 1928. Ladd 1941, Victory 1942. In 1944 a new 6 room school was built and named Charwood after Betty Chargo and Irene Woodward. Miller 1950. Peck 1961 CLHS 1962. Flynn 1973. Kennedy, Carlson, Washington, Roose, Wolf, Crothers, in 1960s Teacher's Contract usually went as follows: The teacher may not have company of men, Must be home by 8 pm, Must not loiter in ice-cream stores, May not leave town without permission, May not smoke or drink, May not ride in a carriage or auto with any man, Must not dress in bright colors, Must wear at least two petticoats, No makeup, Must sweep and scrub classroom floor, Must build wood fire at 7 am, Must not get married. Must be able to survive on $75 a month and buy all children's school supplies out of that also. On many occasions old timers outperformed recent high school graduates on math geography, history, many long years after their simple 8 grades of education ended. My grandfather in his eighties helped me in doing square roots in high school. If you doubt take the 6th grade test on the following website. More information on schools is at page 86

page 87

The young man below was one of many volunteers who worked to move and save the Bunert One Room School. But help me find out who he was.

Above Bunert School restoration. 16 mm projector and slide shows are now replaced by electronic images. High school students should be required to take exit exams to prove if they have earned a diploma. They should also be given vocational training and attend a summer boot camp and job training camp for additional training to get them ready to work in an occupation to support themselves. 1880 graduates were proud of their 8th grade diploma because they earned it. They had to take a difficult final exam that proved they had learned. Some had learned enough to enter an occupation. Now students are graduated who can't read, do basic math, don't know where cities and capitals are in the USA and world, can't find the USA on a blank map of the world, know little about history or government or food poisoning. They can't tell what the revolutionary war was or why we fought it and the same with WWII. They don't know much about the Constitution or Bill of Rights. They can't make change for a $20 dollar bill without a calculator. Many can't even fill out a job application properly. And virtually none are prepared to work in a trade or profession. Worse many have no purpose in life and little moral values, do not have the American Ethic and work ethic. In fact many think we should support them and expect handouts as their right. True not all of our young folks are like this but too many are. We need to get together as a community and correct this situation before our community disintegrates. Schools should be utilized by the community year around for community activities. page 88

Our Libraries Both Center Line and Warren public libraries were started when local citizens got together collected books and found a place to place them. In Center Line a group of men formed the Men's Club of Center Line. This was in 1928 before there were any Rotary or Lions clubs etc. They accumulated about 500 volumes. The library was housed in the basement of the Center Line Community Church which later became the Presbyterian Church. It was moved later to several stores then to the above pictured Center Line recreation building. Finally it moved to its present building. Warrens first library came about at the Joiner House which was built in 1895 by Robert and Eliza Joiner. In 1935 this is where Warrens first library was located. (in the front parlor) Three women (Miss Elkin, Mrs. Parrott and Mrs. Zorn) formed the Warren Community Library. Ther got 516 books donated and borrowed another 200 from the state. Chris Anna Zorn donated the use of her Sunday parlor for the use of the library. In 1936 the village council accepted the library as an official village institution. By 1940 it had moved to larger quarters twice and grown to a collection of 5,000 books. When Warren became a city a master library plan was made which dictated that a neighborhood library should be no farther than 1 miles from any residence so that children would have access to them. Center line covered the middle area. Whitman the NE corner, Guest the SE corner, Burnette branch she Southern middle, Busch the SW corner and Miller the NW corner. A main Library was built and placed at the city hall. Due to funding cuts the Guest branch and Whitman were closed and Miller moved to the Community Center building just west of mound Road north of Chicago Road. Many residents, teachers and those in the with educational knowledge still feel that we need neighborhood branches to serve the younger children, This issue involves funding and the community's will to educate its children. See for more history on each branch library. In 2011 the Warren library has over 267,800 items. Center Line Public library has 40,000 and Macomb College over 143,000 items. These libraries also have electronic media and access to internet based information and databases. This means that the patron has much better access to the knowledge that has been published than in the past. These libraries also include a lot of entertainment media such as common movies such as those produced for TV which are lacking in scholastic and moral content but are what the public wants. There is a great increase in electronic books, electronic media and online information. Libraties will always hold historical books and materials but public libraries will someday include a computer capable of finding and playing back thru audio visual and printed modes all of the published knowledge of mankind. We should make access to the knowledge of mankind available to everyone. We will still need our public libraries to serve children and to provide resources to our citizens. Not everything is or will be on the Internet. Paper books may decline in numbers to an extent but they will still be needed and used for many years. To those who fought the millage to keep our library open and said that there is no need for them we educators can find hundreds of examples of books and information that will not be found on the internet. And for children there is still no substitute for curling up with a good book. Libraries and schools should make available Virtual reality ( virtuality) learning environments (3D Goggles, Stereo Head Phones) that can simulate full screen 3d Imax screens with stereo sound for student learning. How better for a student to learn for example about dinosaurs than to go on a virtual field trip to see hear and observe them. All this could be done with goggles and stereo head phones plugged into an inexpensive winbook computer. This combination can also replace heavy expensive textbooks children have had to lug to and from school. Schools should place learning materials on the school website and children can learn at their own pace both at home and at school. 89

Our Oldest Businesses

Schuster's Service still going. See for more older businesses. 90


A Husking bee is where folks got together to take the outer layers of leaves off of the corn and to have a good time with their friends and neighbors. What they did not get husked had to be done during winter evenings around the fire. It sometimes happened that one would meet ones future spouse at a bee.

Machinery could be run by horse power. My real army dog tag. Farm scene


Child trafficking is becoming a problem with more children disappearing. Some become child brides. Do a Google search on child brides


Above is the Romanski building on Ryan then & now There are many old buildings still left and probably a few log cabins within existing structures. Our buildings date from the 1850s. We remember the horse drawn Milk Wagons (pre 1956) and then the old Milk Man trucks up thru the late 1960s. See the following web site for more What brand of gasoline was sold by this sign below? Below section of Detroit Windsor tunnel floated to trench then sunk, then cement set around it. The inside diameter is about 22 feet. Many Warrenites still use this tunnel. Did you know that there were horse drawn ice and delivery wagons also.

15 foot high drain tunnels under Schoenherr is one of several large drains in Warren page 94



Theaters gave way to Drive Ins which gave way to rented videos and TV.


A few of many great old cars. A Car book is needed to show them. Americans loved their cars. The Over all King of cars was the Model T Ford. Over fifteen million Model Ts were sold. It had many forms.

page 98


This is the oldest old fashioned variety store in Warren. Wesley Arnold's research on old businesses is 2800 lines long lists Amber House, Baseline Hay & Feed, Louie's, Alibi, Center, Chets, Cole, Claeys, Clems, DQ, Ed &Lils, Lees, Grimes, Rinke, Adams, Victory, Youngs, TasteFrez, Ulrich, 20th Century and many others.

Page 99

Above he last working sawmill was the Weier Sawmill on Bunert. We loved our ice cream parlors. As years went by new businesses with new owners replaced old businesses. Dodge city replaced the old steel mill above. Kroger became BiLo and that was replaced by a strip mall.

Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence served our country in many high offices and founded a university. Thomas Jefferson knew much about government because he himself studied the previous failed attempts at government. He understood actual history, and the nature of man. That happens to be way more than what most understand today. Jefferson really knew his stuff. It is worth noting here a few things he had to say. John F. Kennedy held a dinner in the white House for a group of the brightest minds in the nation at that time. He made this statement: "This is perhaps the assembly of the most intelligence ever to gather at one time in the White House with the exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone." Here are a few quotes from Thomas Jefferson : If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be. The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not. Thomas Jefferson said in 1802: I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property - until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government. No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. For a people who are free, and who mean to remain so, a well-organized and armed militia is their best security. The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government. It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world. I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them. We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. A Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against every government, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference. History, in general, only informs us of what bad government is. A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.. All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression. Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty. Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state. Thomas Jefferson 1

I was bold in the pursuit of knowledge, never fearing to follow truth and reason to whatever results they led, and bearding every authority which stood in their way. If Congress errs in too much talking, how can it be otherwise in a body to which the people send one hundred and fifty lawyers, whose trade it is to question everything, yield nothing, and talk by the hour? Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories. Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny. Experience demands that man is the only animal which devours his own kind, for I can apply no milder term to the general prey of the rich on the poor. He who knows best knows how little he knows. Be polite to all, but intimate with few. I am an Epicurean. I consider the genuine (not the imputed) doctrines of Epicurus as containing everything rational in moral philosophy which Greek and Roman leave to us. I believe that every human mind feels pleasure in doing good to another. I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country. I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them but to inform their discretion. I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past. Leave no authority existing not responsible to the people. It is in our lives and not our words that our religion must be read. No occupation is so delightful as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden. Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. That government is the strongest of which every man feels himself a part. The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that... it is their right and duty to be at all times armed. No freeman shall be debarred the use of arms. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty. Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances. When angry count to ten before you speak. If very angry, count to one hundred. One man with courage is a majority. One travels more usefully when alone, because he reflects more. Only aim to do your duty, and mankind will give you credit where you fail. When we get piled upon one another in large cities, we shall become as corrupt as Europe. Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto. When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on. Thomas Jefferson 2

Franklin's Maxims: Silence. Speak only what will benefit others or yourself. Order. Let all things have their places. Let each part of your business have its time. Resolution. Resolve to perform what you ought. Perform without fail what you resolve. Frugality. Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; that is; waste nothing. Industry. Louse no time. Be always employed in something useful. Cut off all unnecessary actions. Cleanliness. Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, clothes or habitation. Tranquility. Be not disturbed at accidents, common or unavoidable, or at trifles. Humility. Imitate Jesus, Socrates and Confucius.
OLD SAYINGS 1 Know yourself. Ask why. Think! Don't do to others what you don't want done to yourself. DO ONLY AS YOU WANT TO BE DONE TO. Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. CHILDREN LEARN WHAT THEY LIVE If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn. If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight. If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy. If a child lives with shame, he learns to feel guilty. If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient. If a child lives with encouragement, he learns confidence. If a child lives with praise, he learns to appreciate. If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice. If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith. If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself. If a child lives with acceptance & friendship, he learns to find love in the world. If a child lives with hate, he learns to hate. If a child lives with violence, he learns to be violent. If a child lives with love, he learns to love. God is Love. AS A PERSON THINKS SO THEY ARE. ONES CHARACTER IS THE SUM OF ONES THOUGHTS. TO BE A SUCCESS THINK SUCCESS. I expect to pass thru this world but once. Any

good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to any other being let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.
This is the. Beginning of a new day. God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it, or use it for good purpose. But what I do with this day is important. Because I have exchanged one day of my life for it. When tomorrow comes, today will be gone forever. I hope I will not regret the price I paid for it.

Wisdom stands the test of time. TO BE A SUCCESS THINK SUCCESS!

Ideas To Help You to be a Success. To test ideas ask: Is it the right thing to do? Is it fair to all? Take time to: Think, Set Goals, Make a Plan to Reach Your goals, Work Your Plan, Reevaluate, Succeed.

The best way to get something done, is to begin.

If it is to be it's up to me.

He who exercises government by means of his virtue may be compared to the north polar star, which keeps its place and all the stars turn towards it. He who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger. (Confucius). This historian would substitute the words a culture for he.

Old Sayings 2 An oppressive government is more to be feared than a tiger. Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without. By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest. Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire. Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. Faced with what is right, to leave it undone shows a lack of courage. If I am walking with two other men, each of them will serve as my teacher. I will pick out the good points of the one and imitate them, and the bad points of the other and correct them in myself. If you think in terms of a year, plant a seed; if in terms of ten years, plant trees; if in terms of 100 years, teach the people. In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of. Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous. Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance. Study the past, if you would divine the future. Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure. To practice five things under all circumstances constitutes perfect virtue; these five are gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness. To see the right and not to do it is cowardice. What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others. When anger rises, think of the consequences. When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps. Wisdom, compassion, and courage are the three universally recognized moral qualities of men. (Confucius)

1916 Warren Village

Historic Sites of Warren Township The structures may be gone but the site remains.
There are many sites of historic interest and many that are hidden inside buildings such as old log cabins. As time goes by old structures are torn down and new ones built. All of our little creeks are gone which did have fish, crawdads, frogs and other wild life. Our wild life is for the most part temporarily gone but will return after mankind is gone. Earth abides. Earth will abide for a long time after mankind in his foolishness destroys himself. But even our Spaceship Earth is destined to be burnt to a crisp when our sun dies long after we are gone. Center of Warren is 11 Mile and M53 = 831'39W, 4229'28N = -83.0277639627, 42.49120 Locations are in miles N of Mile Rd & East of N/S rd AA Arsenal Acres 9.5 Md.1 AG Alex Groesbeck Monument 12.4 Md.01 AMH Amber House 8.99 Md.7 Bank actually Third Bank Building 13 5 Md.01 Beverly Hills Golf Club 13.1 Md.8 BF Baseline Feed Store 8.2 Md.99 BIC Bunert Indian Cemetery now under South Ball Field and 3 houses to East. 11.6 Sc.45 BL Bonanza Lanes 8.6 Dq.99 BQ William Qualman Farm 10.01 Ry.8 BWF Bunert-Weier FarmBunert School 11.6 Sc.6 CC Connors Creek 8.25 Md.6 CCC Center Line Community Church 10.01 Vd .7 Center Line Road Same as Van Dyke Chicago Road Burial sites along Chicago Rd City Halls site 12.4 VD .2 CH Claeys House 13.2 Md.5 Clem's Speakeasy 11.2 VD.1 DMP Detroit Memorial Park Cemetery 12.99 Ry.2 ES Ellis School 10.8 VD.3 Garland Corners unknown location GBH Gilette-Beer Farm House Farm 13.6 Ry.2 GMTC General Motors Tech Center 12.1 Md .1 Harding School 8.4 Ry.6 HH Hoard House 13.2 Md.01 JH Joiner House 13.4 Ry.6 KC Kunrods Corners 10.01 Md.6 LSS Leonard Schemm School 9.01 Vd.98 Manhatten Project site not shown due classified as UFO research site not shown due classified MEC 13.4 Ry.8 MCR Michigan Central Rail Road same as DetroitShelby-Utica-Bay-City Rail Roads MCC Macomb County Community College MC3 Mill Wilson Mill Warren CoOp 13.3 Md.6 Warren Watchman and Harwood Lumber 13.3 Md.6 Milke School 9.2 Ry.01 Missile site Old no longer used 10.1 DQ.99 Moore Store VC Moore Md at Chicago Rd Murthum Farm 13.5 Ry.8 NHP Norman Halmich Park Prehistoric Sites not marked on map to prevent destruction Some hundreds of years old RCD Recreation Department 10.3 Md.9 Red Run burial sites not on map Rosie's Red Light 8.3 Dq.99 Ryan Riding Stables 8.99 DQ.8 RT Ryan Theater 809 Ry.01 Secret Underground tunnels & bunkers not shown for security reasons Sherwood School 10.5 on Sherwood St Anne Church site of Old Village Barn 13.6 Md.01 St Clement Church School Cemetery 10.4 VD.01 St Paul Church 13.3 Md.01 State Police House 10.99 VD.01 State Road Sherwood but now has parts missing Stone Ax found 10.7 Vd.2 TH Theisen House 9.99 Hov.3 Towne Club Pop Plant 10.1 DQ.99 Township Hall 10.99 VD.01 Itr Indian Trailways Bus Depot 11.9 Md.99 Twin Pines Park 11.1 Md.6 USO Fitzgerald 9.1 Ry.2 USO Center Line 10.4 Md.99 USO Lincoln 8.8 Vd.3 USPO Unites States Post Office 11.8 Ry.99 Village View Farm Peck Farm 13.6 Ry.4 VH Village Hall Beebe at Flynn Walker Brewery Mound at Chicago Rd WH Warren High-Murthum High School 13.6 Ry.9 Warren Union Cemetery Ry.4 Nside Chicago Rd West School 13.4 Ry.01 GPS locations 11 Mile and M53 = 831'39W, 4229'28N 12 Mi at Hayes 8258'5W, 4230'30N 10Mi Mound 832'44W, 4228'39N 12 Mi Mound 832'48W, 4230'20N more coming in next revision

Man shoots home invader who butcher knife in Warren Mi.

Recent History testimony from consumer advocate Dr. Elizabeth had Warren, Congressman Yarmuth told the story of

05/02/2011 By: Julie Banovic WXYZ News Police said a 17-year-old male suspect was shot and killed Monday after he broke into a home and came face to face with the owner. It happened at 10:30 Tuesday morning at a home on Los Angeles Ave, near 9 Mile and Ryan Roads in Warren.

Detroit News, Free Press, Macomb Daily Detroit Crime Examiner June 9,
2010 by Robert Brignall police arrested Paul Pozniak for

Chief Warrant Officer Charles Pickett. While serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom, Bank of America attempted to illegally foreclose on CWO Pickett's home three times, even though he was current on his mortgage. Pickett was ultimately successful in
halting foreclosure, though his credit was damaged and a line of credit he had previously obtained was closed. It is estimated that thousands of

home invasion robbery and murder of 84 year old Charles Taylor who lived members of the military have illegally
on Blackmar 10 Mi & Mound on Feb 23 2010.

There are 8,640 Burglaries per day 1 every 10 seconds 1 in 5 homes will experience a break in or invasion 8,000 a day in USA
Thieves can unlock 91% of doors with lock bumping from

faced foreclosure or have been overcharged by lenders. Earlier this year,

JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, and Bank of America paid millions in settlements to thousands of servicemembers who were wrongfully foreclosed on. "YARMUTH CALLS FOR INVESTIGATION INTO ILLEGAL FORECLOSURES AGAINST ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY." States News Service 14 July 2011.

Warren has about 1000 burglaries a year

Detroit is officially U.S. Murder Capital again 6 5 2009 the Baltimore Sun,
Detroit also topped Forbes list of most dangerous U.S. cities again.

43,1917 Michigan foreclosures

2008-2012 Center for Responsible Lending,org 2010 102,900. 2008 106,000. State foreclosure projections (2009-2012): 325,917. Total MI foreclosure starts 2008 through 2010: 179,893

1 home in 100 in foreclosure

source Realty Trac. Warren is in top 3% of distressed foreclosure areas in nation closures-hit-warren-mi-very-hard/

Burglaries are on increase in Warren

101 year old woman evicted in foreclosure
after living in house for almost 60 years Assoc Press Detroit Sept 14, 2011 States News release 14 July 2011 Congressman John Yarmuth called on House Oversight and Government Reform Committee to take immediate steps to investigate illegal foreclosures on active duty members of the military. During a hearing of the committee featuring

Warren Foreclosures 2,606 this year

Mosque opens in Warren

Detroit Free Press May 26, 2007 The Islamic Organization of North America opened its headquarters to a crowd of about 200 Muslims Opened Friday They make up about 2.5% of Warren population and are growing much faster than American population. Current estimated 3,350 pop. Two additional Islamic centers have also opened in Warren. They are recruiting converts.

August 3, 2011 A new study released today by the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) shows that, despite rosy statements about the bailout's impending successful conclusion from federal government officials, $1.5 trillion of the $4.8 trillion in federal bailout funds are still outstanding. This massive effort is in stark contrast to the mere $2 billion the Treasury has spent to directly help homeowners stay in their homes. With housing prices continuing to falter and the United States approaching 9.2 million foreclosure filings since the beginning of 2008, HAMP can be described as nothing less than an abject failure. MUCH OF THIS IS BECAUSE BANKS ARE REFUSING TO HELP CUSTOMERS AND ARE PROFITING BECAUSE OF THE BAILOUT WHILE FORCING PEOPLE OUT OF THEIR HOMES. CONGRESS LIED TO US The bill was supposed to be 700 billion but now it is discovered that they actually spent much more and on top of that borrowed the money from China and now Americans are paying interest on these billions. As a result the USA is actually now financing China's military. But the real killer is that the US National Dept is now over 15 Trillion dollars. That is $133,731 per each taxpayer. And worse the interest we are paying to rich bankers is 3.7 trillion dollars. No wonder the bankers are rich. And most of them pay very little taxes. Congress has WAISTED OUR MONEY and gone into dept to foreign bankers.

EXECUTIVE PAID 1 MILLION WITH OUR MONEY A Securities and Exchange Commission report that showed AIG executive David Herzog having received upwards of a $1 million bonus. Nov 2008. This was with our taxpayer money.


AIG executives took $86,000 of taxpayer money for an English hunting trip to kill rabbits.

$440,000 for a week-long retreat

Then in Sept 2008 AIG spent $440,000 for a weeklong retreat at a lavish California resort. Meanwhile they are throwing families out of their homes and the government is paying them to do that with taxpayer money.


Other bank executives of other banks were also receiving multiple thousand dollar bonuses. with taxpayer money and most rich bankers pay very little in taxes. So the tax payers bailed out the banks and are now billions in dept and one would think the banks would be grateful. No instead the bankers have raised the interest rates on our credit cards and continue to throw families out on the street and profit from it with taxpayer money. Who has done this? the US Congress and President.

November 28, 2011 Suspect Arrested in Times Sq. Bomb Case By DANIEL E. SLOTNIK Federal agents arrested a Connecticut man, Faisal Shahzad, 30, a naturalized United States citizen from Pakistan, for driving a car bomb into Times Square on Saturday evening in what turned out to be an unsuccessful attack, Justice Department officials announced. Mr. Shahzad was taken into custody at Kennedy International Airport as he tried to board a flight to Dubai, the United States attorney general, Eric H. Holder Jr., said.

Times Square was milliseconds away from mass casualties in Saturdays attempted bombing. [Daily News]

Nov. 25, 2007

Michigan's unemployment rate is worst in the nation. Byline: John Gallagher Nov. 25--Michigan has had it tough of late.
The state has lost jobs for seven years running. The unemployment rate is the worst in the nation. Some recessions hurt Michigan more than others. In the 1982 downturn, Michigan saw its unemployment rate soar to 16.9% and new home construction drop to almost nothing. to a USA TODAY review of contracts. In Michigan, for example -- where years of economic tumult and a collapsing domestic auto Sept. 20, 2007 Byline: John Gallagher industry have produced the nation's worst unemployment rate -- federal agencies have spent about $2 million on stimulus contracts, or 21 cents per person.

Michigan's jobless rate is highest since 1993

Michigan's unemployment rate, already the worst in the nation, took another bad turn during August. The state's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate has increased. It also marked Michigan's highest monthly rate in nearly 14 years. Since August 2006, the state's factories shed 24,000 manufacturing jobs, while the government sector lost 7,000 jobs.


June 8, 2011

Prosecutors won't bring charges against Warren homeowner who shot teen burglar
William Cataldo is the chief of homicide cases for the Macomb County prosecutor's office. He tells The Macomb Daily of Mount Clemens on Tuesday that the 31-year-old homeowner in Warren had a right to defend himself when Mack Click climbed through a window on May 2. Prosecutors say the teen was armed with a knife.
Source: US Official News 8 June 2011 Infotrac Newsstand

US News Service
Aug. 5, 2011

Michigan has highest unemployment rate in nation among post-9/11 veterans

U.S. Rep. Sander Levin (D-MI) today praised the proposal unveiled by President Obama aimed at lowering the unemployment rate of veterans. Nearly 30 percent of Michigan veterans who have served since 9/11 are unemployed, according to a recent Joint Economic Committee Report, with the highest rate in the nation: This is an important step keeping our commitment to the men and women who have already sacrificed so much.
Source:States News Service 5 Aug. 2011. Infotrac Newsstand.

USA Today Mar. 12, 2009

President Obama is vowing a renewed war on wasteful pork-barrel projects, though some lawmakers and watchdog groups say it is a weak offensive because he signed into law a budget bill with thousands of them. Organizations such as Citizens Against Government Waste and Taxpayers for Common Sense said

USA Today May 28, 2009 President Obama signed the massive stimulus package but, with few exceptions, that stimulus

Obama should have vetoed a $410 billion bill that includes congressional pet projects known as "earmarks." Sen. John McCain, a
longtime opponent of earmarks "Are Americans satisfied with $8 billion for projects like pig odor research?" McCain asked. Source: USA Today 12
Mar. 2009: 05A. Infotrac Newsstand.

money has not reached states where the - unemployment rate is highest, according

US Official News US Official News General Motors to build

6 June 2011:

$130M enterprise data hub at Warren Tech Center

GM Vice President and Chief Information Officer Terry Kline said the "state-of-the-art" Information Technology Operations and Command Center will be the hub for monitoring the Detroit automaker's technology data from around the world. "The data center will provide more safety and security for the GM data we use for our day-today operations, such as purchasing, finance, human resources, sales and marketing, and customer care," he said during an announcement today at the Technical Center. The investment will add 25 high-tech jobs. Source: US Official News 6 June 2011.

Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Michael Warren and his daughter Leah today testified before a House Committee in support of legislation designating Sept. 11-17 as Patriot Week in Michigan. The legislation, sponsored by state Rep. Gail Haines, encourages Michigan residents to honor America's first principles, founders, documents and symbols of our history. The idea for Patriot Week was developed by Judge Warren and Leah in response to commemorative holidays focusing on days off work and parades instead of honoring our history. The commemorative week would begin on 9/11, a turning point in our country's recent past and end on September 17, which is the day the U.S. Constitution was signed. Rep. Haines strongly supports the Warrens' vision to create a week in Michigan that will rejuvenate the American spirit. "Patriot Week will help commemorate important milestones in our history that are often lost among parades and days off work," said Haines, R-Waterford Township. "I commend Judge Warren and Leah Warren for creating this important week and hope we can permanently declare Sept. 11-17 Patriot Week to celebrate for years to come." The celebration of Patriot Week is an effort to teach Americans more about our nation's history that is often lost in existing commemorative holidays. Patriot Week will honor visionary American leaders that founded and advanced the United States including George Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., Susan B. Anthony and Abraham Lincoln. House Bill 4464 is being considered in the House Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security. Source Citation: "PATRIOT WEEK PUTS FOCUS BACK ON OUR COUNTRY'S HISTORY." States News Service 4 May 2011. Infotrac Newsstand.

US Official News
General Motors (GM) announced on August 11 that it has awarded a production contract to A123 Systems for batteries to be used in future GM electric vehicles (EV) that will be sold in global markets. A123, operates a battery laboratory in Warren, Mi. GM and A123 are already working on next-generation lithium ion batteries. The battery manufacturer was awarded $2,992,744 by DOE to develop dry-process electrode fabrication to reduce the cost of EVs. This is part of DOE's $175 million support for advanced vehicle technologies. Source Citation "US States News Service 17 Aug. 2011. Infotrac Newsstand. Web.

US Official News
May 16, 2011): Warren: City of Warren, has issued the following press release: The Lincoln Neighborhood Association holds discussion meetings to discuss issues affecting residents of south Warren on the first Friday of every month, 7:00 in the evening at the Weigand Park on the corner of Toepher and MacArthur. Source Citation " US Official News 16 May 2011. Infotrac Newsstand.

US Official News Source: States News Service. Feb. 15, 2011:

Senator STEVEN BIEDA ENCOURAGES RESIDENTS TO SIGN UP FOR HIS E-NEWSLETTER Bieda's electronic updates will help keep Macomb County
residents informed on his efforts to create jobs and fight for them in Lansing Sign up by visiting his website at Sen. Bieda's E-Newsletter will provide 9th District residents with information on legislation the Senator has introduced or voted on, issues he is working on as the Minority Vice Chair of the Michigan Senate Judiciary, Finance and Redistricting Committees as well as a member of the Energy and Technology and Insurance Committees, updates on activities and events in Macomb County, and other news of interest to local residents. Source Citation " States News Service 15 Feb. 2011. Infotrac Newsstand. transportation -- all funded with your tax dollars. The Star Jan. 24, 2011 Is it any wonder we've run $1 trillion deficits the Kia Optima SX: If Korea can do this, past three years and have a $15 trillion national watch out for China debt? Taxes should be fair. Source USA Today 14 By Warren Brown DETROIT The global autoNov. 2011:. Infotrac mobile industry has two three-letter threats One is Kia,.the other is BYD,. Kia,poses an immediate threat,. BYD, a China-based company aspiring to Dec 17, 2010. byline Gail Russell Chaddock produce the world's most efficient and affordable With big spending bill's demise, is electric cars, threatens to dominate the industry's 'earmark' new dirty word on Hill? future. Kia,has become an impressive rival to other companies. The Optima sedan is poised to There was no last hurrah for earmarks - known take market share from every other manufacturer to supporters as "congressionally mandated selling midsize family cars in America, In the spending," and to critics as "pork-barrel" 2011 Kia Optima, you get more and it offers more spending - as Senate majority leader Harry Reid standard equipment. China-based BYD has on Thursday backed off plans to ram an earmarkspent millions on elaborate displays at the Detroit laden spending bill through the Senate, before a show in the past four years, but it has yet to offer House ban on earmarks takes effect. Earmarks one car in the United States. But it will offer allaccounted for about $8.6 billion of the electric and hybrid electric vehicles powered proposed $1.1 trillion omnibus for fiscal year by the world's most advanced batteries, Bottom 2011, according to Citizens Against Government line: Times are changing. Source Star 24 Jan. Waste, a watchdog group. Public outcries over 2011. Infotrac Newsstand. millions for earmarks such as the so-called "bridge to nowhere" in Alaska have soured many Nov 14 2011 voters and, increasingly, politicians on the practice. Moreover, new rules adopted by the current Congress require members to disclose earmarks they are requesting - a window that has byline Jim Jordan After an unprecedented made it much easier for watchdog groups to track spending binge, apologists for big government such projects than in previous years. Within hours once again want to raise taxes to reduce the of the release of proposed omnibus bill this week, deficit. We've seen this before. In 1990, Citizens Against Government Waste and Republicans agreed to what liberals call a Taxpayers for Common Sense produced reports "balanced" deal -- for every $1 in tax increases, Congress would cut $2 of spending. But when the identifying more than 6,000 earmarks and their sponsors. In 2006, the last year Republicans dust settled, taxes and spending both went up. controlled the House, Congress hit a high for The real cause of our debt problem is too much earmark spending, at $29 billion. In 2011 there wasteful spending. Washington has an alphabet was a $1.1 trillion 'omnibus' spending soup of bureaucracies that duplicate each others' boondoggle work, often with dubious results: 47 job training Christian Science Monitor 17 Dec. 2010. Infotrac programs and more than 100 for surface

Christian Science Monitor

USA Today

No time to raise taxes





Republican Rep. Paul Ryan, R-WI. announced the recipients of his first Budget Boondoggle Awards. The Ferry to Nowhere a $20-million earmark for a craft connecting the Alaskan communities of Anchorage and Port MacKenzie serving a total of 40 residents. -- The National Drug Intelligence Centers jobs program a $39-million earmark for a duplicative program that the President has sought to eliminate since at least 2005. Honorable Mention went to the Omnibus Appropriations Bill with its $18 billion in earmarks To see details on more wasted billions visit click on the pig book and scroll down this is the site of Citizens Against Government Waste. Also there are too many too highly paid government employees many making over $100,000 a year. Congressmen get about $200,000 a year in pay and benefits plus retirement. And they give themselves a multi thousand dollar raise every year. Yet they want to cut pay and benefits promised to our soldiers U.S. Senator William Proxmire gave Golden Fleece Awards from 1975 to1988 to highlight government waste of which some were: * Federal Aviation Administration for spending $57,800 on a study of the physical measurements of 432 airline stewardesses, paying special attention to the "length of the buttocks" and how their knees were arranged when they were seated. * National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) funded project by psychologist Harris Rubin for $121,000, on developing "some objective evidence concerning marijuana's effect on sexual arousal by exposing groups of male pot-smokers to pornographic films. * National Institute for Mental Health for spending $97,000 to study, among other things, what went on in a Peruvian brothel; the researchers said they made repeated visits in the interests of accuracy. * Office of Education for spending $219,592 in a curriculum package to teach college students how to watch television. * United States Department of the Army for a 1981 study on how to buy Worcestershire sauce. * United States Department of Justice for conducting a study on why prisoners want to get out of jail. The above is only a drop in the bucket of the wasted billions of our hard earned money. What can we do about it. Tell your representatives and senators to stop wasting our money and to make cutbacks in government spending. The rich should have to pay their fair share of taxes. We need to keep informed of what is going on and demand action. And the situation is even worse when you see what our congress and president have done. Look at the US Debt Clock at Congress has been so stupid as to repeatedly borrow money from rich bankers and China to pay for unnecessary pork. You will find that the government owes a huge amount of interest (several trillion) to bankers and China because of their irresponsible actions. No wonder these rich bankers are getting richer and they pay almost no taxes. China is using this money to finance its military. This is something that can be used against us. Congress and the President have been irresponsible in dealing with this and it has put our nation at risk. Many countries demand payment in cash including the oil sources. If we can't pay them in cash, oil and other needed things will stop causing a massive nation wide shutdown. This is the terrible truth. Both the Democratic and Republican parties have become self serving money making machines and have failed the American people. But blaming is not fixing we need to fix this situation before there is a national crisis. Call them demand responsible positive actions now.

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Star spangled Banner with Boston Pops America The Beautiful- Frank Sinatra America-my country 'tis of thee playnext=1&index=2&feature=PlayList&v=pG1W7JDWv50&list=PL671620043C697FE9 God Bless America - Celine Dion Arlo Guthrie & Pete Seeger/ This Land Is Your Land Patriotic Medley- US Air Force Band Peter Paul & Mary - These times they are a-changing Peter Paul & Mary - Blowin in the wind Memorial Day 9/11 God Bless the USA USMC Marines Hymn Marine Corps Band Battle of New Orleans Voices of Liberty-Yankee Doodle The Ballad of Davy Crockett Auld Lang Syne Fireplace "Liberty" Annie & Mac Old Time Music Moment v=AXqEdQy8vW4&feature=related "Oh! Susanna" Annie & Mac Yankee Doodle and Gerryowen Fife & Drum v=aSqPkMLwwXs&feature=related Soldier's Joy fiddle tune ~ Hillar Bergman...fiddler v=628NwInWFko&feature=related "Whiskey Before Breakfast" Annie & Mac v=MBwsUVgLiDw&feature=related "Arkansas Traveler" Annie & Mac "Red Wing" Annie & Mac Turkey in the Straw fiddle tune

They did this secretly without just cause, without vote of Village Commission or public hearing, They do not own the markers, or the cemetery. They robbed Warren's unknown soldier memorial from a grave and they stole a memorial that listed Warren soldiers who are buried there. This was the only memorial showing the names of these soldiers. Nothing was found wrong with these memorials in a later public meeting And they stole the memorial to all veterans and to those who died on attacks on our country and 9-11 (including over 400 policemen and firemen) and they stole another that honors our flag and yet another that honors those many children and pioneers buried there without markers. These memorials were causing no harm. There is lots of room for them. They posed no threat. There is nothing disrespectful or wrong about these memorials. The memorials were there to honor men who died and to educate visitors especially young people who no longer learn about history in school. We veterans saw friends die, put friends body parts into body bags. We served our country with honor and integrity. We feel it is wrong to steal soldiers memorials showing soldiers honored service to future generations. They at least earned their name on a granite memorial. Now visitors including young people will not be able to see who these soldiers were. Now many of our soldiers have no marker at all because the only one they had was stolen. This was not an action by the historical society rather by two persons. Taking property that is not yours is called stealing and when it is worth several thousand dollars it is grand larceny. It has been over a year and they have not returned or replaced them. Stealing memorials that name our soldiers is worse than disgraceful. They are robbing our history left for our young people who no longer are taught history in school. No one should be allowed to steal memorials (property they don't own) out of a cemetery they don't own. We veterans feel that they have disrespected our soldiers, our flag and those who died on attacks to our country. These memorials were donated without cost to the city possibility by out of town descendents of those buried there. We veterans are asking that The Warren Village Commission simply acknowledge that these memorials are not a threat to anyone, harm no one, honor our Warren Soldiers many of which are buried in Warren Union Cemetery which has lots of room for them and does so without cost to the city. We also ask that the people who removed them without public notice or the vote of The Village Commission simply return them without cost to the city. This will also avoid costly and ugly legal battles supported by hundreds of veterans over the improper removal (grand larceny) and disrespecting of our soldiers. This simple and cost free action would make The Warren Village Commission heroes to thousands of Warren children, and veterans who look to them to preserve our Warren Village Historical and American Heritage to future generations. Respect our Warren soldiers and those who died by allowing their names to be seen without cost and honored on these granite stones in their home town Warren Village. This also fulfills the missions of The Warren Historical Commission, the society and Village Commission to preserve our history and educate future generations. But if they choose to disrespect our soldiers and veterans and those who died defending our freedom and on attacks on our country let it be known that we will mount a campaign against those few disrespectors and there are hundreds of us. And we veterans are not going to allow men and women who died to be disrespected and their history stolen from our local cemetery. Attention attorneys we are looking for attorneys who are willing to help us fight this cause. We are willing to do fund raising to pay you. We are looking for banks or organizations who are willing to accept donations directly to them for this cause. None of us is to accept funds rather they are to go directly to the banks. History will note whether these disrespectors of those who died for our freedom shall be known as the Warren "Hysterical" grave robbing gang, or shall be known as Historical Heroes who preserved our American Heritage, educated future generations and respected our soldiers.

The show is yet to begin on a Wonderful Future. For All Citizens There is much more history, to be seen at This book was just a summary of parts of Wes Arnold's twenty volumes on the website or companion DVD. Because the humble historian is old and not long for this world and on social insecurity he did not have funds to have this printed. He gave it out a copy at a time and asked people to make more copies and give them to others. (a pay it forward) This summary has value because it presented history and other important things left out of other books. History should be a learning tool to help all, particularly young folks learn from, to avoid mistakes and to improve the well being of everyone in the community. History should be used with a questioning attitude of how can we improve. One Example: Is our environment now of only crowded city and pavement better than a planned mixture of housing, with a few park/farms where some of our food could be safely produced locally while cleaning the air and reducing noise and providing children with a better environment? Our city has grown without intelligent planning for the welfare of all citizens especially children. The better future has to be intelligently planned not decided by special interest groups and folks just interested in making money. Efficient, weather free, inexpensive, quick, mass transit can be put underground together with perfectly climate controlled tornado safe shopping malls as in Toronto. These could include easy to get to offices, businesses and perhaps some schools. Even year round temperature means reduced costs in heating and cooling. Replacing concrete above ground could be beautiful areas with trees, flower filled meadows and ponds, with supreme natural beauty. With a good mass transit underground tube system anyone in the area could go anywhere quickly, cheaply and without driving, or parking hassles. There would be no snow or ice hassles. and less traffic, less jams, less accidents. This can be created while creating jobs. Change welfare into workfare and offer training and jobs to everyone not working also use free prison workers. Or would you prefer to continue to spend $35,000 a year to coddle criminals with better health care than we have, cable TV, weight rooms, free legal services and conjugal visits all at your expense and have them put out without rehabilitation to commit more crimes against you. We are all sentenced to a life of work why should they get a free ride on us. While they are at it they should install solar shingles and panels and insulation on every home and building in the city to make us energy independent and add Geo-thermal heating causing great savings to all in energy costs. How about a tall sky tower with solar panels and wind turbines to generate electricity, with a restaurant high up with reasonable prices for everyone. Buildings could also trap and store rain water like they did in the old days for use in the sanitary system saving us more money. More medical research is needed to save lives. Law creation, enforcement, court and prison systems need to be brought up to date and made efficient. Special interest groups, private, banker and corporate greed needs to be regulated for the benefit of all citizens. We are tired of being ripped off. All utilities including phone and cable should be non profit. Stop waste in government spending and salaries. No government, corporate, or banking officer should be allowed to make more than 10 times that of the lowest paid worker. Require congress to have to abide by all laws it passes with no special treatment. We need to start planning for a better future and making it happen, not just finding fault. Memorials stolen out of our cemetery should be replaced. They honored our Warren boys who died most of which are buried there. One was the only memorial that named our soldiers who have no marker anywhere else. Nothing was found wrong with the memorials at a later meeting nor were they hurting anything. There is lots of room for them there. Disrespecting our soldiers who were killed or put their lives on the line for our freedom is wrong. Stealing memorials that name our soldiers is worse than disgraceful. They are robbing our history left for our young people who no longer are taught history in school. No one should be allowed to steal memorials they don't own out of a cemetery they don't own. We veterans feel that they have disrespected our soldiers, our flag and those who died on attacks to our country.


Spaceship Earth


Can the soldier in the coffin above take his money with him or benefit from the freedoms he has secured for us? Will he be forgotten and left without a marker? Does any one of you know how long you will live or even if you will live to see the next year? Ask yourself what are the best things I can do to help my community? When historians look back at a persons life for what was important it is not how much money or things they got for themselves but rather what good they did for the community that is counted as important. The wise person learns from history to create a better future. Ignorant folks ignore history, current events and reality. Many folks live in fantasy while ignoring a world of opportunity. Look for opportunities. Think positive. We also need to be informed and aware of threats and to be prepared to deal with them. Many died or were made slaves because they didn't. And it is going on all over the world today and here. There are a few things that our community needs. First is a code of conduct for all humans. We need it to become the expectation and the legal and moral norms for all humans. It should be that One should not do to others what one would not want done to himself. Those who grossly violate it by purposely taking lives or becoming a career criminal should be dropped off on an unrecorded deserted pacific island where their antisocial behavior will no longer threaten us. This also has the benefit to us not spending $35,000 a year to support them with food, housing, medical care, legal services etc. Lesser criminals should be sentenced to jail but made to do public service work such as mowing, clean up, construction of needed housing, solar panels, mass transit tunnels, installing insulation and other jobs. In this way they learn occupations and are paying their dept to society rather than us supporting them. We are sentenced to a life of work and they shouldn't be getting a free ride. We need to both require and provide a quality education for youth not the shoddy inadequate incomplete sorry excuse now being passed off as an education. Graduates now learn less than what was taught in a one room school in 1880. Students spend too much time goofing off in school. They should be required to pass final exams to earn a diploma that actually means something. Now many can't even give correct change without a calculator. They learn little in school now. They should also learn basic History, Geography and modern technology. They should be given the opportunity to attend a summer boot camp with occupation training. They could select an occupation and get at least entry level training in it and then be given the opportunity to work in it as public service for at least a few months. This would provide youth with needed experience and at least qualify them for basic level of an occupation. Those citizens out of work should be offered job training and job opportunities. The government can be the employer of last resort. That pay check supports a family, eliminates welfare, helps the economy and the taxes pay it back over time. We need to help all citizens in need with needed medical care, workfare not welfare and fathers required to support their children. Everyone should do their fair share to support themselves. We can create ample for all and a better life for all. We need mass transit, more green areas, gardens, a few horses, less cement, more use of solar panels for roofs and much better planning for a better future for all.

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