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For Immediate Release June 02, 2011

Contact: Roger Conner (703) 236-6218 (301) 252-7912

Statement from Catholic Charities USA

Rev. Larry Snyder, President of Catholic Charities USA, issued the following statement: Catholic Charities' long standing commitment to child welfare issues dates back to the 1700s, bringing with it a dedication to the highest standards of quality in delivering services to children in need and a belief that, with the delivery of those services, we are carrying out the teachings of our faith. Catholic Charities agencies are first and foremost Catholic institutions - a manifestation of the Gospel call for charity and justice for all people. As such, remaining faithful to Catholic teaching is not a matter of choice; rather, it is essential to their identity. Catholic Charities USA is a national network of local Catholic Charities agencies that operate independently and under the authority of the local Bishop who has responsibility for interpreting Church teaching and applying it in the context of his own diocese. Just as the identity of Catholic Charities is firmly rooted in the teaching of its Church, the identity of this nation includes a mandated respect of religious beliefs. At a time when record numbers of Americans rely on the services provided by organizations like Catholic Charities more than ever, Catholic Charities USA remains hopeful that the Illinois state government and local agencies in Illinois can reach a mutually agreed upon solution that places, as a priority, the continued provision of services to children and families in need, and that government at all levels will continue to respect the religious beliefs of faith-based organizations, and protect our freedom to serve the communities in which we live. About Catholic Charities USA Catholic Charities USA is the national office for Catholic Charities agencies nationwide. Catholic Charities USAs members provide help and create hope for more than 10 million people a year regardless of religious, social, or economic backgrounds. For almost 300 years, Catholic Charities agencies have worked to reduce poverty by providing a myriad of vital services in their communities, ranging from health care and job training to food and housing.


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