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INGLS 1 ESO Miguel ngel Rodrguez Lpez NAME:

ROAD RUNNER (frequency adverbs)

1 - Complete the sentences with the frequency adverbs in the box: never - always (X2) - sometimes (X3) - usually -often

1. He is _____________ hungry. 2. Road Runner _____________ escapes. 3. He ________________ buys strange things. 4. He _____________ flies... But _____________ he doesnt. 5. He ___________ uses explosives. 6. He ___________ falls. 7. He is ___________ angry. 8. He ___________ catches Road Runner. 2 Try to guess the rule, circle the correct option: A Frequency adverbs go before/after the verb. B Frequency adverbs go before/after TO BE. 3- Write a sentence with each frequency adverbs. Make them true for you.

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